HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-02-12, Page 10PAGE 10—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12,1:.h 1
.Although the crowds weren't quite as big as last year,
hece_was atil a geed showing at the Las Vegas night at
Bayfleld last weekend. The afflar raised $1,300 for the
recreation committee. Here some high rollers trite beat
the house. ( Bud Sturgeon photo) .
Round about the village
Mrs. Gayle Verspeeten,
Simcoe, spent a few days
during the weekend with
Mrs. Dawn Emma DeJong
and Royal Lee. Last week
Mrs. DeJong and her
daughter were the guests of
Mrs. Verspeeten and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Barnes, London, were
Sunday guests of his sister
Kathryn and Donald. McLeod
and John.
Congratulations to Sandra
and David Lathrop of South
Carolina, who are the proud
parents of a baby boy,
Ashley, born Thursday,
February 5. Sandra is the
eldest daughter of Milvena
Ozzie and Harriet Neilsen,
Landon, spent the weekend
at their cottage at Sunset
Lane, north of the village.
• Word from the Terrible
By Bud fie.
Well, here I am again back at the old typewriter, 3:15
a.m. on a Tuesday morning, a deadline to meet a little
later this morning (editors are like slave-drivers) and
fresh out of ideas and jokes. Sometimes in moments of
deep thought, I wonder whyl gang away away away....
(I didn't fall asleep cause you didn't see me fall asleep .
did you?) away at these little keys in the middle of the
night. Lack of sleep drives me to ft.
Letter by letter, word by word, inch by inch, column
by column and page by page,. I type relentlessly (with
the one finger overdrive method) until it's done and
finished. It's hard to make a. buck these days and a
buck doesn't buy Much Buckeye.
So they cutmy Johnny Bower jokes from the column, '
who cares? Did you know that Ron Ellis could score a
hundred goals a season if they. moved the goal net to
ti �`.1�''11t19titdb It L
to the fact. that Ron s say�ihat: at-
the best corner shot m all the league. But now that he
has been voluntarily retired by Punch (presumably
because the net isn't in the corner) he was heard to say
to Johnny Bower, :`Let's get the...", darn, I wish I
could tell that joke in my colui<nn because it's one of my.
favorites. See, I told you they always cut my Johnny
Bower jokes!
When the Moleman used to live in Toronto, Johnny
Bower lived just down the street from him and he
coached the hockey team that the `Mole' played on.
The Moleman and Johnny Bower have a lot in common
because they were both goalies in Toronto. And Johnny
used to say to the Moleman, "Let's get the...." One of
these days they are going to let me print that joke in
this column! '
Well it's 3:45 now and time to get this show on the
road and talk about something constructive. I seen
Handy Randy McClinchey up at the store last night and
he assured me that as far as he knew, he definitely
wasn't getting married in two weeks, as far as he
knew. As far as he knew; he hoped he wasn't getting
married in two weeks and quite frankly I don't think he
is getting married in two weeks. That should put
everybody's mind at ease. And I said to Handy Randy,
"Let's get the..." There you go .:. , those proof
readers are sharp today. No ' re Jo y Bower
The TV says we're in for a bi:Aly ter sto i later to-
day and by the time you read Ire cle on ' w ursday it
will only be history. That is assuming that th ' rm
didn't hit too early in which case I was strand
Bayfield and the news didn't get to Clinton on time.
this case you are reading a blank page. If you are say
ing to your? elf, "It might as well be a blank -page!
then that is a cheap shot and if I were Johnny Bower I'
say, "Let's get the...."
Barb came home on Sunday after a days skiing at
Beaver Valley ani -presented me with the tip oflie ski
which she had managed to break off somewhere -Meng
the way. I thought she told me she was a good skier, but
now this happens. If that had of happened to Johnny
Bower I know what he would have said.
As the clock strikes four bells, I find that it's time to
put the cover on the old typewriter for another day and
head it off to lullaby land for a couple of hours. .
Rock -a -bye Johnny,
In the goal net.
Still eating his wheaties,
He's not qui et set.
When Ellis shoo
There's no need to all.
The pucks in the c rner,
There's no scorin at all.
Johnny's mother used to sing hire to sleep with that
song, according to the Moleman and then Johnny
would say, "Let's get the.:."
In Tho Heart of Down Town Varna
*Vacuum Cleaners o Sales and Service of most makes
mp Radios and Accesserles
*Speed Queen Appliances
*Moffat Appliances
*Smoke Sensors
*Insect Lights and Fly Killing Units
aftendcrafted Gifts
Verna Ont.
Trio at the Nip `n' Tuck says
that Mr. Willy Bunn ex-
ploded a cup of hot chocolate
in their microwave last
week. First it was Dorothy's
egg and now this!
Mr. Irvin Pease was at his
Bayfield residence over the
weekend before returning to
Winners of the draws for
the Valentines Day gift
boxes at the Nip 'n' Tuck are
T. Belliviall, Pine Lake
Camp and Kaye McLeod and
Donelda Sturgeon both of
Miss Christie Latimer and
Mr. Kevin Read, both of
Weston, were the weekend
guests of her grandmother
Mrs. Ethel Knight.
It was another busy
weekend for the burglars of
Bayfield as more cottages
were reported as being
broken into.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hum-
phries, London, were in
Bayfield over . the weekend
for a visit with their
respective -families.
Ethel Blair, Toronto, and
Brenda Blair, Hamilton,
were the weekend guests of
their mother, Mrs. Jesse
Scout -Guide
The parents comprising
the new Scout -Guide Parents
Group Executive met on
February 7 at the United
Church in Bayfield, to begin
setting up their program.
A meeting for all mothers
with children involved in the
above organizations will be
held in the United Church
Basement on February 26
from 6:30 to 8 p.m. This
meeting coincides with the
Guide and Brownie meeting
on the same night.
Over 2
The sum of $1,200 was rais-
ed at the second annual Las
Vegas Night held at the
Bayfield Community Centre
on Saturday. Although atten-
dance was slightly lower this
year due to the inclement
weather, the lively crowd of
over 200 kept the gamesters
busy throughout the evening.
The proceeds from the
event, which was sponsored
by the Bayfield Recreation
Committee, will go towards
sporting activities in the
village. The committee
would like to take this oppor-
tunity to thank all those who
helped in making the fund
raising event a success.
Following is the list of sup-
porting businesses and in-
dividuals, the prizes and the
winners: the Bayfield Inn
and Restaurant, $15 dinner,
Dana Livingstone,
Goderich; Bayfield. Building
Centre, set ofdo-it-yourself
books, Lloyd Huffman,
gamble t
Bayfield; Bayfield Garage, 4
qts. oil, Pat Thomas,
Bayfield; Turnbull Marine,
floater coat and hat, Karen
Courtney, Varna; Steve
Argyle, log carrier and T-
shirt, Dennis LeBlanc,
Goderich; Gilbey's, cash
donation, Debbie Steckle,
Bayfield; McLeod's Fishery,
$10 fish, Maude Weston,
Bayfield; Nip `n' Tuck, case
of pop, Ken Nesbitt, Strat-
tratford; Snell's Plumbing and
Heating, bathroom cleaners,
Gilles Rancouit, Goderich;
Tenderspot, $20 food
voucher, Gary Potter,
Homesville; Joyce Chilton
(Fuller Brush), kitchen aids
- Marsha Shephard,
Bayfield; Brandon's Pro
Hardware, food chopper,
Shirley Boyce, Bayfield;
Just Hair, perm and set,
Rhea Potter, Holmesville;
Lloyd Huffman, child's.
upholstered.. chair, Karen
Courtney, Varna; Pine Lake
raise funds
Camp, one night's camping,
Rick Whetstone, Goderich;
Wildwood by the River, one
seasons free camping (value
$650), Allan Martin,
Bayfield; Garb and Gear,
travel bag, Kelly Brandon,
Bayfield; Evelyn Francis,
pyjama bags, Paul Gosse,
Joe Koene Carpentry,
tools, Dennis LeBlanc,
Goderich; Bayfield
Firemen's Association, fire
extinguisher, John Camp-
bell, Bayfield; John Camps
bell, five lbs. cheese, Reg
Wilson, Bayfield; South
Shore Marina, one hour's
boat rental, Tim West,
Bayfield; Violet Sturgeon,
toiletries, Marsha Shephard,
Bayfield; Evelyn Sturgeon,
Babes and Knighthawks ted-
dy bears, Winnie Darn -
borough, Bayfield;
Clinton News -Record, one
year gift.aubscriptiOn_z Vera ..
Gregg, Bayfield; Elaine
by Bud Sturgeon and Helen Owen
John Lindsay finishes 18 year:job
An item in 'the Clinton
News Record from 1963
read, "John Lindsay, having
submitted the lowest tender,
has been hired as constable,
tractor operator and general
maintenance man for the
village of Bayfield. The
tenders were opened and
Lindsay accepted at the
regular meeting of the
Trustee Board held in
Bayfield town hall on Fri-
After 18 years of service to
the village, John Lindsay
retired at the end of 1980 and
Rick Penhale took over as
town foreman.
Over the years, John
became a familiar sight to
the villagers plowing snow
with the little Allis-Chalmers
tractor for six years, "... and
that was a struggle...", and
then the Caterpiller grader,
"... without power -steering
until later..." and then the
big Champion grader which
the village purchased about
nine years ago.
When he took over in 1963,
most of the streets were still
gravel as Bayfield's ' Road
Program had not yet began.
The only paved streets were
Main Street, the square,
Howard Street, "...In a sort
of way...", and Louisa
Street, "...the old highway
route which had been paved
by the province..."
John was born in Bayfield
in 1914 in the Lindsay home
on Keith Crescent (now
Howard Scotchmer's
residence) and lived there
for two years until the family
moved out to the farm on the
old Clinton Road (now the
Blok farm).
In 1945 he married Jean
Dunn and the couple moved
to the `little house on the hill'.
at the north ` edge'of `of the
village. From Miss 'Lucy
Woods column in the Chilton
News Record on February
Former teacher dies
Margaret Lenora
Ferguson passed away in her
69th year on Monday,
January 26, 1981, at the
Extended Care Nursing
Home in Sudbury, after a
lengthy illness.
Miss Ferguson was born
and raised in Bayfield and
she taught school here, in the
Junior Room, from 1931 until
1935. At that time, she moved
to - the city to study law, but
took ill before completing
her studies. The family
resided on Main Street in
Bayfield in the home now
owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bob
She was the sister of Jack
of Copperfield, Ontario (who
also taught school here) and
was predeceased by another
brother, Charles.
Miss F erguson rested at
the Jackson and Bernard
Funeral Home in Sudbury
and a private family service
was . held followed by
Feb. 11 -ZB
in the finest tradition
.croft / 9 Iq
50% .,
sugg.list price
1 Mile North of Grand Bend 2384140
21, 1946 we read, "On Tues-
day of Last week about 40
friends and neighbours held
a surprise party at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John Lind-
say. Progressive euchre was
played, the prize winners be-
ing: ladies lst, Mrs. D. Pren-
tice: 2nd Mrs. W. Westlake;
men's 1st, Jack. Sturgeon;
2nd, Percy Weston. George
Weston played for dancing.
Lunch was served by the
ladies and altogether a most
enjoyable evening was spent
with the young couple who
proved to be a most gracious
John continued to work on
the home farm but by the
early 1950s, found himself in
the Bayfield fishing industry
working for Les MacMillan
and then Ed Siddall. He also
worked ! with Doug Ge-
meinhardt when he was con-
structing the Gammage,
• Shirk and Wilder cottages
south of the village. In the
mad-titties, John. went . to
work for the Department of
Highways for six years and
then one year for Laois Con-
struction before getting the
Bayfield job.
Rob and Jesse Blair had
been utilizing the sugar bush
on the hill for maple syrup
making in the spring and
John took this over for a few
years in the early 1950s. It
,was a big treat for the
students at the Bayfield
Public School to go on 'an
outing to the Lindsay
residence in the spring ' to
watch the procedure and get
a taste of the maple syrup.
The L.indsays moved into
the village to their present
home on Chiniquy Street
about 16 years ago and here
John will relax inhis retire-
ment, although r Jean' did
mention she had a few things
lined up for him to do now
that he has more spare time
on his hands.
Overhead Doors
Sales & Service
PHONE: 482-3821
Brandon, shampoo and set -
Dennis LeBlanc, Goderich;
Albion Hotel, AM -FM Radio,
Dave Cornish, Goderich, and
Corning wear, Joanne
Sturgeon, Bayfield; Village
Market, t -shirts, Penny
Overboe, Londeaboro; Chas.
Chapman Co. Ltd., school
binders, Dennis LeBlanc,
Goderich; Grahams General
Store, tennis racket, Judy
Whetstone, Goderich;
Tank and Tummy, case of
pop, Nora West, Bayfield;
Koma Boats, pair of oars,
Barry Scrimgeour,
Bayfield; Don Campbell In-
surance, smoke detector,
Mike Warner, Bayfield;
Scruton Fuels, trouble
lights, Ken Nesbitt, Strat-
ford; Old Same Place, toy
car, Ganunages Totality,
dried flowers, Gilles Ran -
court, Goderich; Bill Arm-
strong, crystal tumblers,
Ken Nesbitt., Stratford; Ker-
rigan Fuels, antifreeze, Pat
Brandon, Bayfield;
Goderich Fina, washer fluid,
Willy Bunn, Bayfield.
Bayfield Arena, one hours
free ice time, Dana Liv-
ingstone, Goderich; Vic
Walden Fuels, case of
washer fluid - Mike Warner,
Bayfield; The Wardrobe, $10
gift certificate, Dennis
LeBlanc, Goderich; The Lit-
tle Inn, dinner for two, Dana
Livingstone, Goderich;
Erb's Meat Market, ` $20
voucher, Rhea Potter,
Holmesville; Tom Penhale,
horse drawn hay ride, Tony
Shepherd, Bayfield.
Recreation Committee
members are reminded of
the meeting tonight
(Thursday), 7:30 p.m. sharp
at the Municipal Building.
Euchre Club meets
The Bayfield Euchre Club
met on February 4 and six
tables of cards were in play.
Ladies high was Fern Baker,
while the ladies' low was
Barb Strachan. The men's
high was Doc Lindsay and
the men's low went to Alex
Hogg. Cliff Utter recorded
the most lone hands.
Buckeyes outclass
Hensall Sherwoods
The Zurich Buckeyes
came up with one of their
best performances of this
season as they dropped the
Hensall Sherwoods by a 5 - 2
score in .Hensall last
Thursday night. Kim
McKinnon scored a pair of
goals in the victory for the
Buckeyes, while John
Graham, Mike Clarke and
Marvin `Millimetre' Merner
added singles.
The Buckeyes, were
playing at home on Tuesday
night against the CCAT
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We are pleased to announce that Mrs. Moira Couper has
been appointed as a sales representative for It's a Small
World Travel in Exeter. In addition to her regular duties
Moira will be involved in organizing group travel for
farm groups, and Senior Citizens, as well as specializing
in travel to New Zealand.
Mrs. Moira Couper
Bayfield 565-2572
or Exeter 235-2000
or toll free 1-800-265-7022
Call and Discuss your travel needs with Moira. She will be pleased
to help you with your travel arrangements.
CALL 565-2522 If no answer call toll free 1-800-265-7022
Moira is a native of new Zealand and hos just returned from an•extensive 2
month visit She is now making final arrangements for a tour of New Zealand
in February 1982. This tour will be of special interest to persons from the
farming community.
For any infor ..tion regarding travel to New Zealand
call Maio for service with a personal touch.
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