HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-02-19, Page 5WE CAN HELP WITH ALL YOUR
With all the excitment of a real competition, the Clinton
Awaaas held their own version of a Grand Prix race at the
Fellowship Bible Chapel last Thursday. Five clubs took
part in the race and the 21 participants all constructed
their own vehicles out of a block of wood. (Shelley McPhee
CEleanor Bradnock, editor advocate
Tops hold dinner meeting
Thirty-four members of
the Auburn Silver Tops held
their monthly dinner last
Thursday in . the Auburn -
Community Memorial Hall.
Due to the severe snowstorm
last Wednesday, the dinner
was postponed until
Thursday. The dinner was
.served by Mrs. :Donald
Haines, Mrs. Emerson
Rodger, Mrs. Elliott Iapp
Don't forget "
yew' books... -
The librarian, 'Mrs. Lillian
Letherland requests all
Huron County Library books
to be in by February 21. •
Enumeration for the com-
ing provincial election is
underway in all areas to
make up the voting lists. If
you were not counted, please
see about it immediately.
Mrs. Harry Arthur is
visiting with her father
Elmer Keller of Dublin and
her mother who is a patient
in Seaforth Hospital:
The sympathy of this com-
munity is extended to Mrs.
Clifford Brown of Goderich
and her family on the death
of her husband last week in
Goderich. The Brown family
lived in Auburn for many
Misses Christine, Rhonda
and Jennifer Stadelmann
visited last Sunday with
their grandmother, Mrs.
Eleanor Bradnock.
Mrs. Fred Youngblut of
Woodstock visited on the
weekend with her sisters,
Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson and
Miss Ella Wagner.
Len Youngblut
dies suddenly
Funeral services were
held in Windsor last Friday
for a former Auburn district
resident Leonard (Len) W.
Youngblut, who died sudden-
ly at his home in Windsor in
his 79th year.
Born near Auburn, he was
the son of the late George
Youngblut and Anna Walper.
For many years he was
employed a's station agent
for the CPR.
He is survived by his wife,
Dorothy (nee Foliot); five
children, . Mrs. Bob ( Betty)
Warren of Calgary and
Walter G. Youngblut, Mrs.
Ken (Carol) Steines, Mrs.
Doug (Diane) Smith all of
Windsor and Mrs. William
(Ruth) Helfe of Frankfurt,
West Germany; eight grand-
children; two brothers, Vic-
tor Youngblut of Belgrave
and Arthur of Goderich and
• two sisters, Mrs. Clarence
(Marguerite) Walden of
Seaforth and Mrs. Melvin
(Lila) Webster of Clinton.
The funeral was held at the
Kelly Funeral Home in
Windsor with interment in
Victoria Memorial
Cemetery. The ^ Reverend
Larry Burnett officiate&
and Mrs. Frank Raithby.
The dinner began with the
president, Ross Robinson
welcoming all and the grace
was said by Mrs. Tom Jar -
A birthday cake was
brought in and lit for Ken
Scott, Lois Haines and Maud
Craig and all -sang happy bir-
The minutes were approv-
ed as read by the secretary,.
Mrs. Tom Haggitt. She also
read a letter from the
Department of Health con-
cerning the New Horizon
grant being terminated and
stating that the Auburn
Silver Tops had reached all
requirements. —
The financial statement
was given by the treasurer,
Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock.
Plans were made for the
next meeting and dinner on
-March --.-11 .at 12;15 p.m.
sharp. Committee to be in
charge will be Mrs. Tom Jar -
din, Mrs. Jack Lockhart,
Mrs. Dorothy Grange and
Mrs. Orval McPhee. Again,
everyone is asked to change
dessert and salads - if you
brought a salad this time, br-
ing a dessert next time.
Ross Robinson and Elliott
Lapp operated the projector
and showed three reels of
filen on Don Messer touring
Canada and many of his con-
certs. To the delight of
everyone, the solos of the
late Charlie Chamberlain
and Marg Osborne were
Someone recently saidLa
big shot is a little shot that
kept shooting!
Pumper's future. discussed
To sell or not to sell. That
will be the question facing
the Auburn Village Trustee
Board and the ratepayers at
a special ratepayers
meeting to be held on March
14 at 7:30 p.m. in the town
hall with regards to the old
fire engine pumper. This
was one of the topics discuss-
ed at the. February meeting
held in the town hall last
4-H Club news
Auburn I, 4-H club held its
second meeting at the home
of Mrs. Lynn Chamney for
the spring project, `Ready,
Get Set, Sew'. President
Vickie Rodger opened the
meeting with the 4-H pledge
followed by the minutes read
by the secretary, Lorie Cart-
The leader, Mrs. Jackie
Collins led the discussion
about the sewing machine
and its different parts. The
members worked and com-
pleted a quiz on the parts.
The assistant leader, Mrs.
Lynn Chamney also assisted
with the discussion.
After much thought, the
girls voted to call their club,
Sew Perfect.
The girls studied the width
and length in dart altera-
tions, and also learned how
to prepare theiebric for cut-
The Sew Perfect Club then
closed the meeting with the
4-H motto. The next meeting
will be held at the home of
the leader, Mrs. Jackie Col-
lins on February 16.
Saturday evening.
The chairman of the
Trustee Board . Warner An-
drews, was in charge of the
meeting. The secretary:
Mrs. Gail Dobie read 'the
minutes of the previous
meeting which were ac-
cepted as read.
The garbage ontract was
reviewed with s e changes
in rules made. Auburn had
had garbage collection since
The request to keep the
polling station for West
Wawanosh in Auburn is to be
sent to the returning officer.
Plans were discussed
regarding putting a light on
Manchester Garden in co-
operation with the Hor-
ticultural Society.
Trustees Gordon Powell
and Jim Schneider led in
discussion of other business
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Cperi 10-5:30
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Season set
Festival .off
The a'tratford Festival will
mount eight productions in a
22 -week season from June 4
to October 31, Consulting
Artistic Director John
Hirsch announced today.
Two weeks of preview
performances will precede
the official 1981 Opening on
June 15.
Shakespeare's Coriolanus
and The Taming of the
Shrew, together with The
Misanthrope by Moliere will
be the three Festival Theatre
openings. H.M.S. Pinafore
will mark the return of
Gilbert and Sullivan to the
Avon Theatre.
The Comedy of Errors will
join the Festival Theatre
repertory mid-season,
together with three
productions at the Avon
rs eight productions
Theatre: The Rivals, by
Richard Brinsley Sheridan,
The Visit by Friederich
Durrenmatt and Wild Oats
by John O'Keeffe.
The schedule of openings
will be as follows: H.M.S.
Pinafore, June 15 (previews
start June 4); The Misan-
thrope, June 15 (previews
start June 10); Coriolanus,
June 16 (previews start June
5); The Taming of the
Shrew, June 17 (previews
start June 6); The Rivals,
August 9 (previews start
August 4) ; The Comedy of
Errors, August 14 (previews
start August 12); The Visit,
August 15 (previews start
August 13); Wild Oats,
September 25 (previews
start September 23 )..,
Brian Bedford, Len
Cariou, Danielle Darrieux
and William Hutt will head
the acting company, with
Mr. Bedford appearing as
Alceste in The Misanthrope,
Mr. Cariou as Corialanus in
Coriolanus and as Petruchio
in The Taming of the Shrew,
Miss Darrieux as Claire in
The Visit and Mr. Hutt as Ill
in The Visit.
Mr. Bedford, who made his
debut as a director with' a
highly praised "Titus
Andronivcus" in 1978 and
1980, will direct two
productions in the new
season: Coriolanus and The
The 1981 season will also
mark the return to Stratford
of one of Canada's most
eminent men of the theatre,
Jean Gascon who will direct
Try armchair gardening
The snow isstill on the
ground, but many home
gardeners are already at
work planning their 1981
"One good way to start is
to spend a few evenings in
your favorite armchair
reading the new seed
catalogues," says Bob Flem-
ing, Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food hor-
ticulturist. "Illustrated mail
order seed catalogues can
.brighten many cold and
dreary winter nights until
the spring thaw."
The catalogues show new-
ly released annuals, peren-
nials and woody plants.
Descriptive information is
presented about every entry
to persue. You .to ._hide.
Many seed catalogues' in-
clude helpful information
about cultural practices for
appear tempting," says Mr.
Fleming. "But be cautious;
read all the information.
before you order new and un-
tried garden plants."
Be sure to select varieties
that are best suited to your
local climatic conditions and
soil type. Check the varieties
for resistance to diseases.
Catalogues offer some in-
teresting ideas for the spring
vegetable garden. But
before you get carried away,
consider your family's
preferences, and the amount
of time and space available.
Election dates set
With the upcoming
provincial election on
Thursday, March 19 only a
month away, there are some
important dates to
remember for voters and
The enumeration of the
voters is to -be completed by
this Saturday, 'February 26
with the revision period` of
the list to take place between
flowers and vegetables. ' February 23 and March 7,
"When you look at the plc- when the polling lists will be
tures, all of the colorful p1epared.
flowers -'lash-vegetables---- b 5is'tbe talky for
filing nomination papers tor
prospective candidates.
The first advance poll will
be held on, Saturday, March
14, and the second day of
advance polling will be held
on Monday, March 16.
Election day is Thursday,
March 19.
Voters who didn't .receive
an enumeration card from
their enumerators, are
advised to contact their
respected returning officer,
whose ad appears elsewhere
in this paper.
The Misanthrope and The
Visit. Opera and stage
director Leon Major will
direct H.M.S. ' Pinafore,
which will have sets
designed by Murray Laufer
and costumes by Astrid
Janson. Musical direction
will be by Berthold Carriere
and choreography by Judith
Noted British director
Peter Dews, last in Stratford
for "King John" in 1974, will
relirn to direct The Taming
of the Shrew and The
Comedy of Errors. The
Shrew will be designed by
Susan Benson who has been
appointed Head of Design at
the Stratford Festival.
8:90 P.M.
Township of Goderich
Saturday, February 21, 1981
Goderich Township
Community Centre
2:00 P.M.
This is a public mooting hold under Sections 12 and 17
of the Ontario Planning Act to discuss a proposed
amendment to .the Goderich Township Secondary Plan
to allow for the construction of 76 condominium units
on Part Lot 1, Bayfield Concession, Township of
Goderich. The site of the proposed development is im-
mediately north of tho Village of Bayfield, between
the Jowett's Grove Road and Highway No. 21.
Copies of this proposal may be obtained from the
Huron County Planning ,0epartEnent, Court Mousse.
Goderich. Ontario.
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Polyethylene k,.
apour barn.,
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{•rete.,•• lwe telt ti110-1r0
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