HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-01-29, Page 12MI P u� THURSDAY. , 2, 16�7� Lite_ _.Club offers g for everyone *Shelley McPhee If you've baking kw a bit of noon hour A dance to meet BIS nee? People, edulea isal envenomed and an opportarily to mad a vaieW of hooks, then the Clinton Manny Club 'miry jug be Menem for you. The newly formed weep already has at hatchet over 25 and is leaking _fol° The club held its forst session onJanuary 23, and will matinee to meet on the fourth Friday of every_ at the amuck M are held between 12:30 and 1:30 pen, to ac- commodate wetting people and everyone brings their own hl hi to eat while the book[ diseashos take place. Under the guidance of Huron County Librarian Bell Partridge c4 and Clinton's librarian Shirley Fal, the gr up will follow a fiat that has led to the success of similar book clubs in Byfield andGoderich. 1 �. lltl'6olo► s e available to toad,`uso ly_as.. dip .. "a idi feremt lengths. Over the month period' c18b members read the book of their choice and at the nem meelaeg everyone offers MEM briefs. thoughts on the book andth eauthor The Literary Club is not like school and Mr. Partridge stressed, "Even if you haven't read the bock, you've probably read a few chapters and have same opinion Ian." "Your opinion is just as good as everybody else," he tad the chi mew tiers. "No one's an authority and there are lots ofdifferent opinions" Boots are usually chosen by Mr. Par- tridge, he tries to fulfill the club memberss'suggestions, if enough copies of the requested book are amiable. - Because copies are often limited to 10, and _ gtelllle axle_ larMreetvro _books- are 'may offered each month. This allows a greater choice far the readers and the two books oftered usual* ray in length and subject matter. For their first books, the Clinton group were able to choose between Peter N' 's "The Brogan Dyeasty," a nonfiction about the weakh and poen' of and The Sfleot Rooms, Anne Elesbert's 167 page, fictional novel of aegtoMr. Partridge, most peeple him reading biographies and historically based DDve.Ls. "Most eeople hike to learn what ethers have keen "he expLsined W. Partridge also noted that he strongly emphashies Canadian books in the Bayifield and Goderich dubs,, because he feels that. there are many emellent boalcs and authors that have gone un - Some of the paperback selections that the Goderich group has studied include "Nicholas and Alexandra;" "The Women's Roolal," by Marilyn French; .. " by, MereAtroont. anen. as Gahm y's barks and wiritimee . by Joyce Carol Oates and Mice Mum. The Goderich group has also read "I Heard The Owl Call My Name," and afberwards saw the feature film based on the book. They has studied Jet Roulette, the non - fictional account of major airplane disasters, and, discussed, but didn't read, Margaret Laureahce's "The Diviners" at the height of the controversy in Huron County high schools when it suggested that "The Diviners" and other books - be removed from the students' readinglists. Mr. Partridge said that he attempts to please all tastes with the choice of books and noted that he was quite pleased to see the turnout for the Clinton Literary Club's firstmeeting. Spearheaded by the Wesley -Willis UCW, the club welcomes men and women of all ages and interests to join. The neat meeting is scheduled forFriday, February 27 at 12:330 pm. Residents may form council Last Monday afternoon, January 19, interested residents met in .the aU itorlurn to di9cuss the forming Of 'a residents council- 13 was decided at that time to meet again on Friday when the nomination committee which consisted• of a resident from every section of the building had jointly. prepared a list of delegates, who would represent the residents on a resklends commie n x:. Grace Peck, Mary Ross, • Muriel Gibson, Jennie Chestney, and Edna Can-' tcbn enjoyedshufleboard in the auditbriu m on Monday afternoon The eroderidh Township Women's Ilis9.tite came to Huronview on Wednesday afternoon to he celebrate the January birthdays. Molly Cox and Alberta Driver entertained the residents. We understand that due to sickness by the planers with the original program, Molly and Alberta kindly put onetogether at the last minute and it was enc joyable too. We even got a surprise when Molly sang several selections and this. was especially enjoyed by those who attended. Delicious cupcakes and tea were served at the close of -thepprogrammeMiss Mary Van Camp thanked the ladies -on behalf. of the residents. Mrs. Prouty held Bible study in the chapel on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Prouty will not be with in for awhile as dile is going on vacation. We. hope that she has a lovely holiday. Sympathy is expressed to the families of David Papple, Ontario St, UCW The Ontario Street UCW Evening Unit met in the ladies parlour, January 26 when Edna Wheeler led in prayer to open the meeting. Marlene Forbes read a poem, and Marjorie Dutot led the responsive reading and prayer while Edna Wheeler read a story of a handicapped duld following One theme "1981 the Year of the Handicapped" Mrs. Helen Sootheran was the guest of the evening and told of blindness. Her talk was both entertaining and infor- mative. The business portion heard the annual secretary's and treasurer's reports for 1980. There were 34 home and 28 hospital calls reported. Mar- jorie Dutot read the cor- respondence and Edna Wheeler and Helen Aiken were appointed to work with the property committee from the evening unit. A game night is being planned for Tuesday, February 17 at 8 p.m. The evening unit will supply k lunch and the cost will be $1 per person. - It was announced the A -L group were the penny con- test winners for 1980. Everyone is asked to bring a pot luck dish for the February meeting and the penny losers will act as hostesses for the 6:30 p.m. meal. The benediction closed the meeting and lunch was sere- , ed by Phyllis Tyndall's - Local lady dies MRS. OLIVE SIRAUGHAN Mrs. Olive Straughan of Huronview died in Huron - view on Tuesday, January 20 at the age of 90. She was born in Ashfield Township on January 28, 1890 to Harry and Ellen (Dreaney) Clufi She lived in Colborne Township andGoderich. She was a member and past Regent of Ahmeek Chapter IODE and a member of North Street United Church. She was predeceased by her husband, A.M. Straughan. She is survived by three children, Mrs. K.K. (Helen) Dawson of Dungannon, Ben of Benmiller and Mrs. Orville (Betty Stanley of Clinton; eight grand- children; and 19 great- grandchildren. A funeral service was held at McCallum Funeral Home in Goderich on Thursday, January 22 at 3 p.m. The Reverend Robert 0. Ball officiated. Interment was in Colborne Cemetery, Colborne Township. MONUMENTS MARKERS - CEMETERY LETTERING MONUMENT CLEANING & REPAIR DON DENOMME AREA iREPRESENTATIVE FOR AN APPOINTMENT ANYTIME Phone 524-6621 PRIME MONUMENTS BUSINESS EST. 1020 Mary Foran, and Olive Straugben. A well-known lady, Miss aiadotte Ann Baxter, is a new resident at 'Huronview this pad week, as is Mrs. Teresa Barnes from Clinton. Ann Baxter is living on ground north and Teresa Barnes is in normal care We are pleased to have Alexander Knowles from Clinton, who is in on vacation care staying with us for a couple of week& Wingham Memorials *Guaranteed Granite 'Cemetery Lettering •Buy Direct and save Commissions BUS. PHONE 347-1910 RES. 357-1015 edeen ae*tstime the Lary CIrr- b, ahead* over 25 peep a leave jibed Meet s are awe u n4b and a book read bymembersh discessed at each meeting. (`beiiey McPhee photo) radars hear about senior guide The Golden Radars Senior Citizens Club met in Clinton • on January 21 with president George Ruinbal in charge. The meeting began in silence, as tribute to members who had died. Over the Christmas season the Radars lost one of its valued members Mr. Percy Gibbings, as well as two former members, Mrs. Jenner Wise and Mr. Gordon Scribbins. A $5 donation was made to the Heart Fund in memory of Mr. Gibbings_ It was reported thatquite a 'number of members , had suffered accidents, illnesses or deaths in the family, since the December meeting and each was remembered in some way by the club members. The 45 members present at the meeting learned that a booklet is available from the Ontario government en- titled, A Guide for Senior Citizens. The booklet describes the programs and services available to seniors An invitation was read from the Enterprising Seniors of Goderich Township, inviting the Radars to attend a dessert - euchre in their new wall on ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Bela Szabo of Welland, Ontario are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Winne to Mr. David Elliott 3akley, sora of M . and Mrs. W'lliam Inkley, Clinton, Ontario. Mary is a graduate of North York Branson hospital School of Nursing, Toronto and is presently head nurse at Branson. David is a graduate of the Faculty of Engineering Science of the University of Western Ontario and is employed as a Utilities Engineer for Stelco Inc. in Hamilton A fall wedding is planned. MAKE TRIANGLE YOUR'FIRST STOP FOR • 9ft*zt3 ON ALL YOUR EVERYDAY NEEDS! AQUA-FRESH/100 ml $ 09 TOOTHPASTE ONLY HALO/350 ml SHAMPOO ONLY$1. 49 TONI LIGHTWAVES SOFT PERM REFILL ONLY $34,39 SEE US FOR BIG DOLLAR VALUE Y.V BIC DISPOSABLE79' SHAVERS 5's ®NLY PALMOLIVE LIQUID DETERGENT 1L $1 99 ONLY • S CONFIDETS BELTLESS MAXI PADS 30'S ONLY 1.59 Y`Y YY'Y'YI Y YYY;Y YY JYY Y.Y Y YY IYY�i YiriYYYYY1Y.YiYy YYY YY YYYY'YY. YYY iyY 'Y�i iY�YiiiYYYY YYYYYYY.YYYYYYiLYY1Yyf�+ "haa Yi YY YYJYYYYYI „asses, I,I l,Y.a ,Y y Y.. yYY. r . Yte a ass b„?� ' TI=1IANG LE DISCDUNTI. THE SQUARE, 0B13ERICH/MAIN CORNER, CLINTON/MAIN CORNER, SEAFORTH February 11. The afternomi gets underway at 1:30 pm and admission is $1. President Rumball also told club members that they are invited to attend a euchre party at. Huronview on February 11, also starting at 1:30 pm. Since an earlier invitation from Huronview had le be cancelled, the members voted to accept the Huron - view invitation and some 25 people will attend. The Radars learned that at the February 18 meeting, Mr. Terry Crabe, a biologist wan tines o..il>ssary of natural 1-1 resources, will be the guest speaker_ Mr_ Crabe has worked at The Pinery Provincial Park for several years and will show slides on his v nrk there. The social committee for February 4 will include Angus and Elda Stephen, Lillian Orpen, -Ruth Shad - dick and Bessie Steepe. After the meeting everyone took part in a few games of progressive euchre. High prizes were won by Omerine Watkins and Muriel Grigg and low prizes went to Bessie Steepe and Margaret Fremlin. La he L honors 25th y Leche League of Belgrave began its amend yearof' at the home _ of Mrs. Nolan, Wingbank en the evening of January . The topic of cliscession ass "Advantages elfBreastfeecang to Mother and Mrs. Barbara Kerr•, leader, explained how the League began with seven founcling mothers waiting to help mothers breastfeed their babies and share ideas en pantrthig After 25 years, La Leche League is now an active service emmization throughout the world Since this is LLL's 25thAnniver- sary Year, a variety of com- memorative items and special 'es are plann- ed in honor of our silver an- mVe 9. - Also ceming in 1911 im the Mole *et ►_ae taking place in Unicago, with 0,0100 people (adults and children) anticipated to attend. During Ino moa, me mothers shamed their ideas on what breastfeeding in a ” was NOTABLE QUOTES THE EXTRAORDINARY TIMES in which we live. the startling rapidity with which events follow events. the strong. phenomena In earth and sky. ors not wholly lost when they cause man to think "What do these things -mean?" (Pastor John McGregor, National Massage) The Notable Quotas Sooty 555 Klninvie. London. IENs 1P1 readfru Parte magazine in Wider to note that them were many soiees of infor- mation on chtlinaisimen and everyone had to (m their own philosophy of fanny and make choices to meet the needs of their own children. Few many 1433913ILS, breastfeeding helps mothers understand their babies and makes n10theing more en- joyable. These are oittlined in the bulk "3be Womanly` Art of Breas fe ding", and the mothers enjoyed disccrvering the advantages to adveitisements out from, It was announced that LLL Belgrave would become a depot for Egnell breastpunlEhs in the near future- The meeting closed with a social hour. 1 SUPERIOR IIAEINOR1AlS ESTASUSNED OVER 50 YEARS CLINTON SEAiORTB Area Represanative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Street CUNTON 4$2-M41 GODERICIH AREA Representative. RO*ERT MICALLUM 11 Cambria Road GODERICi 524-7345 Church Services ANGLICAN ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH THE REV. JAMES R. BROADFOOT.'B.A.. M. DIV. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1981 dfh , Sunday After Epiphany 10 a_m. Holy Communion SERMON: "OUR SYMBOLS OF PEACE" PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF HOUR OF SERVICES Sunday School and Nursery Available During Morning Worship A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT ST. PAU,L'c BAPTIST BAYF!ELD BAPTIST CHURCH "Holding Forth the Word of Life" Phil. 2:15 PASTOR: Rev. Les. Shie1505-2059 SUNDAY - 10 A.M. FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. Devotional Service 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Bible Teaching Service You and your family are welcome in this Bible Believing Fundamental Baptist Church FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CLINTON SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1981 MR. EDWARD J. ANDERSON PASTOR 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:15 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP EVERYONE WELCOME _\ CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 243 Princess St.. E. REV. ARIE VANDEN BERG B.D.. Th.M. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1981 10 a.m. Worship Service SERMON: "TWO BASIC AVENUES" 3 p.m. Worship Service SERMON: "ABRAHAM'S FAITH" All visitors welcome Watch "FAITH 20" at 9:30a.m. on Global T.W. CATHOLIC SAINT JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH James St., CllnIen Phone 4ss-�ra"veS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1981 FR. JOHN PLUTA MASS - SUNDAY, 11 A.M. CONFESSION SATURDAY 7:15 P.M. MASS - 8 P.M. SATURDAY ALL WELCOME PENTECOSTAL CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH iii Victoria Street Pastor: Wayne Lester 1:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service ALL WELCOME PRESBYTERIAN ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THE REV. THOMAS A.A. DUKE CHARLES MERRILL ORGANIST SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1981 10 a.m. Morning Worship 10 a.m. Sunday School Alt Welcome UNITED Ontario Street United Church 10S Ontario St., Clinton, Ont. Minister: Rev. R. Norman Pick Organist: Mrs. 'Doris McKinley SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1981 4th Sunday After Epiphany - 9:30 a.m. Confirmation Class 11 a.m. Public Worship Dedication of New Elders and Stewards 11 a.m. Church School Music - Junior Choir WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH PEOPLE SERVING GOD THROUGH SERVING PEOPLE SUPPLY MINISTER CHARLES S571 1-''' ORGANIST MISS CATHARINE POTTER CHOIR DIRECTOR MRS. WM. HEARN SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1981 11:00 a.m. "Sunday School and Nursery 11:00 a.m. Worship Service HOLMESVILLE UNITED CHURCH 1:00 p.m. - Worship Service and Sunday School *NOTE: All Services On Standard Time