HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-02-19, Page 1930. Employment wanted WILL BABYSIT in my home 5 days a week. Phone 482- 7812.-7 31. Service directory KEN'S CARPENTRY - Remodelling renovations, cupboards, rec rooms, car- ports, flooring, Hunt -Pella windows and patio doors, aluminum siding, windows, doors. Phone 482-7676.—Ken Mc Nairn .-12tfar LAYING and FINISHING concrete floors for basements, garages, drive sheds etc, Call George 482 3291.---45tf INCOME TAX prepared by Mrs. Leona Towton - Tax Consultant. Reasonable rates, Phone 482-9404 9:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. -5-12 CUSTOM MACHINE SHOP Peter Harder R.R. 2.Clinton 482-3242 PAINTING DECORATING INTERIOR RENOVATIONS Free Estimates call: Steve Miners BRUCERILD 37 482-37 Custom Slaughtering and Processing hill 1.1a'< \ eilnr,.(Iay DASHWOOD 237-3677 M JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings ,It Additions * Renovations PHONE 482-3063 31. Service directory DRYWALL known for high quality PETER BAKOS DRYWALL hove complete drywall service Phone 527=1398 527-0606 6 INCOME TAX PREPARED Personal and Farm Ross Carter, R.A. REASONABLE RATES PLEASE PHONE 482-7776 AFTER 4 P.M. Electrical Probiemst Cal ED'S ELECTRIC Licensed Electrician Commercial/ Industrial/Farm Residential 24 HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE Ed Rooseboom 482-7441 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 _FSPR SALE______ -- Used Snowmobiles We also Service and Repair snowmobiles and snowblower and other small engine equipment WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE:SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 427-0828 JIM: 527.0773 34. Personal PREGNANT • and DISTRESSED? Married or single, fret positive con- fidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIRTHRIGHT - London (collect) 432-7197 or 524-2913, 357-1769 or 524-2023.-3-52 REPAIR SERVICE Cars, Trucks, Tractors (service to all makes) Mork Jenkins, Choi A Mechanic 482-3717 HENDRIK GELOK ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL TRAILER AND R. V SERVICE QUALITY WORKMANSHIP AT A REASONABLE PRICE MAINTENANCE - NEW AND OLD INSTALLATIONS PHONE 519-482-3700 or 482-7007 HARDWOOD BUSH or TREES WANTED 1A1C HARDWOODS LTD. Auburn For Best Cash Prices SLABWOOD FOR SALE BILL CRAIG 526-7220, AL CRAIG 526-7512 35. Notice to creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PERCY JOHN GIBBINGS, late off the Town of Clinton, in the County of. Huron, ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-named, Percy John Gibbings, who died on or about the 24th day of December, .1980, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 9th day of March, 1981, as after that date the assets of the estate will bedistributed, with regard �� tlsl the claimant which the - undersigned shall have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 2nd day of February, 1981. D. GERALD HILTZ, Barrister & A Solicitor, 52 Huron Street, CLINTON, Ontario Solicitor for the Executrix .-6-8 IN THE ESTATE OF JENMF MARY WISE, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Housewife, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 24th day of December, 1980, are required to file full par- ticulars thereof with the un- dersigned on or before'the 2nd day of March, 1981, after which date the . assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, -Ontario, this 2nd day of February, 1981. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitors For the Eltecutrices:-i6-8: iN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE .OF Alvin Edward Cooper, late . of the Town of Clinton, in the County, of Huron._ . ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-named, Alvin Edward Cooper, who flied on or about the 18th day of January; 1981, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 9th day of March, 1981, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 2nd day of February, 1981. D. GERALD HILTZ, Barrister & Solicitor, 52 Huron Street, CLINTON, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. -6-8 IN.... _THE .ESTATE. ..OF THOMAS GORDO41 SCRIB- BINS, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Civil Servant, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the, above-named who died on the 5th day of January, 1981, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 6th day of March, 1981, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 3rd day of February. 1981. MENZiES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors. —6-8 38. Auction sale • 38. Auction sale - 38 Auction sale AUCTION SALE to be held at Rlchart obb's Barn. Clinton. Ont. for Londesbora Choral Manse Edna Mote and the Estate of Lillie Jamieson plus ether additions. Saturday, February 21 at 10 AM Selling first is Rockwell •" radial arm sew. Knipeo bullet typo portable heater, New Tiffany and brass hanging light fixtures plus several others. Westinghouse frost free fridge (nearly new). Ad- miral 24" electric stove (like new), dishwasher. Kenmore portable clothes washer. Fancy Antique hall seat with mirror, Antique bonnet chest, washstand, wicker fern stand.. Small modern pine Hat. fo v all cupboarit C�rsifla titan" iilifAkoovii unirl .. china cabinet with curved glass door, matching chesterfield and chair with pull out bed, plus other chesterfields, hl fi, trunks. oval parlour tables. an- tique chain, old and modern dressers with mirrors. upholstered choirs, set of bunk beds. buffets; con- tinental double bed (like new), plus other beds, six dining chairs plus odd chain, good chrome table with 4 choirs plus our usual large offering. TERMS CASH Estate or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. Richard Lobb: Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7898 4 Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR, Every Thursday HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALE SAT:. FEB. 21 Furniture, antiques. etc. at Richard Lobb's born. Clinton, for Lillian Jamieson estate. -Fur, nituro from Londesboro church manse. . SAT.. MARCH 14 12 NOON Combine, tractors. trucks;smochinery_, etc.,_ for .Bruce Richmond. 11/4 mi. north and 1'/. mi. oast of Blyth. MORNING AUCTION SALE of Antiques and Household Effects to be held at The Auction Rooms 1 mile south of Goderich, Hwy. No. 21 SAT., FEB. 21 10:30 AM Sole to consist of: II piece Queen Anne style Metngrocni suite; bow front china cabinet; bedroom suite including (bed, vanity dresser with stool; highboy); bottom of sideboard; Victorian dresser; chest of drawers; bods; chrome sots; small tables; odd wooden choirs; wooden rocking chair; upholstered chairs; cabinet stereo; record player; tape deck; television; fridge; electric stoves; small appliances; glass and china; prints; frames; pine doors and windows; aluminum storm win- dows; wringer washing machine. Etc,, Etc. AUCTIONEER MARIE SALM Phone 524-9064 %za'// J4�,s,�oe'�ca�es AUCTION CALENDAR Saturday, March 14 Henson Furniture and antique auction for May Rowcliffo at Hensall Arena at 10:30 A.M. Wednesday, March 18 Clinton Estate Auction of furniture and Antiques to be held at Rothwell A Associates Building In Seafor- th at 6:30 P.M. Wednesday, March 25 Zwoan Welding Shop Auction at 10:30 A.M. Saturday, March 28 Equipment Consignment Auction at Rathwall & Associates Auction Complex, R.R. No. S, Clinton at 10:30 A.M. Consignments Welcome. Wednesday, AprIf 8 Farm Equipment Auction for Isidore Mecharm° at 1:1S P.M. eledieee, d.4.50dale.1 AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1WO (5191 527-1458 42.. Death notice LEARN At Victoria Hospital South Street Campus, London, Ontario on Wednesday, February 11, 1981 Lealand,. (Lee) George Learn, of Exeter, in his 67th year. Beloved husband of Lois (McDonald) of Exeter, and dear father of Max of Hensall. 'and Fred of Carlton Place, dear brother of Alvin Learn of Tisdale, Saskatchewan. He rested at the Hopper Hockey Funeral Home. William Street, Exeter, where funeral service was held on Saturday, February 14, at 1.00 pan. with Rev. Ken Knight officiating. ' Tnterment in Exeter Cemetery. -7' KE MP i.t$-' •-a'ttuldgx,. February- ; h Cecil Arthur Kemp, formerly of•.4Goderich,. in his 79th year. Predeceased by-. his parents Henry and Charlotte (Crocker) Kemp, one sister Maude --and one brother, Victor. Rested at the McCallum Funeral Home, Cambria .Rd., at East Street, Goderich. Funeral- service 1 o'clock Monday afternoon. Interment Maitland Cemetery. -7 . HiCKS At the Sea forth Community... Hospital. on Wednesday, February 11, 1981, William James Hicks, beloved husband of the former Doris Audrey (.Baker ), -of Blyth, 'Ontario, in his 68th year. Survived by his wife Doris, daughter Deborah (Mrs. Jack , Culbert) of Dungannon, Ontario. Dear brother of Fred Hicks of Corbett, also Mrs. 011ace (Lois) Desjardine of Guelph, Mrs.. Murray (Olive) Maguire of llderton. Also survived by two grandchildren. Rested at the Tasker Funeral Home. Blyth, Ontario. Funeral ser -o' vice was held on Friday, February 13. at 2 p.m. Interment. Grand Bend Cemetery.-- 7 YEARLY At Huronview on Wednesday, February 11th, 1981. George Thomas Yearley formerly of Exeter in his 86th year. Beloved husband of the late Gertrude King. Dear father of Audrey (Mrs. Austin BoIandi' of London, Rena (Mrs. Ken Wood) of Lucan and Edward Yearley of Windsor. Brother of Mrs. Jennie Lawson of Huronview. Rested at the R.C. Dinney Funeral Home, Main Street, Exeter; where the funeral service was- held on Saturday, February 14th at 2 p.m. with Rev. James For- sythe officiating. Interment ,. Exeter Cemetery. -7 43. Births CLEGG Randall and Annie (nee Marshall) are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their first born, a son, Duncan Joseph (10 lbs. 15 oz.) on February 1st, 1981 at the Greater Niagara General Hospital, Niagara Falls, Ontario, First grandchild for Jack and Irene Clegg, Niagara Falls, and fifth grandchild for John and Eleanor Marshall, Willoughby.- 7nx BAILEY I am happy to let everyone know that !finally got my baby sister, Angela Dawn. She arrived at the Clinton Public Hospital at 8:06 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 3, 1981, weighing 7 lbs., 13 oz. Darlene Bailey.-7nx 43. Births ,21115 MAILLET Tony and Nancy (nee Castle) are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their daughter. Mya Jodie, on Feb. 7, 1981,• first grandchild for the proud grandparents of John and Melba Maillet and the first granddaughter of the proud grandparents of Wilfred and Marion Castle.-7nx Cox Ritchie and Colleen would like to announce the arrival of their son, Mark Jason, born Feb. 11, 1981, at St. Joseph's Hospital, 46. In memoriam MILLER In loving memory of my beautiful wife Pearl Irene Miller, who passed away 7 years ago Feb. 21, 1974. Her kind and unselfish ways will always remain a precious memory for her husband .-7x McDONALD In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Betty McDonald, who passed away, Feb. 20, 1980. She loved the Saviour And now has gone Todwell with Him To see His face And sing the glories of His grace. Always remembered by her sons. daughters-in-law and grandchildren.—7 47. Card of thanks TAYLOR 1 would like to thank all those for their get well cards and those who visited me while in hospital; Special thanks to Rev. Wilena • Brown for her visit and to the L.O.L. for their basket of fruit and a special thanks to the nurses and the Candy Stripers an on first floor and to Dr. Harrett. Everyones kindness will always be remembered. Louis Taylor.—7 BAILEY w sh"%"'ezp sere oue i'haiiks to all our friends and relatives for their visits and gifts while we were patients in the Clinton Public Hospital. A special thank you to Dr. Harrett, Mary DeJong, 2nd floor nurses, and the dietary and kitchen staff. Debbie & Angela Bailey. -7 • PENFOUND Thanks to Blyth, Clinton and Wingham Firemen, neigh- bours and relatives who fought our house fire and saved our barn, to those who supplied lunchand to those who organized the Shower and party for us. To the Auburn Lions for collecting clothing and household.iterns people.so kindly donated. Thanks to those who gave money and gifts and to the children who shared toys with Kenneth. Words cannot express how much we - appreciate everything. Lloyd and Vera Penfound and family. -7 -- f' DYKSTRA The family of the late Uilke Dykstra wish to express their sincere gratitude to friends, neighbours and relatives who have shown their love, comfort and support in the passing of a dear husband, father and grandfather by way of ex- pressions of sympathy, floral tributes and donations to the Canadian Cancer Society and the Clinton Hospital Building Fund. Our appreciation to Dr. Brian Baker and the nurses of first floor, -Clinton Hospital for their kindness and care: Thank you to Rev. A. Vanden Berg for his pastoral care and we give thanks to the Lord for all the strength He has given and is giving us. Ann Dykstra and family. -7 BEVERSBERGEN I wish to thank my realtives, family and friends for cards, visits and treats while a patient in Victoria Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Hanlon and nurses on duty in Emergency at Wingham Hospital, the night of my ac- cident. It was all greatly ap- preciated. Marius Beyer- sbergen.-7x TAYLOR We wish to thank the Clinton Fire Department, our friends, relatives and neighbours for all their help on Saturday night Don and Lorraine Taylor --7 FiRST BAPTIST CHURCH The congregation of the First Baptist Church, Clinton, wish to express their appreciation to all who assisted in avoiding a fire in the Church Saturday evening. Special thanks to the Fire Department, Union Gas and Barry Buchanan for their prompt action. 7ar CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19,1981—PAGE 19 VANASTRA "-Th the blBnFergusoD voice Farmers Spiel held A Farmers' Spiel on February 11 was sponsored by the local elevators and fertilizer companies: Hensall Coop, Agrieo of Brucefield, W.G: Hayter of Varna, Cooks of Hensall, W.G. Thompson of Hensall Flemings, of Clinton, T.B. Allen of Londesboro Ryons of Walton Cyanamid of Clinton, Snell's Feed 'Mill, Howson and Howson and Ken Campbell. Everyone won prizes of meat and door prizes went to Barry Taylor, Don Brodie, George Cantelon, Barry Mason, Merton Keyes, Boyd Tay>er,3r !ail Falconer_. -and George Townsend. Members of first place team in each draw received miniature trophies. Winners of the a.m. draw: 1st place - Stip, Dave Townsend, Bill Gibson, Mark Centelon and Jeff Peck; 2nd place: Skip George Cantelon, Wayne Cantelon, Laird Finlayson and Paul Wetlaugher; 3rd place: Skip Bob' Allen, Ed Brodfoot, Don Brodie and Jack Peck; 4th place: Ken Faber's team; 5th place: Bob Hayter's team; 6th place: Jim Ross' team, 7th place: Alex Townsend's team and 8th place: Ross McBeatll's team. Winners of the 11 a.m. draw: lit place: Skip Bob Fotheringham, Laural Fisher, Bruce Coleman and Dave Ste. Marie. This team also won the large trophy. Second place: Skip Bill Lobb, Jerry Gibb, Bob Ste Marie and Mert Keyes; 3rd place: Skip Bruce Shillinglaw, Murray Adams, Art Devos and Boyd Taylor; - 4th place: John Browriridge team; 5th place: Gord Pryce team; 6th place: George Townsend team; 7th place: Arnold Taylor team; 8th place Mery Falconer team.:. Congratulations to Don Mitchelmore's team, who won their way to the Ontario Semi-finals of the-- Ontario Curling Association Men's Senior Competition. On the way to the finals they defeated Exeter and Listowel to take the 13B Division, then Owen Sound who was- second in Ontario last year, to represent Division 13. They were defeated by London and Kitchener in the, Ontario semi-finals held in Leamington. The other members of the team were George Cantelon-Vice; Ken Rogerson - second and Bob Allan - Lead. Last year they were defeated by Owen Sound in Division 13 finals. Vanastra ChristtafChurch On Sunday February 15 holy communion was celebrated at the morning service at the Christian Church. Organist was Evelyn Mantel. Companionship and friendship is needed from us (church and community) to the refugee people here in Vanastra. Norma Robson stressed the need for us to reach out, uw to them to dinner .orhelp other ways. There was a special prayer requested for Terry Fox. Please don't forget about the pot luck following the special Thinking Day Service this Sunday. Gulde.Scout Week Numerous events will be taking place all week with each group -Cubs, Brownies, Guides, Scouts and Path- finders making posters to be put on display at the Vanastra Christian Church and a special church service will be held on Sunday, February 22 Groups are asked to be at the church in full uniform no later than l®: 45 a.m. to line up for the parade. There will be pot luck lunch following the service and those children whose parents will not be attending are asked to bring bag lunches. The church will supply refreshments. Lions Club There will be a business meeting for the Lions Club at the Vanastra Recreation Centre on Thursday, February 19 at 7 p.m. The first children's movie -night is scheduled for February 27 at 7:30 p.m. at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Cost is 50 cents per child. Lioness The Lioness held anoth Youth Activity night on February 13 at the Rec Centre. The theme was based on Valentine's Day and there were ap- proximately 50 in at- tendance. There were spot dances and prizes for chocolate valentine hearts. The next Youth Activity Night is scheduled for March 13. There will be a Lioness business meeting on Thursday, February 19 at the Rec. Centre at 7:30 p.m. Don't forget the registration for the Red Cress Babysit- ting abysitting Course is to be in by March 7. Fee is $3.00. Personal GIhnpaes Continued get well wishes go to Kelly Russo who is in London,Hospital. Continued get well wishes also go to Gloria Allaway, in Goderich Hospital. Happy Birthday to Ronnie Ferguson on Friday, Fctaraarf ,a: --- - - ... r. .Bev and Bruce Love and family were visiting the Wayne Ferguson family for the weekend. Happy birthday to Jen- nifer Burt onFehruary 12th. Congratulations to Kevin Mcllveen and Ronnie Ferguson on winning their very first hockey game on Saturday during Clinton's Minor Hockey Day. The Mites won 9 - 0 over HensalL Happy birthday to Scott Linton on February 25th. Sincere thanks to June , Je tcock, Myrtle Goulding and Betty McLean for canvassing our area for the Canadian Heart Fund. HaPPY Wedding... Anniversary to' Howey and Joy Langan on February 18th.. Myrtle and Clem Goulding attended .a convention in Torontoon the weekend. Happy Birthday to Sandy McLauchlan on Monday, February 16th. Wath tourists KINCARDINE - In an at- tempt to draw tourist dollars to Kincardine, the town is planning on spending -a ' few bucks. The town's first step in a campaign to draw vacationers to Kincardine will be to immediately spend $2,000 to reprint a color brochure and design another one before summer. ' The reprinting will create 10,000 copies of a brochure, first released some three years ago, with color photographs of the area and material about Kincardine. The Chamber of Com- merce will be handing out the brochures at the Spor- tsmen .Show in Toronto in March. Keith and Linda Cartwright In the living room of their London horde discuss the upcom- ing championship game for Keith's Forest City Flyers against the Kitchener -Waterloo Spinners. The game will be played Sunday in Wingham. Keith is a native of the Blyth- Londesboro area and Linda is orlghially from Belgrave. (photo by Elaine Townshend)