HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-01-15, Page 18HELD OVER JAN.15-20 NOTE SI4OWTIMES: FRI. & SAT. 7 & 9 SUN.-TUES. 8 PM The Army was no laughing matter until Judy Benjamin joined it. ADULT GOLDIE HAWN as PRIVATE BENJAMIN O THL PHONE 524 7811 AIR CONDITIONED PAGE 18-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15,1961 MAY 9, 1981 -- Circle this dateorn your calendar for the Walter Ostanek Dame in the Clint' on sponsored by the Fail Arena, -2 BLYTH LIONS BINGO every Saturday, Blyth Memorial Hall, 8:00 p.m. Regular, Share -the - wealth and Jackpot. $150 in 60 calls.-42tfar CARD PARTY: StrtinniSrla Hall on Friday, Jan. 16,1981 at 8:30 p.m, Sponsored by the Summerhill Hall Board. Everyone welcome. lames please bring larch. -1,2 SEWING CLASSES. Stale ting Mon., Jan. 12, 1 p.m. - > ge*'e, bathii suits - 8 Sewing Centre. Monday ening 7:30 p.m. CSS ad- vanced knits. Tuesday, Jan. 13, 1 pan. at store basic knits. Tuesday evening 7:30 p.m. at CICS basic knits. Also advanced knits on Thursday evenings 7:30 p.m. Goderich District Col- leglte. Advanced r - lion at store 482-7036.-1,2 r SALVATION ARMY nom MORE INKING ST. W. CLINTON 'sow �1 S p► 3100111 01011613" Buy one item and sealedget (of same waive) for only... FESTIVAL SINGLES Dance, Fiday, January 16, Victorian Inn, Stratford. Dancing 9:09 - 1:00 Welcome all singles over 25. No blue jeans. -2 GODERICH i TOWNSHIP Women's Institute Card Par- ties - Thursday, January 15 and:*, 1961, 8 p.m. at new Township Hatl+p, Holmesville. Admission $1. Ladies bring sandwiches. -2 CARD PARTY„IOOF Hall, Brucefield, Friday, January 16, 1981 at 8:30 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. Admis- sion $1.-2 dmis-sion$1.-2 ALL FULLER PRODUCTS ON SALE in January. Orders mailed 3 - p.m. on every Friday. Please contact P. Garrett, 482-7769 or J. Chilton (Manager) 565- 2165.-53-4 B1NP's0 every Tuesday Evening at Vanastra Centre; RR5 Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card, $1.00; 15 regular, $15 games, three share -the - wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission restricted to 16 years and over.-52tfar HURON FISH & GAME Bingo . every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. First regular card $1.00, restricted to 16 years or over. Jackpot $100 must go each week. 15 regular games. of $10 - 85 least on split.-37tfar CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday, 8 p.m. First regular card, $L 6 cards for $1. 15 regular games, 3 share the -wealth. Early bird game 7:45 p.m. Jackpot 8200 must go each week.-20tfar EUCHRE PARTY - Huron Fish and Game Club, Satur- day, Jan. 24 at 8 p.m. Members nd guests welcome. $ per per- son. -1,2,3 THE HURON County Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, held at the Health Unit office, Shipley Street, Clinton on Friday, January 16, 1 .,1 from 9.30 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Im- munization 4. Hearing Screening 5. Vision Screen- ing 6. Fluoride brushing for ages 3 to 5 years.--2ar Goderich Township Recreation WINTER ROGRA ADULT VOLLEYBALL - Begins Wed. Jan. 7 Op.m. in Noblesville School YOUTH VOLLEYBALL - Begins Tues. Jan. 13 7-9 p.m. In Holmesville School INDOOR SOCCER - Begins Mon. Jan. 19 7:30 p.m. In Holmesvine School ADULT BADMINTON - Begins Thurs. Jan. 15 0 p.m. Holmesville School BASIC SOCIAL DANCING - Begins Fri. Jan. 9 7:30-9 p.m. in Goderich Township Hall. Any enquiries please phone 402-9030. Anyone Welcome. CURLING - Confining an Sunday Nights at 0 p.m. in Vanastra Curling Club. •3.00 per adult. Pay as you go HOCKEY -12 years and up. Sat. Jan. 10 3:30-4:30 p.m. in Reynold Arena. If interested please phone 402-3145. TAX MANAGEMENT AND ESTATE PLAi*HNG Wednesday. January 21 11:00 A.M.-3:30 P.M. in Goderich Township Hall This Is a chance to hove some questions answered which affect every family. (Please bring lunch). Coffee and donuts provided. JANUARY 22, 3 pm - Clinton Women's institute will spon- sor a film "Acts of Uitdersranding" -explaining the new trespass laws in the Ministry of Agriculture & Food board room. Open to the public. No charge. Lunch provided. -2 NOVEMBER 7, 1981 - Remember this date for the Morning Market at Wesley Willis Church, Clinton. -2 CLINTON HOR- TICULTURAL SOCIETY will hold its annual meeting Wednesday, Jan. 28 at 8 p.m. at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Board Room. This is a meeting of decision and a good atten- dance is hoped for. -2,3 IN HONOUR of his 90th bir- thday, the family of J. K. Cornish invite his' friends, neighbours and relatives to an open house on Sunday, January 25, 1981 from 2-5 p.m. at his home "The Three Maples" BruceField: Best wishes only please. -2,3 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public. Meeting of The Liquor Licence •, Board of Ontario will be held at THE. ROYAL CANADIAN LE- . •GION. 48 ONTARIO STREET NORTH. KITCHENER. ON- TARIO on TUESDAY. FEBRU- ARY 3rd. 1981. at the hour of • 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon. at which time the Board will hear applications for new li- cences in accordance with The Liquor Licence Act. 1975 and • Regulations thereunder The following establishment has applied for a licence of the class indicated, and the application' • will be entertained at the aforementioned location and time: Bayrreld Restaurant (MA: Highway it21. Bayfield. Ontario) Dining Lounge Licence. Patio' (Dining Lounge) Licence • Applicant: 384040 Ontario Limited AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE ' that any person who is resi- dent in the municipality and who wishes to make represen- tation relative to the applica- tion, shall make their submis- sion to the Board in writing prior to the date of the hear ing, or in person at the time • and place of the hearing (Cop - les of written submissions will be forwarded to the applicant) Executive Director Liquor Licence Board Of Ontario 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East TORONTO. Ontario M5E 14'4 MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT 1975 HITACHI HT -324 Belt -Drive Turntable Suggested List Price 199.95 SALE $139.95 004 s.^rr.0"o s -'-or.y C.O... 04-e -y . 4.'. '''-, O,S 3a^'oe'l ..P'ng 4 .Sc - + ,' -!',• .A40 f• • r , w°MS SN •a!o '' IB 3,N 9 Why not buy for Tess and get the best! TV Where customers send their friends 9 Main St. Phone 5271015 Seaforth Open 10-5:30 Fridays 10:00-5:00 Closed Wednesday. .legion euchre payers don't mind the snow by Steve Cooke The Pub Nite went off fan'- ly well last week in spite of iffy weather. There seemed to be a good turnout a cies as well as a pretty good crowd down. It's difficult to assess the response to the upstairs being used, and it may require another night there before any real conclu- sions are reached. Some peo- ple I talked to felt that the "chummy" atmosphere just wasn't there, but I must ad- mit that the place was well set up, and a few more peo- ple would have made a big difference. As you probably know, bingo was cancelled last week as well. The weather on Wednesday was terrible, to say the least, and they were forecasting a repeat performance [d9 Thursday night. As it turned out, however, our regular night was not all that bad, but the wheels to cancel the pro- gram had already been set in motion, and it was too late to stop. We will have to come up with a standard pro- cedure to cancel (.he bingo, if needed, so we can get the word out quickly and effi- ciently. We apologize to anyone wno might have turn- ed out to fund the place emp- ty, and weather permitting, we'll be back in the groove again this week. Ota bingo has mange bit to make it more fun for everyone. Cards will now be six for $1 and the caller may decide to qualify the big or little diamond for a winger on certain games. There will also be an early bird game starting at 7:45 p.m., which will be like a share the wealth, with the Lion's share going to the winner. I hope we'll see you out in full strength for the rest of the season. Darts suffered a bit of a setback on Wednesday night, with only seven people show- ing up. This is understandable, however, with the .went er :Lha way it' eves. . Weather doesn't seem to bother the euchre players, however, and even though it was somewhat dirty Tues- day night, 15 tables showed up. Slim Lacroix captured first place with an 87 while Clark Ball brought up the rear with a 56. Larry Fisher won the high lone hands with 6. As yogi may know, Com - PARK PROGRAM SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITH • T NOTICE TUESDAY DINNER • rade Gord Scribbins passed away last week, and a Legion service was held on Wednesday night Atten- dance was down due to the storm but the family greatly appreciated the fact that Gord was remembered by the members of Branch 140. Gord, apparently, served in Mesopotamia during the first war and was a life member in the Legion. I'm sure he will be remembered by all. Remember, this is a new year, and the Legion can use your support. If you can spare a little time to help out at one of the functions, it would be • greatly ap- preciated. The more help we get, the more fun it is, and it makes it easier on everyone. Let's see you all out there in Cha Saturday, we were visited by a group ,of 36 members from the Listowel Legion Branch 259. This group was on a tour, by bus, of several local Legions which included Mitchell, Seaforth, Clinton and Brussels. Branch 140 treated the visitors to roast beef and pork on a bun, along with pigtails, and we in turn were treated to some fantastic vocalization by some of the women who were travelling with the group. Sort of a feminine "Barbershop Quartet", so I'm told. The spirit seemed fantastic, and the whole concept might not be a bad idea for our branch to adopt in the near future. Mixed euchre is on for Fri- day night, so if you don't have anything planned, come on out for a relaxed sociable evening. The more the merrier, ler, as the "old aaX- ing goes. In case someone hasn't • WELCOMES YOU! AFTERNOON TEA 2:30 to 4:30 7 DAYS A WEEK SOMETHING FOR THE LADIES... Come. visit our unusual country resort for Tea today: We've prepared. 'English muffins. freshly made scones. jam. assorted pastries and Earl Grey tea for the occasion. Relax and enjoy as we serve you in front of an open hearth log fire in one of our two lounges. (Reservations requested for groups of more than 10). S 50 just V • per petsons -Complement your outing with :: visit to THE -HOLLOW. A unique gift shop just steps from our Inn Benmiller • .Inn•` Nestled .,jn Benmiller. Ont . just '7 kilometres east of Goderich • on Huron County Road I. just off Highway 8. phone 52.4-2191. 3 pcs. Good Chicken Creamy Cole Slaw Salad Golden Brown French Fries Slice of Grecian -Style Bread REGULAR $2.eo SPECIAL TUESDAY ONLY Kentuck9friedIt 41e - nN r unrr r A nwnU CU•nv 94 Elgin Ave., E. 227 Main Street CODERICK EXETER heart!, four "► ea ladies of our 4:: were injured in a car accident. Annie Sallows, Vera Colquhoun, Mary Arthur and Lorraine Duchamme were all in hospital as a result of this ac- cident, If you have a few minutes to spare, I'm sure the girls would love a visit. Being laid up can get awfully boring, so give a little of yourselfto help someone else. Ott NE F A1IILN 017SING. SPECIALIZING IN.... *CHARCOAL STEAKS *CHICKEN *CHOPS *SEAFOOD (ENJOY OUR SUPERB DAILY ifol RS:SPECIAL TUES--SAT. 10 o.m.-10 p.m. SUN- 10 o.m.-8 p.m. FOUNTAIN RE, 1l . R VF & i f-. 1K Il(t i. . iN_EC aN E✓ E .. !F 'l. �.6ER-.11,J01-4 Discover our resort, where the beach has more sea gulls and pelicans than people EseapO to !Our lsland Golf -Tennis - Heated Pools Oceanfront Hotel Apartments Fishing - Sailing Beautiful Beaches Restaurant - Lounge For more information. call or write. Indian River Plantation Resort, Hutchinson Island 385 N.E Plantation Road, Stuart. F1. 33494 (305) 225-3700 (45 miles north of Palm Beach) Complete Hotel Services New ernployrnentprQteCtOflfor domestic empkiye Effective January!, A new regulation has been issued expanding employment protection for domestic employees (cooks, housekeepers, nannies), who work more than 24 hours a week. It does not apply to baby sitters or companions. Wages Domestic employees are entitled to $24 per day . $132 per Week $568 per month or $3 per hour Room and Board Householders may deduct up to $50 per week from a domestic employee's wages for room and board. Time Off Domestic employees are entitled to at least 36 consecutive hours of free time per week without deduction -from wages. If work is performed during this free time, the equivalent amount of time off or payment at not less than $3 an hour must be given. Annual Vacations Domestic employees are entitled to at (east 2 weeks of vacation per year and to.at least 4 per cent of annual wages as vacation pay. Public Holidays Domestic employees are entitled to seven paid statutory holidays per year. If work is performed on the holiday, another day off with regular pay must be given before the next annual vacation. All domestic employees, including those working Tess than 24 hours a week and baby sitters and companions continue to be covered by standards for termination of employment, pregnancy leave, equal pay for equal work and collection of wages. Additional information may be obtained from the Employment Standards Branch, Ontario Ministry of Labour in the following cities: Toronto Hamilton Kenora Kingston 400 University Avenue 1 West Avenue South 808 Robertson Street 1055 Princess Street M7A 1V2 L8N 2R9 P9N 1X9 K7L 1H3 Tel • (416) 965-5251 Tel.. (416) 527-2951 Tel.: (807) 468-3128 Tei. (613) 542-2853 London Ottawa St. Catharines 205 Oxford Street East 2197 Riverside -Drive 205 King Street N6A 5G6 K1H 7X3 L2R 3,.15 Tel.: (519) 439-3231 Tel.: (613) 523-7530 Tel • (416) 682-7261 Sudbury Thunder Bay Timmins 199 Larch Street 435 James Street South 273 Third Avenue P3E 5M7 P7E 6E3 P4N 1E2 lel (705) 675-4455 Tel.: (807y 475-1651 Tel (705) 267-6231 Kitchener 824 King Street West N2G 1G1 Tel (519) 744-8101 Sault Ste. Marie 390 Bay Street P6A 1X2 Tel. (705) 949-3331 Windsor 500 Ouellette Avenue N9A 1B3 Tel (519) 256-8278 For toll free numbers' check the government listings in your local telephone directory. Ontario Ontario Ministry of Labour Employment Robert G. Elgie, M.D. Standards Minister Branch William Davis, Premier 0i