HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-02-19, Page 8PAGE 8--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1981 Wet reserve the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements! Township hail well used in Hohnesville By Bele heves Vldeuftne see,lal The Goderich Township hall had a busy time last Saturday when the Beta Sigma Phi, a women's sorority group, held a Valentine Social and pot luck supper. Following 'the meal they joined the Valentine Dance that was sponsored by the Goderich Township Recreation Committee and everyone enjoyed the music of the Country Companions. A door prize was drawn and a box of chocolates was won by Eleanor F1ett of Clinton, A lunch was served at the end of the evening. _ _F.._s aad.o4o terprising Seniors Thursday, February 19 at 2 pm in the township hall. Hilda Semple and Mary Stirling will be in charge of the entertain nt • and lunch. The valentine dessert party was scheduled to be held on Wednesday, February 18 in the township hall. It was cancelled last week because of the storm. The enumerators are busy this week knocking on doors inthearea. The Goderich Township WI will hold a card party in the township hall on February 26, starting at 8 pm. Admission is $1 and ladies are asked .to bring lunch. 4-H news The third meeting of the Holmesville I, 4H Club was held on February 16. Lisa Forbes read the minutes of the last meeting and the members discussed theirclub name, but made no decision. Allison Postill is t treasureraf.t_hegroup:. ,,....: Shana Hutchings and Jackie Norman led the girls in the study of patterns, fabric, pins, shears and the beginning of making gar- mentsatrdpressing. Each member is to have a dart sample made for the neitd meeting, to be held on February 22. .Lunch was served by Shana-Butch ngs,and sblielly Crawford. 'Church news The senior choir at the Holinesville United Church led in song at the Sunday service and Rev. Scott talked to the children about safety. Rev. Scott spokeon reaching for the stars and led in a special prayer for Terry Fox. The offering was received by Bill Norman and Ken Harris. The congregation is asked to, remember that a pot luck supper wit be held on February 22, starting at 4:30 pm, in the church. The Wesley Willis congregation will join in the meal and afterwards a skating party will be held at the Clinton arena. Also on February 22, the worship hour will be held at 9:45 am and will continue at that time for the remainder of the year. News from Middleton By Blanche Deeves AtidreyMiddleton read the lesson last Sunday at the St. James Anglican Church service. Rev. William Bennett spoke on the preparation for lent. The offering was received by Ray Wise and' Edward Deeves. This Sunday, the morning service will be held at 11:15 aim People report Edward and Blanche Deeves went to London on Saturday morning to attend the funeral of the late Charles Ellis. It's good to hear that the barn fire at the Don Taylor farm was not serious. The community wishes to extend their sympathy to the families of the late Mrs. Cliff Sturdy, who was Vera Miller's mother. Smile "If I proposed," the young man asked, caiitioualy, "would you rely The young girl sighed. Then equally cautious, she irirquired, "If you knew I'd say yes, would you pro- pose?". ry" Here's your chance to ring - BIG Prices effective thru Saturday, February 21st, 1981. SUPER LOTO, PROVINCIAL & WINTARIO TICKETS AVAILABLE AT A&P FOOD STOIC S! BUOY SAVE 1®19 `kru1 ill alts Silverwood, Assorted Flavours SWISS STYLE _ YOiOtlRi- _. 175 g tub B4UY SAVE 71 ¢ A&P SLICED HITE BREAD 16 -ox loaf 001t11111►11//�i,,, e. ' f/lAiul 11100 Tomato or Vegetable CAMPBELL!S SOUP .. 10 -fl -oz tin for for for (Our Regular Price 67c each) . (Our Regular Price 55c loaf) SAVE 80¢ Glad, Plastic GARBAGE BAGS (Our Reg. Price up to 41c each) Product of California, Sweet, Juicy SEEDLESS NAVEL ORANGES 1 81149 SAVE 50¢ Ib Product of Ontario, Snow White FRESH M.USHROOMS Ib (Our Regular Price 1.99) COME VISITla FA 400I t upon.% FORERSHNESS Product of Texas, & FLAVOUR Washed,. Excellent in Salads J Product of. Florida, White, Juicy SEEDLESS, LARGE SIZE 40's GRAPEFRUITe 4 Fi4N.. _. SPINACH 49 10 -oz cello bags for (Our Regular Price 3.29) moi sa�e�� •.. ;. , ..:.... .. , SAVE 301 ABP, From Concentrate ORANGE JUICE 64 -fl -oz bottle 1100 49 (Our Regular Price 1.79) SAVE 501 Process Cheese Slices KRAFT SINGLES 1 kg Pkg 49 (Our Regular Price 4.99) SUPER BUY! Chefmaster, Parchment Wrapped MARGARINE b: 149 SAVE 1.76 1 12 litre box ur Regular Price 8.25) we pith (,,Pur Regular P ice :999 )1a. M Canada Not 1 Grade,` Product of P.E,1; All Purpose the bei. 20 POUND BAG for jrou P.E.I. POTATOES SAVE 1.00 3.99 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. Canada No. 1 Grade, Product of Canada, Assorted Vegetables For Making Soup or a Nourishing Stew 3 -Ib bag Napa 1649¢ Fresh Stew Mix 1.49 ASSORTED COLOURS 4 -INCH POT CANADA FANCY, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, Rei ger Begonias 1.49 CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE 5 -LB BAG .McIntosh Apples 1.49 APPROXIMATELY 4 FEET HIGH 10 -INCH POT PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, SWEET, JUICY, PLUMP, RED Tropical Plants 1.4.99- Emperor Grapes 1b89? Chinese Cabbage FLOOR SIZE, SEVERAL VARIETIES, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF ONTARIOr-TENDER, SWEET, . IDEAL IN SALADS OR FOR CARROT STICKS Fresh Carrots 549 bag 1.49 PRODUCT OF FLORIDA, SWEET RIPE, FRESH Strawberries pint 1.49 PRODUCT OF HONDURAS, LARGE, READY TO EAT, SUGAR, SWEET, FRESH Dole Pineapple each1.49 PRODUCT OF•CHILE, SWEET, JUICY • Nectarines lb 1.49 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF MEXICO, TENDER, GREEN, FRESH Asparagus 161.98 (Our Regular Price 3.59) Mini - Assorted Flavours pkg of 4-5 oz tins Regular, Fine or Extra Fine LAURA SECORD149 NABOBTMwT!oN89 SAVE 70c PUDDINGS COFFEE •°•• vac `n..�. si.49 You'll do better with \,Baked Goods from A&P (Our Reg. Price 77c pkg) Buy 3 pkgs SAVE 82c Jane Parker, Hamburg Buns or WIENER ROLLS pkg o 8 8 0142 JANE PARKER, SLICED 16 OZ LOAF Raisin Bread 2 for 1.49 JANE PARKER FULL 8 -INCH, 22-01 SIZE Rhubarb/Apple Pie 1.49 JANE PARKER PKG OF 6 English Muffins 2 for 1.49 HEAT 'N SERVE - JANE PARKER PKG OF 12 Hot Cross Buns 1.49 JANE PARKER PKG OF 8 Plain Donuts 261..49 JANE PARKER Angel Cake 14-ozcake 1.49 JANE PARKER ACTION PRICE! 19.01 CAKE Spanish Bar Cake 1.49 ( Plus bottle deposit ) 150 ml btl COKE Action Price! for 1 49k atam>' Ka. You'll do better with 1i149\. You'll do better with HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS AND Days MERCHANDISE From A&P s,11 ,, these 1.49 Values at A&P GENERAL (Our Regular Price 1.39 pkg) Philips, 60 or 100 watt (Buy 2 pkgs LIGHT BULBS pkg of 2 bulbs SAVE 1.29) 49 r AQUAMARINE 350 ml PLASTIC BOTTLE Revlon Shampoo 1.49 REGULAR OR UNSCENTED 150 mi AEROSOL TIN Ultra Ban Deodorant 1.49 ROLL-ON 75 ml BOTTLE Dial Deodorant 1.49 MOUTHWASH, MINT FLAVOUR, WITH FLUORIDE Cepacol 100 ml btl 3 for 1.49 DISPOSABLE RAZORS Good News pkg of 2 6 pkgs 1.49 Cricket Lighters 26,1.49 CHATELAINE, BEIGE & SPICE Pantyhose 3pkg51.49 JANE PARKER ACTION PRICE! BOTTLE RACK & CANNED BEVERAGE DISPENSER Date Crunch 12.ozpkg 1.49 Rubbermaid each 1.49 JANE PARKER RUBBERMAID CherryPie full 8", 22 -oz pie 1.49 Cutlery Tuay „ each 1.49 CATCH ALL, PLASTIC PKG OF 10 GRANNY PKG OF S Lemon Tarts 2 for 1.49 Garbage Bags , 2 for 1x49 PILLSBURY - BUTTERMILK ACTION PRICE! • CHINOOK ANTIFREEZE 4 LITRE CONTAINER Biscuits 8-ozpkg 3 far 1.49 Windshield Washer 1.49 (Our Regular Price 6.99) Instant Coffee MAXWELL HOUSE SAVE 1.20 1 10-oz5 7 9 jar. DETERGENT ACTION PRICE! 1.8 kg BOX Dishwasher All PURITAN ACTION PRfCEI Flaked Chicken PURE GRAPE JAM OR ACTION PRICE! Welch's Jelly 2 PASTAS - ASSORTED VARIETIES Creamettes 2o4 CARMELITA ACTION PRICE! Tomato Paste 5 3.49 184 g TIN 1.49 9 -FL -OZ JAR for 1.49 ACTION PRICEI for 1.49 5.5 -FL -OZ TIN for 1.49 CAT FOOD - ASSORTED VARIETIES ACTION PRICE! Nine Lives 65-ortin4for1.4.9 MAPLE LEAF, PURE LARD ACTION PRICE, Tenderflake 1 ib pkg 2 for 1.49 SANDWICH SAUCE ACTION PRICE! 14 -FL -OZ TIN Hunt'sManwic�n 2 for 1.49 KAM ACTION PRICE! 12 -OZ TIN Luncheon Meat 1.49 BETTY CROCKER" ACTION PRIG! Bisquick 36.5oapkg 1.49 RUG & ROOM DEODORIZER 400 R AEROSOL TIN Carpet Fresh 1.49