HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-02-26, Page 5} L O N D E S B O R O • the ( Dora Shobbrook. editor ) leader News of your neighbors United !sews and the junior teachers were Jim and Susan Jamieson Helen Lyons and Joan welcomed everyone to the Shepherd Sunday morning service at For his sermon Mr. Scott the Londesboro United talked about the most hated Church- Stanley Airdrie, disciple Levi, the tax Freddie Peel, Brian Howatt collector. Later his name and Bryan Whyte ushered was changed to Matthew. the congregation into the church. Rev. Scott welcomed everyone and noted that the UCW general meeting will be held on March 2 at 8 pm at the church. Rev. Scott spoke to the children about telephones_ terracing and the leaders 411 news The Londesboro III 4-H Handy Hemmers held their fourth meeting at the home of Irene Bromley on February 16. The girls studied in - McKillop Insurance expanding slowly The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company an- nounced plans recently to ex- pand the areas of coverage the company now offers. The decision, made at the company's annual meeting, could mean by the end of 1981 the firm will offer com- mercial insurance, and then add automobile insurance in 1982. "We want to offer a package policy," explained the Seaforth Company's newly elected president, John McEwing of RR1, Blyth. "People prefer a package from an agent." Mr. McEwing, who has been involved with McKillopsince 1947, will be serving his third term as president. Joining Mr. McEwing on the new executive are Laverne Godkin, RR1, Walton, vice-president; and Donald McKercher, RR1, Dublin, past president. Margaret Sharp, Seaforth, is the __company's _. secretary' - treasurer. Remaining directors are Ken Carnochan, RR4, Seaforth; Ross Leonhardt, RR1, Bornholm; Stanley Mellwain, RR2, Goderich; John Taylor, RR1, Brucefield; J. N. Trewartha, Clinton and Stuart Wilson, RR1, Brucefield. In his report, outgoing president Don McKercher outlined what was a suc- cessful year for the firm, highlighted by a move into new headquarters on Main St. in Seaforth. The official change took place November 18. Included in the new home are a board room, two of- fices and a reception area. Work on the building began the final week of July. The McKillop Company has been a Main St. feature in Seaforth since 1932, and was housed•.next to the Huron Ex- positor since 1959. Hullett showed how to sew it into a vest. Mrs. Duizer demon- strated the lapped zipper and the group completed the hidden word puzzle. Helen Kolkman and Kathy Radford served lunch. Neighborly news Mrs. Margard Taylor was admitted t to Clinton Public Hospital on February 14. Mrs. Lorne Bunking was admitted to University Hospital in London on February 19 to undergo surgery. __.J -1 aura Saundercock and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Saundercock visited on Saturday with their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Peck and Kelly of Ailsa Craig. They celebrated Cliff's February 24 birthday. The WI card party will be held on February 27 at 8:30 pm in the hall and everyone is welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Paterson visited on Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burns. Two bus loads of Lon- desboro people attended the Liberal meeting in Lucknow on February 17. John Jewitt of Hallett Township was chosen as a nominee for the Huron -Bruce riding in the upcoming election. A Wingham lawyer, Murray happenings Elston was selected to represent the Liberal party. Lena Nesbitt and Gary Sottiaux were busy last week enumerating in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Torn Allen returned home on Sunday night after spending one - and -half -weeks snowmobiling. The music was excellent when the London Symphony Orchestra played for grades 4 and 5 along with - other classes at the Seaforth High School. The performance took place on Tuesday, February 17 at about 1 o'clock and lasted for about 45 minutes. • CLINTON NERS-RE/dRD, THURSDAY, Flim► -Pat,.'. Dies in Wales Hobert Green Robert Green of Aberdore, South Wales died in Merythe Hospital, South Wales on February 20, 1981. He was in his 63rd year. Mr. Green is survived by his wife Grace McMichael, formerly from Clinton, and his two daughters; Mrs. Margaret Edwards of Bristol, England and Mrs. Pauline (Morrell of Abler- lore,SouthWales. - Mr. Green *ASO airrYhred by three grandsons and a sister, all living in Wales and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Orpha McMichael of Huronview. Although thick pea soup fob kept a-iew 1roll� any of the 40 volunteers of the Huron Dl y Care. Centre for the Homebound made it to the banquet held last Wednesday night to honor them. Playing cards later were, left to MATERNITY WEAR NOW 1/2 PRICE of The Separate Shoppe MAIN CORNER, CLINTON 482-7778 (NEXT TO CAMPBELL'S MEN'S WEAR) OPEN 1-5:30 right, Cliff Quereagesser Qf Ethel, Jack .Hedden.of...Dash- wood, staffer Sandy Davldson, Elizabeth° Alexander, and Margaret Ball of Clinton. (James Fitzgerald photo) Hookers are busy along the l6th By Milena Lobb There are a few sore, stiff fingers in this community as the Happy Hookers are rather busy working on the crest which the SS No. 4 Community Club decided to hook and donate to the new hall in Hohnesvtile. We are happy to say that things are working up quite well and we still hope to make the grand opening, March 14th. The Community Club held the February meeting at the home off Marlene Forbes. President Forbes openea ate meeting with a poem follow- ed by the creeds. Secretary Linda Jones read the minutes of the last meeting and Milena Lobb gave the treasurer's report. The members decided to Lake levels are still dropping Water levels on the Great Lakes have continued to decline despite the mild weather. Environment Canada said last week relatively dry and cold weather throughout most of the winter has been largely responsible for the decline in lake levels, although wet conditions dur- ing the next two months could alter the process. Lake Huron is expected to be eight centimetres 1 three The _ performers played_ • very well and the pupils said r A ntett Jeweilers they enjoyed the per- i g. formance. j LIMITED Grades 7 and 8 hunch On Wednesday, February `18, the grades 7's brought lunch for the grade 7 and 8 students. The food was set up in buffet style. Mr. Milson and Mr. Talbot provided the chocolate malt. The reason for this lunch was that grades 7 and 8 had a contest to see who could get the most Campbell soup labies. The grade eights won. i $ ALBERT ST., CLINTON 4E2-3901 i i AT THE MAIN CORNER ? WE'RE AT YOUR SERVICE... j i • On -staff goldsmith for repairs to fine jewellery i i• In-store watch repairs.. Including battery installations j i• Fast in-store engraving • i • In-store ring sizing f • Appraisals by our on -staff' Certified neurologist i I , (AGS). I 1 HOURS: Monday through Thursday. of a.m.4 I p.m.: Fridays • e.m. till • p.m.; Saturdays • a.m.-5:30 p.m. Give the to ab If your old;ani•zation has a plo)ect worth doing this summer, Summer Canada'81 will help pay for students to help get it done. 11 you re an organization with a singularly good idea that needs doing, remember that the closing date for applications for Summer l spiels '81 is closing in. (March 16. 1981 to be exact.) It 11•e don't have your ap111hia- non already. act now. \X'e need it before we can give y(111 the go-ahead. Or the tvhrrewithal [dl get it gelling Let's talk dollars and sense. Thep rojects should be the kind you can really get Into. with your heart :Ind your head. Pmj(t giving priority telt' parks, recreatlllnam. Lay camp sec ices; health and social services; energy con.rn•arlon; renewable resources and en- vironment; tourism; artisti: and cultural development would certainly make sense to IIs. And for projects accepted. well put up salary contribu- tions equal to the provincial minimum wage. And up to S35 overhead. per person, per week. nlight ti,ea. Canada 1* The Qualifiers. The prat,. ts must hr non• profit. The benefits should he long tem1. To the students. And to the community. The project must provide at least three jobs tor students. For .i1 eke 01 18 weeks. From May io September. And keep m mind That 171,4er118'20111101f employment policies .tlptt141tt .•Frit% W1115:11 give equal 1.11111511- 01110A llr,ortonin 01.111(',tn.ldli.m•. miludl• ing the losing, seinen. Nati%e• and the disabled. A few win's about dosing dates. We mall% want to hear lour good idea.. But le r ve gI it re l hear soon. Prolate,). unlet hr host -narked I-' \Lerch 16 get the ap11lii.ltµ111 form ni1tt. it t•ou hat etc t .dnvdr. From your ( •ansa).' Fnlrtlo\ • in n1t (,entre. 11r F111111111MCI t 1)81 Llopn1ent Othk e.: And gidc rhe green light til sonic get -Illi : n Ii.'1i It,n,4.,,, N, 4 P. tvr•r1 R, ,. 4,vs, .m..sec,1'. r► •.I.•r,'..T11suri( .4• • Employment and Immigration Canada Lloyd Axworthy_ Menlsler Emptoi et Immigration Canada Lloyd A e evor1liy. M .mere inches) and Lake .Erie 23 centimetres I nine .inches lower this summer than a year ago, although still above their long-term average water levels. Only Lake SuperiJr and Lake On- tario are expected t;: be below normal. The U.S. Army Corps' of Engineers says normal precipitation should produce summer levels on lakes Huron and Erie 46 cen- timetres (18 inches) below record highs set in 1973. hold a dance in the new township tiall to help raise some money to pay for the wall hanging they are hook- ing. The date has been set for April 24. Everyone is ex- pected to sell tickets and work that evening. The next meeting will be held at Faye Oakes' home on Wednesday, Marcy 4. Bring your rug hook if it isn't already busy. The afternoon will be spent working on the crest. Marty Lobb and Phyllis Thompson helped Marlene serve a ' delicious lunch to end the afternoon of quilting. OPEN 1-5:30 HURON -PERTH COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION St. Joseph's School Mr. Donald Farwell Principal 169 Beech Street Clinton, Ontario. 432-7035 THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1981 9 A.M.-12 NOON (Please phone if other arrangements are required) Kindergarten children need to b. 5 years of age an or before 31st December. 19111. Where then ore suffident student spaces. a child who attains the age of 5 years after the 31st December but prior to the 31st January may on the request of the parent bo registered In Kin- dergarten for the school year. Please bring proof of ago (Birth Certificate or Bap- tismal Certificate). BUILD YOUR WORLD LAST THREE DAYS! SALE ENDS SATURDAY, FEB. 28 EaspPlass Deacon's Bench A great addition to hall, entranceway or.bedroom. Solid hinged lid opens to reveal lots of hidden room for linens, -- --toys-andmore:-Sturdily-constructed,cornpenentr3ieces-of--- part• ,le board assemble quickly and easily, ready to finish as you eke. 60 cm x 75 cm x 39.4 cm Unfinished. $1 999 1O ' • • 1NFLATIO • FIGHTER p \. NEW ASSORTMENT OF LIGHT FIXTURES! SI . C E • • • '6e'‘mevock re:WOO b'IC 4,4 Ni H ,r. I, 144444 It141 .. • ,••.•p r• • 4'a .,nJ.r. 1nr..,,,• 4 • ' •,• ,• • ••,,,r1. ".• IS RR 1 .''I'114414,IH • r 11 r, , ..r, . I. •• yy ♦111 hI1t ..ill'7'!.!! , 1 r ,.11 rare,., r . Special' 8 R8 • '47 444(442. v:1 v. 14. Spa. i4P 12 RA Or (., 1.. 44 44! . I u, v ' • r , 4) 4 . . , Special' WAS I ▪ . ret • !'rr .I •. M ,' l . •1,."I 4 4141! f •I ., ..... -. -.4 ...,,- 14.88 18 R8 n . ,1 .,r11I 41..: 1 FirN1+11+ 4.,•, ,.r ..ease • ,n,.. ,r. 1588 P Irl 1144(.1 11.0.1 I MN 1+1 H H.d,l. . .rare„12,.1. , (u, ,.,' r•..., h,.. 4.., ,, h, nun'., 1.588 Q 4, It /141 44111• (L. 4',.1,., 000 4... n.1 • bur h....,.., HAND TOOLS 1. 197 ST.1.11 1 HAND srl4d Prr, ..resp R,d,r•.1 err 2h hind, of fines( qunlrn) arra or ah , 14 98 onrnnrre hardyr and handle 343 HAND .SAW 241' long. In orS1.4. 4. 11 99 61 492 41A.111 -J'4 24 AlI?MINI IMII'17I 4fa. raw -in -read Orr .I and plumb r rah SpociaP 13 R9 N 794 ST•1VI I 1 ( OMRIYATION SQl .4441 Sln(tr,l M.rck nun.. qu.1 r4' nmq a'rh-..r rano' rnq rho Fran" 11' r ell length I) Nns ;ror M n. ,Ilu.rmrrd' Special! 6 99 O idd W (10(4 ( HIST I SET 1.pr .. r :Ids. and I , hear/. a 9h h.*-drop-lneq,d urd head. a (oft horrd 8.98 P 79.1 .T4'9111 16(1/ TIM:1AT7 ST111 NAZI f4NM1 44 411 -earl. ,,napst non a,1h r nntnurrd ,,,4 ,'n• hnnAlr , un rd r fon hind Raked rnomrl Rol .h 13.98 Q 01 .1 %NI ! l to OI HAY/t►'MAN tivils 1 44 1 .,rend gdahry hemmer ret an ....Inn,. •N p-•. r t., rhe horrrrn. nn (un rd; rino hi11-,4r.,gn in, r am 14ly Rmaired r nnavma • .0.f..• handle 9 98 R lo 5 4 T 4.Y7l 1 16 OI l IRI R(.I A.,S 14.1 dib, R Strorght.•nrmunus 4444.4994.. Erlomrnts h..ndrd . ,4'h Mal .ofd rpnry rrnn far ,n11/1.1 .rrength noel bra holdence VmyI hnndb' qr•p b,•nrrrrnrrd Arad ret I un rd elms derrgn • 11.98 190 sr4544 14 9" SMOOTH PMANI .tden.tablr rrmprrrd tnnl-qtr / rami a torr• pro, ,.e u nrkman.hrp /Or pralr..i,rnal 'revoke Rnttom. and odes nee alar hind and grnund amernth and too Special) 22.99 T 399 SAW HORST RRA( lit TS Hmgt•-rvnr hem Orti turn nrdrnnev 2" , U lumber rate ,O,, Nome nr mem, robs ,n art rn.Ione Flanged nml bolt, Int .mutt. MIL arsg" tte'mMmq POO 2.99 U 796 STANEE V MITRE ROK WITH SAW' A A.lplul odemnn W el . ,rnrkahop' 1 rghtwnghr ngrd MOT Mss 'rah pm -set 43 net 90 r wrung angles far &cranny plus n I4" la(44 inn teeth harduond handle Hairs nn pent wird fete «teal (n.,en.nq ret work erne Cash in nn the .m ono. at ret, aper rat pure 18.88 LANGFORD LUMBERCLINTON (Formerly Fred J. Hudie Ltd. Home & Building Centre) N/W 42.1 INC. antral.. . 0 0(1• 7 r I,N.Qw N0*'14 1.001 .0u0, 100. 4'n 730 80,hrld gaud (I.nton 482 2993 0UAllTY PRODUCTS QUALIFIED SERVICE * COMPETITIVE PRIC)t. 24,44', ,..circ' •. 0.• I//S4 LD' 8111(