HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-01-15, Page 16PAGE 16-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1981 1. Articles for sale 12. Real estate for sale APPLIES: Spies and Delicious. Corner of Bayfield Rd. and Huron No. 31 to Varna. Henry Sbtegraaf 482-927a-45tf DRY SLABWOOD, campfire wood, bodywood \Ldelivered. Phone 482-9250_--36tf SICK ROOM Supplies, patient aids, support garments, convalescent products, etc. See��� ,beck P neeenaex,,,,,,14 524-7241_ ltf OSTOMY SUPPLIES and appliances. See Rieck IDA Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241 _-1tf DON MIDDLETON'S Whitehall Farm RR 3, Clinton can still boast of quantity with quality at attractive prices for cider, Macintosh and Northern Spy apples_ Phone 482-9838.--1- 8 GOOD USED XG snowtires and riots A78 x 13 for Pinto ar Bobcat $45_ 'pair. Phone 482- 7774.2 GOOD TABLE Potatoes for Sale - 10, 20, 751b. bags. Call M-7578.-2 FREE Catalogue! Beautiful full -colour posters! Huge selection from nation's largest manufacturer. All your favourite female -male television, movie per- sonalities. Also exciting T - Shirt catalogue with custom decals! Send now! posters, Box 1281, Mississauga, Ontario LAX 2S3,-2bc TWO STAGE Snowbbwer 44" wide, 12" auger. Would adapt to small tractor. Call Max t irter, Egmondvllle, evenings 527-065.3. 2x CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: ClassifiedWord Ads ... ..... Tuesday Noon Display Advertisings e w e e e e Tuesday COO p.m, CLASSi1FICATiONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Yard sale 3. Garage sale 4_ Antiques for sole 5_ Cars for sale 6. Trucks for sale 7. R.V.'s for sale 8. Marine 9. Automotive 10_ Pets for sole 12. Red estate for sale 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of town properties 16. Articles for rent 1T Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 19. Rooms for rent 20. Room 8 board 21. Cottages for rent 22. Lots for rent 23_ Commercial property for rent 47- 24. Wanted to rent 25. Wanted to buy 26. Help wonted 27. Wanted (general) 28. Business opgiortuni5y 29. Tenders 30. Employment wanted 31. Service directory 34. Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements. notices 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost 8 Found 41. To give away 42. Death notice 43. Births 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In memoriam Cord of thanks PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - a.m. to S p.m. 1A. Snowmobiles 1980 EL TIGRE Snowmobile, 600 kms. Excellent condition. Phone 524-2275\i af ter 4:30 p.m -2,3 LADIES DOWN -filled ski suit, size 12. Excellent condition. Phone 482-9232after5pm -2 REGULATION Size Ming -pang fab,le in excellent condition_ Price $60. Phone 482-9920 after 6p_m_-2 TRY C & E USED FUR- NITURE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 324-7231.--40ff two's. usED SNOWMOBILE PARTS COMPLETE STOCK • Used Tracks • Used Cylinders • Rebuilt Engines • Pistons our spedelty SNOWMOBILE BATTERY SPECIAL only'49 ARGYLE meow a WAIL eN HMES N ertlesehe OIL Gerald, 52+-9201 SNOWMJBILES 1976 ELAN animus 1975 MOTO SKI 441 FUTURA. 1070 MOTO SKI 341 NUVIK 1900 YAMAHA 440 SS HANK'S SMALL ENGINE Sales & Service LONDESBORO 523-9202 VANASTRA HOME FU,RTISHINGS 2 miles south of Clinton on Highway N. 4 'NEW OR USED HOME FURNISHINGS •APPLIANCES •LAWN ORNAMENrS Open: 6 days o week 482®7922 1A. Snowmobiles 75 -ARCTIC CAT snowmobile, 440 El Tigre, M00. Phone 482- , 3328.-2 1972 OLYMPiQUE Skidoo snowmobile in excellent condition. Leas than 1000 miles 8500. Phone U2-7413.-20 ARIENS Snowmobile, Low mileage. Sachs Motor. In good condition for $300. Call a9- 7155.-2 1973 RUPP American. New track and batteryand new seat. NNeeds some repairs but is running_ 8250. Phone *2-3617 after6 p_m.-tar 5. Cars for sale GOOD RELIABLE car, 1973 Olds Cutlass. I! interested call 4827915.-1,2 1973 DATSUN_ Phone 982- 9640.-2 6. Trucks for sale 1970 FORD to ton pickup, V8 automatic, radio. 5600, 482- 7724.-2 '12_ Real estate for sale PRIVATE SALE - Ideal retirement home with private access to Lake Huron near Bayfield three years old. cedar and stone bungalow. large deck, 3 bedroom, living - dining room, cathedral ceilings, - full ; basement, fireplace; extra lot. Opel to offers. Phone 5&-5034 after 7 p.m_--48tfnx 16: Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS - Dress up! Go formal!, We have. the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear, Main Si, Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Campbell's Ltd.)-14tfar PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges. portable cement mixer. -Power trowls, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stacked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236- 4954:-16tfar 17. Apartments for rent THREE BEDROOM apart- ment for rent. Phone 482- 3675.-42tf Attentisn Farmers A. For sale - FOR SALE - First and second rut hay for sale. Phone Bob Smith 482-3340.-2,3x SERVICE AGE Hampshire. Yorkshire, and crossbred boars. R.O.P. tested and commercial. Bob Robinson. RR Walton, 345-2317.-2-4 NO ROOM: Grade Holstein Cow due soon 51200 delivered. Two 350 Ib. baby beef calves, Dick Steenstra 482-7223.-2 GEORGE WHITE 7' snowblower MO. 482-7552 -2 Henson Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. An classes of Liveestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Vtctm. Herervovss Offeso r . 4r1-71111 rant, Morar -arotr - 221.27/9 urns tea - 2111.424$ aseekss Csin@t w, . 127-9724 lair me - 212-2114 C. A anted WANTED TO RENT: Approximately 100 acres farmland in Goderich Township. Phone 482-3328.-2 E. Farm Services SHIPPING CATTLE to Toronto Union Stockyards every Monday . Campbell McKinley 262-5430.-48tf YANMAR DIESEL POWER 1 TEAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR ONTARIO ST. - Well in- sulated 3 bedroom home hag fireplace, new hydro sawing. 90'I + mor- tgage. . PRINCESS ST, E. - Immaculate 4 bedroom home with large. law in- terest mortgage. '45.300. RATTENBJRY ST. E. -Wen insulated 4 bedroom home. '31.111. EAST ST. -Lovely large lot, over half acre. 3 bedroom frame home. '32.411. MILL ST. -Cosy 2 bedroom home. '24.980. COMMERCIAL LOTS -with 51' frontage on Albert St. Low interest mor- tgage.'32,501. VANASTRA-3 plus 1 bedrooms, excellent decor throughout. '23.410. BLYTH-2 bedrooms brick on double lot. '21,000- 5 BUILDING LOTS -Well located just off Highway at Kippon. '7,700 each. GODERICH TOWNSHIP -SO acres with 65 workable, 7 acres bush, 2 spring fed ponds with trout. '125,010. CALL LEAH ISUEHL 452-7380 JOHN THOMPSON 527-0238 VAL GILBERT 482-7138 OFFICE 482-3700 17. Apartments for rent ViIRD MODERN TWO -Bedroom Apartment in a one -storey tri- plex apartment building. Available Jan. 15_-1981. 1185. per month plus utilities. Phone 482-9200.-1,2x HEATED 3 room apartment with stove and fridge. 482- 7716.-2,3 17. Apartments for rent APARTMENT AVAILABLE immediately. One three bedroom and one two bedroom in up -town Clinton. Phone 482- 9766 or 482-9917 evenings.-38tfar BACHELOR Apartment in Brucefield_ Available Jan. 1. Call 482-3278.--30tf TWO BEDROOM Apartment, TWO BEDROOM Apartment • Pref adults. Reference ;vi'l appkeed is Self contained •kart: Phone 83 -9821.-2 �*�i3f1:.: fe in g rden 2 2939.-Itt TWO BEDROOM ,apartment dose to downtown. 5130. per month plus utilities. '482- 7724.-2 UPPER DUPLEX 2 bedroom, Central. Newly insulated. ' Apply 110 Huron St. or 482-7181. Available immediately .-2,3 12. Real estate for scale Real Estate Ltd.. Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 1-{ULLETT TW P. - Red brick school house 2 miles south of Auburn. Excellent condition. Treed lot. GODERICH TWP. - 13 acres with 1 floor bungalow. Farrowing barn will handle 50 sows, 4 acres wooded. RED BRICK - 2 floor double home on Rattenbury Si E„ Clinton, Low interest 1st mortgage, Owner will consider trade of 2nd mortgage at reasonable interest, ONE FLOOR BUNGALOW. 116 East St., Clinton, well landscaped, carport, owner anxious to sell. Try an offer, RESTAURANT and gas bar, main intersection_ Blyth. 3 ACRES - 6 miles from Clinton, brick home. and workshop. HARDWARE AND FARM supply sotre with ap,t. Rural village. 1% ACRES 3 miles from Brussels, 2 ft with drille house rick home furnace, ed, hen sirens, Priced for fast sale under 320,000.00. 100 4OtDMfhT8 u t LAllCKNER REALTY l NC. Member of the k London St. Thomas MLS BAYFIELD - 3 bedroom brick, attached garage, ; « treed lot, drilled well. $ r Priced right. :« 4OLDER TYPE HOUSE - acre treed lot. Ideal ggr° ?« location. Priced in F 0'30,000 bracket. • 2 BEDROOM SUMMER HOME - Beautiful scenic yr r location overlooking ythe river.. BRUCEFIELD - 12 acres %i • with modern home,' Sy 4 r; NOW IS THE TIME TO 4 $y BUY REAL ESTATE. PRICES yy WILL BE INCREASING k rr IN SPRING 4Lots for Sale LISTINGS WANTED • ADAM FLOWERS • Box 41, Bayfield et 565-2813 ONE BEDROOM Apartment. .Private entrance, carpeted, stove and fridge supplied. Adults only. No pets. Phone 482 -730n -11f 18. Houses for rent HOUSES FOR RENT in Vanastra. Available im- mediately. Phone 482- 3278.-31 tfar TWO BEDROOM Mobile for rent. Morgan's Mobile Homes, Phone 482-7066,-36tf SMALL ONE Bedroom House in Clinton_ gas heat. Available immediately. 5100. month. Phone 482-9815.-1.2x THREE BEDROOM Home 5 miles west of Clinton. Apply Box 574 Clinton.-1.2ar THREE BEDROOM House for rent on Princess St.' W. Clinton. Apply to Drawer No, 1. c -o Clinton News -Record, -2 18. Houses for rent FOUR BEDROOM house in Londesboro. 482-7314 -2x 25. Wanted to buy err WANTED: Good used fur- niture. Phone 482-7973, -War 23. Commercial 26. Help wanted property for rent IOFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 325 to 550 square feet Maimfloor 41 ONTARIO ST., CLINTON, ONT. We'll renovate to your specifications. PHONE 482-7979 26. Help wanted GODERICH and District Association for the Mentally Retarded need drivers to transport handicapped pre- schoolers to Tuckersmith Day Nursery for morning program. Mileage allowance provided_ Submit applications to: Barry Clogg, Box 527, Clinton, Ontario, -1,2 1 FOR RENT Three bedroom townhouses, newly decorated. Located in Vanastra, 2 miles from Clinton, quiet surroundings. '229. per month including heat and hot water: TV cable available. Ideal for retired people, dose to Lake Huron. APPLY AT OFFICE BLOCK H UNIT 1 OR PHONE 482-3828 BETWEEN 61. 10 P.M. SEMI DETACHED. 105 Rattenbury E. St, Clinton all newly renovated, 2 bedrooms. formal dining room, • living room. kitchen, 4 pr, bath and basement. Vendor will con- r one year lease a '-eement. References required. No pets, Contact Mason Bailey Real Estate Ltd. 482-9371. -1,2.,5 Culligan REALESTATE.LTD VARNA - Main St., Town Water, 2 storey home with lots of potential. Large well treed lot only'22;S00. BAYFIELO - Country Estate right in the Village approx. b acre well treed. Listing has just been reduced by '30.000. CLINTON - Hwy. 4 walk to downtown all on one floor huge carport, well treed lot, only '32,500. Try on offer, on this one as owner is anxious to sell. BRUCEFIELD 1'/, storey on Hwy. 4. New aluminum siding, exceptional buy at this time. BAYFIELD - Fruit Farm, 64 acres with trout stream run- ning through. Solid brick bungalow, large born, storage shed with refrigeration. One of o kind. COUNTRY PROPERTY - 4 bedroom house, 5 acres, scenic property, large steel shed 3 yrs. old, 5 miles from Clin- ton toward Boyfiold. '47,500. EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME - 173 Dunlop Street, spacious home on 3 building lots, over 2,000 square feet, com- pletely finished inside and out. Should be seen to be appreciated! CALL WILLY BUNN BAYFIELD 565-5055 MAURICE Yl STANLEY ST'R'EET CrODERiCH 524-2966 524-2966 CALL US= --TO WELCOME YOU HOME 131/2 h.p. - 33 h.p. Huron County's Ta molar Dealer H e fi! AND SONS LTD. UHT 11482-3409 NosiiwiwilMwomi 275 RAGLAN ST. - CLINTON O'Want HAS 001140. MUST et SOLO Attractive 3 bedroom split entry home complete with detached indoor pool, sauna and whirlpool. Home offers Targe kitchen and formal dining room plus family room and games room. Mortgagee offering preferred rote to qualified pur. chaser. 111 WINTERCOUR1 CR. - CLINTON omit* HAS MMOVIO . MUST sa solo Popular 3 bedroom brick and alurnin um bungalow in quiet residential area. 1100 sq, foot home hos fireplace, above ground pool and fully fenced -in yard area. Elec- tric heating and single car attached garage. Existing 11'. mortgage until Mar- ch 1014. CONTACT GARDiNER REAL ESTATE (324.2966) OR YOUR LOCAL CLINTON REAL ISTATINWEISHITATIllf GENERAL Motors parts person required for GM dealership in Northern Alberta. Must have minimum d five years counter ex- perience, ability to work we!1 with titters plus dee ability to meet the public and to organize work. Be stable. We offer: Full company benefits which include dental, eyeglass_ Excellent working conditions. Computerized inventory system_ Excellent wages. For further in- formation contact: Les Vachon -Manager, Trumpeter Pontiac Buick Ltd., 12308 100th St., Grande Prairie, Alberta. Phone, 14031 532-8865, or res. (4031532-3826.-24c lA E NEED YOU IF... You wish to join our top producers who earn additional 5100-00 to 5400.00 each week by working .,only 12 to 20 hours. This can give you a better home, luxury car, a boat, travel, a dream vacation and,much more. You'll enjoy offring beneficial protection services that people need, want, can afford and saves them money. No in- vestment or experience needed. You'll need a car and be ready to start now. Apply In: Mr. Bauer, c-oElm Haven Inn. Chilton on "Wednesday, January 21st at 2:00 pin. or 8:00 sharp er call him at Wingham 357-3805,-2 WEEKLY newspaper manager. Experienced manager for .southwestern Ontario paper with 3,000 cir- culation. Responsible for day to day operations as well as some advertising sales. Send resume to File F. OWNA, Box 451. Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A8.-2bc WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. unarm: HAROLD WORKMAN482-3455 PETER DAMSMA 482-9149 SEAFORTH: "HENRY MERO 527-0430 LONDESBORO:GERRIT WILTS 523-4229 Price reduced to '33,900.00 on this 5 bedroom home with 2 fireplaces, large lot. Vanastra - decent 3 bedroom home only '15,500.00 Elegant 7 bedroom- brick home, large family room, school area, 2 storey 4 bedroom home - with original woodwork, stained glass, school area Attractive 3 bedroom bungalow - 71/4 mortgage hospital area, 1 floor 3 bedroom - brick home, Targe dining room, school area. Variety stare - recently renovated, showing good returns, lots of potential, 3 bedroom 1 'i, storey home, hospital area. '21,900,00, Queens St. - 3 or 4 bedroom home. good condition, full basement, '32,500.00 Rattenbury St. E. - 2 storey brick, 3 bedroom home in ex- cellent condition 10',2% mortgage. Reduced - to '34,000,00 for this 4 bedroom home on o large lot in the school orea. Main Street - store and oportment in Clinton only '29,900.00 Store with income - from 2 apartments in the business core '34,900.00 3 bedroom 1 floor home, attached garage, school area, '34,900.00. Townsend St., 4 bedroom home, modern kitchen, family ream, '31,000.00 Victoria St, - beautiful residence 8 shop, .aground pool, zoned commercial, ideal fora restaurant, etc. Country home, elegant raised bungalow, 1500 sq. ft„ garage. °,, acre highway location, Holmesville - 3 bedroom 1 floor home, attached gorage, large lot. '33,900.''. Income building, close to downtown, lots of potential. '37,900.00, Maitland River frontage on 2 acres with 2 or 4 bedroom home, Holr'nesviile area. Vanastra - 3 bedroom home, excellently decorated and remodelled. Welding shop - 3,000 sq. ft„ 2nd building 5,940 sq, ft., business for sole also. Matilda St. - 3 bedroom '46,900.00. Huron St. - 3 bedroom 1 High St. - 3 bedroom 1 Princess St. - Tudor '35,000.00. Fulton St. - 3 bedroom double lot. '36,900.00. Duplex - 2 8 3 bedrooms, double cor garage, maybe on ex- tra lot, Rattenbury S4, E. - Brick duplex 2 x 3 bedroom unkts, Auto Body Shop - Highway location near Clinton. North S4. - 4 bedroom colrlured aluminum sided home, family room. garage, '27,000.00. eru.fieid , Tastefully decorated raised bungalow in mint condition with many,extras, Country Estate • offering an elegant 14 room home wink a history, on 15 acres wltfha river through it. Country bottle - 3 floor chalet near the Maitland River, Largo Commercial Lot - Highway location in Clinton. King St. Duplex - Zoned commercial next to the Royal Bank with abutting residence & shop for sale on Victoria St. 111! acres, 915 workable, brick home, beef horn, Mullett Two. Broiler, Roaster, 1, Layer Omaha • plus pullet production, modern executive type home on 50 -acres neor Clinton, at fllijfid Cows - large quota, plus 24,000 broiler quota, 237 acres, excellent buildings near Clinton, Other farms available bungalow, rec. room, carport, only , storey home, '29,000.00, storey home. '29,900.00. styled home in good condition, home heated double cor garage, 26. Help wonted GENERAL Motors Dealership requires automotive Painter. Must have minimum five years journeyman experience, supervisory ability, and ability to purchase and maintain control of material. We offer: Full company benefits which include Dental and glasses: Excellent working conditions. Flat rate shop_ Excellent wages_ For further in- formatiop contact Wayne Wohlgemuth - Manager, Trumpeter Pontiac Buick Ltd.. 12308 100 St., Grande Prairie, Alberta. Phone (4031 532-8865 Ext. Ito. 40 between hours 11 am. and 8p_ m. 2bc STUDENT required for general duties_ Stocking, leaning, etc. for retail store. Must be able to work evenings and weekends. To apply bring a complete resume to Becker's Milk, 94 Albert St_, Clinton, -2 SALES REPRESENTATIVE Vincent Farre Equipment of Seaforth continuos to grow and offers a rewarding .opportunity for sales persons. Ap- plicant must be on aggressive, ambitious individual who is o self- starter. Modern up-to- date dealership with good remuneration and benefits program with above overage oppor- tunities. Apply in writing with details of work to: Morten Vincent Vincent Fawn Equip. Ltd. Sox ISO Seaforth, Ont. NNC 1W1 County of Hymn IligInlfays Department ENGINEERING - TECHNICIAN The County of Huron Highways Department will accept personal ap- plications for full these employment as on Engineering Technician in the Goderich Office, A complete lob descrip- tion Is available for review In the office of the County Engineer. Apply In writing to ,the undersigned no later than 12 noon, local time, February 6, 1901 giving personal . par- ticulars of, age, education, experience, ability and references. R,A. Dempsey, P. Eng., Huron County Engineer Court House, Goderilcb, Ontario. N7A 1M2 27. Wanted (general) FIREWOOD WANTED - Seasoned, loaded on our traders. 50 percent limbs and the rest split. SEASONED, Call Toll Free ,1-800-265-4279, Floyd Jones, Newbury Ontario. -514 WANTED - removed by April 15, 1981, one frame biro 40' k 60' with metal roof and two- storey red brick house. Con- tact Bob Grunedwald 357-3450, from 9 - 5 or 482-3270 evenings, -1-4 28. Business opportunity EARN MONEY! Learn in- come tax preparation at home. Reduced piiees, For free brochure, no obligation, write U & R Tax Schools, 118 Rox- borough Drive Toronto, Ont,-2bc OPPORTUNITY of a Lifetime! Active partner required to, manage weekly tabloid newspaper In Alberta, Must be experienced newspaper person. No in- vestment! Cali Etitci (403) 763- 3066.-2bc 30. Employment wanted WILL DO Babysitting in my own home weekdays. Phone 482-7915,-1,2 EXPERIENCED Day , Care Worker will babysit in her country home any time. Phone 62-7116.-2,U