HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-01-29, Page 184 . PAGE 18—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 79, 1901 BINGO every Tuesday even - mg at VanastraCentire, • 8 p.m. First regular $L00; 15 regular $15 games, three share -the - wealth. Jackpot X0-00 must got .Admission restricted to 16 years and over_ -5'r HURON FISH & GAME 'bingo every Sunday at 1:30 pin. Firms regular card $1-00, restricted to 16 years and over. Jackpot $100 dust go each week. 15 regular games of $10 - $5 least on .split.-37tfar cLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday, 8 p.m. First regular card $1.6 cards for $L 15 regular games, 3 share -the -wealth. Early bird game 7:45,p.m. Jackpot $200 must go each weele—Maar JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE will bold a card party at St Joseph's Parish Hall Wed., Feb. 11 at 8 p.m. Proceeds to the Hospital Auxiliary_ Ad- mission $L Ladies please br- ing sandwiches. -3-5 ( Benefit N Dance to be beld for MARSHA KERR AND FAMILY Daughter of .. Harry a Jessie Tebbutt FEBRUARY 6. 1981 LONDESBORO HALL Music by: HURON RAMBLERS Ladies please bring lunch EVERYONE WELCOME FESTIVAL SINGLES dance, Friday, January 30, Vic- torian Intl, Stratford. Dancing 9:00 -1:00. Welcome all singles over 25. No blue jeans.--4E.©.W. CARD PARTY, Summerhill Hall, on Friday, Jan. 30, 1981 at 8:30 pm. Sponsored ,y Surnmerhill Hall Board. Everyone welcome. Ladies, please bring lunct.-4 NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING CLINIC - BILLING'S METHOD. To achieve or avoid pregnancy. Short Introductory slide presentation, individual consultation. Couples welcomed between 7 - 9 pm. First Thursday of every month at Huron County Health Clinic, 105 Shipley St., BAYFIELD and AREA BUSINESS PERSONS ASSOCIATION will hold a meeting on Thurs., Feb. 5 at 7:30 .p.m. in the Municipal Building, Bayfield. All business persons welcome --4 CARD PARTY - IOOF Hall, Brucefield, Jan. 30 at 8:30 p.m. Ladies please bring lun- ch Everyone welcome. Ad- mission $L-4 PORTER'S HILL GUN CLUB is holding a Ham and Turkey Shoot February 7 at 10:30 a.1b. Place: Art Bell's Fruit Fenn. Bring your gun - shot guns only - shells sup- plied. Everyone welcome. -4,5 THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING of the Auxiliary to the Clinton Public Hospital will be held in the hospital board froom at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 2.-4 62) FINE FAMILY- DINING LP) trio ,,,t0A-3.LI. E FOUNTAIN e` R I -,T A. C R NT & STE a h HOUSE CENCED UNDER L L 6 0 _) _ri A.5EP' _— C_ NEON 3 SPECIALIZING IN.-.. •CHARCOAL STEAKS *CHICKEN •CHOPS !SEAFOOD ENJOY OUR SUPERB DAILY HOURS: SPECIAL TUES.-SAT. 10 a.m.-10 p.m. SUN. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. VALENTINE DANCE, February 14th, at Goderich Township Community Cen- tre. Music by Oount y Com- panions. Lunch For tickets call: 482-7480, 41 145 or 524- 718C-3-6 DANCE AT VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE for Vanastra curling Club, Sat., Feb. 7 from 9:30 p.m. -1 a.m. Music by Ian Wilbee. Tickets $10 per couple. Lunch provided. Proceeds for Building Fund. -3,4 MAY 10, 1981 - JOINT THANKOFFERING - Wesley Willis and Ontario St. U.C.W. Guest speaker - Rev. John Anderson of New Zealand. 7: 30 p.m. -4x QUEEN'S HOTEL Seaforth APPEARING THIS THURSDAY ONLY BLANC FILE THIS FRIDAY and SATURDAY THE BLITZ GRAND OPENING Fashion Two -Twenty Cosmetics . !' New:Branch Manager i]] In ch area.. - Continous Product Display & Demon- a e stration j a Free Gift to that first i -The Inspector makes a vi -cat It was the largest single donation ever given by the Clinton Legion as last Monday night president Percy Pugh, left, handed over a $4,500 cheque to hospital ad- ministrator Doug Coventry. The money will pay for a comnmicatlom system that will hook Clinton up directly with specialists in London's Victoria Hospital. (News - Record photo) (ci, central huron chronicle Paul Hartman, editor secondary school news Music program broadens horizons by Dave Saundercock On Sunday, January 25, the CHSS choir performed at the Wesley -Willis Church during the morning service. The choir sang two numbers, "Sanctus" and "Canticle of Praise", both of which were greatly appreciated. They also helped the congregation with' hymns sung during the service. After the service there was a wee hour- to' • allow members of the church to get acquainted with r the choir. The choir performed so well that they received several invitations to sing at other churches including Blyth, Hensall, as well as the Ontario Street United Chur- ch. +++ The school band and choir will be performing at five area public schools during this week to try to promote interest for a music program at CHSS next year. . The two groups will travel to the Clinton Christian School today (Thursday). On Friday they'll visit four area public schools including Hallett Central, Blyth, Brucefield and finally Clin- ton Public School. They'll give a half hour perfor- mance at each school as well as a short talk session ex- plaining what music at CHSS entails. It sounds like a great time, and anyway, it's a day off school. Hullett happenings Grade 5 explores nature Cooldng cat and nature were the themes Friday, January 23 when the grade five class under the in - twenty ladies. Spacial Draw for Maier - ca Pearls (Value `130.00) Draw for Gentlemen. Individual Color Analysis available. AT SEAFORTH LEGION THURS., FEB. 5th 8-10 P.M. ••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN'S FEBRUARY DOUBLE BILL. • . • I Until February 15th, Kentucky Fried Chicken is featuring two great money -saving specials on finger lickin' good chicken. The February Double Bill. There's nothing like it. r •, C. S l td t t' 1 It 1 101.1111,11011111 )1 tr 1> it olSrt Kentuik9 fi4ed C SAVE, •o 1 BUCKET, • • • • • • • FROM FEBRUARY 2ND TO FEBRUARY 15TH 1 hon this coupon to your nearhy Kentucky Fried Chicken Store for Bucket. with 15 pieces of good chicken. a large l6ounce salad of your cheat's and a Family 1 Large Salad & Family Fries. ast, French pay test ries cTr 44 Elgin Ave.. E. Reg. $11.50 GODERICH Col Sonders Rocipo227 Mole Street 1 KentucKy Fried Chicken N r EXETER 1 SAVE II* ou. on a Dinner for One. 94 Elgin Ave., E. GODERICH 227 Main Street Krnl lSaundCaKry Re Fried ortid R • A CANAAN COMPANY ® 'temzerar- 7�f • 1 11 The Inspector Bu Barry Turner The :terrified teacher shrank back in fear to his desk, and sat nervously biting his nails. He had not yet fallen. prey "to the In- spector, but he knew that he would soon arrive. The next class was trickl- ing in, when it happened. Suddenly, without warning, came the Inspector, and took up an inconspicuous seat at the back of the room. The teacher shakily began the lesson. The students, by some mental telepathy, could sense his tension. He misspelled several words, broke seven pieces of chalk and stuttered. FROM FEBRUARY 2ND TO FEBRUARY 15TH 1: brim! t)•. <tnipon t<, y nir nearby Kentucky Fried Chic ken Store for a Dinner tor One with 3 pieces ()F 61001 chicken. French F ne>. cele slaw, and ' Grecian bread and pay just •2030 Reg. $2.90 11..102 e, 1 J Finally, • in answer to the teacher's prayers., the tone sounded,- Asathe ciao left. and the Inspector walked by, the teacher crawled into the corner and crumpled to the floor. Another teacher had fallen prey to the invisible force of the Inspector. This week at CHSS Grad picture' retakes will be taken on' Thursday (to- day +++ A physical fitness test was given to a select group of Grade 12's on January 26. It involved such things as bench steps and blood tests. +++ Grade 9 and 10 technical students finished their first semester shops and switched NOW PLAYING JAN. 28-29 ONE SHOWING 0:00 P.M. IN THE TRADITION OF BILITiS, EMMANUELLE STORY of IX. MELODY INLOVE Melody O'Brven • Sascha Heh Starts FRIDAY! JAN. 30th -FEB. 3 NOTE SHOWTINIES FRI, R SAT. - TWO SHOWINGS 7 & 9 SUN. -TUE. - ONE SHOWING 7:30 P.M. SAT. & SUN. MATINEE 2:00 P.M. surv*Onatmers fes.., but net the Mountain amity Robin • I sta.,mg ROBERT F LOGAN • SUSAN DAMANTE SHAW 4333) WRUAM BRYANT•HEArHER RAT TRAY• HAM LARSEN a'7 OnGE BUCK FLOWER STAKTS WED., FEB. 4 W LL:I AS PAR GOvtiti fi [TOTarso TAT PHONE 524 781.) FAIR CONDITIONED PROGRAM SUIJtCT THAN : f WI H to their second semester ones on Tuesday of this week. + + + The girls' volleyball teams played a tournament in Goderich on Wednesday of this week. Scores were not available at press time. The curling team also par- ticipated in a tournament on Wednesday and again, scores were not available. struction of Mrs. Cooke and Mr. Hinson viiited the brush nearby. The day began with a one mile trip back to the bush on skiis or snowshoes. The students then explored the bush looking for birds, animals and different kinds of trees. The young explorers returned to camp and started their fires. They cooked such foods as potatoes, steaks, pork chops and vegetables. Before the students returned home to buses at 3:15, they spent a little time tobogganing. The students returned home tired and happy after a profitable learning day in the bush. Exhibition volleyball The Hullett girls volleyball team and the Blyth girls volleyball team had an exhibition game after school at Hallett Central on January 22. Both teams played well. Blyth won all three games. At the Legion By Steve Cooke • There are a lot of events corning up on Zone level, so if you are interested at all, you should start checking the sports board downstairs at the Legion. On February 7 there is a cribbage tourna- ment, which will be held in Seaforth, starting at noon. The dealrine, however, for signing up is February 4 so if you want to play, mosey on down and sign your name to the list. Mixed curling will also be taking place in Seaforth on February 22, 'so maybe you should start organitour team -now. On Feb ary 14 ( Valentine's Day ), a `shuf_;_,B fieboard tournament will be happening at the Polish Legion in Kitchener. I would imagine that this is quite a popular event, so if you want to participate, it would be best to register early. As you can see, the calen- dar is filling up fast as the season for Zone sports events gets off the ground. I'll try to keep you informed with as much advance notice as possible, but for full details, check for postings on the Sports Board. Don Arm- strong can also fill you in on individual events, or • steer you to the person in charge of any given tournament. Men's euchre last week was as well attended 'as ever with 16 tables playing again. Eric Schellenbereer won the high score with a perfect 90 points., Congratulations Eric! Harold Black and Les Turner tied with five lane hands each and Wat Webster brought up the rear with a low score of 50. In mixed darts, Rosemary Armstrong and John Scott teamed up to turn in the high score, while Phyllis and Lloyd Butler played an off game and took low couple. Individual highs were Joyce Scott for the ladies and Brian Atkinson for the men. Twelve couples, most AP them Legion members, headed off to London last week to attend a Robbie urns supper and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The food and entertainment were both ex- cellent, and in order to make a weekend of it, they stayed at the Holiday Inn overnight. Everyone returaed Suntory, none the worse for the wear and with a stomach full of haggis - Purse pointer. !Don't be a crime statistic. Ladies, hold your purse close to your body and neva walk away from it while shopping. Men, carry your wallets in your side trouser pocket or inside coat pocket. Discover our resort, where the beach has more sea gulls and pelicans than people ESCUJIO to Our Golf -Tennis -Heated Pools Oceanfront Hotel Apartments Fishing - Sailing - Beautiful Beaches Restaurant - Lounge For more intormation, call or write: Indian River Plantation Resort, Hutchinson Island 385 N E. Plantation Road, Stuart. Fi. 33494 (305) 225-3700 145 miles north of Palm Beach) Complete Hotel Services 11 COME AND HELP US CELEBRATE "CHARLIE ECKSTEIN" WEEKEND CANDLEL-IGHT FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER DURING THE WINTER SEASON APPEARING 3 BIG NIGHTS THURS., FRI., & SAT. JAN. 29, 30 & 31 9 P.M. -1 A.M. AND TO HELP CELEBRATE -WE ARE OFFERING FREE SALAD BAR IN DININGRO6M WITH ANY DINNER ALSO FEATURING TOP SIRLOIN ROAST BEEF DINNER COMPLETE WITH SALAD BAR WITH YOUR CHOICE OF DRESSING. VEGETABLE, CHOICE OF POTATOES, FRENCH BREAD & BUTTER. $ A 95 ONLY NIF• CHILDREN'S PORTION 1/2 PRICE SERVED FROM 5-9 P.M. THIS THURS.. FRI. & SAT. IN DININGROOM & RESTAURANT - RESERVATIONS SUGGESTED. THE Charlie Eckstein poRDLELIGH RESTAURANT ANWT'AVERN LICENSED UNDER LLBO BAYFIELD RD. GODERICH 524-7711