HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-02-26, Page 2REPAIR' Pmt---+ f TION , VARY* ON A Word to all thogiO.at mg to polisUffitXt ut the cum* campaigrF "A sue- cessfol politician as one who get mthe l without irritating it." by Vesta M, Kelly. On may: Fey flat and Hubert Hodges of Albert Street celebrated their 35th Wei* anniver- sary. On the Sam night Previous their dam Shane and Debbie and sate, Wayne, �alid their families kook** pard eut to Strip- per lat per at,the Candlelight Restaurant in\ Goderich. Afterwards there was a small celebration at the hone of Wayne. and Rath Hodges. Congratulations on their anniversary. l neladiesoftheiiuemoon- a lni it ad vet* wets- Oft: had a special guest at their February meeting. Mr. Harald Vodden came from Blyth accompanied by his*" , Myrtle,. and his See* • tag g Mr, Vodden was . ed by Airs. Bess,.. Ms talksCOMPtehea- sive story of his life since 1965 when he lost his sigh. tie told et the International Lions Qub training the dogs. There are 75 training stools in U.S,A, ata coat ofSAP to train each dog, and of how his faith and 'his wife have helped to keep his life mean- ingful eaningful in spite of his blind- ness. He told of many in- teresting and humorous events. This dog is the se - • Id one he has had. Mr. Vodden has had the story of his life made Into a book, Forward. He also has learn- ed eaped through the CRIB to cane chairs and basketi. Mr& Edna Baker sang Mr. Vodden's favourite hymn, Amrekig G r^..ce; T :baltd zi dappredata him coming. They will be helping on February 22 to cater to Mr. and Mrs. Matt MAW/ 60t8-weddingan- hiveraary and,abo vain be WASH A NAD Y BIRTHDAY On if Bta1Ml" Clinton Feb. 26 lode Brews R.R. Godsrich Feb.. 26 R.R. S Craltam 26 oieryil.Taylor Londesboro Feb. 27 Macsu uyCilntan • " Feb. 28 llilsel Thompson Clinton Feb. 28 ' can� _ �m_ Feb. 28 rhe Stant. ¢odrtdi Feb. 28 - canton Feb. 28 R R. 2 Gentgn Feb. 29 !Wield Lond.sboro Mar. 1 Clinton Mar. B Clinton Mar. 3 vancouvsr . Mar. 3 A PLACE FOR KIDS 0./110 - 1 ii ria " ewe 4.$ :a� ti� ��` �`( • f A Car Puzzle 1. ill 1 10 igu■ 'z ii. v. aa�`b. F1.!j1Ii• , i�■4tilll'I■ prib ez• OW 's ri• i- as _ r Ai .■ lij in ins pilla tsVr "' tli6 . 7r•�' L• •{•%•. *, -r.• �� -. 3 ' h. ,. f ,v • Clues Down ' 1.where cars park Across 2.they indicate turns 1.fuel' for cars 3.an idle car is in park 7.buckle up for ----- or 8.salt makes cars 4.you have to --- for gas 9.pay a taxi ---- 5.push them to stop and go 10.shift 6.a Rolls is a'- - -- of car 12.used for towing 7.a red light means ---- 14.a dip stick checks --- 11.car racing is a 17.it goes up and down 13.another word for motor 20.turn them on at night 15.opposite of stop 22.--- in a knot ' 16.a flat ---- 23.where you sit 18.most car's have four 24.a metal pole 19.what the driver looks 25.they're used in the rain through 27.opposite of she 21.opposite of cold. 28.going backwards 22.endeavours 30.you need a licence to 23.an extra tire 31.opposite of high gear 25.steering 32.thhey're under licence plates 26.use it to stop 13.the limit 29.a car journey (e) 1981 Canada Wide Feature Service Ltd. by MacKay Fairfield Tate at the Noon Lan - them on. 17. +++ The 8ummerbill Hall Board held their regular card party in the hall on Fri- day, February 13 with eight tablet in play. Winners were- ladies' high, Cecelia Edgy ladies' low, Ev Mer - tall, lone hands Phyllis Tyn- dalL Men's high, Keith Tyn- dall; men's low, Helen Southern; u h rn, n nen's lone hands, Bill John VanDenElzen won the box of groceries and Cecelia Edgar won the Vaieiitine cake. It was an- nounced the next card party will be Friday March 27. +++ The Madeleine Lane Aux- iliary uxiliary of St,. Andrew's Presbyterian Church ` held their once postponed . meelirnret ire home of Mrs. Verna Morgan on February 18. Due to the fog conditions the group was reduced to nine members in attendance. The group voted to Send a sum of.$50 to the Ewart Presbyterian College in Toronto. Other plans were diaawsed for the upcoming sale at the beginning of April followed by the Pie Socialat the end of that month. +++ The IOOF and Rebeltalts held a card party at the Lodge Hall in Clinton on February 19 and the winners were: high racy, Mrs. Ray Cox; 7}�low lady, Marg Wright, high man, Omerine Watkins; low man, Clayton Ellis; lone hands, Erma Crich. The draw was won by Omerine Watkins. Watch for the next aid party on March 5. +++ PLEASE NOTE entry forms for the Klompen Feest parade on May 23, 1981 may be picked up at the News - Record office at any time from now on. -There are eight cateaoriea to choose milli • inner. iii liri rthrstaind- second placings in each one. The giant parade will start at 1 p.m. on the Saturday - so service clubs, auxiliaries, business firms and anyone else interested get in the mood and pick up your entry form. Brownies, get finerrinted The 2nd Brownie Pack met at the school on Febitiery 18. After collecting Brownie Gold and their, Denies for Thinking Day, we left for a trip to the Clinton police station. The Brownies were met by Constables Shropshall and McFadden who explained how the radio dispatch system works. The girls were shown through the station and enjoyed "trying" the cell. Some of the Brownies had their fingerprints taken and Constable McFadden ex- plained xplained dusting for finger- prints which most have seen on television shows. The Brownies listened as a licence numberwascalled in and were surprised that the report could be back from Ottawa in less than aminute. The leaders and Brownies muni the tour very. In- tere'sting and enjoyed learning about the many different things the police do. The Brownies then returned to the school where they were given the forms for selling cookies. Thanks to Mrs. Ann Cox for coming on our outing with us. Thaziks for the support By Mary and Rodney Freeman A very big thank you to all the volunteers who assisted us with the Pancake Brunch wind also -to- rte- public for your -great support. Also a special' that& you to the Legion for the use of the hall and your co-operation_ It is greatly appreciated. While we are showing our ap- preciation, we might thank Jerry Maclean and Gerrards for the use of their windows for Scouting displays and the other stores for displaying the Scout -Guide posters. A dance is being planned for April 11 at the Goderich Township Hall. Music will be byJim Medd from9 p.m. to 1 -arm.--Advance---tickets are now on sale from any leader or by calling Janet Cameron 482.7925, Anna Stirling 482- 7 995t-og Mary Freeman:482- 7405 ittlinited numbeewill be sold to plan to get yours early. . BEAVERS: Colony A: Beavers celebrated the birthday of Lord Baden-Powell with an . hour full of birthday celebra- tions. Keeo began the meeting with a short talk on Lord Baden-Powell and the history of Scouting. Then, thanks to Bill . Marsh, Doug. St. Louis and leader "Chop- per", Beavers enjoyed a film of "The Greenhouse" and an animated filen of "Froggie went a co in". Tic Tac in- vested. Jeff Morgan . into the colony and the Beavers join- ed Jeff in repeating the Beaver Law and Promise. Since it was a night of celebration the Beavers were also given new tails. This is a special time for Beavers recognizing growth and development in the col- ony. Old ' tails should be removed as only one tail is to be worn at a time. A birth- day party would not be com- plete without balloons and birthday cake. So, Hawkeye led the Beavers in a balloon relay before Tic Tac and Bubbles served individual birthday cupcakes topped with red top hats and candles.. Rustybrought our meeting to a close and pass- ed out balloons to take home. Thanks to John and Joan McKeigan of the Pizza Train for supplying the balloons. Colony B: Keeo led the Beavers in a gathering game of soccer before Rainbow performed the opening ceremony. Hawkeye in- troduced the Beavers to a new ' game called "Poor Pussy -Poor Pussy" then set- tled the Beavers in lodge position and read a fun story of "Would you rather be a Bull -Frog". Sugarcuba prepared a Beaver book mark from walnut halves and felt and the Beavers divided into lodges to han- dicraft their own to take home. Beavers then joined in double, dodge ball before Ruaty called 'verbanks and. the dosing ceremony. I should mention that Elena and Brad Morgan from Colony B and Jim Ryan from Colony A have com- pleted their first level of . Beaver leadership training: _ The leaders spent two days in- Stratford and were presented with their Wood Ba e>�are wtgle ,cera. ,was an.. ac- tion packed Iota. at the Cub car rally Thursday night. Tension was in the air as the Cubs raced their cars down the ramps to the finish. Each car was weighed to meet regulations and the Cubs were allowed three races down the ramps. Lucky winners were: first place, Jason MacLean; se- cond place, Ronnie Calder; and third place, Dillon Fremlin. Greg Falconer was also given a prize for the car that showed the most work done to the car without help. Cubs thank the parents for coming out to join the Cub car rally and to Carol Strickland for helping in the kitchen. SCOUTS: Rodney Freeman will be the junior reporter for Scouts, assisting in gathering news and up- coming happenings for the Scouts. He will also be repor- ting on activities to be held at the CJ 81 Jamboree. Scouts have been busy fund- raising and would like to say thank you to Dale's Farm and Punip - and to the Snowmobile Club for allow- ing them to set up refresh- ment stands during the re- cent Poker Rally, to John McKeigan for procurement ani-aonation• oisorte of the supplies. Also thanks to the Optimist dub and Arnold Riley for ALIO them to cperatea, . - �i nt stand= during the; • Carnival. All proceeds will go to pur- chase equipment for CJ 81. The father and son ban- quet was held at the Wesley - Willis Church on February 20 and as usual, the mothers did a super job of preparing and serving. Following the meal,. films were shown on various camping jamborees. Upcoming events for Scouts will include a Winter fun day (weather permit- ting) on March 1 at Morrison Dam in Exeter and on Satur- day, March 21, a bottle drive. NORMAN B. PICKELL L.L.B. (Formerly of Donnelly, Murphy & Pickell) Announces the Opening of his office for . THE PRACTICE OF LAW AT 58 SOUTH STREET GODERICH 524-8335 Thank you to Constable McFadden and Constable Shropshall for the tour and de ponstrations and for showing the 13rownies that. the police are their friends. Girl Guide Cookies Orders are being taken now for Girl Guide Cookies. The cost is $1.25 per box which should not be paid until the cookies are delivered in April. Please help when someone calls by writing your name and the number of bores on the form. Church Parade On February 22nd all members of the Guides and Scouts attended the Presbyterian Church for Guide Scout Week. They were piped into the church by Murray and Sharon East. Flag bearers were Rodney Freeman, Tim Craig, Ronnie Calder, Andrew Walker, Toby St. Louis, Laura Allan, Colleen Gower, Kathy Stadion and Jody Murray. Several memaers took part in the service. Those reading Scripture passages were Jeff Peck, Craig Bowker, Bryan Beattie, Karen Cook, Lynn Moffat, Lisa Beattie and Diane Bradshaw. Following the service a movie was enjoyed by all -by Jane Whalen. A early spring thaw last week, followed by a warm rain on Monday, has taken most of the area's three feet of snow; and filled the rivers to overflowing. Most of the water got away without causing too much problem, and flats east of Clinton were covered by the flooding Bayfield River. (James Fitzgerald photo) BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HURON -BRUCE needs TONY McQUAIL NDP THE FARM SPOKESMAN WHO CARES ABOUT Our Communities Ou Llf styles Our Make Tony McQuail YOUR VOICE in Toronto VOTE TONY McQUAIL NDP ON MARCH 19 Authorized by the official agent Tony 101eQuelil NDP Lucknow Clinton Electric White -Westinghouse +ib kFutrint Appliances Sales and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS I ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE 90 ALBERT ST. 482-3646 APPLIANCE and REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 482-7032 Lloyd Garland FURNITURE REFINISHING AND UPHOLSTERY Corner 5th Avenue and Halifax St., Vonastra Phone 482-9576 PIANO TUNING *Repairs *Rebuilding *Keys Recovered •Dampp-Chasers BRUCE PULSIFER 348-9223 Mitchell INSURANCE GAISER.KNEALE INSURANCE AGENCY INC. Insurance -Real Estate Investments Isaac St.. Clinton Phone Office 482-9747 Len The.dom 482-7994 Hal Hartley 482-3693 C. Buruma 482-3287 JOHN WISE GENERAL INSURANCE - GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Clinton Office: 482-9644 Res.: 482-7265 OPTOMETRY JOHN LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 527-1240 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Friday 9:00-5:30 Saturday 9:00-12:00 noon Closed Wednesdays BY APPOINTMENT Free parking on premises R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST Tho Square, GODERICH 524-7661 ELECTRIC.. EL INJECTION EQUIPME AREA CODE 519P.O. P.O. BOX 788 482-7071 !.� ` CLINTON; ONTARIO BAYFIELD ROAD SSOG dTON OF NOM 110 ,,TELEV ,S Of' AND STEREO GROVES TM. AND APPLIANCE CENTRE 10 HURON ST., CLINTON *ADMIRAL Appliances *SHARP T.V. and Microwave Owens *JENN-AIR Built-in Cooking Systems *R.C.A. "We service 482-9414 *MeCLARY Laundry and Built-in Appliances *CHANNEL -MASTER AND DEL111 Antenna systems what we self" .�T S X ha ELVR .,000" •ECONOMY •QUALITY •SERV "Blg1obs small, we guarantee them all" 482-7374 Or 482-9030 CLINTON DECORATING ecoratmc td 33 Huron St., Clinton Box 337, Clinton NOM 1L0 482-9542 529-7939 Paints, Stains, Min Wax products, Wall coverings, Draperies, Floor Sanding, Texturing Interior & Exterior Contracting FREE ESTIMATES TRAVEL THE COACH HOUtE TRAVEL SERVICE 59 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524.8366 OPEN: Monday -Friday 9:00-5:30 Open Saturdays 9:00-12 Noon FULLY APPOINTED FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE TRAVEL ACCOUNTING TRITOWN BOOKKEEPING; AND COMPUTER SERVICE Complete Business Ser- vice. Sales, Purchase and Disbursement Jour- nals. Accounts Receiv- able, Payable, Payroll, Financial Statements. Also Time sharing and In-house terminals available. Also Farm & Individual Service. LAWRENCE BEANE 52 Huron St., Clinton PHONE 482-3524 MacGillivray Associates (Goderich) Limited ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING AND, COMPUTER SERVICES In-house computer providing cash disbursements ledger. cash receipts ledger, accounts receivable, financial statemen- ts, time and charges and specialized reports. 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-2677 People Read Classified In the CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Classified Ads 482-3443 'PHOTOGRAPHY James Fitzgerald v) Photography Clinton 010 years experience *Weddings, passports •Family portraits in your home 482-9502 ;: r 482-3890 1