HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-02-05, Page 8PAGE',—M NTONNEWS RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5,, 1981 Unforeseen problems ied to 'liner BYSHARON D Therm County Council levelled at its January 29 meeting that the Huron Ceenty Highways Depart- ment epartmeat accumulated a deficit en a cash basis of $201,088 in 1980. According to county engineer, Bob Dempsey, the deficit occurred when two projects during the year resulted in substantial The road construction of County Road 11, from the Perth Boundary to Highway 23�,a; was /orriginal�ll;ygg��buupd�geted 0 $281,1100 but $574,000 was spent on the project The engineer and the road crertm ittee decided to con- - bum itb hecSro" 3cti©n.Ct _i'I>u dy Road u:1 beyond that -. Originally anticipated in 1900 since Breather conditions, ananp(twer, equipmertt and time were available to intinue with the work in August and September. It was understood, said Dempsey in his report, that this would result in some overrun but that it would also permit the possibility of paving the road in 1981 rather than in1982.Inlight of the rapid increase in petroleum prices, this earlier paving would result in an substantial saving to thecounty.. "Unfortunately, due to unforeseen problems," continental Dempsey, 'lye came in with a greater deficit than anticipated." All • underdrains were replacedelongate load last year because the road depertm+n prefers to see them in for one wing; if they bubble, they_ can therefore be replaced before tlheroad•is paved. ... • -Deg)*:..the-department's effoits to determine the number. • of drains . to be replaced along the road before they proceeded, there Were more drains along the road thananticipaied. _. Bad weather also slowed downthe road • crews, especialtydu(ring the rains in September. The second project which saw, a substantial overrun dig;:" wa the x.aeeiOn 4f the it'rd►um Lore dollars, we are not getting any more miles of •!±rfaein8for the increased costs," headded. Several . cotmcillors ob- jected to the 27 per cent garage.: The, -olII/hie' estimate for the garage of SO* did not include the cmc of: baying the . Land or relocation of the radio tower and additional costs. The original estimate was for the cost of the building alone but the final cost of replacing the garage is close to $700,000. Dempsey told council there are anticipated revenues which will reduce this overrun, such as the sale.. of the old property and the sale of the well on the properly. But thele cannot be budgeted because they could be misleading. Dempsey reminded council that it was decided to build a more expensive building because the overhead and maintenance would be low. In presenting the 1981 Gbunty Highways Budget to council, Dempsey noted that an attempt had been made to reduce the county rate to a recommended level by reducing and eliminating proposed expenditures in 1981. The county rate in the 1981 budget rose 27 per cent from $1,281,000 to $1,629,5000. Under construction and paving, the engineer decided to eliminate the resurfacing of County Road 20 from Huron County Road 1 west \' into Ashfield Township, a total of four kilometres, at a saving of $157,000. A revised estimate on the completion of Road 11 from Whalen's Corner, north four kilometres has been reduced from $145,000 to $130,000. A review of equipment replacement found that the replacement of one truck could be held over one year to realize a saving of $25,000. The county's engineer pointed out that he is reluctant to cut resurfacing projects from the budget because the county is falling behind. If the county resurfaces 10 miles a year, it will take 224 years to resur- face all existing paved roads in the county. The an- ticipated life of a paved road is only 15 years, said Dempsey. "I am concerned that if we maintain the present resurfacing policy, we will work ourselves into a box in the future where we will not be able to maintain service unless we do more than 10 miles a year," he observed. "Whilewe are soendtng increase in the 1981 road budget, pointing out that if all budgets carne in with such an increase, it would be impossible for the county to maintain the desired overall 15-17 per cent increase in the county budget. Lloyd Mousseau, chair- man of the 1981 road corin- mittee, told council that the increase in the budget this sed highway deficit, council learns year is directly related to the replacement of the Auburn garage which is 'a one shot deal'. Once. the garage is paid for, said Mousseau, the road budget can be brought m tine next year. Dempsey suggested there were several alternatives which could bring the budget down. If council resurfaces Road 20 and omits the paving YOU'LL DO BETTER AT A&P We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal family rsquirementsl of Road 11, the budget can be lowered to an increase of 14 per cent. Dempsey pointed out however that if Road 20 is not paved in 1981, it will have to be maintained as a gravel road at a cost of about $15,000. The cost of paving it in 1982 would also be higher because of the steady in- crease ill petroleum prices. Another alternative, said Dempsey, is to eliminate the resurfacing of Load 16 •which would bring the budget in- crease to 10 per cent.. 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