HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-01-29, Page 8PAGE $ —t3 i NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY n,1 61 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Midtieton church rnee Hy Mancie Deeves Vestry meeting The anneal vtorymeetiing of St. Jam Anglican Clmrch was held last Thursday at the hone of Mr. and Mites. Edward Deem. Rev. Doug Pitts the meeting in the absence of Rev. William The Wardens gave their reports and the Rectees Warden Ray Wise eongratalated everyone for their support of the church and thanked the ACW for their untiring efforts in 1960. Mr. Wise abo thanked the retired clergy members Mr. Pitts, Rev.. George Youmatelf and Canon Paull who filled in so capably in the absence of St. James' rector Rev. Bennett, who has L Mr—Wise .nets,- that .it ts.._...... that 1961 will be a better year for Mr. Bennett with renewed health and strenght. He said that the new year will require everyone to strive a little more to fditliithe obligations with the increasing en- p>� Mr. Walso reported that it was afairly quiet year With regard lo mating arta repairs g the church, bat rated that some will be necessary in 1961. In his report, the Peoples' Warden Don Middleton said, "I wish to congratulate everyone for their physical as well as financial aid to the c irerch:.. I wish to par- tindarly thank the ACW for their continued eel's sup- "# port, and the men for their Marty valuable services. I wish you all continued success for 1961. Edward Wise gave the financial statement It was approved and audited by John Deeves and Keith Millen Estele Wise read the minutes of the January 24 meeting and the ACW report was given by Blanche The board of management for the current, year will include: Rector's Warden, Ray Wise; Peoples' Warden, Don Middleton; secretary, Estele Wise;. lay delegate, John Deeves; alternate delegate, StewartNlddietui. Other members on the board are Dean Aldwinkle, Vera Miller, Lois Wise, James Storey, BIll Steenstra, Margaret Mddleton, Ross Middleton, Bob Wain, Ralph Welsh; captain of the sdesmen, Edward Deeves; press reporter, Blanche Deeves; ACW coordinator, Blanche Deeves. Jeanne Bennett made a motion of thanks to the wardens and the congregation. Mr. Pitts eq reseed his appreciation for the invitation he and his wife received to attend the pot luck supper and meeting. A welcome was made to Ralph and Doreen Welsh as new members of St. James congregation and to Mrs. Rowden who was a guests and former member of the Own. The St. James congregation sends out their prayers and get well wishes to Rev. Bennett. Morning Prayer was held io St. James on Sunday with Mr. Pitts in charge of the service. He spoke to the congregation about the apostle PauL Bill Steenstra and Ray Wise, collected the offering. The ACW will be holding their February meeting at the home of Delores Dutot. Lynda Steen will be in charge of the meeting, assisted by Lois Smith and Doreen Welsh. Vera Miller and Shirley Storey will be in charge of the church care for the February. This Slsiday .holy Com - minion will be celebrated in St. James. News and notes Some ladies on the 9th concession have been busy quilting again at Delores Dutot's home. They're teeing a comforter for Mrs. Brand. Mary Atwood of Detroit was a recent visitor with her sister DeloresDufot. Mr. and Mts. Jim Huh (Mugs along with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deeves were supper guests on Sunday with Mr. teed Mrs. Alen Murray in Varna. Mrs. Peggy Ellis and denghaer Diane of Landon were visitors with the Deeves on Monday. Little Julie and Jenny Miller are spending a holiday with Gramma and / e a. 4 Q 2 YOU'LL DO BETTER AT A&P YOU'LL DO BETTER AT A&P 4 ga 0 si TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS! Prices effective this, Saturday, January 31st, 1981. 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