HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-02-05, Page 16PAGE 11---c , THURSDAY, FEBRUARY5,1981 Dance tickets available By.lisiFergema meetwilibeadaneeat the Vanostra Recreation Centre on Saturday Fehromy 7th. Tickets are available from any member our from the Township Mice or from the Vanastra Fee- treyOutlet .®n Wednesday, Jammu 28th ledie& lim night Was held and the winners of the 4:30 draw were: let place, skip .Joyce Wilson, vice skip Hilda Veenstra, 2nd Wilma Veeenstrra��and lead Pat Preddormme; 2nd place, skip Lois Jones, vice skip Lee Procter, second Jan Ferguson, lead Myrna Smith; 3rd place, skip Shirley Carter, vice skip Personal glimpses ea'fi i all she a&mintar ft a lh at his bantam B hockey game against Exeter. His team. won 4-1. Rod Goulding got one assist and Kenny Mcllveen received two assists in their novice hockey game against Hensall. Their team won 6-1. Happy birthday to Sharon Baste-Ceelok on Saturday, ',mazy 31. people in Vanastra who asst trrbuted to the March of. Dimes on Thursday, January 27th We collected $130.07. Last year the collec- tion tion was $79. Thank you to everyone and especially to the conveners: Diane • Ryan, Gayle well, Jame Jeacock andme Jan Ferguson. Congratulations to Rita and Geary Hovions on the both citheir'son ai January Happy wedding anruver- saury. hi Elaine. and Randy Sherban on Saturday, January3l. . Welcome home to Esther Handy from Clinton � � wishes to Gloria Alloway in Goderich KosPaal- op_ to rail cuts Julia . Eanbling, 2nd Ruby Finlayson and lead Eleanor Hendrick; consolation, skip Jean Taylor, vice skip Eileee�ni McGregor, 2nd Mary Lt u McGregor, and lead Rose 1bnnrnel. Winnersof the 5:30 draw were: 1st place, Eileen Townsend, vice skip Gerry Mountford, 2nd Marlene Black and lead Nora Keys; 2nd . place, skip Jan Ferguson, vice skip Trudy Hill 2nd Joyce Feltz and lead Ann McLean; 3rd place, skip Sheila Davis, vice skip Barb Gam, led "Lei Hogartie and lead Barb -Picot; con - solation, skip Isobel Theedom, vice skip Mary Keys, 2nd Olive Broadfoot and lead June Lee. After the games the ladies enjoyed homemade chili, rolls, tossed salad and dessert. Sincere thanks to Gayle Brownridge for organizing such a great time. Students make most of winter activities The extrprcurdcular pro- gram at the Vanastra Public School bas been very exten- sive this month. On Mon- days, Mr. Ross has :been working with our downhill skiers. On Tuesdays our cross-country skiers have been practising with Mr. Mc- Connell and our choir has met with Mrs. Cooper and MrsJetta. Ammo - The town of On Wednesdays the.girls it/Ingham"violently op- have been playing volleyball I ern( Plan to cut off and have been coached by rail service to the town's . Mrs. Melick and Mrs. Jewitt• industrial area, council On Thursdays our boys have declared in a motion passed been meeting with Mr. ata special meeting. Nicholls to play volleyball. Council recently met in a . Our grade 54 class has closed session with a been treated to free curling delegation, .flan, premium. lessons at the Vanastra Lloyd J1w}-i! diset "e- .`Club' for two, 6 mini te, c oncerna over u e `possible sessions. We would like to withdrawal (trail service. No details -ante discussion were released, however Councilpassed two motions, expressing ib violent op- position to the closing of railway lines serving Earlier this winter, the door factory had expressed apprehension over possible' closure of the Canadian Pacific Railway line on which it depends for ship- ment aE ;umber. Harper English, a factory spokesman, said he would be meeting , with company i xecutiees in Toronto to discuss the situation further. Auburn UCW • fro'rspage 16 teresting way, she told of their ways /living and how they bad never seen snow before coining to Canada. She remarked how quickly the children, five years old and 16 months are learning theEnglish language. Mrs. Ernest Durnin thanked Gwen for titer in- formative message and on behalf of the members, presented her with a quilt to give to the Cambodian family. Mrs. John Durnln also thanked everyone and closed the first part of the meeting with the hymn, `Standing at the Portal of the Opening Year'. The president of the U.C.W., Mrs. Peter•Verbeek, presided for the business. The minutes were read by Mrs. Beth Lansing in the absence of the secretary, Mrs. Tom Jardin. The members accepted their allocation for the coming year and also gave a donation and a quilt to the Lloyd Penfound family. The financial statement was given by the treasurer, Mrs. ' Gordon Chamyey. you notes were read tam the junior chair for the spaghetti dinner and from Mrs. Florence "Millian who had been in the hospital. A donation will be sent to Alma College and plans were made for the church's an - rola lmeeting onFebru 8. The meeting wascboaed with the nllzpeth benedic- tion Lunch wasaerve d and a aldol h Mixer enjoyed. thank Ken Rogerson, Alex Townsend, Mery Falconer and Stuart Wilson for their assistance. The boys and girls enjoyed their two visits and certainly learned a great deal about this winter activity. We have recently started our rhythmic exercise pro- gram again. Parents are in- vited to coarse up to the school at 9:05 any day and work out with us. If you are aware of any child in the Vanastra com- munity who will be attending our kindergarten class in the fall will ,you please let us know at the school, 482-7828 as soon as possible so that we calm keepour,,reeordanp to date. Babysitting course There will be a dinner meeting on Thursday, February 5 at the Vanastra Recreation Centre at 7 p.m. catered by the Vanastra and District Lions Club. The Lioness Club is spon- soring a Red Cross Babysit- ting Course to be held March Judo offered Judo instruction is now be- ing offered at the Vanastra Recreation Centre oil: Satur- day afternoon from 2:30-4:30 for kids aged six years to 14 years; Sunday afternoon from 2:30-4:30 for kids 15 years and up. Lessons are $1 each and in- structor is Ken McIlveen, who has his 1st Showdan - Black Belt. Please contact Ken at 482-7007 for any infor- mation. 24,.25, 26 and 27 from 7.8 p.m. at the Vanastra Recreation Centre and the fee is $3. Refreshments will be served every'ntght. Money for registration must be in by March 7th to Linda Dixon 482-9183; Myrna Sniitlh 482-3591 or Meryl Moines 482-9467. This is for girls or boys 11 years and up. A certificate will be issued upon successful completion of the course. 'Bingo Winner of the first share - the -wealth at the regular Tuesday evening bingo held at the Vanastra Recreation Centre was Chuck Woods of Egmondville. The third share -the -wealth was won by Elmer Lee of Clinton and the jackpot winner was Norman Deutz. The Tree Trunk New, used & antique furniture & gifts 5 Main Si., Seaforth Greg Dyer, right, captain of the Forest City London bantam hockey club, received the 'AAA' trophy from tournament chairman Len Fawcett. The team won the championship last Sunday over Hamilton. (James Fit- zgerald photo) it=zgeraldphoto) Scouts appreciate bele Inventory Reduction Side-by-side fridge freezer used 1 year; new List $1100.00 SALE $450.00 7 pc. walnut Dining room suite New List - $1630.00 SALE $800.00 Cherry bedroom suite with twin beds SALE $375.00 Flat -to -wall cupboard ready to finish SALE $500.00 Cherry bonnet chest ready to finish SALE $200.00 Many more bargains in our showroom WE ALSO SELL BY AUCTIO Tom and Dawn Papple To consign, sell or trade call 527 0514 527-0940 Scouts A sincere welcome to Gerald Robinson, who has returned as Scout Leader for the Vanastra Pack. Assistant is Wayne McFadden. This group meets at the Vanastra Christian Church on Mondays from 7-9 p.m. Thank you to all who par- ticipated in our recent bottle drive. Your help was greatly appreciated. Middleton folk keep busy with events By Blanche beeves The Sunday Church ser- vice ervice at St. James was can- celled due to the adverse weather. The A.C.W. will meet this evening at the home of Delores Dutot at 8 p.m. Tun Middleton is enjoying his new position in northern Alberta. This Sunday, holy com- munion will be celebrated in St. James Anglican Church, weather permitting. The St. James' congregation is happy to know their rector is im- proving. The March of Dimes canvassers will be knocking at your door very soon. Captain for this area is Blanche Deeves and can- va4sers are Pat Rider, Corrie Brand, Betty Thompson, Bill Smith, Ma1garet _ Torrence, Linda. Postill, John Deeves. Please welcome them with your donations. Many people from the area attended the Western Ontario Tractor Pullers Annual Awards banquet and dance r Bayfield arena on January 31. Trophies were presented to tractor class winners who reside in many distant places, Princeton, Palmerston_, Shedden, Fingal, Woodstock; Bolton, to name a few. Some local tractor class winners were: Greg Baer of Goderich, Rob Robson of Auburn and Lenard Kerr of Auburn. In the 7000 pound truck class our local men were winners: first, Jim , Mid- dleton, Clinton; second, Ralph Thede, Port Elgin; third, Bill Turner, Varna; fourth, Bob Langedoen, Clinton. Retiring secretary Carol Dutot waspresented with an appreciation gift from the association by Bob Langendoen. Recently Jim Midd.1etpn received the -1st.. place„ 1988 truck pulling award in the Great Lakes Tractor Pulling Association. Although Jim is employed in Alberta for the winter, his "pulling" truck was entered in the recent pulls held at the Canada Farm Show in Toronto, on January 29th and 30th. The pulling team who prepared, managed and drove Jim's truck were Bill Turner, driver assisted by Eric Schilbe. Out of a field of 10 entries Bill and Erle pulled to a fifth place on the Thursday night but differed a front axle break on Friday. The two men and their wives attended the pull together and enjoyed the excellent two day show. Holmesville news By Blanche Deeves A Valentine Dessert Card Party, being organized by all dubs in Goderich Township, will be held in the new hall on Thursday, February 12, beginning at 1:30 pm. Admission is $1.50 and proceeds will go towards landscaping the grounds around the hall. Come and enjoy yourselves, this is an event for ane' and women. .he. worship . hour at. the Holrnesville 'united Church was cancelled on Sunday due to the weather. The Enterprising Seniors will meet on Thursday, February 5 at 2 pm in the new hall in Holrnesville. The Goderich 'lbwnshIp WI were very pleased last Thursday evening when. 85 people turned out for an evening of euchre. The winners were: men's high, Frank Thompson; ladies' high, Molly Cox; men's low, Will Porter; ladies' low, Elva Cox; lone hands, Betty Thompson; lucky chair, Everett Mcfwatn; lucky cup, Elva Cans. The Has1nieav lle UCW will meet in the church hall on February 10. The Goderich Township WI will meet in the new hall on Monday, February 9 at 2 pm. CUT FROM CANADA 'A' GRADE BEEF SHORT RIB ROAST FULLY AGED FOR TENDERNESS BLADE BONE REMOVED LB.. C T FROM CANADA 'A' GRADE BEEF BLADE ROAST BLADE BONE REMOVED LB. FRESH ONTARIO PORK HOCKS EXTRA MEATY SCHNEIDERS FRESH ENGLISH PORK BEEF SAUSAGE X1.98.. 250 g PKG SCHNEIDERS COOKED MINI DELI'S 158 CUT FROM THE CHUCK CROSS CUT RIB ROAST 18818. MEDIUM GROUND BEEF FRESHLY MINCED 1.9918. SHOPSYS DELI FRESH REGULAR OR ALL BEEF WIENERS '1.49 1 LB PKG .ZEHRS SLICED 5 VARIETIES COOKED MEATS 74# TRY OUR OWN BRAND CANADA FANCY 175 g. PK(,. MacINTOSN APPLES 3 LB BAG MAPLE LEAF PART SKINNED FULLY COOKED SMOKED HAM BUTT 011 SHANK PO1TION • • 10. PRODUCE OF U.S.A. FRESH CAULIFLOWER CANADA NO. 1 GRADE NEW ZEALAND SHOULDER LAMB ROAST FROZEN X1.39.. NEW ZEALAND SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS FROZEN '1,49 ONTARIO GREEN CABBAGE CANADA NO. 1 GRADE 2199 PRIDE OF CANADA BONELESS COTTAGE ROLL PORK BUTT SWEET PICKLED '1.79 .. countryoven NOT AVAILABLE IN ALL MARKETS LEMON OR ORANGE POUND CAKE1z �ZSf.09 GRANOLA OR BRAN BREAD 6 p 59# SCHNEIDERS FROZEN • FAMILY PACK - 1 Kg. 98 BEEF BURGERS e3. SCHNEIDERS DELICIOUS - 500 g. PKG. sit SKILLET STRIPS • I MAPLE LEAF STICK STYLE PEPPERONI 250 g *f 59 MAPLE LEAF VEAL - 750 p. PKG. he STEAKETTES 7.4 9 PRODUCE OF CANADA _ WAXED RUTABAGAS CAN. NO. 1 LB SIZE 96's PRODUCE OF CALIFORNIA FRESH TANGY LEMONS 4199A PROD. OF ONTARIO BEAN SPROUTS LB 49# PROD. OF CAN. CHINESE DRY NOODLES LB • /7 WILD BIRD SEED 4 Kg BAG PROD. OF U.E. CAN. NO. 1 CALIFORNIA ROMAINE LETTUCE PROD. OF MOROCe0 CLEMENTINE MANDARIN ORANGES E. S9° .a 79° 1 LB. PKG. PRODUCE OF U.S.A. CRISP RED RADISHES 59# PRODUCEF CALIFORNIA FRESH GREEN ONIONS BUNCHES 1 AT THE DELI SERVICE COUNTER SHOPSYS EXTRA LEAN STORE SLICED COOKED HAM LB. ®98 9. SCHNEIDERS BLUE RIBBON STORE SLICED BOLOGNA LB'1.68. SCHNEIDERS MEDIUM CHEESE CHEDDAR ea.