HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-02-12, Page 13f the 1 Winners in the Optimist Winter Carnival euchre tour- filen. Back are Jim Switzer and Bill Holland. (photo by nament last Saturday included, front row, left to right, Tom McMahon) Muriel Beyers, Jean McEwan, Rita Powell and Herb AUBURN Eleanor Brodnock, editor advocate CLINTON NEWSeREOORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1901 - -PAG. .13 Area girls complete babysiuingcourse St. Mare's Anglican Church girls reported at the A.C.W. annual meeting that they have had a very in- teresting year. Several area girls successfully completed a babysitting course. mese girls learned that there is more to babysitting than just changing diapers and play- ing games. The course' covered a basic knowledge of first aid, accident and fire prevention, etc. All girls who successfully completed the exam, received a certificate. Mrs. Laura Lawrence from Klip and Kurt beauty shop in Auburn_ demonstrated different hair styles and types. She also demonstrated the impor- tance mportance of proper hair care, types 'of shampoo, etc. eed answered maqy questions,' ' The Anglican Church girls Holmesville II 4-H club starts The first meeting of the Holmesville II 4-H .Homemaking Club was held . on Saturday, "January 31. This year's project is „ltteady...Get Set, .Sew". 4- H'erz are required -to make either a skirt or vest. The leaders of ourclub are Mrs. Bev Van Ninhuys and Mrs.' Liz Feltham. We received our members' manuals and went through the activities of the meeting in the handbook. We elected our officers as follows: president, Barbie Brand; vice-president, Denise Brand:. secretary, Cathy Van Ninhuys; treasurer and press reporter, Jeannie Brand. The second meeting of the Holmesville 4-H club was held on Saturday, February 7 at the home of our leader Mrs. Bev Van Ninhuys. We read out of the manual about the sewing machine. After- ward we >iraed our skills at the sewing machine on some test material. Our leaders then divided us into two groups - those making a skirt and those making a vest. Our leader Mrs. Bev Van Ninhuys took those making vests and showed them how to make alterations. Our assistant leader, Mrs. Liz Feltham took those making skirts and showed them how to make alterations. The next meeting will be held on Saturday, February 14 at 1:30 p.m. at Mrs. Bev Van Ninhuys' home — by Jeannie Brand held a dance complete with a disc jockey and lunch bar. They took charge of the tea table at the Auburn and District Lions Club auction sae snd eimaPnfpn a film '1 Heard the Owl Call My Name'. The girls were treated to a barbecue and swim at the home of the Reverend and Mrs. Wiiliam Craven in Goderich. Since September, the girls have been working on their craft badges. Their work was put on display last December at the Santa Bazaar and Tea. Santa Claus with his helpers, Raggedy Anne and Raggedy Andy, gave out treats to all the tle ones and this proved vey succ-essfuL The girls have donated VO9. to : Purchase, a stained glass -window foe tiie church and have their name on it. The girls are now working on their hostess badges and will be serving dinner to the Auburn and District Lions Club. To obtain their badges, they must know how to pro- perly set a dinner table, serve the food and clean up after the meal Some food preparation will also be taught. Any girls, 11 years of age and older, 'are welcome to come and join in the fun. Any parent wishing more infor- Auburn residents support the Penfound family PARTY FOR PENI!OUNDS Auburn • Community Memorial Hall was filled to capacity last Friday evening when neighbors and friends gathered to have a party for Uoyd _and Vera Penfound "and family who recently lost their home to.fire. Larry Johnston and Hans Boonstoppel were in charge of the door and gave out tickets for the progressive euchre.-Prize.winnerswere: • high lady -Mrs. Gordon Gross tied with Mrs.\ Marion Sproul, low lady -(playing as a lady) Bruce Penfound, high ' i an -Dennis Penfound`,- The-manrgifts were. car - for the bridal shower for Miss Lynn Turner. The bridal register was in the charge of Carol Seers. • Mrs.. Rick Hawley was chairman and welcomed all. She • gave two readings, Words of Wisdom and A Recipe for Living. She also led everyone in a singsong. Mrs. Allan Reed of Hensall gave a contest and Mrs. San- dy Andrews was the winner. Corsages were pinned on Lynn .by.Mrs. Allan Craig, on Mrs. Robert Turner by Mrs. Beth Lansing and on Mrs. Roy Allen by Mrs. William Seers. and low man -Ted ,flunking. Crokinole was also played. The address was given by Hans Boonstoppel and the presentation of money was made by Larry Johnston. Gordon Daer was in charge of the euchre. • Vera and Lloyd thanked everyone for their gifts and expressed their sincere thanks to all who had assisted in many 'ways since the fire. Lunch was served by neighbors and friends. BRIDAL SHOWER Red and white streamers and red hearts decorated Knox United Church Sunday . School room last Thursday tied in by Carol Seers, Paula Feagan, Beth and Amy Hawley, Jennifer Stadehnann, Jeremy Reed and Ian Andrews. Miss Lor- raine Chamney assisted with the gifts. A large bow hat was made by Trudy Andrews and Lor- raine Chamney. Lynn was assisted in opening gifts by her mother and her future mother-in-law, Mrs. Roy Allen. She thanked her relatives and friends for the many gifts and lunch was served by the Auburn neighbors and friends. LIONS CLUB Auburn and District Lions Our mistake A story in last week's News -Record incorrectly gave the municipal break- down of the two ridings in our coverage area. The Huron -Bruce provincial riding consists of the Huron County townships of Colborne, Hullett, McKillop, Ashfield; East and West Wawa nosh, Morris, Grey, Howick, and Turn - berry, the Bruce ----County townships of Huron, Kin- cardine, Kinloss, Culross, Carrick, Greenock Bruce and Saugeen, and the towns of Wingham, Kincardine, Port Elgin, as well as Brussels, Blyth, Southam- pton, Tiverton, Ripley, and Mildmay. The Huron -Middlesex riding consists of the Huron municipalities of Goderich, Goderich Township, Stanley, Tuckersmith, Hay, Stephen, Usborne, Clinton, Seaforth, Exeter, Hensall, Bayfield, Zurich, and the Middlesex County municipalities of Adelaide, _East and West Williams, Bidduiph, McGillvary, Parkhill,. Lucan, and Ailsa Craig. The News -Record apologizes for any in- conveniences this error may have caused. The Huron Bruce Provincial Liberal Assoc. will hold their NOMINATION MEETING on Tuesday, February 17th At Lucknow Community Centre at 8:00 p.m. GUST SPEAKER STUART SMITH Leader of the Liberal Party of Ontario VOTING FOR CANDIDATES BY MEMBERSHIP ONLY New Membership must be purchased 72 hours prior to the meeting Memberships and Renewals available by Contacting the Executive, Municipal Chairmen or Declared Candidates b Club met last Wednesday in the Community Memorial Hall with 17 members pre- sent. The dinner was served by members of the Women's Institute. The president, Lion Steve Campbell presid- ed. Lion Bud Chamney won the dinner draw prize. Lion Bob Worsen gave the secretary's report which was accepted on motion of Lion Fred Lawrence and Lion Clare Millian • The-: _financial.._ IMM_: was given by "" Lion Doug Chamney. He gave a review of each account and showed - a good profit from the lunch booth at the poker rallyon January 25. This was ac- cepted on motion of Lion Marinus Bakker and Lion Al Luna. Correspondence was read by the president, Lion Steve Campbell. Lion Fred Lawrence and ,, Lion Jim Schneider reported that there had been a good response to help the Pen - found family after the fire. Upcoming projects include a maple syrup festival on Saturday, April 4 with a pan- cake breakfast, craft show and various contests. Winner of the 50-50 draw was Jim Glousher. The prize was $137. The Lions Club members extend their thanks to Jim who donated $100 back to the club. The next meeting will be held in the Sunday School room of Knox United Chur- ch. CHURCH NEWS The annual meeting of Knox United Church was held following the service last Sunday. The minister, Richard Hawley, B.A., was chairman and opened with prayer. Maurice Bean, secretary of the church, read the minutes of the last annual meeting. • Elliott Lapp, chairman of the nominating committee, _brought in _the ,new .slag • of officers for the coming year. Two new elders appointed were Stanley Ball and Mrs. Jack Armstrong. New stewards are Miss Brenda Ball, Mrs. Allan Webster and a junior steward, Miss Linda Cunningham. New members to the manse committee are Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Lapp. The resignation of Barry Millian as Sunday School superintendent at the end of June was accepted with regret. A vote of thanks was given to Barry for his splen- • did effort as superintendent for the past three years. All departments of the church showed an excellent year. There were two new ventures in 1980: the Couples Club meeting once a month with 'an average of 12 couples; a junior choir under the leadership of Mrs. Rick Hawley, Mrs. Barry Millian and Mrs. Gordon Gross. They have 18 to 20 children wishing to learn to sing. In closing, Mr. Hawley thanked the congregation on HURON-Nro MIDDLESEX (PROV.) LIBERAL ASSOCIATION NOT10E OF NOMINATION MEETING A meeting to select a Liberal Candidate to contest the provincial Riding of Huron - Middlesex In the March 19th Provincial General Election. All persons who are members in good stan- ding and on the membership roll of the Huron -Middlesex Provincial Liberal Riding Association 72 hours prior to the holding of the nominating convention shalt be eligible to vote. The constitution also, allows that any past member of the Association may renew his or her membership at the conven- tion prior to the commencement of the voting, GUEST SPEAKER MURRAY GAUNT MPP FOR HURON -BRUCE WED., FEB. 18TH AT 800 P.M. EXETER LEGION HAL behalf of his wife and family for the many kindnesses shown to them during their stay here. The congregation in turn thanked the Hawleys for their leadership and guidance. OBITUARIES Funeral services were held Tuesday, February 3 for Frederick Henry Wagner who died January 31 in Clin- ton Public Hospital after a short illness. .. . Bornin the.Maitland.Block of Hullett Township on Oc- tober 20,1903, he was the son: of the late, Henry .Wagner and Bertha„T. Sprung...He at . tended &&-.No:-9 Hullett and then took up farming. He was also a machinist. In June of 1936 he was married to Laura Rutledge. She died about a year ago. The late Mr. Wagner farm- ed all his life until 1965 when he moved to his new home in Auburn. He also operated a threshing machine for many years. Since moving to Auburn, he had been a maintenance man at Craig's Sawmill. He was a member of Knox United Church where he was also church treasurer for many years. He was a member of the Auburn Trustee Board for several years as well. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Catherine Jackson of Auburn and Mrs. Marion Lemp of Hamilton and severalnieces and Richard Hawley con- ducted the funeral services held at the Tasker Funeral Home in Blyth. Spring burial will be in Ball's cemetery, ;Mullett Township.----- . Pallbearers were neighbors, William L. Craig, Allan Craig, William Seers and Robert Turner. OBITUARIES George .Elwin Raithby (Professor Emeritus, University of Guelph) died January 31 in Guelph General Hospital in his 81st year. He was born near Auburn, the son of the late George Raithby and Anna Roberton. He was a professor of the University of Guelph for many years. He is survived by his wife, the former Nora Kathleen Williams; one daughter, Mrs. Gerald (Elizabeth) Jel- ly of Poria, Illinois; two sons. Jack of Toronto and Mark (D.V.M.) of Goderich; one sister, Mrs. Edna Cowan of Goderich; and seven grandchildren. A private family service was held at the McIntyre and Wilkie Funeral. Home anda memorial service was held on Sunday, February •8 at War Memorial Hall, Guelph, with burial in Woodlawn Cemetery, Guelph. The late Mr. Raithby visited in the village with • relatives and - friends many - times and was present for Auburn's 125th birthday par- ty. -SOCIAL/NEWS Prize winners at the week- ly euchre party held in the Community Memorial Hall, sponsored by the Silver Tops, were: novelty -Mike Mason, high lady -Mrs. Edgar Daer, low lady -Mrs. William Robertson, high man -M. Mason, and low , man -Frank Van Dongen. There were seven tables in play. Everyone is welcome. Bob Young of Stratford and his father, J. K. Young of Mitchell visited last Fri- day with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips, 11010 TH& PRICE LINE! mation about the club, please call the counsellors, Mrs. Alissa Craven or Mrs. Dorothy Schneider. $a . �asvaAean avmvv Mrs. Myrtle Munro ed to her home last nearby after visiting for six weeks with her sea Glen Yi Mrs. Youngbhd and family at Ottawa and her son Robert,. Mrselfweighlut and family in Toronto. Stop before buying your RRSP Not everyone's needs are the same Make sure you have the plan that's right for you. INVEST IN AN •s�•�r•s • Presently Paying 14 v. No Fees or Administration Charges CaII today - P.A. ROY INSURANCE AGENCY INC. 17 GibbIngs St., Clinton 482-9357 THURS. FEB. 12 TO SAT. FEB. 28 2OoFF All Wallpaper Orders. 1O"OFF All Kern Paints --HILDEBRA ND PAINT AND PAPER Interior and Exterior Decorators 15 MAIN STREET SEAFORTH 527-1010 Your Son's Education Is Our Concern REGINA MUNDI An Exciting Educational Alternative ONLY 1 COLLATE/100 ml. $ 1 09 TOOTHPASTE LISTERINE. An, leapt, TNWOAT IOYFelG(% Regina Mundi College is a modern boys' residential high school for Grades 9-13 operated by the Catholic Diocese of London, On- tario, Canada. Living in com- munity, the boys grow to manhood in an environment which challenges their Intellects and develops self-discipline, respon- sibility, and spirituality. Regina Mundt College prepares its students for university and main- tains high academic standards, ensuring that almost all our graduates successfully complete university. Our wooded 130 acre campus has sports fields, a nine hole golf course, tennis courts and a conservation area. Tho boys thrive on an extensive athletic programme and hove earned an enviable record in championship competition with other schools. Students come from all over Canada, the U.S.A. and many other countries. APPLICATIONS FOR SEPT., 1981 NOW BEING ACCEPTED LIMITED ENROLLMENT 1�VLL UN 75 ml. ONLY $ 5 9 DR SPRAY DEODORANT 200 ML. WRITE TO THE REGISTRAR REGINA MtJNDI COLLEGE LOVING CARE HAIR COLOUR LOTION ONLY CLAIROL CONDITION SHAMPOO $ 7 ads aINDITIONER 450ML ONLY • i• RR ='4. LONDON. ONTARIO N6A 4B8 TELEPHONE (519) 685-2133 TR16-`sIO1G LE DISCOLINT.„, THE S UARE, GODERICH / MAIN C s RNEP CLINTON / SEAFO TH Make Triangle your first stop for Value!