HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-02-12, Page 14PAGE 14—CLINTON NEWS—RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1981 Holmes By illanehe Deeves 11;�n 1E11F5 Jackie Norman sang a special solo number at the BnImesville United Church's Sunday woke. Rev. Scott spoke to the thicken about the peati and as his semen talked about the creative use of. time. John Wyatt and 'Irvine Tebbit received : the of . This Sunday the session will meet at 12:45 pin. On February 12, theseuior choir will hold pia late p.m. at the Wesley Willis Church, and a social time will follow at 9 p,m. Don't forget that a skating party wit be held on February 22. Schoolaews Due to the recent increase in • milk prices, the Hohnesrille Public Sdiool has found tit necessary to raise their prices. i eetive- Fe • + 9=ice. `hem cents each or$1.50 aweek. The Gregory Studios were at the school last Thursday afternoon to do photo re- takes. On February 11 the Huron County Health Unit was scheduled to visit the school and give immunization boosters - Gtr February 16 the public speaking competition will be held in the gym, beginning at 1 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. The Clinton Legion will be hosting the public speaking finals for the area ' on February24at7;30 p.m. Two seniors and two. juniors will Man killed e Church p1 be selected from the Hohnesville school to take part in theeouipetition. The students will be going to the Clinton Arena on February 13 for a skating party. It will be held from 1-3 p.m. and parents are most welcome to attend. The students will be returning home directly from the arena. If anyone does not wish to have their children participate, they can pick them up at the school at hunch time, before 12:30 p.m.. The. morning of March 5 will be dedicated to kin- dergarten registration. Hearing and vision testing will be done at this time. • The Grade 7 and 8 classes went on a cross country ski tour at the Lobb farm last week. A special note of than is extended to Don and Alison Lobb for their assistance. The primary end eta jayed as outdoor day on January 23. The students were divided into 12 teams and did relays at six stations. The winning team was the Wonder Twins. February 13 will be T-shirt Day, to coincide with the skating party. Enterprising Seniors The Goderich Township Enterprising Seniors met in the township hall on February 5. Mrs. Jean Lobb chaired the meeting and Mrs. Cudmore took the roll call and read the minutes of the last meeting: Fran Powell gave the financial statement and the card and • -flower report was -given by GODERICH - Philmore Clayton Bissett, 66, of RR 2, Goderich died in a January 31 fire that destroyed his .Goderich Township home, Etat of Gode>tich, jut off Highway8. ;Mr . Biiselt died in the fire that was believed to have been ignited by careless Smoking. His body was --recovered from.the_ruins-the— nest ui a -._nest day. ,His, wife Audrey was rescued from the,., burning structure. !by Richard Hooper, 30, of Lonhin. Mr. Hooper was fpassing .by the VLA subdivision, just east of Goderich, when he saw that the 100 -year-old house was engulfed in flames. "There were people standing around but the fire department hadn't arrived and they were reluctanttodo anything," Mr. Hooper reported. "I got a flashlight and went in the door on my hands and knees," he said. "I couldn't see too much but I noticed a pair of boots sticking out of the smoke. I just grabbed the feet and Oiled her out." Mrs. Bissett was taken from the house in a semi- conscious state and was administered arrygen when the fire department arrived shortly afterwards. " "I had no fear," Mr. Hooper said. "I lived in Goderich and had mine and rescue training and St. John's Ambulance training." Mr. Hooper said he tried to ask Mrs. Bissett if anyone else was in the house but her speech was incoherent. He was able to understand that Mr. Bissett was still inside the burning house bit said, "I tried to get her to tell me where he was but by that time you couldn't see for all the smoke." Along with his wife, Mr. Bissett is survived by eight children and his mother Ella May Bissett of Seaforth. Left homeless SEAFORTH - Jean Fehr and her five children have been left homeless as a result of a January 29 fire that destroyed their farmhouse near Winthrop, north of Seaforth. The Seaforth Fire Department were unable to control the blaze that resulted in up to $20,000 in damages. The family were unable to save any belongings and a car parked beside the frame house was also damaged. Seaforth firemen battled a chimney fire at the same home about two years ago. Fire Chief Harry Hak said that it is believed that the blaze started from an overheated kitchen stove. None of the family members were home when the fire broke out. Blanche Deeves. Mrs. Lobb reported that photos had been taken to Goderich to be framed. Hazel McCreath showed pictures of the piano the group bought from Draper and Reid in Clinton. Also the shuffleboard darts, chairs, cards, electric kettle, dishes and refrigerator were all purchased and are in the hall. John Deeves was asked to look at a bingogame. Correspondence was read by Mrs. Cudmore and the Seniors have been asked to help serve lunch at the opening of the hall on March 14. Charlotte Norman, Marion Smith and Grace Walter will be in charge of organizing this. The Seniors have been invitedto attenda card party at the Clinton Legion. The party will help raise money for tie Clinton hospital and ilte date 1v .be . amounoed later. On behalf of Goderich Township Council Reeve Grant Sterling thanked the Seniors for their help in furnishing the hall. Hilda Semple and Mary Sterling will be in charge of lunch for the next meeting on February 19 and the directors are asked to meet It 1:30 p.m.. prior to the meeting. Several games of euchre were played, while others tried their hand at shuf- fleboard. WI meet Mrs. Hazel McCreath chaired the February 9 meeting of .the Goderich AN0!JVAL MEETIN'Q HOWICK MUTUAL -INSURANCE COMPANY Wroxeter, Ontario FORMERLY HOWICK FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY„ The 10Sth ANNUAL MEETING of the Company will be held in the Wroxeter Community Hall, Wroxeter, On- tario on. Friday, February 20, 1981 at1:30p.m. Purpose: 1. To receive the Annual Statement and Auditor's Report. 2. To elect two Directors to replace Ron McMichael and Clark Hutchison, whose term of office expires. Ron Mc- Michael is eligible for re-election. 3. To amend by-law no. 33 - Director's Remuneration. 4. To appoint an Auditor for 1051. S. To transact any other business which may rightly come before the Annual Meeting. 6. A presentation will be made by the Ontario Provin- dal Polkas ora the now Tre>3puss and LOW:4119y :ac9. Ron McMichael President Randy Hutchinson Manager II ed lenient complete Supps and�applicatitheme! iretu�n Fill out your Guaranteed Income Supplement application forms and send them in right away! The forth have been mailed to all pen- sioners now receiving the Supplement. To continue receiving the Supplement you must fill out the forms and return them right away if you want to continue receiv- ing the Supplement beyond March 31. If you don't do it — the payments will stop!. So, fill out the form ... return it in the addressed envelope that was supplied... and continue receiving payments. 1+ Health and Welfare Canada Monique Begin Minister Sante et Bien -etre social Canada s 1a Township Women's Institute (WI). Bernice McIlwain read the minutes of the last meeting aid it was decided to take a axes trip. A discussion was held on the Variety Night, planned for March 11 and Mrs. McCreath talked about the fashion show which will be part of the entertainment. Alice Porter donated a needlepoint wall hanging of the WI crest. It will be hung in the township hall. A donation dwas Made ` to the Lloyd Penfound family who lost their home in a fire. It was agreed that Mrs. Porter should get materials to make articles for the War Memorial Hospital in London. Helen Lindsay spoke on how to get the „most from small appliances to save energy. Mrs. • McL-lwain shake- on ,resolutiuns and after the meeting lunch was served. 4-H news Sewing was the theme of the first meeting of the Hohnesville l 4-H club. The spring project is called Get Ready, Set, Sew and the first meeting was held on February 2. For the project, club members will learn the basics of sewing and will make one article of clothing, either a skirt or a vest. Officers were elected and they include: president, Jackie Norman; vice president, Shane' Hutchings; secretary, Lisa Forbes; press reporter, Brenda Harris. The leaders are Rosemary Sellars and her assistant leader is Sheryl Thompson. The members discussed and took their own measurements. They also talked about colors, material designs and pattern sizes. The second meeting was held on February 9 and Lisa Forbes read the minutes of the previous mee.g.y discussed_ teir:.club ...name and Jackie NorTnan led the girls in the study of sewing machines and pattern alterations. After the girls laid their patterns out, Jackie Norman served retreshments. The third meeting is scheduled for February 16 at 7 pm in the township hall. News and notes The Goderich Township Hall was filled to capacity on Saturday day eveening as this Country Singles held their dance to the music of Country Suishine. Lunch was served by the Singles and township members in charge of the dance were Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Don Forbes. Pat Harris of Hohnesville and five girls from the Bluewater Centre travelled to Montreal last weekend to see the Boston -Montreal holey game. The girls all enjoyed their trip and Pat was lucky enough to speak with Maurice Richard. Gordon and Joyce Sellwood of Barrie were viviters en the weekend with Joyce's parents . Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Perdue. Thanks goes to the township men who work on the snow plows to keep the roads clear. They deserve a lot of praise. The Clinton Hospital Building fund took a big leap last week when the Hospital Auxiliary past president Dawna Westlake gave a $2,000 cheque to fund raising chairman Steve Cooke. The money was gained from the profits of the Auxiliary's gift shop. (James Fitzgerald photo) FRESH ONTARIO PORK CENTRE CUT LOIN CHOPS • LB. FRESH ONTARIO PORK TENDERLOIN END LOIN ROAST 3LB. AVG. LB. REGULAR, MAPLE OR THICK APLE :LEAF SIDE -BACON 500 g. PKG. YOUNG ONTARIO CHICKEN BREASTS FRESH NOT FROZEN • 11.48. PART BACK ON FRESH ONTARIO CHICKEN MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED COTI'AGE ROLL SCHNEIDERS FRESH LARGE RING BOLOGNA BY THE PIECE '1.79. 1/2's VACUUM PACKED , Ib BUDDIGS SLICED MEATS b VARIETIES 71 gr PKG S9° zehrs fine markets... of fine foods FRESH PORK LOIN 1110 PORTION COUNTRY STALE SCHNEIDERS SANDWICH STYLE MEAT ROLLS 6 VARIETIES 250 gr ea r v ea RlB , SCHNEIDERS POPULAR WIENERS $1.6s RED HOTS OR ALL BEEF 1 Ib PKG CUDDY SLICED PREPARED PRIDE OF CANADA COOKED TURRET MEATS PORK SHOULDER KIELBOSSA SALAMI TURKHAM 175 yr PKG 1/2's VAC PAC 2.29 DINNER STYLE SCHNEIDERS BOWL OF HEAD CHEESE 375 gr 139 MAPLE LEAF COOKED HAM STEAKS 175 gr 169 SCHNEIDERS SAUSAGFROZEN BREAKFAST2,38 500OOgr SCHNEIDERS SMOKED SAUSAGE Ib 2.25 MAPLE LEAF SLICED COOKED HAM 175 gr �% 51 AT THE DELI COUNTER MAPLE LEAF SLICED BAKED PEPPER LOAF & MEAT LOAF CUDDY WHITE ANO DARK MEAT COOKED TURKEY ROLL Ib. STORE SLICED Ib. BONELESS FULLY COOKED BURNS DINNER HAM STORE SLICED Ib AT THE WHARF FRESH FISH COUNTER NOT IN ALL MARKETS FRESH ATLANTIC SOLE FILLETS 199 1.98 139 :3.69 APPLE -KRAUT COUNTRY -STYLE RIBS 3 pounds fresh coumry.style pork ribs Freshly ground popper 3 cups sauerkraut rinsed and drained I (7 o.) can tomato ,sauce 2 tablespoons brown . sugar '. cup vinegar 3 medium apples cored and chopped ' , teaspoon caraway seeds Place country -style robs tat side down o o rock In a shallow baking dish Rub with pepper Dobe in 3250F oven for 45 minutes. Combine remaining mgred,ents Spread mixture over pork Bake for 45 minutes longer Makes 6 servings. Serve with small boiled potatoes SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 PROD OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA GROWN FRESH BROCCOLI PRODUCT OF CANADA EXTRA FANCY RED DELICIOUS APPLES PRODUCE OF CANADA EXTRA FANCY GOLD DELICIOUS APPLES w.neL Ib. 5 0 PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES SIZE 138's g PRODUCT OF CANADA FANCY GRADE DINO!! PEARS 0 DOZ. .6-9# SIP TRY SPINACH IN YOUR SALAD PROD. OF U.S.A. FRESH SPINACH 10 oa. PKG. 9 PROD. OF U.S.A. CAN. NO. 1 GRADE CALIFORNIA CELERY STALKS 510 MILO TASTING PRODUCT OF CANADA .URUSSEL SPROUTS PROD. OF MEX. CAN. N,O. 1 LARGE SLICING CUOUMIERS Ib 84' ? 99°