HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-01-15, Page 11i • • • Lampoonery ByBird Mineola Have you eviler ll On Siniday one village curlier dropped a dime at the arena and it rolled away, far away. After much ado about the cam, it was given up for lost. The "looseernatilmd to the effect than "1 beet hate to a let ieig' 9 I willrenienober Bitforalong time. I remember when I was a little girl and I lit a change purse in chum. There wasn't mach mosey in it but it was such a mate little purse. I've always remembered that". A memory for ten cents. Cheap at half the price. 1 • remeinber when it used to be, "A penny for your thoughts!" Nothing is sacred why inflation is con - +I$ wasn't that a ? A while ago I jot- ted down a little ditty about Pat's new boots and it found its way into my cohmon That's not much of a story, is it? Well, here's what happened after the fact A certain villager has a out in the boondocks of northern Manitoba. This pen pal has requested that the villager send her some paintings of a particular ar- tist, whose name isn't so important to this story_ However, forging onward, the paintings were procured and in the process of wrapping them for shipping, our villager used the above mentioned issue of News - _ Record.. Upon receiviRg the pts the pen FNR . (realizing the `Bugle' was of- superior quality) careful- ly unwrapped them and read the paper_ Whereupon reaching the poem she exclaimed, " I knew him when we both lived in London_" Now, that's a coincidence. It is a small world afteralL And what of Pat? When told the story, he remembered the woman as well and it's been 11 years since he moved to Bayfield_ How she connected a Pat G. from London and one from Bayfield we might never know, but the fact remains, she was right and must have a beck of a memory. Some say that "news travels quickly", others say "it travels in mysterious ways". ±-1 Lastly, we must preview the "Supper Bowl". I say "supper" rather than "super", because it takes a whole day to build TV fans into a fever pitch, before the game comes on. Then at suppertime you can watch them play while you eat a 'bowl' of soup or something •similar. On the other hand, instead of pronouncing it "SUP- PER BOLE", you might say, "SOO-PER BOW -EL". Does it really make any difference? Who won the previous bowl games? Who is playing this year? Who would have been playing if nobody had lost a game this season? Who will be playing next year or six years from now? Who is Howard Cosell? What quarterback threw a touchdown pass in the 1960 Omni Bowl? What player fell down 14 times in the third quarter of the Army-Navy game in 1862? ,For the answers to these important questions and much more trivia, justfiine in on Sunday afternoon and listen in si$ hours of 'pre -game prattle'. Maybe `bow -el' is the pro- per pronunciation. I've indulged in viewing the seemingly never-ending string of playoff games this year with breathless ex- pectations. Fumbles, interceptions, dropped passed, offsides, missed field goals and almost every game was a lopsided victory. Who says American football is superior to the Canadian version? It looks like a carbon copy of the 1980 Grey Cup game to me. If only we had Howard Cosell and "one for the Giffer" in the CFL. It's, too cold to be playing football in January anyhow. There's three feet of snow on the ground! Next thing you know, they'll' be wanting to play soccer in- doors. Fooled you didn't I? Never mentioned "Buckeye" once this week! CLINTON "' , THURSDAY, e7+CaNU37 R 15, —PA -E u itmektern Boned N all set to heloi on of his fallen comrades, BIM Htac pings, back to his feet during a hockey ".match" with the Bayfield Zoo team last Saturday night The arena was completely sold out for the event. (Bud Sturgeons photo ) Executive named The Bayfield Recreation Committee met last Thur- sday evening, January 8, to name their executive fbr 1981 and to disco ss their up- coming programs and fund raising events. The only absentee from .the meeting was village council representative, John Chapman. The 1981 committee will stand as follows: chairman, Bill Talbot; secretary , Bud Sturgeon; treasurer, Winnie Darnborough, directors, Ron Whetstone, Alun Thomas, Matty Francis; Lions Club rep, Pat Graham; agricultural grounds rep, Frank McFadden; council reps, John Chapman, _Barb Sturgeon; and Reeve - George Fellows. Tentative plans were made for the upcoming 'Las Vegas' night, to be held at the Community Centre on Saturday, February 7. Proceeds from this event will go towards the bet- terment of sports and recreation within the village of$ayfield_ A special planning meeting to finalize all aspects of the 'Las Vegas' fun night has been set for Thursday, January 15, at the Municipal Building, at 7:30 Sauve rink leads the league After a three week layoff from regular play, the members of the Bayfield Curling Club engaged in their eighth week of play. In the early draw, it was Morris Sauve (7 = 1) over Alice Brandon { 3 - 51 by a FILTER QUEEN "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" 482-7103 VARNA ONTARIO - NOM 2R0 1634 score to 4'a, Roy Telford t4 - 41 over Joe Brandon (2 - 61,18 to 2'2 and Don Lindsay (5 - 3, over Bob Orr (3-5), 15'2to614. In the nine o'clock draw it was Jerry Uniac (5-3) over Matty Francis (6 - 2), 15'z to 4, Robert McVean (3- 5) over Bill Talbot (3 - 5 i , 17 to 4, and George Telford (4 - 4) over Joe Koene (4- 41 by a 171 to 312 point spread. Standings after eight weeks show Morris Sauve leading with 1263 ,, points ` •followed by Francis - 114, Lindsay - 9614, Uniac - 89'4, R. Telford- 8642, G. Telford - 81, McVean - 73'z, Koene - 7314, Talbot - 73, Orr - 68L2, A. Brandon - 68, and J., Brandon -51L4. NO FEE NO CHARGE • 1 *Registered Retirement Savings Plan CURRENTLY PAYING 121/2% EADLINE FOR 1980 TAX YEAR IS MARCH 2, 1981 See your Credit Unien Clinton Community CREDIT UNION 78 ONTARIO ST: CLINT II 482.34&7 2t Years of Service 374 MAIN ST., SOUTH F,BBETER 23'S•0440 pone. sharp_ Regular mneetings of the Ree -Committee will be held on the second Thursday of every month. tit In our opinion Eagles,all the way By Bud Sturgeon -ha Our Opinion" is a new column which will appear from time to time in the pages d :tae Bayfield Bugle_ Village residents are polled, at random, car both topical and non -topical questions from any subject area The opniionsexpressed within do not necessarily reflect the view of the editor_ If you have a question about Bayfield, the world, sports or any topic you would hie an opinion pall on, contact Bud Sturgeon at 565-2852 and it will appear forthwith. For week number one of our experiment, we are asking the easy question, "In your opinion .... who is going to win the Super Bowl this Sunday? The answers: 1. Who's playing? ... well, whoever Drew Pearson plays for will win because my grandson is named after him _.. oho well, if it's Oakland and Philadelphia playing, I think Oakland will win because they have a better record, don't they? -DJ 2_ I kind of like Philadelphia but they didn't play all that well in the first half last weekend_ - BG 3. Philadelphia by six but it will be a close one. - PG 4_ I would even hate to try and guess! -KB 5. Super what? - DS 6. In my opinions, the green guys will win because I like their gams noel the Ii4ak and Silver gays aren't so goof - HL 7_ I don't know but I'm hoping for Oakland because Philadelphia wins everything ... it's the lesser of two evils because I wanted Dallas and San Diego to play . - TW. 8. Whoever gets the most points' ... no, I've been touting the Philadelphia Eagles for the past three or four years and they will win it -MM • So from u a eight people polled this week, 2 were anon - committal, . 2 i ere for Oakland and the remaining 4 were for hike Philadelphia Eagles_ Although ,uke eight people were not necessarily football fans, the conclusion is clear, the Eagles all the way. I wouldn't make book on it though! Anglican • from page 9 the treasurer, secretary and card and flower member_ Plans for 1981 were discussed, and ::,, a meeting closed with delightful refreshments served by the hostess_ It is hoped that the Rev. Bennett will be sufficiently recovered to install the 1981 officers at the next meeting_ NOW STRETCH & SEW Comes !t) Y�oomoa Howe C r�a "SEW®IN" CLASS SERIES in your home__ Ile hostess and rive 'Wel or swore value DOROTHY IN GODERICH 524-2455 on STRETCH & SEW FABRICS LONDON 6$i-0525 THIS 1S A STOREWIDE SALE, BIG SAVINGS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT SHOP EARLY- ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SME • These Are Just A Few Of The Hundreds Of Values In Our Store Right Now. 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