HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-02-05, Page 18NICE, LIGHT SIDE of BEEF 1.54 LB. HINDS :1.75 LB FRONTS $1.35 Lp WHOLE or HALF MOS 944 Gross Le Weight Prices include cutting, wrapping & quick freezing.RIPLEY ABATTOIR 395-2905 Of' 395-2979 ov.nlrips Alimiatimilacmalattaancemaaaaamaceakara • PAGE 18--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5 ,1961 . t 4 •0 •. p a v . q H Nos, p� 9Cicn5aVE as 421 VW °•drat, On 961-1200 sea>: a rwp-n sew 5.- -o T Be 1. Articles for sale DRY SLABWOOD, campfire wood, bodywood delivered. Phone 482-9250 -36tf SICK ROOM Supplies, patient aids, support garments, convalescent products, etc. See Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524 7241.-1tf :••..-H .._ _. ': 99s3r.4..1.13T1Y :_ =la F "�!'�*�m7-..•an . appliances. See Bieck IDA Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241.-ltf DON MIDDLETON'S Whitehall Farm RR 3, Clinton can still boast of quantity with qualityat attractive prices, for cider, Macintosh and Northern Spy apples. Phone 482-9838--1- 6 CRISP -.JUICY' APPLES - Northes'n spy, Macintosh, Red I eelicious and Ida Reds. $3.50 b6. up. Fresh cider, potatoes andthoney at Ali Bel'S. Fruit Closed" Monday. and ' days. Phone 524- 81I37.-3tfar • BB11*:21' •does,•5 bucks, 88 igeg: with autematic waterer (s ileas ;steel) and all •ac- cesseries.'Phone 482-7855 after CHOICE LEAN BEEF by the side, ready for freezer, government inspected, far- mers prices. Frank Falconer. Phone 482-9128--4,5 (`1J AR1NG SALE Wurlitzer pianos, organs, Farfisa organs, used organs and other items' are priced to sell - at cost! Your last chance for a real bargain. Pulsifer Music, Seaforth. Open 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Wednesdays:4-7ar FRANKLIN STOVE excellent condition, reasonable. Phone 4N -3193.--5x r et and other'`I'fmseloM artidee; Phone 3246787-8 946 HARLEY Davidson 1200. Has 21,000 miles on it. Full dresser. Asking 65.000.. 1979 Arctic Cat El -Tigre, mileage 1,360. Asking $1,500. ilione 482- 7936.-5 26" ZENITH 100 per cent solid state table model color with new picture tube, 2 year pic- ture tube warranty, set completely gone over, $339.00 25" SYLVANIA color walnut console to the -.floor model, cabinet in excellent condition, 90 per cent solid state, new picture tube with 2 year pic- ture tube warranty, $319.00 . 23" PHILIPS black and white console in good working condition, $59.00 23" ADMIRALblack and white console in good condition, $50.00 Chisholm T.V. 29Kingston Street Goderich, Phone 524-9576 -5ar' 1971 TANDEM International dump; 392 International rebuilt engine, $650.00; 5 speed (6200.00) and 4speed (6100.00) auxiliary transmission; 25 ton hoist; variety of truck tires, 10.20. and 9.20, also car tires mad Ford wheels,. 14" and 15"; 1972 .Eldorado Cadillac; 1970 Eldorado Cadillac - both cars safety checked; 112 storey stucco 3 bedroom house at 47 Victoria Blvd., Vanastra; 30" G.E. heavy duty stove. Phone Auburn, 526-7709.-5,6 WOODEN Colonial style kitchen suite with 4 chairs, double box spring and mat- tress, metal bed frame with casters, Olive green chesterfield and chair - all in good condition. Phone 565-2188 days or 565-2885 evenings. -5 ,. o.. -v -0(.1 /, ., 1.00.0. *a, rAaLcr w.... ,o o,.. .hl Y (lints )n News -Ret (i1,� 1 12. Real estate for sale 12. Real estate for sale P 12. Real estate for sale N AAA 14-* 18. Houses for rent 18. Houses for rent CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Au'ii _ Tuesday !laza Disp-iol►Advertising .: p o ... Tuesday 4:00 ppm. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Yard sale 3. Garage sole 4. Antiques for sole 5. Cars for sale 6. Trucks for sale 7. R.V.'s for sole 8. Marine 9. Automotive 10.. Pets for sale 12. Real estate for sale 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of town properties 16. Articles for rent 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent. 19.‘ Rooms for rent 20. Room 8 board 21. Cottages for fent 22. Lots for rent 23. Commercial property for re tr 24. Wonted to rent 25. Wanted to buy 26. Help wanted 27. Wanted (general) 28. Business opportunity 29. Tenders 30. Employment wanted 31. Service directory 34. Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost 8 Found 41. To give away 42. Death notice 43. Births 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In memoriam nt 47. Cord of thanks PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m., to 5 p.m. 1. Articles tor sale TRY C &E USED FUR_ NITURE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 5247231.--40tf VANASTRA ME W�a i" .Ort 1451*0 as FURNISHINGS 2 miles south of Clinton on Highwoy No. 4 • NEW OR USED HOME FURNISHINGS * APPLIANCES • LAWN ORNAMENTS Open:.6 days a week 482-7922 1A: Snowmobiles RAINY RIVER district 263 acres clay loam soil, 90 acres dear balance bush can be cut for pulp. Three bedroom bungalow, full basement, modern plumbing, 20' x 40' garage, approx. 35' x 70' pole shed, 40' x 50' steel shed, 12' x 24' greenery $72,000. Call: c -o Hoovers (807) 487-2263 Bar- wick, 'O:tar io.--5bc, 1972 SCORPION Stinger, 6350. Phone '482 7370.-5 1977 ARCTIC CAT, El Tigre 5000, good condition, $1300 or best offer. Phone 482-7492.-5 5. Cars for sale 1979 PONTIAC Parisienne 4 door automatic p.s. p.b. Certified. 482-3455.-4,5ar 1979 ACADIAN, one owner, excellent condition, 4 speed, good gas mileage, new snow tires. Rust proofed and well maintained. $3,900. or best offer. Certified. Phone 565-2188 days or 565-2885 even logs .1- 5 Help your I-EART FUMIT A. For sale HAY FOR SALE - Contact Bill Gerrit, --4827564:-}5:6-... _ . C. Wanted WANTED TO RENT Approximately 100 acres of cash crop land. Apps 262- 5708.-3-5 CASH -CROP LAND to rent. Terms negotiable. Phone 262- 5968 after 6 p.m. -5,6 YANMAR DIESEL POWER DOES IT BETTER 13'/2 h,p, - 33 h.q. Huron County's Yanrrtar Dealer AND SONS LTD. CLINTON 402.3409 MilanininONSIONOMMIIIMINIWNIMINal D. Livestock TWO GOOD sized Holstein bull calves. seven days old, $80. each. 482-3056.-5, PIGS FOR SALE - wanted a steady buyer for 45-50 Ib. weaner pigs from an 30 sow herd. Phone Doug Hugill at 482-7467.-5,6x E. Farm service SHIPPING CATTLE to Toronto Union Stockyards every Monday. Campbell McKinley 262-5430.-- 48tf DAiRY FARMERS - Need a holiday? Phone 482-8120 for experienced release milker. -4-7 Henson Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All daises of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Vleforl4orereeovm® Clinton • 482-9419 PaJrrt' lllomr emem+•428.47,9 Klrt,ton • 429.4284, Dougt®e Carruthors • 437.2734 Ocegery Nansgsm®imem • 2t2.2M0 ZEAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR THE "BOSS" 15 AWAY! LOOK AT THE BARGAINS WE HAVE! HOBBY FARM DRASTICALLY REDUCED - 26'/2 Acres In Kinloss Twp. Good 4 bedroom brick home with new plumbing, modern 3 pc. and 2 pc. bathrooms, 16° x 18° kitchen. Land in pasture and some grovel. 30' x 50° Bank Barn. OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL at '43,000. BARGAIN HUNTERS - Large 3 bedroom home, needs someinterior work, going for the ridiculous price - of '22,500. 195 Huron St. ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE 101/2% - Excellent 3 bedroom home near schools. Large family room with fireplace, modernized kitchen and. bathroom. '40,900. 1S7 . Ontario St. VENDOR SAYS SELL, AND SELL WE WILL! Two bedroom stucco home in pleasant location. walking distance to downtown and schools. AND THE PRICE? '18°000.00. CALL LEAH KUEHL 482-7304 JOHN THOMPSON 527-0238 OFFICE 482-3766 Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 GODERICH TWP - 1,,3 acres with 1 - floor bungalow. Farrowing: barn. will handle 50 sows, 4acres wooded CLINTON -116 East St., 1 floor bungalow , well landscaped. Owner anxious to sell. Try an offer. BLYTH - Restaurant and gas bar, main intersection. AUBURN - Hardware and farm supply store with apt. 11/41 ACRES BLYTH -Victorian style home, 26 fruit trees. Excellent property for hobby or business. Priced for quick sale. HURON ST., CLINTON - 1 floor frame home, gas heat, 8 rooms, nicely decorated. Low interest mortgage in effect. KIPPEN - 2 acres, 1'2 storey frame home nicely decorated. SHOP AND LOT at Lon- desboro on No. 4 Highway. Ideal for welding shop or similar business. BRUCEFIELD - Executive home very modern, 2500 sq. ft., carpeted. attached garage - all the extras. RED BRICK 2 floor double home on Rattenbury St. E. Clinton. Low interest. First mortgage. Owner will consider trade or 2nd mortgage at reasonable interest. LONDESBORO - 31 acre high- way property with 3 bedroom brick bungalow with carport: WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. CLINTON: SEAFORTH: HAROLD WORKMAN 482-3455 PETER DAMSMA 482-9849 HENRY MERO 527-0430 LowDESDoRO: GERRIT WILTS 523-4229 2 bedroom 1 floor home, attached garage. school area. 134,900.00. Holmesville - Tri -level 5 bedroom home with many extras on % -acre lot. • Main Street - store and apartment in Clinton only '29,900.00 Elegant 3 bedroom - brick home, large family room, school area, 2 storey 4 bedroom home -. with , originol woodwork, stained glass, school area. Attractive 3 bedroom bungalow - 7% mortgage hospital area. 1 floor 3 bedroom - brick home, large dining room; school area. Variety store - recently renovated, showing good returns, lots of potential. , , 3 bedroom 11/2 storey home, hospital area. '21,900.00. Queens St. - 3 or 4 bedroom home, good condition, full basement, '32,500.00 Rattenbury-St. E. - 2 storey brick, 3 bedroom home in ex-, cellent condition, 10'4% mortgage. Victoria St. - beautiful residence & shop, inground pool, zoned commercial, ideal fora restaurant, etc. Countryhome, elegant raised bungalow, 1500 sq. ft.,• garage, , acre highway location. income building, -close to downtown, -lats'of' potential. - '37,900.00. • Maitland River frontage on 2 acres with 2 or 4 bedroom home, Holmesville area. Vanastra 3 bedroom home, excellently decorated and remodelled. Welding shop - 3,000 sq'. ft., 2nd building 5,940 sq. ft., business for sale also. Matilda St. • 3 bedroom bungalow, recroom, carport, only '46,900.00. Huron St. - 3 bedroom 1 ' , storey home. '29.0Q0.00. High St. - 3 bedroom 1 storey home, '29,900.00. Princess St. - Tudor styled home in good condition. '35,000.00 Fulton St. - '3 bedroom home, heated double car garage, double lot. '36.900.00. Duplex - 2 & 3 bedrooms, double car garage, maybe an ex- tra lot. Rattenbury St. E. - Brick duplex - 2 x 3 bedroom units. Auto Body Shop - Highway location near Clinton, Srucefield - Tastefully decorated raised bungalow in mint condition willi many extras. Country Estate • offering an elegant 14 room home with a history, on 15 acres with a river through it, Large Commercial Lot - Highway location in Clinton. ' 100 acres, 96 workable, brick home, beef barn. Hullett Two. 100 acres, 80 workable,. barn & house, Bayfield area. Reduced - Attractive 3 bedroom, 2 storey home on Huron St. Desio'cod 1'r, -storey 5 bedroom home, 2fireplaces, IsuacSt, Reduced- 1 Y2 storey, 4 bedroom home, Townsend•St. Reduced -'4 bedroom 1'4 storey home on Ontario St. Reduced - 1'h storey, 4 bedroom brick home, Townsend St. Reduced - 3 bedroom 1' 2 storey home, fafnily room, Vanastra. Country home and born, 1'h acres near Blyth. Reduced - 3 floor chalet styled country estate, 3/bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, 2 acres, Maitland River View, Rettenbury St. E. 1'/2 storey 3 or 4 bedroom home with diningroom only '22,500.". 80 sow & 115 hog capacity, good barns, excelpent house, 28 acres near Clinton, 1 There are other homes that might be bought at a bargain prices besides those reduced, try your offer. GC G. K. REALTY INC. 14 Isaac Street, Clinton Ontario. OFFICE: 482-9747- AOKI 482-3721 D. MARE SAGER • ` ` 'MAL HARWLEY 524-8995 482.3693 CLINTON: 10 rooms with four bedrooms, family room, office, sundeck, double garage, spacious grounds are well landscaped and measure 150' x 132°. Many extras. List price 569,000. 400 James St. CLINTON: Price reduced. Beautiful brick raised ranch, featuring finished family room, 11/2 baths, 4 bedrooms, 24' above ground pool, built in 1974. Owner transferred. 109 Win- tercourt Cres. S. List price 554,900. CLINTON Price reduced on this 2 storey, 3 bedroom home. Must be looked through to be appreciated. Newly decorated, new wiring, 2 new baths, with vanities, new carpeting, double garage, large patio deck, near schools. Call Hal Hartley to look through this. 200 Ontario Street'. CLINTON: Two bedroom, 1 storey, vinyl sided, well maintained home. Large lot, low taxes,. Priced right at 522,500. 177 Isaac St. CLINTON: Neat, resonable and good mortgage available. One and a half storey, 2 bedroom close to down- town. Gas furnace plus new modern down draft wood stove. List 523,900. 56 Princess West. CLINTON: 10 year-old 3 bedroom, 1 storey Angetstone - and aluminum on newly paved street. Rec room well landscaped. Well built, heat easily. Owner moving away. 240 Queen St. Call. Hal Hartley for price. IF YOU ARE THINKINS1 OF BUYING OR - SELLING - CONTACT G,K. REALTY INC. LAUCKNER REALTY INC. Member of the London St. Thomas MLS B AYFIELD - 3 bedroom brick, attached garage, treed lot, drilled well. Priced right. OPEN HOUSE 2-4 p.m. SAT. & SUN. NOW IS THE TIME TO B UY REAL ESTATE. PRICES WILL BE INCREASING IN SPRING Lots for Sale LISTINGS WANTED ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, Bayfield 565-2813 16. Articles for rent FORMAL RFfNTALS - Dress up! Go formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear, Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett andCampbell's Ltd,)-14tfar PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, portable cement mixer. Power trowls, wheelbarows, etc. Form ties stacked. Call N.J. ,.. Corriveau, Zurich 236- , 4954--16tfar 17. Apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM Apartment available immediately in uptown Clinton. Phone 482-9766 or 482-9417 evenings.-4tfar 17. Apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM upper apartment at Brucefield Heat, water and appliances supplied. Available now. $170, per month. Phone 482-3278. -3tfar TWO BEDROOM Apartment. Prefer adults. References required. Phone 833-802L-3tf APARTMENT FOR Rent - downtown Clinton, two bedrooms, large living room, fridge and stove. Phone 482- 3901 or 482-7054.-5ar GROUND ' FLOOR, one bedroom apartment, stove and fridge supplied, available March 1st . Phone 482 7304.-5tf ONE BEDROOM upstairs apartment. Available March 1. Phone Doug Batkin 482- 3158.-5tf 18. Houses for rent THREE BEDROOM house for rent in Londesboro. Phone 523- 4546.-5 THREE BEDROOM House for rent $200. per month plus utilities. Close to downtown 482-7724,-5 THREE' BEDROOM Home, five miles west of Clinton, barn available also. Apply P.O. Box 574; Clinton. -5,6,7 DUPLEX FOR Rent! Available March 1. 3 bedroom 79 King St. close to Royal Bank. Phone 482-7065.-5 tf THREE BEDROOM excellent location. Vanastra. Available March 1. Phone 482-7446.-5-7 FOR RENT Three bedroom townhouses., newly decorated. Located in Vanastra. 2 miles from Clinton, quiet surroundings. '229. per month including heat and hot water. TV cable available. Ideal for retired people, dose to Lake Huron. - - - APPLY AT OFFICE BLOCK H UNIT 1 OR PHONE 485-3929 BETWEEN 6 & 10 P.M. HOUSES FOR RENT in Vanastra. Available im 26. Help Wanted mediately. Phone 482 3278--31tfar TWO BEDROOM Mobile for rent. Morgan's Mobile Homes. Phone 482-7066.-36tf TWO BEDROOM Mobile Home in Seaforth area, fridge and stove included. Available March 1, 1981. Phone 5242873 or 527-1789.-4.6 20. Room & board WE HAVE VACANCIES! Holiday Home - Bedsitting Rooms with meals included. 482-3685.-4tfar 25. Wanted to buy WANTED: Good used fur-- niture. Phone 482-7922---8tfar WANTED - Old brick buildings for demolition wrecking and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia, 1 542-4088. Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks--34areow. 26. Help wanted VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to assist at 'the Tuckersmith Day Nursery with handicapped pre- schoolers for a morning program beginning Feb. 2. For more information call Karen McEwing, Tuckersmith Day Nursery 482-7634.-4,5 SENIOR CITIZEN APARTMENTS (Huron County Housing Authority) Ontario Housing Corporation provides ensured rented accommodation for seniors' throughout the County of, Huron. Senior citizen housing Is for those who can look after their own daily needs and should not be confused with homes for the aged, where daily care and food services are provided. Assisted rental housing is available to persons 60 years of age or older or couples where one person is et least 60 years of age. Seniors who live in these buildings generally pay on a rent -geared -to -Income basis, which is usually 20%-25% e+f their gross Income. Rents will not exceed '250.00 per month. In Huron County there are vacancies available in Exeter, Ontario and Brussels, Ontario. If you ore interested In accommodation of this type or would like further information, please call 524-2637 or Zenith 21520, or come in person to: Huron County Housing Authority 46 The Square od.rlch, Oittorto. N7A 1MS MATURE, RESPONSIBLE PERSONS INTERESTED IN EMPLOYMENT . IN SUPERIOR QUALITY COUNTRY INN NEEDED PART-TIME, PERMANENT & SUMMER POSITIONS AVAILABLE.... EXPERIENCE AN ADVANTAGE BUT INITIATIVE L INTEREST STRONGLY CONSIDERED APPLY IN WRITING T0: THE LITTLE INN BOX 102 BAYFIELD, ONTARIO LICENCED MECHANIC REQUIRED for modern local shop This is a full-time position available im- mediately. Duties consist of safety checks, tune-ups, front end alignment, brake work. Good wages and working conditions. Interested persons send resume complete with work experience to: DRAWER NO. 3 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD BOX 39 CLINTON. NOM ILO RELIABLE PERSON Needed for cosmetic business. 3 hours per day, 5 days a week. For interview appointment call Friday between 9 - 11 a.m. 565- 2714.-4-7 al LICENSED Auto Body Technician and Mechanics required. Excellent pay. For expanding G.M. Dealership in Grande Prairie in the beautiful Peace River Country. Contact J. Hunt, Doug Marshall Motor City, 11044 -100 Street, Grande Prairie, Alberta. Phone (403) 532-9333.-5bc FULL-TIME PARTS PERSON required for expanding farm equipment dealership. Experience preferred but not a necessity. Apply in writing to: Drawer 3 c -o Clinton News - Record, showing full par- ticulars as to age, employment experience, farm machinery knowledge and salary ex- pectations.-5,6 x- pectations= 5,6 EXPERIENCED sales person' required for weekly_..... newspaper. Must have own transportation. Pay scale , negotiable. Reply in con-' fidence: Mid North Monitor, Box 1126, Espanola, Ontario. POP 1C0.-5bc BOYS AND Girls Wanted for profitable morning paper routes in Clinton. Anyone interested please call collect 271-6392.-5,6 s BARTENDER- WANTED PART-TIME APPLY IN WRITING THE LITTLE INN BOX 102 BAYFIELD, ONT. 27. Wanted (general) WANTED - Trailer suitable for hauling 12' aluminum boat. Phone 482-9223.-5 0011. 28:Business opportunity FULL OR PART-TIME - Couples and individuals for business of your own. Local Amway distributor trains you for splendid opportunity. Phone 482-7728 after 5 and on weekends. -3-10x EXTRA INCOME AT HOME. Prepare now. For information send nam e and stamp to: Man, 903 Talbot St., Box 728-R, St. Thomas, Ont. NSP 4C3. -4,5x EARN MONEY ! Learn in- come tax preparation at home. Reduced prices. For -free brochure, no obligation, write U & R. Tax Schools, 118 Roxborough, Toronto, Ontario.-5bc r ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT required Candidate should be second year student in C.G.A. or R.I.A. program or have equivalent background and ex- perience in accounting. Send resume stating qualifications to: ROSS SCOTT FUELS Division Sunoco Home Comfort BRUCEFIELD, ONTARIO NOM 1JO HARDWOOD BUSH or TREES WANTED - CRAIG HARDWOODS LTD. Auburn For Best Cash Prices SLABWOOD FOR SALE BILL CRAIG AL CRAIG 526-7220 526-7512 • 0