Clinton News Record, 1981-01-08, Page 111
by Bud Sturgeon
and He/er, Owen
- Mice tie
Back to the minors
The most outstanding
thing about the Lampoon
Hockey League game on
Tuesday night, was that it
was not outstanding at alL It
was the usual lopsided vic-
tory for the Oldtianers over
the Rink Mice, this time
around a 9-3 drubbing.
Tuesday game also mark-
ed the farewell performance
of the Smedsmo brothers,
Buffalo Roger and Bence
'the Bad' who were returned
to the minor leagues by their
respective clubs.
One bright spot for the
Mice was the debut(?) of a.
veteran winger, Hully-
Gully-Hulley, who lace) on
. the blades for the first time
in 22 years. However he lost
his pipe at the game Has
anyone seen a pipe? For the
Oldtimers, it was Larouche
(even though suffering from
a painful back injury)
leading his offensive unit to
the depths of victory. Also
so-oring .were volorlta,..nrs
and Vladimer Latimer- Tiny
1 tm and the Molenaan handl-
ed the goaltending chores.
On Saturday night, the
Oldtinlers decided to be kind
to the Rink Mice since they
had walloped them 17 times
in a row, so they played to a
7-7 tie.
it was ;a tra,7rr6. ' hnre tiro
track down all the scoring
plays in this action packed
contest, but Winding Winnie
and Big Barb seemed to do
most of the scoring for the
Mice, while Stormiri Nor-
man and Offside Veronica
did the majority of shooting
for the elders.
Nextweek ( tomorrow
night) the regular game will
be played at 11:30 p.m. on
Friday night due to the
Team Ten Game at the
arena on Saturday night.
,Followingthis one scoot a, it
change, all future games
will be played at 9 a.m. on
Saturday nights.
Study pipeline .proposal....
• from page 111
original survey had been
completed, a more detailed
. form had subsequently been
requested by the Ministry of
Referring to the various
committees, the Reeve
advised the Council that
reports from the Ausable-
Bavfield Conservation
Authority. the Town 'Holl
Conunittee and the Com-
mittee of Adjustment, would
be presented at the nest
meeting on January 19th. A
date was to be set for the
quarterly meetings of the
Planning Committee, and
council awaited a report
from the business group in
connection with the
L -AC -A -C. committee.
Take a spin
on Yarna's rink
by Mary Aiessell
Now that the holidays are
over and the pace of social
life is slowing down, your
correspondent hopes to do a
better job. In order to have
news, I do have to enlist your
help. Aphone call or a note
dropped m or handed to me
at church would be ap-
preciated whenever you
have special guests, or have .
done some travelling.
Dave and Bonnie Roy'
entertained friends and
neighbours at a house party
on -New Year's Eve-
' Bob and June Webster and
girls entertained the
Webster families at their
home on Sunday, Dec. 28.
Maybe I shouldn't adver-
tise how soundly the
Chessells .sleep, but when
New Year's Eve revellers
laid on their car horn within
a few feet of their bedroom
without disturbing them it
makes you wonder just whit
all they can sleep through.
The kids, who were getting
bored with their long holi-
day, put the ice surface to
good use as soon as it was
ready. Lots of activity over
The sympathy of their
many friends and
neighbours is extended to
Allan and Marjorie Hayter
and their girls in the loss of
Marjorie's mother, Mrs.
Woods. The flowers in Varna
and Goshen churches on
Sunday were from her
David and Sandy Ostrom
and their family were home
for two weeks during the
holidays with their time
divided between the
Ostroms and Sandy's
mother, Mrs. Beuerman.
With all this snow, the
children had a wonderful
- timesnowmobiling: -
Members of the Youth
Group who attended the Toc
Alpha Conference in
Hamilton had a wonderful
time, and are hoping to
return again next year.
Brian Chessell was inter-
vieWed by the Hamilton
television station and was'
able later to see the inter-
view - an interesting ex-
Leon Sookrha, ,who was a
classmate of Glen Hayter
when he attended Guelph
University and spent many
weekends and holidays at
Mervyn and Marg's home
was here last Tuesday and,
Wednesday. Leon was from
a family of 11 children in
Guyana, eight of whom now
live in Canada. His mother
Here's a hint
Scuff marks on gold,
silver shoes and- hand-
bags can be easily
covered up by applying
sortie gold or .silver ink
with a cotton swab to the
damaged area.
also came to Canada. He
paid for his tuition, books,
etc. by working in a
restaurant outside of
After graduation there, he
attended Queen's in
Kingston and the University
. of Saskatchewan and is now
a very successful builder in
Pleaseremember the
UCW meeting tonight, the
benefit card party at the
township hall tomorrow
t'tight;and Holy Communion
on' Sunday, .
Councillor John Chapman,
who was unable to attend the
meeting would • also be
submitting a report on the
Bayfield Harbour Com-
mitte a in due course.
BillTalbot presented the
names of the proposed
members of the Recreation
Committee for 1 i,1 for the
approval of Council. Further
discussion ensured with
regard to the role of the
Recreation Committee in
regard to the terms of
reference laid down in the
bylaw, and it was agreed
• that tl,, \e relevant points
would' be discussed when the
new executive was appointed
at a meeting to be held on
Thursday 8th January-
" Councillor Johnson in-
formed the council that plans
were being formulated for an
appreciation night" for the
ex -reeve, Frank McFadden,
ex clerk -treasurer. Gordon
Graham and ex road
superintendent, John Lin-
dsay. This occasion would
take the form of an open
house to be held in theArena
on February 28th, starting at
8 p.rn. All residents will be
welcome to drop in and it is
hod that is 'many as
possible will attend
The hazardous road conditions of the past couple of weeks
have resulted in a number of minor accidents in the
Clinton -Bayfield area, and two fatalities in the Exeter-
Hensall area, as white -outs and slippery roads, have
made ite ven a chore to go a few miles_ These two cars met
at the infamous curve on Highway 21 at the Clan Gregor
Square in Bayfield last Friday- No one was seriously
injured_ 1 Bud Sturgeon photo)
Round and about the village
Mr- Bill Parker, Bayfield,
was down to London over the
holiday season for a visit
with his two sons, Bill Jr.
and Bob, and their respec-
tive families-
' Mrs. LB. Smith, of the
Clan Gregor Apartments,
visited with her daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Rouse. in London.
Mr. Fred Fansher, Wind:"
sor, and friend Roger from
Summerhill, visited with
friends and relations in and
around. Bayfield last
Mr. Iry Pease. and
mother, Myrtle, both of Lon- _
don, stayed at their village
residence over the holidays.
The Bayfield fishing fleet,
which had been iced in here,
managed to break their way
outof the harbour last
Thursday, and proceeded to
Goderich where they will
Greg and. Emmily
Nielson, London. are spen-
ding a few days at their cot-
tage north of the village
before headed to La Belle
Province for an extended ski
Joining the Nielsen at
their cottage were Doug and
Jan Seneshen, also of Lon-
don, and the Bickersons
from parts unknown.
Mr. Brian Makins, Toron-
to, was back for another
village visit last weekend,
• and stayed with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs- Arnold
• Makin, at their Main Street
Kelsoand Marie Fitz-
sifrlorus and son Vincent,
motored to Bracebridge last
week fora holiday visit with
her sister.
Mr. Rob Dowler, '-Man
About the Province", was in
Bayfield for 'a 'few days
visiting friends and rela-
We hear that two Bay -field
residents are laid up, Diane
Boyes on ches and Barb
Lindsay in' action, so we
extend them get well wishes.
J A 1
000 -EEE! B
, •,. (''.'., , • • ' V" ' ••,, oo
l'1(!t1C1,no :' . :r. ,r B •r , a' le• A'd v;..n, ( )Ilio
l?e ri W otc' W f.,or rI •?' ,
The_ ,.gvrn (poll ,, Dr.) A. ?r.w, , . r,F.. ',c•
1chary r!.: w'r ,^r r.r `+ s't 00( y' 91; 5.9500(
.)r 50 t100or B• Pr;r• :• r ,,Br,r,,•.1), im.r,
7- 5100,000
( • 3
•. ,
Grgnr1Pr 1,•.. n.. •
That mean old town
grader broke down again on
Sunday for about the 84th
time in a week and it took a •
truck and several tractors to
tow at to the service station
as it was forming an effec-
tive road -block' on Main
Street. And that's why your
street didn't get plowed on
time. • . .
Ken and Bobby- Hulley,
London, were at their -House
of Mouse' on Toon Street for
a few days- •
Frank and Sylvia Burch
visited Frank at Betty
Buch's in Bayfield over the
New Year, following a two
week visit with Sylvia's
parents in England.
Neil Mustard and his
daughter Betsy were at their
cottage for the New Year's
weekend when urey took the
opportunity to enjoy some
lcc a l skiing.
Ifs ^s a thought
How do you suppose
some people will spend
Eternity when they don't
know how to spend the
next half hour.. -Ralph
Waldo Emerson. 1803-
Enclosed is your 1980 Notice of Assessment upon which
your 1981 property and business taxes will be levied.
YourCouncil by a resolution dated October 15, 1980,
requested that all property assessments be equalized
by doss in 1980 in accordance with Section 86(3) of The
Assessment Act. Your 1980 Notice reflects this new,
The new assessment has been calculated by applying a
factor, torr the 1975 market value estimate of your
property. The Notice of Assessment shows these three
figures, that is, the 1975 market value, the factor, and
the assessed value upon which 1981 taxes will be based.
The factors used in the Township of Stanley are:
Residential (1-6 Units) .04852 Farm .08311
Commercial -08289
_To. estimate vlhat your 1980 taxes would have been if
the equalized assessments had been used as a basis for
taxation in 1980, multiply your new assessment by the
appropriate mill rate. (The estimated mill rates are
171.16 mills for Residential ands 194.85 mills -for Commer-
cial.) For example, a '3,000 residential assessment
multiplied by 171.16 mills would produce a' tax of
If you have any questions, staff from the Regional
Assessment Office will be available at the following
locations and times, to explain your new assessment
and provide you with the necessary information to
compare your new assessment with those of similar
properties in your area:
JANUARY 14 & 15, 1:00 P.M. -9:00 P.M.
JANUARY 10, 11:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M.
If you are unable to attend during the times indicated
above, you may contact the Regional Assessment, Of-,
lice at the addresss below or by calling the Assessment
Office toll free.
If it can be shown prior to January 27, 1981 that a
correction should be made to your assessment, you will
be issued an amended notice. You are encouraged to
take advantage of this service.
If after having reviewed your assessment you wish
to enter a formal complaint please use 4'he
fpllowing procedures:
T14e Assessment Roll will be returned to the
Municipal Clerk on January 27, 1981.
The last day on which you may lodge a complaint.
against your assessment is February 17, 1981.
b) Complete the complaint section on the reverse
side of the Notice of Assessment and mail or de-
liver it to The Regional Registrar of the Assess -
menu Review Court at 1st Floor 426 Third Street,
London, Ontario. NSW 4W6 on or before Feb.
ruary 17, 1981.
c) You will then be notified o4 the date time and
place for hearing your complaint.
M. K. Bowen
Regional Assessment Commissioner
Huron -Perth
Regional Assessment Office
57 Napier Street
P.O. Box 190
Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Z2
Telephone: (519) 524-7326
Zenith: 66500
cies studie
The Bayfield Reereahou
Committee met lass Monday
eves at the Municipal
Building to consider new
members wishing to fill the
vacancies thereon_
Committee chairman for
1981, Bill Talbot was -to ap-
pear before Bayfield Council
on Monday, Ja+nnacy 5, to
present the following names
for acceptance to the
Recreation Committee for
the current year. The com-
mittee ed Matty
Franeis4 Alun Thomas and
Winnie Darmborough for ap-
Further revisions for the
11 man board included Bud
�'etftrtanfp the
smeary position and Wm -
me Darnborough assinninsr
the position of treasurer,
providing the appointments
were acceptable to the
Thevacancies had
become available when
Judy Gilpin and Tim West
declined to renew their
terms because of other a n-
poitxsm7atcy and the eieditin
of Barb Sturgeon to village
calmed in November, forced
her resignation as a sitting
The next Recreation
meeting is tonight
(Thursday) in the Municipal
Bulidi gat7.30p.UL
ARE � � .,....
Take notice that, pursuant to Section 41 of The
Assessment Act, Chapter 32, R.S.O. 1970 and Amen-
Assessment Notices have been delivered or were
caused to be delivered on or before the 06th day
of January, 1981 to all owners and tenants of the
Municipalities of South Easthope, North
Easthope, Fullerton, Hibbert, Logan and Wallace
in the County of Perth; Stephen, Stanley. Zurich,
Tudcersmith, Md(illop, Wingham, East Wawanash
and West Wawanosh in the County of Huron.
The last day for appealing an assessment is
February 77th, 1911_
The Assessment Rolls may be examined mot the
Municipal Offices during regular business hours
commenting January 28th, 1911_
M.K. Bowen
Regional Assessment Commissioner
Huron/Perth Regional Assessment Office No. 24
Box 190, 57 Napier Street
Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Z2
Enclosed is your 1980 Notice of Assessment upon whith
your 1981 property and business taxes will be levied.
Your Council, by a resolution dated October 21. 1'980,
requested that all property assessments be equalized
by class in 1980 in accordance with Section 86 (3) of The
Assessment Act. Your 1980 Notice reflects this new
The new assessment has been calculated by applying a
factor to the 1975 market value estimate of your
property. The Notice of Assessment shows these three
figures. that is, the 1975 market value, the fetter, and
the assessed value upon which 1981 taxes will be based.
The factors used in the Township of Tuckersmith are:
Residential (1-6 Units) .07361 Farm _08408
Commercial 09446
To estimate what your 1980 taxes would, have been if
the equalized assessments had been used as a basis for
taxation in 1980, multiply your ner assessment by the
appropriate mill rote. (The. estimated mill rates are
131.236 mills for Residential and 154.396 mills for Com-
mercial.) For example, a '3,000 residential assessment
multiplied by 131.236 mills would produce a tax of
'393.71. _
If you have any questions, staff from the Regional
Assessment Office will be available at the following
locations and times, to explain your new assessment
and provide you with the necessary information to
compare your new assessment with those of similar
properties in your area:
JANUARY 14 & 15, 1:00 P.M. -9:00 P.M.
JANUARY 111,--1-1-f00 A.M.-5i00 P.M.
If you are unable to attend during the times indicated
above. you may contact the Regional Assessment Of-
fice at the address below or by calling the Assessment .
Office Poll free.
If it can be shown prior to January 27, 1981 that a
correction should be made to your assessment, you will
be issued an amended notice. You are encouraged to
take advantage of this service.
If after having reviewed your assessment you wish to
enter a formal complaint, please use the following
a) The Assessment Roll will be returned to the Mun-
icipal Clerk on January 27, 1981.
The last day on which you may lodge a complaint
against your assessment is February 17, 1981.
b) Complete the complaint section on the reverse
side o4 the Notice of Assessment and mail or de-
liver it to The Regional Registrar of the Assess-
ment Review Court of 1st Floor, 426 Third Street,
London, Ontario- NSW 4W6 on or before Feb.
ruary 17, 1981.
c) You will then be notified of the date, time and
place for hearing your complaint. ,
M. K. Bowen
Regional Assessment Co?rlmissioner
Huron -Perth
Regional Assessmentbffice
57 Napier Street
P.O. Box 190
Goderich, Ontario N7/'d 3Z2
Telephone: (519) 524-7326
Zenith: 66500