HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-02-12, Page 161 pagg 1,r,--ameo N S i .1. Y, FTORLIARY 1T,19131 Ah.utpeople you know BappitNewYear There was a happy celebration in the Wisest= Community Christian Church last Friday af- ternoons Actually it was a doable celebration, when some 30 students were bratigg their graduation from a six month course learning ktgli.shasa sealed baguage. Celebrating with the students were the two teaches; Margaret Airey and Anthony Robinson. The students are all refugees from South East Asia, seine from Vietnam -and others from Leta. The second reason for the celebra9tiott,aas me occasion which is also celebrated in Vietnam and other coun- tries. This new year, celebration is called "Tet". The master of ceremonies was Throng Tran, who was also awarded for being the all around hest student of the group. Special guests of honour were Norma Robson, Joy Langan and Howie Langan who all serve the refugees as hosts in various ways. Mrs. -Jona Jones, was the senior among the guests and was .nominated as the grandmother Of all refugees. She gladly accepted this - pital011 and said that.. in addition to her own grand- children she welcomes all the students to consider her as their grandmother as well. Rev. Peter Mantel was also special guest of honour and was designated by the students as friend no. 1. Students who won the first. award. as being the best.. atuderits'v inre -Lanz Nguyen - aid .his brother Phuong. Perhaps there isa reason for these two , to be the best students, their father is a . teacher!A demonstration of • —martioreatisecalled .. Kwan Do" was given by Hung Vo, • The guitar player for the stud t;,mho' .eniy arrived here a week ago sang. one of the Vietnamese songs. The ref eshunents were prepared ,aid served by the students • and all enjoyed a special Vietnanese.cake. Mr. Howie Langan look ' a number of group pictures. Eric Smith from the emigration office also attended. Margaret Airey received a special token of thanks from the students for all her extra work and effort on behalf of, them in addition to teaching English. - Margaret also arranged fora bus to take all those who wanted to come to a "Teti' celebration in Stratford on Saturday. evening. Chaperones were Evelyn and Peter. Mantel: About 48 persons, two sponsors from the Goderich area Linda Bruinsma ' and Irene Ott also attended. In Stratford St. John's United Church, we ' were joined by many other South East Asians with their sponsors. Total of 250 air tended. The first part of the program was a judo demonstration by a local judo group. The Vanastra family of Mr. and Mrs. Antonio and Bounpheng Visouvath performed a beautiful Laotian musical dance, including all eight children with a guitarist. Pimm Hoa frau Vanastra played the guitar and Hung Vo demonstrated his martial arts once more. Two other Vietnamese students from the Stratford area performed musical numbers. Judo There is a change in the achedWe for.J..udo,.which_wii. .-beheldenSrindoy.udystftve Vanastra Recreation Centre with ages six years to 14 years from 2 to 3 p.m: and ages 15 yrs and up from 3 to 4:30 pan. At 11:30 p.m. all loaded again into the. bus for home and all appreciated very much the patience and the courtesy of Keith Tyndall, - the busdriver from Murphy Bus Lines. Cubs We would lake, to thank Clem Goukimg for filling in for Tam Thomas who was on business in Toronto. Clem took the older Cubs and worked on the Red Star with them. Meryl Thomas took the younger Cubs and worked on the Blue Star with then. The boys are working on posters for Scout Week and are to hand them in on February 16th. A new song "I saw a bear" was taught. Badges were given to the folloiwing boys: toy makers badge, Tony Goulding and Darryl-- Dison,- -" collectors badge; Derrick Dixon; house orderly,. Kenny MclIveen; personal fitness, Billy Joe Hoy and Pkirryl Dixon; artist badge, Paul Handy; -Canadian-flag; ----Kenny-- Mcliveen and Benny Bjerg. Public school news Tomorrow wef we will be AVit■ '24.1t? ; >s we the` boys and girls of the Vanastra Public School havebeen decorating our Valentine Tree with paper. hearts. For each nickel that a child brings to the school, he -she receives one paper heart for the tree. At the end of the week, the money collected in this way will be sent to the Canadian Save The Children Fund. Next Tuesday, your older pupils are looking forward to a performance by , the London Symphony at the Seaforth High School. Later on this month our younger pupils will be attending a puppet, play, "Hensel and Gretal" at Huron Centennial Public School. We would like to thank the Vanastra parents for their support in our March of Dimes campaign and our Canadian Tire Money Blitz. The children are enjoying their new flying saucers very' much.Curling Club • A men's bonspiel was held at the Vanastra Curling Club on Saturday January 31st spousoa+ed by Helsall Co -Op. Overall winners were: Ken Rogerson, Jack -McLachlan, Fred Zeman and Bob McLachlan. Second place Whiten were: Bill$haddick. Murray Adams, Mervin Durnin and Tom Can-- Tie far 3rd place by Bruce Shillinglaw, Glen Hayter, Bob Anderson and Art Devos and the other team: Arnold Taylor, Rai Taylor, Bill Gibson and Don McGregor. Thank you to the ladies for the wonderful meal and to the organizers for a great day. Sincere thanks to all of those who supported our dance on Feb. lar at the atereationcogre. A great time was had by all. ' Uoue club At the dinner meeting at the Vanastra Recreation Centre last week, the guest speaker was Rosemary Armstrong, who is the co- ordinator of the Huron Day Centre for the Homebound There is an executive meeting at John Bjerg's on Wednesday, February llth at 7 p.m. The next business meeting is on Wed. Feb. 18th at the Vanastra Recreation Centre at 7 p.m. A new program is presently un- derway for the n-derway.forthe kids. Every moth, a film will be shown at the Vanastra Recreation Centre for 50 cents. Christian Church Sunday's message was based on a quote from Evangelism Explosion: "Suppose then that you were to die tonight and that you stood before God and He said to you: "Why should net you into My Freaven7" row do you think you would respond?" Regular choir practice will be Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. This coming Friday is --Vietnamese evening -- with Rev. Ut Van To coming over from Toronto for a service. On February- 20th, volun- Carnival champs Winners in the Optimist Winter Carnival outdoor toboggan and snow shoe races included, back row left to right, Eugene De Jong, John Cameron; George Hoy, and .tQ e111,4refMes,4.y-,-x reading from the gospel of Mark are invited to attend for a time of instruction. Next Sunday, February 15th; the celebration of communion will be held On February 22 there will be a celebration with the Cubs, Guides, Brownies, Scouts and Pathfinders for Scout Week. Following the service will be pot hick. The church will supply coffee and freshie. If your parents are not going to attend please bring a bag hunch. Lioness Club The Lioness Club is sponsoring a Red Cross Babysitting course to be held March 24,25,26 and 27from7 - 8 p.m. at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Refresh- ments will be served every 'night This is for girls or boys ll years of age and up., Certificates will be issued upon successful completion of the course and money fol registration must be in by March 7th to Linda Dixon 482-9183, Myrna Smith 482- 3591 or Meryl Thomas 482- 9487. Why not buy for less and get the best! TV Where customers send their friends 9 Main St. Phone 527-1075 Open 10-5:30 Fridays 10:00-9:00 Closed We nesriary Seaforth Don MacDonald. Front row are Brenda Nesbitt, Gerd Sparks, Jason Carter, Sandy Carter, Don Sparks, and. Robbie Radford. (Tom McMahon photo) Coinniunity news Persesal s Get well wishes to Sharon BoGeloir, after her brief stay in Clinton Hospital Get well wishes to Kelly Russo in IaondonHospidaL Myrna and Glen Sniff were in Kitr3nener attending a wedding on the weekend. Wayne Ferguson, went ice fishiig near Sutton for the weekend with a group from Seaforth. Kern and Kelly's cousin Alison Hannah :and her parents visited for the weekend. Get well wishes to Den McLean in London Hospital. Goodbye to the Frank Goulding and Ches Higdon families, who left for Labrador City on Tuesday. Best wishes to all of then. Jim Ryan attended Level I Training School for Scouting in Mitchell for the Weekend. Goodbye and safe journey Wildrs. Gaiuhi►g (Frank and Clem's mother) who returned to Gander, Newfoundland on Sunday Feb. 8th. Angus, Rose and Peter lbuinmel were in Buffalo for the weekend Brawak s This week's column written byShelly Stone: February 3rd our Buie meeting started at 4 p.m We went to our grogas and we bed Brownie gold and .tin we sat down fern us to see if our hands are clean and then we played games thenSllelly Stone and Laura Fordie had to go to Brown Owl, told as to write a story what we had done at Brownies. We closed aur ung. by joining hands in a circle and squeezed our hands and prayed and Brown Owl said good night to the Brownies. Guides A reminder to the girls that International Flight is on February 18th and the girls are to wear costumes and bring something from the land they represent to eat. Thinking Day posters are to be handed in on ble rraaary nth for- display at the Vanastra Clristian (lurch. There will be a parade of all groups at the Vanastra Christian Church on Sunday, February 22nd with pot luck to follow. More details next week SUPER SPECIAL GILLETTE savingszTHIS PAGE OF SPECIALPRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY FEB. 24. 1981. SPECIALTO T WE RESERVE THE' RIGHT TO LIMIT REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS PURCHASES - - , 1 ' IGHT 3UARD " _. ____ T SPECIAL • REGULAR OR EXTRA BODY SILKUENCE SHAMPOO - 200 ml. BOTTLE t69 OUR REGULAR $2.15 ! ---.. --- - _ Cj '_`� 4. :___.__...�� _ - --- ,Q� � � .j, , ,. Atm] - ..�. SCENTED OR UNSCENTED _DRY.. _IDEA _....._...... ROLL-ON 50 inl. OUR REG. 51.95 149 r .. �. _ 0 ,„, SPECIAL GILLETTE OUR REG. $1.89 AMA DISPOSABLE STYLE CARTRIDGES 5.s r SPECIAL REGULAR. EXTRA BODY OR BALSAM & PROTEIN TAME CREME RINSE . 225 ml. OUR REG. 51.99 1.77 PKG. REGULAR OR EXTRA HOLD DRY LOOK HAIR OUR REG. S2.05 GILLETTESPRAY .FOAMY F CE SAVER CONUT EG. LEMON E COCONUT SHAVE CREAM 3.m..-1. 250 ml. OUR REG. 52.79 . 09 SPECIAL OUR REG. S2.39 POWDER - REGULAR a UNSCENTED • RICHT GUARD / ANTIPERSPIRANT 200 ml. • SPECIAL REGULAR 99C DISPOSABLE CRICKET LIGHTERS ,..6ES6, SCENTED OR UNSCENTED SOFT1 DRI OUR REG. $2.73 SCENTED, SUPER DRY, UNSCENTED SOFT 1' DRI 1 DEODORANT 200 1. m ROLL-ON 75 ml. SIZE le69 SPECIAL HARD TO HOLD REGULAR HOLD OUR REG. $2.99 UNSCENTED ADORN '. HAIRSPRAY 4120 m1. SPECIAL; $ RICHT GUARD DEODORANT 460 mi. OUR REG. 53.21 1 - ----- REGULAR OR X BODY SILKIENGE CONDITIONER 200 ml. OUR REG. 52.16s g A a , zehis $.f • a