HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-06-29, Page 5McCAIN 121/2 FL. OZ. FROZEN FROM CONCENTRATE CLEAR OR PINK LEMONADE 2 for.99 Early files 5 years ago June 29, 1978 Fire last Saturday af- ternoon caused at least $15,000 damage to the home of Roy Vodden at Suni- merhill. A grease fire was blamed for starting the blaze which caused extensive damage to the horne, which was the former general store in Summerhill before it was closed about 10 years ago. 10 years ago June 28, 1973 Mr. and Mrs, L.R. Maloney, off Chatham and formerly of Bayfield, were in Ottawa recently to receive a Medal of Bravery, awarded posthumously to their son Michael. He was 19 and a student at Fanshawe College when he died July 17, 1967 in a vain attempt to rescue from drowning a fellow worker on a construction project. He drowned when he jumped into the water in an attempt to save the life of Vernon Oesch with whom he was working on the north pier of the government dock at Bayfield. In trying to clear a snagged line attached to a crane bucket, Mr. Oesch was thrown from the dock into Lake Huron. Mr. Maloney knew Mr. Oesch could not swim and immediately tried to rescue him. The crane operator ran for help but when he returned, both men had disappeared beneath the surface. 25 years ago June 26, 1958 "The Glorious 12th of July" will be celebrated in Clinton on Saturday, July 12 and thousands are expected to celebrate the 268th an- niversary of the Battle of the Boyne. Loyal Orange Lodges from seven counties have been invited. To add to the festivities the Clinton Loyal Orange Lodge No. 710 is celebrating its 100th anniversary. The Bell Telephone Company has again filed an application seeking approval to increase telephone rates. Proposed increases for residence rates range from 10 to 45 cents per month and for business service from 15 to $1.65 per month. 500 ♦ ('alrS ago June 29, 1933 Councillor A.S. Inkley, who is president of the Horticultural Society, has a plan for town beautification which should have the support of citizens. His idea is to get the town to co- operate with the Society in making a civic garden of that plot facing Mary Street, which has so far been nothing but an eyesore. L S ♦'eal rs ago 1 June 25, 1908 When driving to town yesterday Mrs. Fred i,conard's horse became frightened at an approaching automobile and upset the buggy and made off for home. Mrs. Leonard was thrown heavily and for some time was unconscious. The autoists acted more decently than those people sometimes do. They carried Mrs. i.eonard into a nearby house and then came to Clinton for a doctor. Harry Porter. son of Mrs. Porter. Rattenbury Street, was drowned in the Maitland River at (;oderi('h on Sunday evening. He was in bathing got ('aught in an un- dercurrent and went to his death l)eforc asslstance could be procure 1. 100 yea>Irs ago 100 Years Ago June 29, 1883 Un Friday last, several members of the ('lioton Bicycle ('lub took a spin for practice They rod(' down to Hrucefield, two of thein returning the same road. and the other three going by the mill road to Seaforth. and up to the 1Iuron road home Several tumbles were taken, but none resulted seriously ''hile coning through a piece of }way) Nand. Mr 1'isdall was the own ovt'r, hruisin); his hands and scratching he face. which was the onl) accident of any account A lad 111 town who took one of the Irish emigrants as a servant cane' up the steet to do sonic shopping one day and found on her return that the girl had so gorged herself ith pies and other delicacies. as to nuke her sick, and she has not hcen able to work since CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29.191113 --PAGE 5 URE AG SI IE NOW AVAILABLE ® BU NSMASTE R BUNS SUNRISE 20/ PARTIALLY SKIMMED MILK 4 LITRE BAG 1.88 E.D. SMITH GARDEN COCKTAIL 28 FL. OZ. .79 L51 PEPSI COLA DIET, REG., PEPSI FREE, OR MOUNTAIN DEW CASE OF 24/10 FL OZ. $5.49 ALSO AVAILABLIN 750 ml. RETURNABLE BOTTLES AT .39 PLUS .30 DEPOSIT EACH. NABOB REGULAR, FINE OR EXTRA FINE GROUND COFFEE 369 G. VAC PAK X2.59 KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING 500 ML. 1.1 MONARCH ADDED TOUCH CAKE MIXES 520 G. TANG BREAKFAST ORANGE DRINK CRYSTALS 4 x 92G. 1 41114 SAVE 36a FRITO LAY ASSORTED POTATO CHIPS 200 G. BICKS RELISH SSORTED TYPES 375 Fal. KRAFT PROCESSED 16 SINGLE CHEESE SLICES 500 G. 2.49 JELLO ASSORTED FLAVOURS CRACKER BARREL MILD, JELLY POWDERS MEDIUM, OLD, COLOURED OR WHITE CHEDDAR BLOCK 85 G. CHEESE 3 FOR 8 • O SAVE 77° DIET PEPSI, MOUNTAIN DEW. REGULAR PEPSI FREE, 750 ML. SUGAR FREE PEPSI FREE BOTTLE PEPSI CO 11111 ' 40 If 1,\(1 TOMATO JUICE 1.19 TANG 1 s 250 nil 'TI iRA BRIK, ORANGE. (;RAPE •V'PI E DRINK 1.09 R( )1 At ( HINT 1 I'K(, 1)1 4(1 11 IN('l 1 1 UN( 11E( )N PAPER PLATES 2.99 I'E RITAN 1410 o BEEF IRISII M1i AT BAIL 1t RKI'i CHICKEN STEWS 1.88 (,1 \I) PK(, Of 24 1'! \51 I( KITCHEN CATCHERS 1.39 DI 1 MONTE 4 x 5 Fl 0/ \��( 1RTED FRUIT CUPS 1.89 \l ( •\\ 5 f T 15 IN( 11 All:MINI Al FOIL WRAP 1.79 ( A"fiMERI 1'K(, ()f 4 \.1.111tf BATHROOM TISSUE 1.59 RVI) 410 K 011 '1 N (,'55111 BUG KILLER 4®99 I Ofl INSECT REPELLENT 4.99 \11111 211 fl ()/ SPAGHETTI SAUCE 1 .29 GARDEN FRESH PR RED RIPE WATERMELON PRODUCT 01 USA (11118 _' I. F'OV\1)1.RII) ! \I \ R1 DETERGENT 3.89 SAV PL 'ta S .30 ER BOTTLE DEPOSIT REALEMON 615 g CLEAR. PINK, LEMON;LIME [EMONADF DRINK CRYSTALS 2.88 I.G.A. 15 OZ. MAINTANCE CANNED CAT FOOD 34071.00 MAZOI A 5OO m CORN OIL 1.29 I C;.A PKG OF 2 CHICKEN NOODIE SOUP MIX 2 for .89 CATELII 1 kg SPAGHETTI. SPAGHFTTINI READY CUT MACARONI .99 DREAM WHIP 1"C1 g DESSERT TOPPING 1.69 PE1 5 FRF AN 400 K 1)1(4.5.41,V( . SHORT( AKf NI( OR ARROWROOT COOKIES 1.39 F'( 151 100 K 1Rl'111 OR COCOA PEBBLES CEREAL 1.39 3.4 1607. SAVE CATELLI SPAGHETTI & READY CUT MACARONI 1 KG. .99 SAVE 8001 ( AIN PL (;/ ( I it Al1. \ \NILE \ BANANA AND MARBLE FROZEN CAKE 1.88 JELL•() 12 x 50 ml FROZEN ASSORTED PUDDING POPS 2.49 ULD SOUTH 61/2 FL OZ. FROZEN 100'10 PURE' FLORIDA CONCENTRATED ORANGE JUICE .59 CAVENDISH 1 kg FROZEN STRAIGHT OR CRINKLE CUT OVEN -CRISP FRENCH FRIES 1029 GAINES MEAL 8 kg DRY DOG FOOD 6.77 Price's in e'tte'Ct till c losing .time Saturday, July 2. \Ve reserve the right to limit quantities. FRESH CHICKENS CANADA GRADE A UNDER 1.8 KG./4 LBS. 2.18K. 99., SAVE MAPLE LODGE SKINLESS WIENERS 454 C. 79 • FEARMAN SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDER 2.18/K8 - • /Ib. WHOLE CHICKENS STORE SLICED CUT UP 2.40/Kg. 1.09,Ib. SAVE COOKED HAM 4.39/Kg. 1.99 /lb. SHOULDER PORK BUTT REGULAR CHOPS GROUND BEEF 3.70/Kg. 3.06/Kg. 1.68/1b. Call1.39/lb. BREAKFAST SAUSAGE DAVERN 2.76/Kg. 1.25/Ib. PORK ROAST SHOULDER 3.06g. 139/lb. DINNER HAMS MARY MILES 5605/Kg. 2.29,Ib. SPARE RIBS SIDE 4.39/Kg. 1.99,Ib. BONELESS HAM LEAN & EZY 5.50/Kg. 2.49,tb. SLICED BOLOGNA DAVERN 500 G. 1.38 MAXWELL HOUSE 10 0/ INSTANT COFFEE 5.99 DUNCAN HINE' 520 g ASSORTS [) DELUXE II LAYER CAKE MIXES 1.29 F I` E ROSES 2 5 kg •111 P1RP()SF FLOUR 2.59 (,AINES 2 kg 8111 BA(1)N, ( HUFSE 1()P ( 110101 SF MI MOI' -T DOG FOO D 3.49 DU........... NAVEL ORANGES PRODU( T OF S.A. NEW( R()P 112'5 DOZ. 159 VARIETY PACK OR MINCED HAM CANADIAN QUEEN 375 G. 1.75 PORK RIBLETS 1.74,Kg . .79. (1 1.1B 11(51M i -S ml SALAD OLIVES 1.29 FRE N( hi') 5(1(1 ml PREPARED MUSTARD .87 COOKED HAM MARY MILES 375 C. 2.49 STIFO 1 kg 51 IMI TABLE SALT -Ea-GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE CA MacINTOSH APPLES ( ANADA FANO Y ONTARIO .3 LB. 1.39 SEEDLESS CUCUMBERS CANADA No. 1 ONTARIO LARGE .99 .69 SHORT RIB ROAST CHUCK BLADE BONE OUT /kg. /Ib. CHICKEN LOAF TAILLEFER SLICED 4.08,Kg. 1.85/lb. MOZZARELLA CHEESE CANADIAN 5.90/Kg. 2.68,... PORK LIVER SLICED 1.08/Kg. .49.. POLISH COIL FEARMANS 4,08,,Kg. 1.85/Ih. CHEDDAR CHEESE (ANADIAN Mil F 66 .5‘1/Kg. 2.99/Ib. 'EN FRESH PRODUCE GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE* FRESH MUSHROOMS PBODUC.T OF ONT. 4.15/Kg, 1.88,Ib. CARROTS CANADA No. 1 PRODUCT OF USA 2 LB. .79 WAREHOUSE PRICES - EVERYDAY, EVERY WEEK! PLUS SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT EACH WEDNESDAY (GET DETAILS FROM YOUR LOCAL IGA STORE) RADISH Or GREEN ONION PRODU( T OF ONT. 3 FOR 1.00 NEW POTATOES (ANADA No. 1 ( ALIFORNIA 10 1 B. 2.89 STORE HOURS (t.()SF D CANADA DAY IL11 Y 1 OPh.NT1-11Rti1)Al AND FNMA) NI(.11T TILL 9P.M.FOR 101 R4.0N%F.ti1F.N4 F• .8:30 a 4.00 p m, 8:34) a m6:14) -p. m 8'34) a m-hS•(d) p m 8:341 a m 9'041 p m 8.341 a m -9:44) p m 830a.m-6:00 p.m