HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-06-29, Page 22PAGE 22—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 191r3 cOfll01'l BINGO every Tuesday evening at Vanastr a Centre R R 5 Clin- ton. 8 p m First regular card $1 00 15 regular $15 games. three shore the wealth Jackpot $200.00 must go Admission u restricted to 16 years and over 2tfor CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday, 8 p.m. First regular card $1 00. Six cords for $1 00 Fifteen regular games three shore -the -wealth Early bird game 7:45 p.m Jackpot $200 00 must go each week 9tfor EXETER'S SECOND Annual Heritage Days celebrations ore Friday Saturday and Sunday July 22 23 and 24 Barbecue, dance fish fry parade. craft show flea market ball games and much more Keep the date open and watch this newspaper for details. 25.28 BEEF BARBECUE Boyfield arena, July 1 beginning 4 30 p m. Homemade pie and cake Adults S6 00 Children 10 and under $2 50 Sponsors U C W 25,26 MONSTER BINGO every Monday night, June 13 September 5 at Clinton Community Centre. Ad- mission $1, cards 6 for 51, 25c each, fifteen regular games and three shore- the- wealth, one 51,000 game. Doors open 6:30 p.m. Proceeds to community work. 23-35 COME TO the movies! Friday nights at 7 p.m., one half block east of the main intersection in Blyth. This week "If You Love This Planet" and "Neighbours". Free admission. A collection will be token to cover the cost of refreshments. Sponsored by the Blyth Summer Festival. - 26ar BUCK & DOE 1 1 for 3 1 MARJ KEYS j and d i DON WISE d Saturday, July 9th ( For Information call: i 482-3873 ° t 482-9838 t MEC f f °cy says FIDDLE AND Step Dance con- test July 8 and 9 at Community Centre Fergus. Ontario spon sored by Fergus Rotary Club For informonon conract Mery Woods (5 19)843 1630 26o MIDDLETON BAKE Sale Sorur day July 2 Ilam I p m Held at the church Cookbooks also will be available White elephant table 24-26 SUNDAY SINGLES Donce The original since 1978 from 7 11 p.m. every'Sundoy Welcome all single, separated, widowed and divcrced Dutch Canadian Society Gore Rd at Clarke Side Road. London No leans please Admission $3.50. Call Dona. Theresa, Bill 434-8579 686 1 186 or 268-3078 23-26x BAYFIELD LIONS pancake and sausage breakfast pure maple syrup Sunday. July 3 9 a m..1 p.m. Bayfield arena. Adults $3.00 Children $2.00. 23 26ar GARAGE SALE, July 1st and 2nd at 10 a.m., 206 Albert St Clin- ton. Baby furniture miscellaneous household items. etc. --26 GARAGE SALE Friday, July 1 and Saturday, July 2 from 9 a.m. - 9 Bikes, lawn mower, stereos and lots more. 64 Princess St E.. Clinton 26x • A MEMORIAL Service at Bran don Cemetery Belgrave will be held on Sunday. July 3 at 3 p.m. --26 WELSH COUNTRY Fayre in Belgrave Arena, Saturday, July 2 from 4 p.m. - 9 p.m. Featuring baking, needlework. plants. Cold meat supper 5 to 7 p.m. Adults $5, children 52.25, pre- school free. Sponsored by the Belgrave United Church. 24-26 YARD SALE: Dresser Estate, Boyfield on July 1,2 8 3 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Household ar- ticles, tools, books, antiques, collectables. Everything must go. John Street (behind the Fire Hall). 26 Walt Gardiner's Barber Shop WILL BE CLOSED JULY 7-8-9 OPEN JULY 12 I The children of . Q iSeldon and Violet Ross s are pleased to announce their 2 ? i 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 1 Friends and relatives are invited to an OPEN HOUSE at the home of their parents Brucefield, Ontario Sunday, July 3 2-4 p.m. and 7-8:30 p.m. BEST WISHES ONLY r T, IYZ, IN IIMIRMALTA21 CLINTON 169 SSECE RTIIEICT 492-7030 THURSDAY JUNE 31 TRIPLE -FEATURE SOMETIMES THERE'S ONLY ONE THING ON YOUR MIND... aoid 4111 the Wa ® LU -r'— JOAN COLLINS IN FRIDAY JULY 1 TO THURS. JULY 7 (CLOSED MONDAY NIGHT) oo...s;e THIS ISA HELL OF A WAY TO MAKE A LIVIMi ADULT ACCOMPADUNENT PLUS BILL MURRAY S 6 61%64,11 ADULT ACCOMPAMIMFMT' , COtrNIING JULY 8-14: "Slue Thunder" and 'Nice Dreams" BLUEWATER KENNEL Club All Breed Champion Dog Show and Obedience Trials Tuesday, July 5 and Wednesday. July 6 at Blyth Community Centre. Judg- ing starts at 9 a.m. each day Admission adults 51 children 50 cents 26 YARD SALE July 1st and 2nd, 10 a.m. 3 p m Rain or shine. Hwy 4 north of the Vonastro Rood. Watch for signs Household items. baby oc• cessortes. clothing. conical hreploce barbecue. baked goods. small appliances. collet • tables and antiques. 26 NATURAL FAMILY Planning Clinic Billings Method. To achieve or ovoid pregnancy. Short introductory slide presen- tation. individual consultation. Couples welcomed between 7-9 p.m. First Thursday of every month at St Joseph's Separate School Clinton. 48tfor HURON COUNTY Family Plann• rig invites you to attend Family Planning Clinic every Thursday from 6.30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Huron County Health Unit. Public Health Wing. Huronview, Clinton. Counselling and medical services provided. Closed July 11 to August 2 • 24eow YARD SALE at 93 William 5t.. N., Clinton, Saturday. July 2 from 9 a.m.•3p.m. -26 1 Centre, a The Blyth Centre for the Arts is thriving and the key to its success is community, not government sup,tirt, says the Honourable Bruce McCaffrey, Ontario's Minister of Citizenship and Culture. Speaking at the ninth an- nual opening of the Blyth Centre last Friday evening, McCaffrey commended the centre on Its tremendous success rate in these tough economic times. The Minister pointed out that the unique feature of the centre is the interaction between the community and the theatre people. "Blyth is an example of how artistic integrity pays off when a strong commit- ment is made at the grass roots level. It is my understanding that com- munity fund-raising efforts have raised at least 10 per- cent of the total operating budget for the theatre this year," he said. The community involve- ment and a 40 percent in- crease in box office sales from last year have made the Blyth Centre virtually self-sufficient. McCaffrey said more arts organizations are going to have to increase their self-sufficiency in order to survive. In .i,: last 20 years, the arts industry has boomed with many organizations depending largely on the government for funding. .'Since the former Ministry of Culture and Recreation was created in 1975, the Ontario govern- ment has allocated over $715 minion to culture activities and facilities," said McCaf- frey. But for the first time in several decades, govern- ment revenues are not grow- ing at an expected rate, therefore, government restraints and cut-backs may leave some organiza- tions in jeopardy, the minister continued. McCaffrey said the government will be gearing more of its support away from block grants and towards programs aimed at making the arts self- sufficient. "My ministry will put more emphasis on the development of audiences and marketing of cultural activities. We certainly have a rich stock of galleries, theatres, concert halls, etc., Happy Hearts finish season with a smorgasbord dinner Huron Happy Hearts round dancers ended their regular weekly dances until fall with a smorgasbord din- ner. On behalf of the club, Peter Chandler thanked Mrs. Miller for the delicious dinner. The Mcllwains and Wises took members on a trip to Europe by showing slides of their recent trip. A humorous poem was read by Lois Wise. A financial report was presented by Lois Elliott. BUS TRIP To Blue J's Game, Toronto on Sunday, July 10th Leaving from Londesboro Hall at 10 a.m. Contact Allan Bosman 523-4286 Open Reception for Andrew Erickson and Brenda Wilson (newlyweds) FRIDAY, JULY 1 9:00 p.m. at the Bayfield Arena MUSIC BY "Sultan of Swing" EVERYONE WELCOME R u E E N S HOTEL Seaforth 1.1 • The club expressed their thanks and appreciation to Lois and Edward Wise for the excellent leadership cueing for the dances. The remainder of the even- ing was spent dancing. A recent bus trip to the Bruce Nuclear Power Plant was very interesting. The guides explained in great detail, by film and a tour, the vast area. It was learned that together the generating stations will be capable of producing enough electricity requirements of a city about five times the size of Toron- to. A delicious smorgasbord meal was served at noon. All outfitted with hard hats and safety shoes prepared to climb 400 steps in the com- plex under construction. It was hectic driving through the area where 55,000 gulls have taken possession. The club is invited to dance in the Belgrave Corn- munity Centre July 29 and September 2. The regular dances will commence Oc- tober 14. Flower Power Planting flowers around trees protects trees from lawn mower injury. Choose shade -loving annuals such as impatiens, begonis and col- eus and water liberally, especially during dry periods. MEET YOUR FRIENW' RAIN OR SHINE INDOORS, AT VANASTRA FLEA & FARM MARKET 2 KMS. SOUTH OF CLINTON HWY. NO. 4 NEW TIME *CRAFTS *T-SHIRTS 'SHORTS *SOCKS *NOVELTIES EVERY-FRI. 9 am -9 pm SAT. 9 am -4 pm 'DISHES "BIKES *JEWELLERY *BAR SET *BOX PLANTS *TAVISTOCK CHEESE "HOME BAKING ®APPLIANCES SATELLITE RECEIVER DEMONSTRATION by GROVES T.V. Saturday, July 2nd SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE Phone 482-7401 482-3773 ENTERTAINMENT This Thurs. to Sat. ODYSSEY LAVES NIGwT Next Week - Mon. - Fri. DOUBLE EDGE Mon. -Sat July 11-16 VIGILANCE t40 COVE" Thanks to KEN SMITH POOLS for making our party a success with the pool they supplied. 000000010000000 PATIO DINING LOUNGE NOW OPEN SUNDAYS Licensed L.L.B.O. oclel for commun‘ty sup to facilitate this initiative," he said. Audiences should grow as the people born during the baby boom become more mature and affluent. McCaf- frey also suggested the link between culture and tourism deserves to be exploited in order to attract larger au- diences. "Like the Blyth Centre for the Arts, increased self- sufficiency will mean even greater success for arts rt organizations in Ontario, and the Ministry of Citizen- ship and Culture will be in the wings to help them meet that goal," the minister said. The expression "Dinner is Served" carries a new meaning in Bayfield because of the extraordinary new dining experience that happens at E.A.T. CO. every night. APPETIZERS Soup du Jour........ Chef's own Salad 1 90 Seafood Crepes.... - ... - - 4.00 Scallops, baby shrimp and salmon smothered in a divine sauce. Shish Kebob 3 75 Salad Supreme........... 3.50 Romaine lettuce, spinach, bacon bits, and egg sheets in a mango chutney, dijon mustard and sour cream dressing. ENTREES Chicken Archiduc 7 50 A breast of chicken in a madeira and cream sauce. Curried Chicken....... - .. 7.50 An emincee of chicken with fresh fruit in an authentic curry sauce. Fettucini Alfredo......... 6.75 Fettucini with Clam Sauce6.75 Fresh Fish of the Day..... 7.00 New York Steak (8 oz.)..... 9.95 Asparagus wrapped in Black Forest Ham........ 730 with morriay sauce We have a wide variety of scrumptious desserts and pastries that we make daily. Great food - great music - great prices - We're Licensed now - - stay tuned for our after 10 p.m. menu! - i --Licensed under L.L.B.O. Open 7 days a week 11 a.m. till 12 midnight • •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8 • • • • • • • • • ®® 1111111111111111111.11 r {■ TN TR KKTHE .�ESQUARE Q0DIERICP1 524-1811 111111 11/111111/11111 ••••••••• WED.-THURS. 7:30 It's as far as you can go. 1111111111111.11181111_ MU9T(ili Driv -1 Hwy. 8 aodarlch Pt Con. Rd. 4 524.9911 111111111111111111111 •••••••.•• 4 SHOWS 8 THURSDAY JUNE 30 BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 8 • • • • • • • • • • • • PDM,ItAYrE _ • • •-) .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 2 ADULT ACCOMPANIMENT STARTS FRIDAY JULY 1 2 SHOWS EVERY NIGHT 7 8 9 p.m. BURT REYNOLDS Is THE FUN STARTS AS SOON AS SEATED! ADULT ACCOMPANIMENT'' He's hot f' t on the truck .. and off ! STARTS FRIDAY JULY 1 BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:30 ADMI'(ANC1 R'ESTRICTEQ '0 00UA1 0. Act 00 0,10 If you thought the night before was funny, wait till you see the next day. 2ND FEATURE [rh—'-- on. 1 TOUGH ENOUGH v toUNC! Como early Saturday Evoriln, and listen to White Crystal Playing ®e®*• ®®®0® 0 0 • 40®• ®Ai 40SSSS 411®®• • • 0 0 0 • • • • • • • • e • • • • •