HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-01-08, Page 164 PAGE 16-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8 ,1981 Con CO. 421 pai N o surn Ro td.o sedwat• Oct 161-1200 9 1. Articles for sale APPLES: Spies and Delicious. Corner of Bayfield Rd. and Huron No. 31 to Varna. Henry Slotegraaf 482-9272.--45tf DRY SLABWOOD, campfire wood, bodywood delivered. Phone 482-9250--36tf VICTOR Electric Adding Machine. Phone527-1943.-1 :.... 13 -CU. FT fridge and 24" stave ... Westinghouse, white, excellent condition. $500. Phone after 5 p.m. 482-7048.-1x SICK ROOM Supplies, patient aids, support garments, convalescent products, etc. See Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 5247241.-ltf OSTOMY SUPPLIES and appliances. See Rieck IDA ' Pharmacy; 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241.-ltf HUMIDIFIER for sale, like Crew ($130.1 asking $70, after 5 p.m. 482-3548,-1 DON- MIDDLETON'•S Whitehall Farm RR 3, Clinton can still boast of quantity with quality at ath•active prices for cider, Macintosh and Northern Spy apples. Phone 489838,-18 - TRY C &. E USED FUR- NITURE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231 -40tf VANASTRA HOME. FURNISHINGS 2 miles south of Clinton on Highway No. 4 •NEW OR USED HOME FURNISHINGS •APPLIANCES •LAWN ORNAMENTS Open: 6 days o week 482-7922 5. Cars for sale GOOD RELIABLE car, 1973 Olds Cutlass. If interested call 482-7915,-1,2 • 6. Trucks for sale 1973 CHEV ' 2 ton pickup truck as is. Phone 482-9204.-1 12. Real estate for sale PRIVATE SALE - ideal retirement home with private access to Lake Huron near, Bayfield three years old, cedar and stone bungaldw, large deck. 3 bedroom, living - dining room; cathedral ceilings. full basement,' fireplace, extra lot'. Open to offers, Phone 565.5iX34 after 7 ppm .-48tfnx F nmscr ... ". �I Y - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 81 DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads .......... Tuesday Noon Display Advertising Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sole' 2. Yard sale 3. Garage sale . 4. Antiques for sole 5. Cars for sole 6. Trucks for sole 7. R.V.'s for sole 8 Marine 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sale 12. Real estate for sale 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties • 15. Out of town properties 16. Articles for rent 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 19. -Rooms for rent 20. Room 8 board 21. Cottages for rent 22. Lots for rent • 23. Commercial property for rent PHONE • 24, Wonted to rent 25. Wonted to buy 26, Help wanted 27. Wonted (general) 28. Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37. Mortgages 3B, Auction sole 3 Educationol 46 Lost 8 Found 41 To give away 42. Death notice 43 Births 44. Engagements 45.. Marriages 46 In memoriam. 47 Card of thanks 482-3443 notices MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to S p m 5. Cars for sale 5. Cars for sale FOR SALE 1974'. OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88 ROYALE Power Steering, Power Brakes, Air Conditioning, Cruise Control, Vinyl Roof, New Paint, Show Tiros, Ex- tro Wheel and Summer Tires, Traitor Hitch. WILL CERTIFY si 1 200°° OR BEST OFFER Call John Buchanan at 524-7144 Between 10 A.M. & 12 NOON Place lour Ads With Us for Added RcTDWg MAURiCE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LTD. 34 STANLEY STREET GOOERICH 524-2966 524-2966 CALL US -TO WELCOME YOU HOME 215 RAGLAN 5T, - tLINTON OWNER HAS MOVED MUST II( SOLO Attractive 3 bedroom split entry home complete with detached indoor pool, sauna and whirlpool. Home offers large kitchen and formal dining room plus family room and games room. Mortgagee (Moving preferred rate to qualified put. chaser 1,44Oa 40A' 118 WINTERCGU n CII. - ittliNTON OWNER HAS MOVED MUST 0E SOLO Popular 3 bedroom brick and aluminum bungalow in quiet residential area. 1100 sq. foot home has fireplace, above ground pool and fully fenced -in yard area, floc. tris heating and single car attached garage. Existing 11°-,, martga0e until Mar. eh 1984. CONTACT GARDINER REAL ESTATE (524.2966) OR YOUR LOCAL CLINTON REAL ESTATE ATIVI ORNIZIMOGIOSOF 12. Real estate for sale 612, Real estate for sale Cuiligan REAL ESTATELTD VARNA - Main St., Town Water, 2 storey home with lots of potential. Large well treed lot only '22,500. B AYFIELD - Country Estate right in the Village approx. 1 acre well treed. Listing has just been reduced by '30.009. CLINTON - Hwy. 4 walk to downtown all on one floor huge carport, well treed lot, only °32.500. Try an offer, on this one as owner Is anxious to sell. BRUCEFIELD 11/2 storey on Hwy. 4. New aluminum siding, exceptional buy at this time. B AYFIELD - Fruit Farm, 64 acres with trout stream run- ning through. Solid brick bungalow. large born, storage shed with refrigeration. One of a kind. COUNTRYPROPERTY - 4 bedroom house, 5 acres, scenic property, large steel shed 3 yrs. old, 5 miles from Clin- ton toward Bayfield. '47,500. EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME - 173. Dunlop Street, spacious home on 3 building lots, over 2,000 square feet, com- pletely finished inside and out. Should be seen to be appreciated! CALL WILLY BUNN BAYFIELD 565-5055 MM L DUJODDY REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR 10$ TOWNSEND ST., CLINTON One of Clinton's finest Century Homes. Outstanding features include: 4 bedrooms, family room with built-in bookcases and speakers. 4 fireplaces, in working order; gas F/A heating. Modern kitchenwith built-in Jenn- Aire orange and' built-in oven, Exceptionally well decorated throughout. Extensive landscaping with private ' yard and flagstone front entrance. Good location. 245 RAGLAN STREET, CLINTON Superb hi -level, prime area. 2,000 sq. ft. finishedarea plus double garage. Beautiful home, features include kitchen built-ins, fieldstone fireplace in finished family room, 4 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, sundeck off dining room. CALL: JOHN DUDDY LEAH KUEHL JOHN THOMPSON' VAL FILBERT OFFICE 482.3652 482-3704 527.0238 482-7833 482-3766 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE: 1977DLM12ft_ x 68 ft., three bedrooms. Includes stove, fridge, air - conditioner and more extras. Willing to sell on easy terms. Call 482-9454.-1 16. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS - Dress ups Go-Ionn®all We have- the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear, Main St_, Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Campbell's Ltd. t-14tfar PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges. portable cement mixer. Power trow•Is, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stacked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236- 4951.- 16tfar GARAGE FOR RENT for storing a car. 482-7313,-1 17. Apartments for rent TIIREE BEDROOM apart- ment for rent, Phone 482- 3675t-42tf APARTMENT AVAILABLE immediately, One • three bedroom and one two bedroom in up -town Clinton. Phone 482- 9766 or 482-9417 "evenings.-38tfar owpoursimmimig Attention Farme•rs. A. For sale„ STRAW FOR SALE. Truck top. Phone 482-9W19. -1 x . YANMAR DIESEL POWER 131/2 h.p. - 33 h.p. Huron County's Yanmar Dealer E. Farm Services SHIPPING., CATTLE to Toronto t'nion Stockyards every Monday, Campbell S1cKin le! 262-A30.. 48tf Let's run around. together. 404 �_ vamrapa117017 AND SONS LTD. CLINTON 4$2-3409 amaamEE Hensoll Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livostoctt WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Virter Horgroovof Clinton. 489.9411 .Sorry Mellor trots, 996.2117 KW.. on. 110.6104 Douglas Carrofhors .1274724 arogory Horgroovos.262.2610 18, Houses f9r rent 17- Apartments for rent BACHELOR Apartment in Brucefield, Available Jan. 1. Call 482-3278. -5Otf TWO BEDROOM Apartment with appliances. Self contained with fenced in garden 262- 2939.-Itf ONE SELF -contained bachelor apartment with Applk.uges .,and garde, 262- 2939.-1tf ONE BEDROOM Apartment. Private entrance. carpeted, stove and fridge supplied. Adults only. No pets. Phone 4107304.-1tf MODERN TWO -Bedroom Apartment in a one -storey tri- plex' apartment building. Available Jan, 15, 1981, $185, per month plus utilities. Phone 482-9200,-1,2x 18. Houses .for rent HOUSES FOR RENT in Vanastra. Available im- mediately. Phone 482- :3278,-3ltfar TWO BEDROOM Mobile for rent. Morgan's Mobile Homes. Phone 482-7066.-3W 18, Houses for rent FOR RENT Three bedroom townhouses, newly decorated. Located in Vonostro, 2 miles from Clinton, quiet surroundings. '229. per month including heat and hot water. TV cable available. Ideal for retired people, close to Loke Huron. APPLY AT OFFICE BLOCK H UNIT 1 OR PHONE 412-3121 BETWEEN 6 A 10 P.M. WSRKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD" CLINTON: HAROLD WORKMAN 482-3455 PETER DAMSMA ' 4112=9849 SEAFORTH: HENRY MERO. 527-0430. LONDESBORO: GERRIT WILTS 523-4229 10 acres - 78 workaSOIDnatically drained, brick house, Layer Quota - 2 barns, 100 acres, well drained near, Lon- desboro, Vanastra - decent 3 bedroom home only '15,500.00 Elegant 3 bedroom - brick home, large family room, school area, 2 storey 4 bedroom home - with original woodwork, stained glass, school area. '• Attractive 3 bedroom bungalow - 7% mortgage hospital orea. 1 floor 3 bedroom - brick home, large dining room, school area. Modern dairy form - 15 `O.LOod home, cows & quota, Variety store - recently renovated, showing good returns, lots of potential. Rooster Quota - 2 bare /me, 15 acres, Queens 5t. - 3 9r 4 bedroom home,- good condition, full basement, '32,500,00 Rottenbury St. E. - 2 storey brick, 3 bedroom home in ex- cellent condition, 10'/7% mortgage. Reduced - to '34,000,00 for this 4 bedroom home on a large lot in the school area, Main Strut - store and apartment in Clinton only '29,900.00 Store with income - from 2 apartments, in the business core '34,900.00 Brucefield - The basement is finished with the same chord os the main floor in this raised bungalow with many extras. Townsend St„ 4 bedroom home, modern kitchen, family room, '31,00000 Victoria St. - beautiful residence & shop, inground pool, zoned commerc al, ideal for o restaurant, etc, Country beim,, elegant raised bungalow, 1500 sq, It„ garage ''7 acre highwoy location, Holmesville - 3 bedroom 1 floor home, attached garage, largeVarna lot,- N633ew ,900 b,'''' 3 , edroom brick bungalow, Hudac Warranty, large lot, Meitlond River frontage on 2 acres with 2 or 4 bedroom home, Holmesville area, Vanastra - 3 bedroom home, excellently decorated and remodelled. Welding shop,- 3,000 sq. ft., 2nd building 5,940 sq, ft„ business for sole also, Matilda St. - 3 bedroom bungalow, rec, room, carport, only '46,900.00. Huron St. - 3 bedroom 1 ' , storey home', '29,000.00. High St. - 3 bedroom 1 ' , storey home, '29,900,00. Princess St. - Tudor styled home in good condition, '35 000.00 Fulton St. - 3 bedroom home, heated. double tar garage, double lot ''36,900,00. Duplex - 2 8 3 bedrooms, double car garage, maybe an ex- tra lot. Rattenbury St. E. - Brick duplex' - 2 x 3 bedroom uni ts, Auto Body Shop - Highway location near Clinton, . North St. - 4 bedroom coloured aluminum sided home, family room garage, '27,000.00, erucefield - Tastefully decorated raised bungalow in mint condition with many extras, Coen try Estot -''offei'Ing an elegant 14 room home with a ,history, on 15 acres With o river through it, . Country home - 3 floor chalet near the Maitland River. Large Commercial Lot - Highway location in Clinton, King St. Duplex • Zoned commercial next to the Royal Bank with abutting residence & shop for sole on Vittorio -St 100 ittorio St - 100 acres, 96 workable, brick home, beef barn, Hullett Twp, . 244 acres, 100 acres bush, 144 workable, house & born, neer Teeswuic.r, Broiler, Roaster, A Layer Quota - plus pullet production, modern executive type home on 50 acres near Clinton. SO Milk Corms - large quota," plus 24,000 broiler quota, 237 acres, excellent buildings near Clinton, Mohave mem fele ......., et 18. Houses for rent FOUR BEDROOM Semi detached on Victoria Blvd. Vanastra. Phone 482- 7968. --46t SMALL ONE Bedroom House in Clinton, gas heat. Available immediately. 8100- month. Phone 482-9815.-1.2x THREE BEDROOM Home 5 miles west of Clinten. Apply Bax 571 Clinton:- -1.aar 12. Real estate for sale LAUCKNER REALTY INC. Member of the London St. Thomas MLS BAYFIELD - 3 bedroom bride, attached garage, treeft lot, drilled well. Priced right. OLDER TYPE HOUSE - 1/4 acre treed lot. Ideal location. Priced in rr'30,000 bracket. 2 BEDROOM SUMMER HOME - Beautiful scenic location overlooking y the river. BRUCEFIELD - 12 acres <Py ,),?,with modern home. • . NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY REAL ESTATE. PRICES 8 WILL BE INCREASING $$� IN SPRING ;.; Lots for Sale LISTINGS WANTED ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, Bayfield 565-2813 FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE 40 acres in Goderich Town- ship. 30 acres apple orchard. Barn for 120 sows. 4 miles from Clinton, High- way 4. 100 acres. Sow and Hog farm. 8 room brick house. Drive Shed. Sows and equipment included. God^.rich Township. 4 bedroom house and small born or.2 acres. '35,000. 200 acre dairy farm. 4 miles from Clinton. 2 houses. 75 milk cows, milk quota, equipment, this year's crop, C. BURUMA R.R. No. 2 Clinton 482-3287 Salesman for G.K. REALTY INC. Clinton 482-9747 Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 WANTEE) - immediately. 300- 600 acres of corn and bean land for immigrating European client. Buildings not im- portant, HULLETT TWP, - Red brick school house, 2 miles south of Auburn. Excellent condition. GODERICH TWP. - 13 acres with 1 floor bungalow, Farrowing Karn will handle 50 sows. 4 acres wooded. RED BRICK - 2 floor doubt home on Rattenbury t,,p Clinton. Low intere 1st trad tnprtegageof ., Qwn2nder mowi?rtgage I consjer- at reasonable interest. ONE FLOOR bungalow, 119 East St„ Clinton. well land- scaped, carport, Owner anxious to sell , Try an offer, RES'rAUI4ANT and gas bar, main intersection, Blyth. 3 'ACRES - 6 miles from Clinton, brick home and w(irkellOp. 18. Houses for rent TWO BEDROOM Semi- detached home in Clinton, close to shopping. Available immediately Phone Don, 524- 4226 or 524-9131.-1 SEMI DETACHED, 105 Rattenbury E. St, Clinton all newly renovated. 2 bedrooms, formal dining room. hying room. kitchen. 4 pc. bath a:zd basement. Vender- well 1'4111-. sider one year lease agreement. References required. No pets. Contact Mason Bailey Real Estate Ltd. 4E2-9371.- I.2ar 23. Commercial property for rent OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 325 to 550 square feet Main floor 41 ONTARIO ST., CLINTON, FONT. We'll renovate to your specifications. PHONE 482-7979 24, Wonted to rent MATURE WORKING Person requires a one bedroom apartment in Clinton, .with fridge and stove; Please phone 482-7741 between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.-Itf 25. Wanted to buy WANTED: Good used fur.:. niture. Phone 482-7922.-•8tfar WANTED - Old Krick buildings, for demolition wrecking and salvage purvoses. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road. Sarnia 1 542-4088. Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks,- 34a reow 26. Help wanted GODERiCH and District Association for the Mentally Retarded need drivers to transport handicapped pre- schoolers to Tuckersmith Day Nursery for morning program. Mileage allowance provided. Submit applications to: Barry Clogg, Box 527, Clinton, Ontario.-- 1,2 WANTED TO:HIRE: Herd- sperson required to manage farrowing and nursery facilities on 300 sow hog forth, House with all utilities sup- plied. Female applicants are urged to respond, ,Contact Bev Hill, Hill & Hill Farn'is Ltd„ Varna, 482-3218..-1 -ar RELIABLE LADIES required to sell cosmetics. Earn ex ceUent money. Phone 565-2714 on Jan. 13, 1981• between 9-11 a,m, for appointment, -1 SALES REPRESENTATIVE Vincent Farm Equipment of Seaforth continues to grow and offers a rewarding opportunity for solos persons. Ap- plicant must be an aggressive, ambitious individual who 1s a self- starter. Modern up-to- date dealership with good remuneration and benefits program with above average oppor- tunities. Apply in writing with details of work to: Marlon Vincent Vincent Farm Equip, Ltd. Box 189 Seaforth, Ont. NOK 'WO 27. Wanted (general) F'IItEWOOD WANTED ' Kea S'0 ed,-' loaded' on our trailers, 50 percent limbs and the rest split, SEASONED. Call Toll Free 1-800-265-4279. Floyd .lo nes, Newbury Ontario. 51-4 WANTED • removed by April 15, 1981, olfie frame barn 40' x 60' with metal roof and two- storey red brick house. Con- tact Bob Grunedwald 357-3450 from 9 - 5 or 482-3270 evenings. -1.4 (