HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-01-08, Page 18Goderich Township Recreation WINTER PROGRAM ADULT VOLLEYBALL - Begins Wed. Jan_ 7 8 p.m. in Hohnesville School YOUTH VOLLEYBALL - Begins Tues. lan. 13 7-9 p.m in Holrrtesviite Sdiool INDOOR SOCCER - Begins Mon.. Jan- 19 7:30 p.m. in Hotmesvilte School ADULT BADMINTON — Begins Thurs. Jan. 1511 p.m. in Nolmesville School BASIC SOCIAL DANCING — Begins Fri. Jan. 9 7:30.0 p.m. in Goderich Township Hall_ Any enquiries please phone 1112-0838.: Anyone Welcome_ CURLING - Continuing on Sunday Nights at 8 pen- in Vonastra Curling Club. '3.00 per adult. Pay as yclu go. HOCKEY - 12 years and up. Sat. Jan. 10 3:30-4:30 p.m. in Boyfield Arena. If interested please phone 482-3145. TAX MANAGEMENT AND STATE PLANNING Wednesday, January 21 11:00 A.M_-3:30 P.M. in Goderich Township Noll This is o chance to pare some questions answered which affect every family. (Please bring lunstar_ Coffee and donuts provided. PAGE I1-- I NEWS-RECORA MURMAY,JANUARY S .EUCHRE PARTY - Hum Fish and Game tang &t day, Jan. 24 at S p.m. Members and guests welcome. $1 per person. -1,2 The ROOF and Reb& iswill hold the neat card party on Thirgdiay, January 8 at 8 !Il'clock in, the Lodge Hail, Maori (Princess St. E.). Lathes please bring li>Iich. E vaelcoiile. 1 BLYTH • LIONS BINGO every Saturday, Blyth Memorial Hall, 8:00 p.m. -Regular, Share -the wealth and Jackpot. $15 in 60 calls..--42tfar HURON FISH & GAME ego �vt xi ya. o card SIM, restricted to 16 years or over_ Jackpot 3100 must go each week. 15 regular games of $10 - S5 least on split.-37tfar BLvr'O every Tuesday Evening at Vanastra Centre, RR5 Clinton, 8 p.nn. First regular card, 51.00; 15 regular $15 games, three share -the - wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission restricted to 16 years and over.--52tfar CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday, S p.m. First regular card, $1. 6 cards for Si. 15 regular games, 3 share - the -wealth. Early bird game 7:45 p.m. Jackpot 5200 must go each week_-20tfar ANNUAL .. MEETINGot ._, BAIRD'S CEMETERY BOARD AND PLOT OWNERS WED14BDAT,IANUART 14 AT P.M. in the IOOf NAIL-BRUt IHEWD CARD PARTY: Mit. en Friday, Jan. 1S,19(11 at 8:30 p.m. Sponsored d by the Sutranerlall Halal Everyone weloNne. Ladies please bring —1,2. �fl D1O YOU GET a camera for Or have one now and aren't suite how to use it? Why not find on/ Meets to best use it and take better pictures at the 1 Photography Course offered a} Night begin- ning Monday, Jan. 12. For advanced migration, con- tact Mr. M. Doherty at CHSS at 482-3471 or 41779 even- ings —lily PRODUCTS ON SALE in January. Orders mailed 3 p.m. on every Friday - Please contact P. Garrett, 482-7769 or J. Chilton (Manager) 565- 2165_---53-4 Bum Calmly Family Plall- ning project invites .you to attend Family Planning Clinic every Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 9:08 p.m. at Huron Comity Health Unit, Shipley St., Clinton. Q zmse ting and kcal services ' provided. Counselling on Billings (natural family planting) available first Thursday of each month.—EOW AR SEWING CLS- Star- ting Mon., Jan. 12, 1 pm. - langerie, bathing suits - 8 weeks, 2% hours at Mary's Sewing Centre. Monday evening 7:3, p.m, ad- vanced knits. Tuesday, Jan, 13, 1 p.m. at store basic knits. Tuesday evening 7:311 p.m. at CHM basic knits. Also advanced !mils on Thursday evenings 7:30 pa. Goderich District Col- legiate Advanced registra- tionat store 482-7036.-1,2 F'I\E DINING 6� 1 Lo, 1)43LUF FOUNT kIN HI:'T d. R\\r&STEkh. H()[ �F `ter: `7Ec . ° i ..- SPECIALIZING ' _ SPECIALIZING IN.... •CH,ARCOAL STEAKS *CHICKEN *CHOPS •SEARXH) ENJOY OUR SUPERB DAILY sl(j,L,RS: SPECIAL TUES.SA i . 10 a.m.-10 p.m. SUN. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. LAST NIGHT JAN. 8 ADULT Two Showings 7 8 9 totEttuaL Starts FRIDAY! NOTE SHOWTIMES: JAN. 9th - JAN. 15th FRI. a SAT. 7 8' SUN.-THURS. 8 P.M. The Army was no laughing matter until ju_B±; to ®v„tooY 0 HE !U PHONE 524 7811 AIP ((NUI HONED RAM SUBJECT 70 CHANGE WITH a UT NOII 1 EUCHRE PARTY sponsored by L.O.L 1035 in Varna Township Hall en Jan. 9, 1981 at 8:30 p.m. Ladies please bring sandwiches. Proceeds to the Coultis family. --53,1 AUXRIARY to Clinton Rib& Hospital will meet , January 12 at 9:30 am. in Hospital Bard Room. This is the annual matting with the regular meeting to follow. Cearanft- tee heads are asked to have annual reports in duplicate please. -1 CLINTON FIGURE Skating Club Dance. Saturday, January 17, 1981. 9 - 1 a.m. Music Ca -1 Lion Fran1C McFadden, left turns a cheek from tee CNIB canvass president John Siertsema. centre. and Gurdon Graham. (Bud Sturgeon WELCOMES YOU! AFTERNOON TEA 2:30 to 4:30 7 DAYS A WEEK SOMETHING FOR THE LADIES... Come. vii, our uruktui country rrsi+rt for Tea today' WA.' prepared Etat" lish. muffins, freshly made scones. jam.��xrted pastries and Earl Gr'.. t..r for the nt, rasion. .Relax and ern :F as n -e sit you to front' of an open hearth lo; fire in one of our two lourn..es IR.~- rc:mans requested for gromk= of more than'1II $ 5 a • Complement }titer outing ca illi :t visit to iTIF:HOLL OW A unique gift shop iust steps from our Inn Benmiller Inn • Nestled in Henmill' r. Ont just 7 kilometres east of Co lertrlt -.,n Huron county . Rood '1. just off Ilit`hcc;a' s, phone: 4-2191 Opt." /C RESTAURANTAt►j� & TAVERN LICENSED UNDER BAYTIELD RD. GODERICH 524-7711 APPEARING THIS WEEKEND r FRI. & SAT., JAN. 9 810TH �I THE DESJARDINES over to photo) At the Legion by Stew Coke Well, things are getting back to normal at the old hall and activities are pick- ing icking up again The New Year's Dance was a big suc- cess urcess again with a capacity crowd and excellent food. The band mixed up the tunes enough that everyone got a chance to dance_ If there's one thing that is sure, it's 'that the Legion is a good place to go on New Year's Ere Bingo patrons will be hap- py to, hear that there are some changes being made at our weekly games. Orris Rin now be 6 for $1 and there will be another game added. An .:early bind.' game will be nm at7:I5 :o giiVe the ear= ly arrivals something to do, and give them a chance at some extra cask There are a few ether combinations which may be called for win- ners .so come on ant and find BURNS SUPPER JAN. 16, 1981 at the 1 krainian Nall London. 1 Ruario %tarring JOHN CAIRNEY featuring Bob c.iL»on and London.» .Andy Stewart (;orktai ls 6:00-7:410 rAl (;rare. Adder»» & Dinner 7:30 I'M Show 9:0t)PAI ring 0ii-1:1)IrAI9-- '20.00 PER PERSON MF:Nt Aberdeen Butterie» k ippern & Bannock» Cork an Leckie :Soup Tartan Salad Haggis "gats Pie (PREPARED B1 01 I1 -(11L O SCOTS ('HF:F 1 Tattle. Bachelor Peak Scotch Trifli• t' httrtbr.ad Abernethy f=4ruit Bum.% available front tainton. For informatio- call: Stratford 271-0703 or Dublin 345- 2104. Pickle. Baker). 713 Ilsehenonel. London 4.32-1791 dWee Scotch 1.td. Vi ewtrnottnt `lull 45.3-1)950 -a This is talet Gowen fast Aldi Taw of Cawrllusj or Edinburgh Bnkert 711 !hinds., Londern L304848 Brut -t 1-lI .our Nouw• 363 St. Jame., tit. 724 tq out what it's all about tw nori'iw is Friday and it's TGIF. It's also January 9 and that means Pub Nite at Branch 140, Things are pretty stow party wise, so why not drop down, hoist a few, throw some darts, and sing along. It's a great night and you can start it early or late and end it the same way. The for- mat is loose and easy and if you have any ideas, there are bound to be at least a few people ready to limen and Bond_ If you've been to • one before, you know what Pm talking about, and if you haven't, don't you think it's about time you found out? Please remember, I can't write this column unless I know what's going on and if you don't tell me, I may not know it's happening_ A note at the bar is all it takes, so give me a hand. At Conestoga L rn something n Conestoga College, Continuing Education is planning over 40 -courses for Stratford campus this winter. A wide variety of courses will be offered including: academic coarses, supervision and management, blueprint reading and arts and crafts. Most courses start the week of January 12 or January 19, 1981 and are offered from Monday through Thursday evenings for eights ten or twelve weeks_ "Last fall was our most' successful semester ever," says Jane -Huff- maett, supervisor of part- time studies at Stratford_ "We are offeristg new courses each semester and continuing the ones which we fend successful_ Ceurse ideas are always welcome". For more information about these and other courses offered at Ca„.-'aesv , Came t1=-4-1; winter. call the Stratford campus, Continuing Education office at 271- 5700 between 2 to 4 p.m gr 6 to 10 p.m_, Monday through Thursday starting January 5, 198L Discover our resort, where the beach has more sea gulls and pelicans than people, Escape to Our island Golf -Tennis Heated Pods Oceanfront Hotel Apartments Fishing - Sailing - Beautiful Beaches Restaurant - Lounge For more information, call or write: Indian River Plantation Resort, Hutchinson Island 185 N. E Plantation Road. Stuart. Fl 33494 , (305) 225.3700 .45-rntles north of-PairnBeam Complete FfoteI Senor.' i 2a' trar1ririrrrr NOV" wvlrrvitaIt/ scrrYrrvartit 1t v; fol -4771-i'N• • ..'' • :.a 1, :(k .'""•" The children of KEN & RUTH OKE and TED & SYLVIA JOHNSTON invite hinds mud relatives to their poresfis' 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Saturdoy, January 10, 1981 at %Word Dancing 9 pm -1 am Luncheon Served Best NishesOnlr .+ 1 41-t 1 t • 5 d1 Kentucky Fried Chicken NewYear Specials! Start the New Year off right! Kentucky Fried thicken has two great deals on good chicken! There's nothing like the Kentucky Fried thicken New Year's Specials. to 94 Elgin Ave., E. GODERICH • SAVE 1100 i 227 Main Street EXETER r20 03. JANUARY 7TH TO JANUARY 31ST $1 .25 bring this coupon to your nearby arra a Kentucky Fried Chicken Store for a Bucket. with l 5 pieces of goad chicken, and pay just '7.00 Reg. '8.25 BUCKET. Kt foriJANUARYm3115T THR- IF1 DINNER ess, aft Gob crtnrtesr, Ntecipe eattigkg bring this coupon to your E(entucity Feted Chechen Score. buy one Thrifty: Dinner, with 2 prere-, of gohid rhrcwan. French: f rro-, • Cote stew. and frre'cnan .Entad For the rely tear pi -ire of `2.101 and GET A SECOND THRIFTY DINNER FREE! em am 0 ems Cosmo ted, .®ott. 0 e0 t0 011, —e® 0