HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-01-29, Page 1738_ Auction sole iI 18. Houses for rent 18. Houses for rent FOR RENT Three bedroom townhouses, newly decorated. Located 1n Vanastra, 2 miles from Clinton, quiet surroundings. tilt, per month Including heat and hot water. TV cable available. ideal for retired people, close to Lake Huron, APPLY AT OFFICE RLQ H UNIT 1 OR PHONE 462-1020 BETWEEN k i 10 P.M. 26. Help wanted 26. Help wonted ACCOUNTING CLERK REQUIRED A self starting Individual with experience In Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and General Ledger to Mai Balance required Immediately. Persons with some formalised accounting training and familiar with Mc- B ee System preferred. This Is a full-time position and Interested individuals should submit a resume to DRAWER NO. 2 CIO CLINTON NEWS -RECORD OFFICE PERSON Cooks Division of Gerbro Inc. at Hensel) requires someone eolith the following . qualifications: Agri, B usiness experience, pleasant personality capable of meeting and deeding with the public. Duties will In- clude overthe counter soles, producer cash crops set- tlements, inventory control records and some typing. Please send resume to the Attention of G. Upshall. MATURE, RESPONSIBLE PERSONS iNiERKTER IN EMPLOYMENT IN SUPERIOR QUAUTT COUNTRY INN NEEDED PART-TIME, PERMANENT & SUMMER POSITIONS AVAILABLE.... eninutna VAILABLE...- eninumci AN ADVANTAGE RUT INITIATIVE i INTEREST SiRONGLT CONSIDERED APPLY 1N 11RMNG TO: THE LITTLE INN BOX 102 BAYFIELD, ONTARIO 27. Wonted (general) FIREWOOD WANTED - Seasoned, loaded on our. trailers. 50 percent limbs and the rest split. SEASONED. Call Toll Free 1-800-265-4279. Floyd Jones, Newbury Ontario. -51-4 WANTED - removed by April 15, 1961, one frame barn 40' x 60' with metal roof and two- storey red brick house. Con- tact Bob Grunedwald 3;57-3450 from 9 - 5 or 482-3270 evenings. -1-4 HARDWOOD BUSH or TREES WANTED CRAIG HARDWOODS LTD. Auburn For Best Cash Prices SLABWO.OD FOR SALE BILL CRAIG 526-7220 AL CRAIG 526-7512 28. Business opportunity FULL Ott PART-TIME - Couples and individuals for business of your own. Local Amway distributor trains you for splendid opportunity. Phone 482-7728 after 5 and on weekends. -3-10x FAST FOOD Outlet, small investment needed. Kirkland Lake, Ontario; Cardston, Alberta. Phone Andy Blatz (204) 326-3565 or Jake Blatz (204) 326-6610. Box 2754 Steinbach, Manitoba ROA 2A0.-4bc ITS NOT TOO LATE! Learn income tax preparation at home. Reduced prices, Free biochture, no obligation, write U & R Tax School, 118 Rox- borough Drive, Toronto, Ontario.- 4bc EXTRA INCOME AT HOME. Prepare now. For information send name and stamp to: Alan, 403 Talbot St., Box 728-R, St. Thomas, Ont. N5P4C3.-4,5x 29. Tenders PUBLIC TENDER House for sale - 04 Shlpley St.. Clinton. 2 bedroom brick house to be moved. Purchaser to clove house off present lot not later than May 13, 1,41. Tenders to be submitted to Hospital Administrator, Clinton ,Pubik Hospital, dosing data friday, Feb. 6,14001. Particulars of site preparation available at tree hospital. Douglas Coventry Adefelnb tutor ,owe Ana. TENDERS FOR CARPET Tender will be received by the undersigned for the Installation of car- pet for the Assessment Building and Court House, Goderlch, On- tario. Tenders to close at 4:00 P.M. Wed., Feb:11, 1981 Specifications and ten- der forms are available on request from the of- fice of the undersigned. Lowestor any tender not necessarily accep- ted. Bill G. Manly Clark -Treasurer - Administrator County of Huron. Court House Goderlch, Ont. 117A 1M2 29. Tenders TENDERS -FOR LAND RENT TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned for land rent on West Part, Lot 16, Concession BRN Township of Stanley for approximately 35 acres for the years 1981, 1982 and 1963 until 12:00 noon, Friday, Jan. 30, 1961. Tender forms must be obtained from the office of the clerk treasurer: Nig t ' or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Mel Graham Clerk Treasurer RR 1 Brucefield, Ont. NOM 1J0.--3,4 TRUCK TENDER TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Tenders for the sup- plying of h 1411 model one-half ton truck are to be in the Clerk's hands by 12:00 p.m. on February 76th, 19E1. The tender to be submitted with and without the present township owned pick-up truck as a trade In on.the new model. Township tender forms are to be used. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accep- ted. Allan Nicholson, Rood Superintendent, Egmondville. Ontario. 31 Service directory ADDITIONS, Renovations and All Types of Carpentry. Including drywall. Licensed carpenter with reasonable prices. Phone 482-7860 Gary MacKay. -1-4 GET YOUR Chimney cleaned. Reasonable rate. Phone 482- 3068.--4 WHEELCHAIRS: The CP & T Fund of Clinton Oddfellows Lodge have wheelchairs available for loan free. Contact Tom Choler 482-7652 or Mrs. M. Batkin 482-3866.-46ffar - HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE 1 MILE NORTH Of I.ONDESBORO 523-9202 FOR SALE Used Snowmobiles We also Service and Repair snowmobiles and snowblower, and other small engine equipment CUSTOM MACHINE SHOP Peter Harder R.R. 2 Clinton 482-3242 Custom Slaughtering and Processing kinf lila. Vi t'r nesda, DASHWOOD 237-5677 THE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH WILL ACCEPT QUOTATIONS FOR -the rental of Part Lot 23, Con. 4, HRS. -some El acres more or less fora three year parted. -acreage to be datarndnod by a sunray, winch Is to be completed In early spring. -quotations aro to be on a per acre basis with half of the rental due on June 1st and hell due December 1st sack year. The land must be left free of chemicals. -quotations most be received by the undersigned on or before Fakru.r pith, 1981 at 244 p.m. The highest or any qua � ' nss. Iy accepted. J.R. McLachlan, Clerk -Treasurer. Township of Tudcerimith. 31: Service directory KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling renovations, cupboards, roc rooms, car- ports, flooring, Hunt -Pella windows and patio doors, altmainum siding, windows, doors. Phone 482 -7676_ -Ken McNairn.-12tfar LAYING and FINISHING concrete floors for basements, garages, drive sheds etc. Call George 482.3291. -45tf FOR EXPERIENCED and Professional stucco and drywall renovations call 482- 3696.-1-4 INCOME TAX PREPARED Personal and Farm Ross Carter, B.A. REASONABLE RATES PLEASE PHONE 482-7176 AFTER 6 P.M. PAINTING DECORATING INTERIOR RENOVATIONS Free Estimates call: Steve CEF ELMhneDrs BRU 482-3377 Electrical Problems? Call ED'S ELECTRIC Licensed Electrician Commercial/ Industrial/Farm Residential 24 HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE Ed Rooseboom 452-7441 JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings * Additions * Renovations PHONE 452-3063 31. Service directory WATER WELL DRILLING W®®. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RiGGS PHONE:SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 4274528 JIM: .527-e775 JACK GERRITS CONSTRUCTION LTD. *Farm *Commercial *Residential *Buildings *Additions *Renovations AFFILIATED WITH: CUSTOM SHEET METAL *Fascia *Soffits *Door and Window Jambs and Sills *Metal Covered Doors ESTIMATES & QUOTES AT NO OBLIGATION PHONE: 482-7290 34. Personal HELP save Canada for only $3.41. Send a 21 -word cablegram to London, England. Example: PM Margaret Thatcher, House of Parliament, London, England. "Please don't change BNA Act for Centrad- Government. (Please include name, town and province). You can help. Call your Telegram office or CNCP Communications office in your area. Send your own message to HMT Queen, Buckingham Palace, London, England. Get Concerned. Get a copy of the Trudeau Con- stitution. Ad paid by United West Ass'n. Bag 530, Brooks, Alberta TOJ OJO.-4bc UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT HURON STEAMATICC th t. total cicani service In -Home Estimate... 524-2260 WINTER SPECIAL Any 3 rooms of carpet cleaned for only $59.9 OMR EXPIRES nus. 27/11 We also do UPHOLSTERY 48 HR. SERVICE HENDRIK GELOK ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL TRAILER AND R V SERVICE (DUALITY WORKMANSHIP AT A REASONABLE PRICE MAINTENANCE - NEW AND OLD INSTALLATIONS PHONE 519-482-3700 or 482-7007 give yourself a lift! 34. Personal PREGNANT and DISTRESSED? Married or single, free positive con- fidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIRTHRIGHT - London (colect) 4327197 or 524-2913, 357 -1769 or 524-2523_---3-52 DO YOU FEEL helpless about Canadian Constitutional Issues? Would you spend 15.75 for satisfaction? Send a 35 - word Night telegram to Ottawa, (delivered). Exam- ple: Joint Committee on Constitution, House of Com- mons, Ottawa, Ontario. Advise Parliament - bring the BNA Act Home as is -Adopt it es our constitution - Any changes by consensus of provinces _ (Please include name, town and province). You can help. Call your Telegram office or CNCP Communications office in your area. Send your own message to MP's, Governor- Geiiital. Demand a copy of the proposed Constitution from your M.P. Ask what your rights of ownership will be? Ad paid for by United West Ass'n. Bag 530, Brooks, Alberta TOJ OJO.-4bc 35. Notice to creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH FREDERICK MOTE, late of the lbwn of Clinton, m the County of Huron. AIL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-named, Joseph Frederick Mote, who died on or about the 2nd day of December, 1951, are required to file the same with hill particulars with the un- dersigned by the 9th day of February, 1961, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 8th day of January, 1961. D. GERALD HILTZ, - Barrister &Solicitor, 52 Huron Street, Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor. -2-4 IN THE ESTATE OF LAWRENCE EDWARD ELLIS, late of the Village of Brucefield in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased. AIL. persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 20th day of November, 1980, are required to file fill par- ticulars .thereof with the un- dersigned on or before the 20th day of February, 1981, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 19th day of January, 1961. MENZIES, ROSS, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. -3-5 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of LILLIE BELLE JAMIESON, Widow, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 28th day of December, 1980, are required to file the same with full particulars with the un- dersigned by the 14111 day of February, 1981, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 14th day of January, 1981. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. -3-5 36. Announcements, notices REWARD - $500. For in- formation leading to and or the return of 8 guns and one television set stolen from Allan Haugh in Brucefield. 527- 0248 ,-4,5 40. Lost & Found LOST - Holiday Walkie-Talkie at school on Friday. Beige coloured_ Reward offer_ Phone 482-7996.-4 41. To give away TO GOOD HOME 7 week old kittens. Fully litter trained. Mother cat also. Please call alter 6 pm_ 4112-3771.-4x 42. Death notice OMI 3FRAUGHAN At Huronview , on Tuesday, January 20th, 1961, Olive (Cluff) Straughan, formerly of Colborne Township, in her 91st year. Beloved wife of the late A lilt Straughan_ Dear mother of Helen (Mrs. KK. Dawson), of Dungannon, Ben, of Ben - miller and Betty (Mrs. Orville Stanley) , of Clinton. Also survived by eight grand- children and 19 great- grandchildren_ Rested at the McCallum Funeral Home, Cambria Road at East Street, Goderich after 2 p.m. Wed- nesday. Funeral . service 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Interment Colborne Cemetery. Donations to the charity of your choice would be ap- preciated as expressions of sympathy. -4 KELLER At Parkwood Hospital, Lon- don, Thiusday, January 22, 1981, Barbara Jean Keller_ Daughter of Florence and the, late Elmer Keller of Dashwood .. in her 20th year. Dear sister of (Doris) Mrs. Grant Westlake of Exeter, (Marie) Mrs. Brian Watson of London, (Joyce) Mrs. Lloyd Bowman and (Joan) Mrs. James Briggs both of Dashwood; (Debbie) Mrs. Eugene Regier of Zurich, Gerald of Major, Saskat- chewan, Fred of Windsor, Beverly, Gordon and David all of Dashwood, Ronald of Hensel!, Dawson of` Exeter and Ray of Winnipeg. Predeceased by one sister, Shirley. Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman and Sons Funeral Home, Dash- wood, where the funeral and committal service took place on Saturday, January 24th at 2:30 p.m. Interment in Dash- wood Lutheran Cemetery, Reverend M. Mellecke of- ficiating. -4 BREEN At St. Joseph's Hospital on Monday, January 26, 1981, Mrs. Dorothy L. (Griffiths) Breen, of 1255 Huron Street, in her 59th year. Beloved wife of William M. Breen and dear mother of Ronald C. Breen of London. Sister of Cecil Grif- fiths of Guelph: Norman Griffiths of Magara Falls and Arthur Griffiths of London. Visitation in the Needham Memorial Chapel, 520 Dundas Street (after 7:00 p.m. Tuesday) where the funeral service was conducted Thursday, January 29 at 1:30 Rm. Reverend John Palmer of Hyatt Avenue United Church officiated. Interment Forest Lawn Memdrial Gar- dens.-4nx McRAE Suddenly at Clinton Public Hospital, on Thesday, January 20, 1981, Nellie I. (Warner) McRae of Bayfield. Ontario and forniefly of Byron, in her 76th year. Beloved wife of the late Cecil R, McRae: dear mother of Mrs. Keith (Irene) Easton of Bayfield and Ms. Jean LaForme of London: dear sister of Miss Evelyn Warner of 8 London. Predeceased by two brothers. Also loved by 3 grandchildren Donald and Lori Featherston both of London, Scott Easton of Bayfield and one great- grandson Anthony. Friends were received at the A. Millard George Funeral Home, 60 Ridout Street South, after 7 p.m. -Wednesday. Funeral service was conducted in the chapel on Friday, January 23, at 1:30 Rm. with Rev. Douglas R.G. Story of Byron United Church and Rev. A, Thomas of Bayfield United Church of- ficiating.-4nx reqadaftell b` di.,4oce:eilei _ _, IIIA AUCTION CALENDAR FEBRUARY 11th: Wientom Building Servkes Inc., INdgetown, machinery end tools at MAO a.m. Ar achoelf AUCTIONEERS. LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. .0 SEAFORTH. ONTARIO NOK IWO (510) 527-1458 1 A a JANUARY18, 1981 --PAGE 17 42. Death notice FiSHER Allan - at Sarnia General Hospital on Saturday, January 24,1961. Hugh Allan Fisher age 81. -Husband of Lillian (Emmett) Fisher of 10 Derby Lane, Sarnia Bern in Stanley Township, County of Huron and Most of his life was strait in Graves hjr'st.. Brother of Mrs. Ansa Moffat and Miss Eleanor Fisher of Clinton_ Several nieces and nephews also survived Predeceased by brother Dr. Murray Fisher. Resting at the De. Robb Funeral • Home, Sarnia where service will be held Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. Cremation to follow. Expressions of sympathy may be made through donations to the Ontario Heart Foun- dation. -4 43 Births I'AMSMA Henry and Deb are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, Karen Virgin -ma, sg7.lb_ i4avehem Jon_ 19, 1981 at Palmerston and District Hospital. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Peter Damsma and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Sikkema..-4nx BOWIE Jim and Marilyn (nee Holmes) are proud to announce the birth of their first child, Nicholas James, on Jan_ 9, 1981, at Stratford General Hospital. A Grandson for David and Margo Bowie and Murray and Jean Holmes.-4nx n.4. Engagements ALLIIN -TURNER Bob and Isobel Turner of Auburn, are pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming marriage of their youngest daughter, Sherry Lynn, to Wayne Gordon Arlin, son of Beatrice and the late Roy Allis, of Goderich. The marriage to take place February 14, 1981, at7 :30 p.m., in Knox United Church, Auburn. -4,5 47. Card of thanks CLINTON FIGURE SKATING CLUB We would like to say a special thank you to. Donna and Ken Wood, Mary Jean Beattie, Murray Cook and all the skaters and their parents who. helped in any -way to makeour dance a big success. Thank you all for coming. The Executive of the Clinton Figure Skating Club. -4 JOHNSTON I wish to thank my relatives and friends for cards, flowers and treats. Special thanks to Bayfield Lions and Lioness Clubs and the Ever Young Chib, St. Andrews United Church, the U.C.W. and Rev. Allan Thomas, Dr. Flowers and the nursing staff of the Clinton Public Hospital. Perce Johnston. ---4 DETONG I wish to thank my family and friends for the kindness received while I was a patient in Clinton Hospital. Speeial thanks to Dr. Lambert, Dr. Newland, nursing staff and to all those who sent flowers, cards and gifts. To the staff of Clinton Hospital, Father John Pinta and the Knights of Columbus. Sincerely Doreen Dejong. -4 STRAUGHAN The family of the late Olive Straughan sincerely thank their friends, neighbours and relatives for all kindnesses, floral tributes and sympathy cards. We are very grateful for the excellent care given our mother by all i uronview staff and personneL Our thanks to Reverend Robert Ball for his comforting ministry and a special thank you to Miss Clare McGowan for her many visits. For all who donated so generously to Heart Fund, Cancer Society, Huntington Society and North Street Church Memorial Fund, we aregrateful.-4 DAER i would like to thank the ambulance service, intensive care unit. nurses on first floor of Clinton Hospital, Dr. Street. and Dr. Newland and all who sent flowers and cards while I was in hospital and since returning home. JoeDaer.-4 McR A E We would like to thank relatives, friends and Bayfield neighbors for the beautiful floral tributes. cards and memorial donations to the Heart Foundation, Canadian Ca neer Society, St. Andrews United Church Memorial Fund: and Bible Society during the sudden loss of our beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, Nellie McRae. Special thanks to Rev. Douglas Storey, Rev. A. Thomas, A. Millard George Funeral Home, Com• missionaires who acted as pallbearers, Clinton Public Hospita 1, Mrs. Fib rence Featherston and Mrs. Lynda Boston. Vour kindnesses will always be remembered. Irene, Jean and Flttnilies.--4 nd and the l By Moss 1 aibb The fiat meeting for ISEI for the SS No. 4 Club was held atthe home of R pot lug- was served at 112:39 and as usual, no one left the table President Made ' e Bartlett presidod over meeting which opened with the Creeds and The Lord's Secretary,Prayer. Reba Lobb read the minutes tithe December meeting which, was by the annual report. The treasurer's repeat was given by Linda Jones. Madeline then binned the nreeldng over to the new president, Marlene Forbes. The new secretary, Linda Jolles and new , Wane' lebb gi ee their;r and 1111 Ball ffrffbaasx with 13 members and three visitors answering with "Your plans for a winter vacation, your New Year's Resolution, and your maxibership " Marlene Forbes will host the February meeting on Wednesday afternoon, February 4th. The quilt which we worked on in January will be put up for the meeting. Alison Lobb offered to order the , coin sets for the dub so we will have them for graduation in June. The meeting closed with the benediction and the re- mainder of the afternoon was spent quilting. Personals it seems that there is a lot of traffic between the west and the east for this neighbourhood in the last few months. Gary Tebbutt returned to this province after four years in Alberta and thinks he will stay here. At Christmas time, Paul Forbes came for a visit; also Graig Taylor, formerly of Varna, and Rick Blake of Holmesville, but the weather was warmer in Alberta so they flew back while we shivered here. Next to head west was Brian Igllb . who repotted that there was very little Snow and it looked as if spr- ing ing was on the way in Ed- monton. He and Lana left on Sunday after a week's visit but they just missed the Chinook we had. While Brian was here, Toni Archibald of Lindsay, formerly of Clinton, was staying with the other boys in St. Albert. Katherine and Dana have been visiting with Arcbibalds and Murray and Marlene Forbes until Tom found a house for them. Tom has a job with the Depart- ment of Forestry in Alberta and they wall be living in Ed- monton. Don and Marilyn Forbes, Brad, Lori and Lasa, and Barry and Trudy Wilson, Tony and Sean Van Dongen and Marion were off to Owen Sound for a weekend of snowtnobiling. Building value drops in Exeter EXETER -For the second year in a row, the value of building permits in Exeter has dropped by over 11,009,090. The total value of permits issued in 1980 was $1,00,515 according to statistics given by Exeter's building in- spector B rian Johnston. The 1979 figure was $2,179,571 and the 1978 total was $3,858,545. "It reflects a winding down of the economy," commented Exeter Coun- cillor Bill Mickle in reference to the sharp decline. Noting that the only major increase was in government buiklings, (the new police station) he suggested governments were the only group that had money to spend. Only seven new hones were built last year for a value of $378,000 compared to 14 in the previous year at a value of $728,000. However, Mr. Johnston'pointed out that this was above average for the area. Smile Inflation hasn't ruined everyting. A dime still can be used asa screwdriver. +++ A neighbor is someone who advises you on what to buy, so Meal bot'ow it liter.