HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-02-26, Page 8PAGE 8-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1981 cornings �� WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS! Refug t® Holmes e by Blanche Beeves Last Sunday morning -the congregation at the Hoknesvi le United Church participated in the worship service. Rev. Scott showed a lantern to the children and told about the light it gives out. Ile also explained to them that Jesus is the light of the world. The minister announced the date of the refugee family's arrival March 11 in Montreal. For sermon Rev. Scott talked about aging and John Wyatt. Bill Norman received the of- tering. ffering. The session of the listening project will beheld at the Wesley Willis Church at 2:15 Tkm.'nextSunday.- w.::- `,--..1e ellassedizuebae The groups of Goderich township wish to thank all who made the Valentine Dessert Card Party', which was held in the new hall Last Wednesday, such a success. There were 32 tables of euchre and four of 500 in play. Everyone enjoyed desserts, which included tarts, cookies, cheesecakes, pies and squares. Following the party the desserts which were left were sold. The winners of cards were: ladies' high, . Pattie Smith; men's high, Nathan Smtlith; ladies low, Isobel Harris; men's low, Ralph Horn; lone hands, Marianne Co elougb '" All winners reedited a -basket of apples. . There were two winners at 500. Draws were made and ' winners , were: birthday, Mrs., G. MacEwen; an- niversary, Noreen Tebbutt;. most . buttons, Jean McEwen; most rings on, Vi Lampman. . The door: prize floral arra igeemerit ►as- vorr:_. _� __... MTs. Doris Batkin of Clinton., News and notes The Enterprising "Seniors cancelled their last meeting • due to the fog. They will. It arClt5at2p z[t: ilt thetownshiphall. The. Goderich township WI will hold a card party on February l6 in the. hall - at 8 p.m. Admission is $1 and ladies are asked to bring• lunch. „ . %: z " S ehboi news Public speaking was held on February- 16_ iA. the Holmesville School.. The winners wenton to finals at the Canadian Legion Branch 140 in .Clinton on February M. Junior speakers were Michael Bush, . Roseanne Gowenlock, Jenny Allen, Peter Ott, Bev: Banter, Marty Russel, Christian Gowenlock, Monique Martin, Kim Bruisrrra, Steven Ott. Winners were: First, Michael Bush; second, Kim Bruin sma; third, Steven Ott. Senior speakers were: Melody Falconer, Jackie Norman, Bob Barwick, Lynda'Russelo, Lisa Storey, Steve Barwick, Ingrid Klaus, Steven Bugler, Andy Wor- thington, Mike Verrneesch, Ann Bornath, Heather Harris, Angela Gowenlock. Winners were: First, Steve. Barwick, second Melody Falconer; third Bob Bar- wick. UCW look at Africa The monthly Meeting of the Holmesville U.C.W. was held on F ebruary 17. Isabel Harris and her group were in charge of the program and she opened the meeting with a poem. Ada Tebbutt led in prayer. Mrs. Harris read an article on conditions in Africa and of the dreaded black fly carrier and river blindness. She said that the Christian Blind Mission International has expanded and extended its ministry. Readings were given by Iona Blake, Kay Harris and Irene Cudmore. Margaret Yeo received the offering. Jean Ginn and Mrs. Cud - more gave reports on the Presbyterial they attended in Brucefield United Church on January 26. The president, Mrs. Ginn was in charge of the business meeting and Verna Lobb gave the secretary's report. Plans were made for' the next meeting on March 10 which begins with a pot luck dinner at 12:30 p.m. Two quilts are to be quilted. It was decided to purchase new folders for the choir and also to gave a donation to the St. John's Ambulance. A verse was read by Mts•. Harris before lunch was served. to 4 4 w co 0 0 aJ 1 2 0 Prices k ffective thru Saturday, February 28th, 1981. SAVE 54? Martins, PURE APPLE JUICE 48 -fl -oz tin SAVE 3.00 Regular Or Diet Case of 24 - 10 -f1 -oz tins (Our Regular Price 1.23) LIMIT 4 TINS PER FAMILY PURCHASE VISIT We pick the best for you Product of California, Great In Salads & Dips i AVOCADOS ead33¢ 99 (Our Regular Price 8.99) (Carton of six 10 -fl -oz bottles 1.95) - (Our Regular Price 1.43) (Plus bottle deposit) SAVE 44¢ `I SAVE 2.00 Capri, Assorted Colours, 1-Ply1444. BATHROOM TISSUE pkg of 4 rolls FOR FRESHNESS mat :AaPmnil4. & SAVINGS ,, Product of California, • Canada Extra Fancy • Sweet, Seedless Product o B.C., Red 8 Golde NAVEL DELICIOUS ORANGES APPLES each Ib Product of Florida, Jumbo Red GRAPEFRUIT �33¢ Dole or Chiquita, Golden Ripe, Large Size BANANAS 16 9¢ CANADA, NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF FLORIDA, LARGE, FRESH, CRISP Celery Stalks bunch69? CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PROD. OF TEXAS, FRESH, GREEN Cabbage head 69¢ PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, EXCELLENT WITH FISH OR IN SALADS Fresh Lemons each 19i PRODUST OF CHILI, JUICY, PLUMP, SWEET Grapes Seedless Ib 1.49 PRODUCT OF MEXICO, FIRM, FRESH, GREEN Brussels Sprouts 1689¢ Assorted Tropical CANADA FANCY, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, FRESH, CRISP, CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE 3 -LB BAG Mclntosh Apples 99 PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, IDEAL FOR MAKING YOUR OWN EGG ROLLS 16-0Z PKG Egg Roll wrappers 1.39 PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, IDEAL IN HOMEMADE SOUPS, CHINESE 4.OZ PKG Fried Noodles 1.39 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, WHITE Potatoes 2 lbs 99¢ CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF MEXICO, VINE RIPE Red Tomatoes ib 99? Plants 6 -inch pot 4.99 PREPARING AND COOKING OF CHINESE VEGETABLES When preparing chinese vegetables, wash, dry and cut diagonally into bite size pieces. They should be just the right size to be handled easily with chopsticks. When choosing vegetables, keep in mind flavour, appearance and texture. A sauce is generally cooked with the dish which consists of oil, spices such as garlic or ginger, liquid - water, broth, wine or soy sauce and sometimes corn starch for thickening. All items should be cooked quickly over high heat to cook the vege- tables to crisp -tender and retain their beautiful colour. See the excellent selection of Chinese vegetables at your A&P store and pick up the leaflet on oriental vege- tables Ruth Reynolds, A&P Consumer Consultant Glad, Plastic (Our Reg. Price 3.29 -- SAVE 80c ) GARBAGE BAGS pkg 20 49 ORANGE FLAVOUR POLY PKG OF 4--31/4-OZ ENVS Tang Crystals 1.69 1.PLY BATHROOM TISSUE, ASSORTED COLOURS Pkg of 4 Rolls White Swan Tissue 1.39 DEODORIZERS, ASSORTED SCENTS 25 g CONTAINER Twice As Fresh 1.39 COOKIE JAR, PARTY PACK OR LUNCHTIME Dare Biscuits 900 g pkg 2.99 NEILSON "COUNTRY CRISP" ASSORTED VARIETIES Granola Bars 9_ozpkg 1.29 liLght Chunks CLOVER EAF TUNA 6.5 -oz 9 tin (Our Regular Price 1.57) _ Decorator, 2 -ply• SAVE 28e WHITE SWAN �µ�l� TOWELST (Our Regular Price 2.63) Regular or Mint Flavours CRESTy TOOTHPASTE PRIMO VEGETABLE OIL 3 litre tin LIMT 2 TINS PER FAMILY PURCHASE (Our Regular Price 4.99) (Our Regular Price 1.49) SAVE 50e Spaghettini, Spaghetti, Ready Cut Elbow Macaroni PRIMO PASTAS--- •�' (Our Regular Price 1.29) SAVE 64c Primo, Plain SAVE 30c 199 SPAGHETTI I SAUCE 28 fl oz tin CONDITIONER/ SHAMPOO, NORMAL OR Wella Balsam JOHNSON & JOHNSON Band-Aids PALMOLIVE Rapid Shave ALL FABRIC, POWDERED Alcan FoII Y 2x49 Clorox 2 Bleach 2.89 30cmb 20mr®ll ASSORTED VARIETIES INCLUDING DRAIN OPENER 32 -FL -OZ PLASTIC BOTTLE CHIP 'N NUT AND VANILLA CREMES 400 g pkg Liquid Plumr 1.39 McCormick's Cookies 1.39 • OILY 350 nil Plastic btl 2.49 (PKG OF 60 1.79) pkg of 100299 WHITE SWAN, ASSORTED COLOURS, 2 -PLY Box of 200 Shoats Facial Tissue 79? ' WHITE SWAN (Pkg of 60, 59c) (Printed luncheon pkg of 50, 65c) Serviettes pkg 2401.69 of APPLEFORD, SAVE: -ALL (200 foot roll 1.99) 350 m1 1,79 Waxed Paper 10011 roll 99? ALUMINUM (30 cm by 30 m roII 3.29) 61-0Z BOX • Bright's, Fancy TOMATO JUICE "'i SAVE 1851 Lipton, Assorted Varieties CUP-ASOUP MIX pkg of 4 ems (Our Regular Price 87c) You'll do better with these FAMOUS QUAKER BRAND PRODUCTS FROM A&P! AUNT JEMIMA, REGULAR, BUTTERMILK OR BUCKWHEAT ASSORTED VARIETIES 2 kg PKG Pancake Mix lkgpkg 1.39 Ken -L Ration Burger 3.69 DOG FOOD 4 kg BAG REGULAR OR BUTTERED 750 ml BOTTLE Aunt Jemima Syrups 1.59 Ken®L Tender Chunks 4.99 QUICK, OLD FASHIONED OR MINUTE 900 g PUSS 'N BOOTS, ASSORTED VARIETIES 500 g BOX Quaker Oats 1kgbag 1.09 Flavour Morsels 1.29 0111fHWO/p, QUAKER CEREAL (LIFE 20 -OZ PKG 1.59) OR KEN -L RATION, BEEF CHUNKS 14.752)2 TIN Cap'N Crunch 350g pkg 1.29 Society Dog Food 2 for 79¢ READY -to -SERVE, ASSORTED VARIETIES 9.OZ PKG BEEF, CHICKEN OR LIVER 2502 TIN Quaker Oatmeal 99,/ Pep Dog Food 2f0,139fi SAVE 26c innrinii\ok c Assorted Varioties CLARK STEWS 39 24 -fl -oz tin (Our Regular Price 1,45) (Our Regular Price 1.89) SAVE 50c MISS"Luxury", MEW rtCAT tiF OOD 6 -oz tin •for Buy 3 SAVE 36c (Our Regular Price 2 for 83c)