HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-01-15, Page 8rivra 8. i NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY15, WE RES VE THE RIGHT T LIMIT OUANTITIfS T T I NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS! 1 YOU'LL DO BETTER AT AQP d 4 W ( Our Regular Price 1.35) 0 0 46E FARill COME VISIT FRESHNESS FOR ®at AWP�� & SAVINGS Canada No. 1 Grade, Florida, Firm, Ripe FAMPACKILY .MATOES . Primo effective thru Saturday, January 17th, 1981 SUER AVINGS WEEK! AVE 36? Assorted Varieties, Snack (14 -oz) or Deluxe II DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES 520 PIM SUPER BUY! Suncrop Concentrated FROZEN ORA NC E JUICE 12.5f1. oz. tin SAVE 1.00 Instant, Contains rich Brazilian Coffees 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 1041 -oz jar 99 (Our Regular Price 4.99) Assorted Varieties, Including Chick Peas & Red Kidney 3 for Action Price! We pick the boat for you 1.5 -Ib tray 9.8 Facial --- Assorted Colours KLEENEX TISSUES box of 200 sheets (Our Regular Price 99c each) Primo Italian Style 9c, :TOMATOES 89 oz. NESTLE MINI PUDDINGS (Our Regular Price 1.59 — SAVE 60c) pkg of 4, 5 -oz tins CANADA NO, 1 GRADE ONT. GROWN, NUTRITIOUS, TENDER Sweet Carrots i 248 PKG 299 ¢ CANADA NO. 1 GRADE ONTARIO, YELLOW Cooking Onions 1�2�99 GOLDEN RIPE Bananas 3lbs 99¢ ORANGE FLAVOUR Tang, Crystals 650 g CANISTER RIO, SLICED 1.99 Mushrooms READY -TO -SERVE, ASSORTED VARIETIES 8 -FL -OZ TIN Heinz Soups 41or99¢ LIQUID FABRIC SOFTENER ACTION PRICE! Downy 3 litre plastic jug 3.99 (Our Regular Price 1.99) Orange Pekoe Gauze or Paper McCONNELL TE BAGS SAVE 1.00 pkg of 60 CANADA, EXTRA FANCY, IO2ODUCE Of B.C. PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, Sweet, Juicy, Seedless, Navel Apples R a s 26s99,/ oranges . 12 for 99¢ PRODUCT OF FLORIDA, SEEDLESS, JUICY, JUMBO RED CANADA NO, 1 GRADE 3 99/ PRODUCT OF MEXICO, LONG GREEN SLICERS Grapefruit for Cucumbers 2 for 99¢ CANADA FANCY, PRODUCE OF ONTARIO 3 -LB BAG McIntosh Apples 99? PBroCT cOF ccLoli FRESH, TENDER, GR bunch E956 PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, Buttery Rich in Minerals, DEUCATE FLAVOUR, Gnat in Salads or for Making Dip ARIZONA, FREESH, MILD, LARGE BUNCHES Avocados 3 for 99¢ Green Onions 3 for 99¢ Assorted Tropi.c.I, Plants. 4-inchp0199ii LI Br ed, with Pork or In Tomato Sauce YDS BEANS OR PASTAS Spaghet ', Alpha-getti or Zoodles 19 -fl -oz tin for 4 A&P, ASSORTED ACTION PRICEI Choice Peas. A&P CHOCOLATE CHIP Cookies 104l -oz tin 89¢ 14FL-OZ TIN 3for 99 900 gr. Tin Tie Bag 2.19 (Our Regular Price 47c each) Buy 3 — SAVE 42c Macaroni & Cheese 225 g pkg CATELLI DINNER 40 "Am*, 1 FIVEESe FLOUR Buy 2 SAVE up to 71c (Our Regular Price up to 85c each) You'II do better with Health & Beauty Aids and General Merchandise from A&P "Super Buy" AIM 25 ml tube 3 TOOTHPASTE f6r99? ASSORTED TYPES 225 ml PLASTIC BOTTLE Tame Creme Rinse 99¢ COCONUT — FOAMY 200 ml AEROSOL TIN' Shave Cream 2f0;9951 MOUTHWASH ACTION PRICEI Scope 1 litre bottle 3.99 PANASONIC ACTION PRICEI Batteries pkg of 4 99? Silverwood, Ugh* 2% B,F, COTTAGE CHEESE 500og 99 fOur IR.Rsrlsr Pals. 1.40 ) SAVE 41c SHELL. MOTOR OIL 1 Titre tin SUPER BUY! A&P DANDRUFF CONTROL Shampoo STP, GAS LINE ACTION PRICE! 150 ml CONTAINER Anti -Freeze 3 for 99¢ Bird Feeder 350 m! 1.99 each.1 .99 ALL SHEER, BEIGE & SPICE, PETITE -MED. OR MED. -TALL SIZES A&P Pantyhose pk9 99¢ You'll do better with Baked Goods.from A&P (Our Regular Price 65c loaf) Marvel, Sliced BREAD tr r99¢ 9999 SAVE 9051 (Our Regular Price 3.89) (Our Regular Price 1.65) Qimpflmeier APPLE BUY 3�SAVf 31? STRUDEL JANE PARKER Egg Buns JANE PARKER Wiener Rolls JANE PARKER pkg of 12 99¢ pkg of 8 2 for 9956 Hot Cross Buns pkg of 8 99¢ "NEW", BELTLESS, MAXI PADS ACTION PRICEI JANE PARKER, COCONUT Confidets pkg of 30 2.99 Macaroons Parchment Wrapped CHEFMASTER MARGARINE `�' qq¢ pkg, of 6 9956 Schneiders, Proems CHEESE SLICES 50449 9 9 pkg SUPER BUYI SAVE 66¢ 12 -oz 9 pkg JANE PARKER, PLAIN OR SUGAR Donuts Large Size pkg of 999,1 JANE PARKER, FROSTED Ball Donuts pkg '4699,1 JANE PARKER Jelly Roll 11-ozcake99¢ JANE PARKER Spice Nut Loaf 16 -oz pkg 99¢ JANE PARKER, COCONUT CREME PIE OR Apple Pie full 8 -inch, 22 -oz pie 99¢ MAXI PADS p 99 of 30 (Our Regsiler P0- 3.34) SAVE 1.60 Footprints yfi. ld snow with a deportee sprirrel a few weeks ago Mated iu an intainesting conversation with the S father, Fred. es ltle11 as an fimasssnsois d the rn'ts be- ing rel population in generaL Retuning from a trip to Ottawa over your correspondent was sur- prised to discover a Christmas card from Fred, together with a accep- table gift. The card read as "To follows:thank you for your deep concern for my grand- chtldnen - and not sure if your gave you time to lay by your winter store - May I share some of my own reserve stock with you, Freddie. P.S. Don't tell Freda (Fred's wife) - she's iiitaiified toe " The, he next t i g, oat footprints appeared in the snow leading up to my door, and when I looked out there was Fred signalling fran- tically with his tad. "Happy New Year," he called. "Glad to see you It was too good an aippor- tmity to miss, and he was obviously bursting with news. After expressing my appreciation of his very welcome Christmas gift, I begged him to bring me up to date. "Wei" he began, his whiskers twitching with ex- citement, xcitement, "we've got news - came on Christmas Eve - really made our Christmas." "You mean you have news of your grandson?" I inter - • "Tha• t's right. So happened one of our Environmental In- spectors was on his way home for Christmas when he ran into a group of squirrels a few miles out of Bayfield. Naturally he stopped, and would you believe it, one of them was my grandson! Of course, he explained how they came to be there. After that the Inspector came on here, went out of his way to do so, such a nice chap, big fellow in a grey suit. Anyway, he is going to take the matter up on our behalf. Pity you weren't here to talk to him - that would have made a good story." I agreed, but felt I had to point out that bureaucracy didn't achieve immediate results and no doubt it was the same in the squirrel world. Fred regarded me thoughtfully, his boot button eyes twinkled mischievous- ly. "Everyone knows that," he volunteered. "Take your P.M. for example - he's been having some unexpected set- backs. etbacks. ''''Look at the hostage situa- tion in Iran - oh I read the papers. In a way our squir- rels are hostages too. We don't expect miracles. After all, these days you expect to have to negotiate. But at least we now know where our boys are, and that they're all alive and well - and, they've got a couple of girls with them - so life can't be all that bad!" Fred gave a lewd wink and took off again. Men's curling The members of the Bayfield Men's Curling League hardly took a break over Christmas so inchided are the results of play in the last three weeks, not in- cluding Monday, January 13. After every five weeks of play, the team members notate position and have a new skip. The first pair of figures in the brackets are the current skips record and the second pair of numbers are the overall record of the team. December 15 results: fourth week of play Bill MdIlwain 12 - Jerry Untie 11; Bob Orr 10x/4 - Pat Graham 51/4; and Bill Talbot 13 - Morris Sauve 11/2. December 2 results: fifth. week of play Bill McIlwain (4 - 1) 12 - Morris Sauve (2 - 3) 414: Bill Talbot (4 -1) 121/4 - Pat Graham (2 - 3) 4: and Jerry Uniac (2-3) 111/2 -Roy Telford (1-4) 3'/4. January 5 reaulta: sib week - skip change Joe Koene (1-0, 5-1)13- George Telford (0 -1, 2 - 4) 21/2. Roy Telford (1 - 0, 2 - 4) 13 - Don Lindsay (0 -1, 4 - 2) 21/2. Joe Brandon (1 -0,3 -3)12 - Mark Stevens (0-1, 2 -4) 21. Standfn:.: show the team of Joe Koene leading with r:. 1 followed by Lindsay - 52%, J. Brandon - 431, R. Telford - 311, G. Telford -374 rttdStey -* %.