HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-06-22, Page 22PAGE 22-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1
36 Announcements,
36 Announcements,
Pu lie Meet'
East W t;i {,1,,.wt,ash Public Sch
TUESDAY, JUNE 28th, 1983
at 8:80 p.s.
To dI cu f lindiS1 re proposed Hood lights
for the elgrwe ill P®gia.
Willett Township Council
Meeting that was scheduled
for July 4th, 1983 will
glow be held on June 27th, 1983.
Harry Lear.
Cleric Treasurer
Mullett Township
Re: Establishment of a Group Home
The Council of the Town of Clinton will be
holding a Public Meeting on Wednesday. July
6th. 1163, at 4.011 p.m. In the Clinton Legion Hall.
Kirk Street. Clinton. to discuss the proposed
establishment by the Goderich and District
Assodation for the Mentally Retarded of o group
Home to be located at 26 Joseph Street. Clinton.
The Public is urged to attend.
Further Information is available from the Town
Clerk's Office.
C. C. Proctor.
Clerk -Treasurer.
35. Notice to
McDOUGALL, lite of the
Township of Goderich in the
County of Huron, Housewife,
ALL persons having claims
against the Estate of the above-
named who died on the 11th
day of April, 1983, are required
to file full particulars thereof
with the undersigned on or
before the 30th day of June,
1983, after which dote the
assets will be distributed, hav-
ing regard only to the claims of
which the undersigned shall
then have notice.
DATED at Clinton, Ontario. this
27th day of May. 1983.
Box 68,
Clinton. Ontario
Solicitor for
the Executor
23 25
38 Auction sale
Richard Lobb
Clinton 482-7898
AT 6 P.M.
Garage equipment,
ports. tires etc- for Ted
Thus:, Main St., Hensoll,
AT 10 A.M.
Lvarge Auction Sole of
furniture, appliances.
miscellaneous for Mrs.
Hughes of Illyth plus
other good additions to
be held vat Richard
Lobb': Born. Clinton,
AT 10 A.M.
Car, truck, travel
troller, furniture
Alex Gulutaen 13 Cons.
Hullett Teap.
AT 10 A.M.
Furniture. appliances
etc. at RI¢Ivard Lobb's
Darn, Clinton, Ont.
Richard Lobb
A uct looser
Curator 4182-7496
38. Auction sale
38 Auction sale
38 Auction sale
.crags equipment tooke. pmrartx, tires eta_ to be Iee�fu!
fair Ted Therms. 110 King Street, Homan Oast,. et etre
W- do sday evening
J 29, AT 6 P.M.
Walker two
to floor lade, Vulcan tseo ton air bum-
per lack. Acetylene torches and cart, Hall valve seat
grinder. Snap alignment equipment. Bench grinder
mandrel. Brake bleeder, head light &mere. two '/x'•
air Impact wrenches. Slack owls wheel balancer.
five Inch wise, extension cords. table srae, with % HP
motor, Speed air compressor. Honda Motor cycle
tool kit, head light atrners, hayseagon. forty ft. TV
Antenna. C.P. ®Ir hexad breaker, 24" boss -saw blade
and m®nderaaal, wente antique tools.
Approx. 20 new tires for cars and light triodes from
12" to 13" plus queantity of used tires, engine oll.
starting fluid, fuel conditioner, radiator treatment,
water pump lube. Some old car parts to fit 1930's and
newer. generators. seater pumps. Reel pumps.
valves. gaskets. spars: plugs. 6 volt bulbs. leaf
springs, axles, tail pipes. Quantity of old hand tools.
repair manuals. plus many items too numerous to
retention. For infornsatfon hone Ted Thews at 262-
2410 or 202-2333.
Richard Lobb: Auctioneer
CLINTON 482-7898
ut Denfield
Saturday. July 2 of 1 PM
Also tads and
Call Joe Corey
42. Death notice
In Huronview, Clinton, Ontario
on Saturday, Mrs. Albert
Nesbitt the former Dello Potter,
formerly of Blyth, Ontario, in
her 87th year. Beloved mother
of George of Clinton, Ontario,
Eileen (Mrs. Bruce Barrie) of
Goderich. Also survived by 8
grandchildren and 10 great-
grandchildren. Beloved sister of
Mrs. Mary Yeo of Sarnia. Rested
at the Tasker Funeral Home.
Blyth, Ontario until Tuesday
then to Trinity Anglican Church,
Blyth for funeral service at 1
p.m. Interment Blyth Union
38- Auction sale
Travel troller. two tractors. machinery Car, two
trucks. combine furniture appliances etc. to be hold
for Alex Gulutzen at Port Lot 3 and 4 Huliett
Township 11/2 miles south and 41/2 miles east of Blyth
or 7'/ere miles north of Seaforth and 21/2 miles west.
1173 Corsair 1714 ft. tandem axle travel troller with
furnace fridge toilet. stove etc. sleeps six (Real
clean), 1176 Dodge 200 % ton truck, 1176 Jimmy two
wheel drive. 1164 Chrysler New Port. Codcshutt 35
tractor Codcshutt 31 tractor, Massey Harris Super 26
self propelled combine plus large offering tools
4. misc. plus furniture etc.
Richard Lobb: Auctioneer
CLINTON 482-7898
has c received instructions to sell by public
aurtum esehout reserve a complete line of farm
equipment and vehicles to be held at Rathaell
\melon ( 2 miles south of Clinton on
JUNE 29TH AT 10:30 A.M.
FEATURING: Combine. Gleaner C2 bean special
ea', combine c ss strass chopper. S spike cylinder
and pact, Up
VEHICLES AND TRUCKS: 1968 Dodge - vd.
midnn miser r V+ diesel engine and 10 speed
transmission: 1969 Int. R2010 4 yd. Jaggar mixer
ere Ith r!as engine: hough model HM I ' . vd. pay
loader. l')-- 4 cad Jim ms c n Front mount plow;
I v► -h Honda Civic. I9 -t( 4 door (-hc•.
FARM EQUIPMENT: Int. 4-4 tractor and loader.
1111 -2I1 5 turron plow . Int. Itt fte vtbro shank
(din,ator. Int 4 row corn and hcan planter:.John
Deere 1t run tired drill. like new, Int. - ft. double
.111'' r ,nee blies er. I omen grasih hos on truck.
runtime Rear 4- ft auger on running gear:
hotplate stable cleaner: manure spreader. liquid
manure aeuatnr 50 Heath cattle stantions: 20 .
drinkers. 2 in gas. powered water pump
RF:CRF;ATiON VEHICLES: 12 0 Elgin Wood
heat ,and traitor. F'vcnrude and Johnston 3(1 hn
motors 1 1) Spit Fire snowmobile. 400 Yamaha
anntnr, .I.
\,I(11114nal consrgnmcntsarc ucicomr•
Raffle ell and Associates would like to help ser•
fight inflation hs selling Noor equipment
for 3 per rent
f er tart her inforniation.nntaut
Phone S27-14 58 ret 27-1336 Telex 069 55223
/t(f41(4-ergeC ‘,1-1).i(r((./4i
5191 5.'7 '4 A
41. To give away
TO GIVE AWAY: Four kittens,
born May 2. litter -trained. Two
grey, one grey and white and
one beige. Phone K, Roulston,
Blyth. 523-9636.-24,25
42. Death notice
George Ambrose at his home in
Ripley on Tuesdoy, June 14,
1983. in his 70th year. Dear hus-
band of Marion MacDonald.
Dear father of Josephine Cronin
of Blyth, John, Allan and
Wilfred all of Huron Twp. Also
surviving are 13 grandchildren
and 5 great-grandchildren.
Rested at the MacKenzie & Mc-
Creoth Funeral Home. Ripley
until Thursday morning thence
to St. Anthony of Padua Cotholic
Church, Kincardine for funeral
mass at 11 a.m. Final resting
place Ripley Cemetery.-25nx
At South Huron Hospital. Exeter
on Tuesday, June 14, 1983, Mr.
Amos Gascho of the Blue Water
Rest Home. Zurich. in his 88th
year. Beloved husband of the
late Annie (Brenneman) Goscho
(1968). Dear father of Kenneth
of RR 3, Zurich. Predeceased by
-his daughter Dorothy Laurene
Gascho (1961). Dear brother of
Clarence of Zurich, Mrs. Rachel
Ammons of the Blue Water Rest
Home and Miss Laura Gascho of
Zurich. Also survived by 3
grandsons, John, Glenn and
Earl Gascho and 3 great-
grandsons. Visitation commenc-
ed after 7 p.m. Wednesday at
the Zurich Chapel of Michael P.
O'Connor Funeral Homes, 49
Goshen Street North. until Fri-
day. June 17 at 12:30 noon.
Thence to Zurich Mennonite
Church for funeral service at 2
p.m. with Pastor Clayton
Kuepfer officiating. Interment
will follow in the Zurich Men-
nonite Cemetery. -25nx
Mrs. Edna Myrtle (Lyon) a resi-
dent of RR 6, Dresden passed
away on Tuesday, June 14, 1983
at the Public General Hospital,
Chatham. in her 90th year.
Beloved wife of the late Eldred
R. Holmes (predeceased Oc-
tober 16, 1958). Dear mother of
Mrs. Doris Scratch of Southfield,
Michigan, Norma (Mrs. Jack
Hooper) of Dresden. Elder (Mrs.
Irwin Myers) of Thamesville.
Donald Holmes of Haileybury,
Lloyd Holmes of Chatham, Roy
Holmes of Thamesville, Harold
Holmes of Bothwell, Erwin
Holmes of RR 6, Dresden. Kind
sister of Olive (Mrs. Earl Gaunt)
of Goderich and Ida (Mrs. Harry
Durnin) of Clinton. Predeceased
by 3 children and 3 sisters and 2
brothers. Also surviving are 19
grandchildren and 16 greot-
grandchildren. Rested at the
John C. Badder Funeral Home,
Thamesville until Friday, June
17; where the funeral service
was conducted at 2 p.m. with
Rev, Douglas Hawkins of the
Wabash United Church of•
ficiating. Interment Blackburn
Cemetery. 25nx
Suddenly at his residence on
Friday. June 17, 1983, Mr.
Lawrence Denomme of Clinton.
in his B3rd year. Beloved hus-
bond of Verde Rau Dear father
of Geraldine (Mrs Glenn Mat
toon) of Nipowin. Sask.,
Cecelia (Mrs. Colin McNeil) of
Goderich, Bernice (Mrs Eric
Moore) of RR 4 Goderich,
Wilfred of Goderich, John Paul
of Hamilton Clorence of Clinton
and Donald of Goderich Also
loved by 34 grandchildren and
24 great-grandchildren Also
survived by 3 sisters Leona
(Mrs. Lloyd Bedord) of Seaforth,
Adeline (Mrs John 4enomy)
and Florence (Mrs Garfield
Denomme) both of St Josephs
and by 6 brothers Leo of Detroit
Michigan, Athenese of
Washington, U 5 A . Raymond.
John and Anthony all of St
Josephs and Telus of Poincourt
Predeceased by son Francis and
by 2 brothers Napoleon and Vic
tor Rested of the Boll &
Falconer Funeral Home. 153
High Street. Clinton after 7 p m
Saturday until Monday morning
Thence to St Josephs Roman
Catholic Church Clinton for
funeral moss at 11 o m Int^•
ment Clinton Cemetery 25nx
42 Death notice
At People Core Centre,
Tovesiock on Monday. June 13,
1983, Mr Robert Yuille
Maclaren formerly of Hensoll,
Ontario in his 98th year. Belov-
ed husband of the late Elizabeth
Ann (MacEwen) Moclaren
(Morch 23. 1976). Dear father of
Dr. Margaret Evons of
Waterloo. Predeceased by 2
brothers William and John, one
sister Mrs. Mary Glen of Clinton
and one great-granddaughter
Jennifer. Also survived by 3
grandchildren Robert D. Evans
and his wite Sheryl of Waterloo,
John M. E -vans and his wife Don-
na of Kitchener and Margaret L.
Evans of Gravenhurst and 5
great-grandchildren Heather,
Mary, Robbie, and Mark all of
Waterloo and Megan of Kit-
chener. Mr Maclaren was a
former trustee and choir
member of Carmel Presbyterian
Church, Hensoll for many years_
Visitationin the Hensel! Chapel
of Michael P. O'Connor Funeral
Homes, 118 King Street, Hen -
sail; where the funeral service
was conducted on Wednesday,
June 15, at 2 p.m. interment
followed in Boird•s
At Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital, Goderich on
Friday, June 17, 1983, Reta
(Murray) Scrimgeour of
Goderich, in her 83rd year.
Beloved wife of the late Norval
(Pat) Scrimgeour and the late
George Garrick. Dear mother
of James Garrick of Windsor
and Robert Garrick of Goderich.
Also survived by a grand-
daughter Kathleen (Mrs. Pat
Gerrard) of London, 3 great-
grandchildren, a twin sister
Ruth (Mrs. William Taman) of
Huronview and sisters Edna
(Mrs. Fred McCabe) of
Goderich, Norma (Mrs. Joe
Lukomski) of Jerome. Michigan
and Rose Bowler (Mrs. John
Austin) of Kingsbridge, 2
brothers Arthur Murray of
Chilliwack, B.C. and Ellwood
Murray of Goderich. Predeceas-
ed by her parents Walker and
Bertha (Brown) Murray, 2
sisters Pamela Koviok (Mrs.
Graham Stevenson). Vesta
(Mrs. Ferris Catlin) and 1
brother Benson Murray. Rested
at the McCollum Funeral Home,
Cambria Road at East Street,
Goderich after 7 p.m. Saturday.
Funeral service 2 o'clock Mon-
day afternoon. Interment
Maitland Cemetery--25nx
43. Births
Larry and Connie wish to an-
nounce the safe arrival of ,their
daughter Laura tee Mdureen
weighing 4 lbs. -151/4 ozs. at
Clinton Public Hospital on klune
17, 1983. A baby sistertii for
Joke and Janet are pleased to
announce the arrival of their
son Justin Charles born June 19,
1983 at Clinton Public Hospital.
A brother for Jason and Jamie.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
G.W. Klomps. Clinton and Mr.
and Mrs. A. Peters, R.R. 2,
Dave and Jill are pleased to an-
nounce the birth of their son
Craig David weighing 9 lbs. 5
ozs. on Sunday, June 19, 1983 at
11:40 p.m. at Clinton Public
Hospital. A welcome little
brother for Scott, Angie and
Becky. Proud grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jervis,
Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Scott. Goderich.-25nx
Janet and Joe are pleased to
announce the birth of their son
Aoron Joseph a1 St. Joseph's
Hospital, London on June 10,
1983. Proud grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lobb and
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Botars.-25nx
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Westbrook
wish to announce the safe ar-
rival of their daughter Alexis
Lindsey on June 20, 1983
weighing 6 lbs. '/9 oz. at Clinton
Public Hospital. Proud grand-
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Erskine and Mr. and Mrs. John
Westbrook. Special thanks to
Dr. Steed, Dr. Salsbury and all
the nurses for their excellent
care. -25nx
44 Engagements
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McAdam
ore pleased t0 announce the
forthcoming marriage of their
daughter Heather Joon, to Mr.
Glenn McGregor Davis son of
Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Dovis of
Toronto. The wedding is to tike
place at the home of the bride's
parents, 29 Whitehead St Clin-
ton of 400 p.m July 9.
1983. • 25x
Mr. and Mrs Bruce Richmond
ore pleased to announce the
engagement of their daughter
Karen to Ken Stewart son of Mr
and Mrs. Jock Stewart all of
Blyth The couple will be mor•
ried at the bride's home on July
2. 1983 followed by a reception
for relatives and friends in Blyth
of 9 p m ?Sx
47 Card of thanks
Many thinks to everyone for
cords treats and vises while o
patient 01 University Hospital
and since returning home 11
wos olI very much appreciated
Bill 5
47 Card of thanks
Travel Assoc. continues to grow
LAY -Mit
I would like to say a special
thank you to all relatives end
friends for thee: visits cards,
letters and treats and to all who
sent in baking whale I was a pa
tient in St Joseph s Hospetol
London Special thanks to Dr
Newland and first floor nurses
at Clinton Hospital Your kind
ness as very much appreciated
Dorothy Layton 25
The Rev Charles Swan would
like to thank everyone for their
interest, concern. visits, and
cards during his stay in Clanton
Public Hospital Special thanks
to Duffs United Church, Doctors
Street, Watts, Kempston. and
Baker. the nurses and staff of
Clinton Hospital and The
Reverends Dr Hazlewood
Wilheleno Brown. James
VanSlyke, Charles Carpentier
and Mr. Colin Swan. • 25
Many thanks to our neighbours
and friends for the visits, cards
flowers and the food sent to the
house while I was an University
Hospital. Your thoughtfulness
was greatly appreciated
Milena Lobb. - 25nx
The Grade Six and Seven
Students of the Clinton and
District Christian School would
like to thank the Clinton Gas
Bar for allowing us to have our
car wash there. We would also
like to thank those that spon-
sored us and all those who
came to have their cars wash-
ed. Thank you to all. -25
We would like to thank our
family and friends for visits.
cards and gifts while I was o pa-
tient in St. Josephs Hospital in
London. Special thanks to
Father Hardy, Dr- Grainger.
staff and nurses on the first
floor. It was all very much ap-
preciated. Leo Cronyn. 25
I would like to say a big "thank
you" to everyone who sent me
cords and treats while 1 was in
the hospital and since returning
home. Special thanks to the
choir for the lovely basket of
fruit, to Dr. Salsbury of Clinton
and Dr. McGregor and nurses at
the Wingham Hospital. Lloyd
Walden. -25
1 would like to take this oppor-
tunity to thank my family,
relatives and friends for cards,
gifts, visits and inquiries while I
was a patient in St. Josephs
Hospital, London and since
returning home. Special thanks
to Colin Swan and Rev. Stan
McDonald for hospital visits,
also, Hullett Masonic Lodge,
O.E.S., Clinton, and Londesboro
U.C.W. to Dr. Grainger and
nurses on fourth floor, my
thanks for excellent care. it was
much appreciated. Jack
Snell. -25
I would like to thank my
relatives, friends and
neighbours who remembered
me with cards, flowers. gifts
and best wishes on my 80th bir-
thday. A special thanks to my
family who held open house
and dinner at Brodhogen Holl
and those who called on me
that day. It wos greatly ap-
preciated and will always be
remembered. EdGodkin. -25x
I would like to thank the Clinton
Public Hospital for taking care
of me, especially Emergency
and First Floor staff. Thanks to
those, who visited me and
everyone who kindly treated
me with goodies, flowers and
cards. 4t helped me feel better.
It's nice to be home again.
Pamela McLean.- 25
The Southwestern Ontario
Travel Association
(SWOTA) is continually
growing, both iii its member-
ship and its promotion ac -
U ViLies.
At the organization's re-
cent annual meeting held in
London it was announced
memberships have increas-
ed from 65 a year ago to 136
so far in 1983. About 90 peo-
ple were in attendance at the
meeting chaired by presi-
dent Murray Campbell_
Manager Sandra Chabot
reported on promotional ac-
tivities held this past spring.
Of the 80,000 travel guides
printed, 2,500 were
distributed at the CLOT
trade show in Michigan.
Another 1,guides were
handed out at the London
Free Press travel show and
450 at the Detroit show.
Ms. Chabot also noted that
many travel association
representatives visited the
31 exhibits set up at the
Wheels inn m C'hathain for
the show "Discover
Southwestern Ontario"
SWOTA has been granted
32 student travel counsellors
for the summer of 1983 and
tourism season by the
Ministry of Tourism and
Recreation. Some of these
students will man Huron
County's tourist information
booths in both Clinton and
Goderich. These booths will
Museum ncetls
collectors fol® August
Collectors of all interests
are being searched out by
the Lambton Heritage
Museum to create a new
special event day. The
Collectors Day (in August I
will offer a chance for
Lambton and area collectors
to display their prized items
to the public and to have an
opportunity to meet others of
the same interests. Whether
your collecting tastes are
simple and inexpensive or
exotic, the museum
welcomes you to snow your
personal treasures.
Murray Miller of Clinton
has been hired to replace 290
feet of sidewalk at the
Clinton Public Hospital.
His tender price of $2,610
was accepted over a lower
tender bid given by John
Refflinghaus of Goderich at
Because of the only slight
difference in the tender
prices, council agreed to
give the contract to the
Clinton tender.
47. Card of thanks
We would like to thank our
many friends neighbors and
relatives for cards, gifts and
flowers on our fiftieth anniver•
sory. Clete and John. 25x
I wash to thank my relatives,
neighbours and friends for
flowers, gifts and cards while 1
was a patient in Clinton
Hospital. Also thank you to Dr,
Baker. Dr. Flowers and the
nurses oh first floor. Gay
Cox. 25
We wish to soy a very sincere
thonk you to all our relatives
and friends for gifts. cards.
visits and phone calls and treats
since coming home. All your
concern about us was very
much appreciated and will
never be forgotten. Also special
thanks to Dr. Malkus Dr.
Rodney and the nursing staff of
Seaforth Hospital. Lloyd and
Winona Pipe 1 also want to ex•
press a very sincere thank you
for your visits and gifts while I
was in Victoria Hospital.
Winona Pipe 25x
Want a carefree summer?
An entire club or in-
dividual collectors of
stamps, coins, guns, models,
dolls or virtually anything
that may be considered
collectable are invited to this
"bring and brag" event.
The museum is located
five miles south of Grand
Bend on Highway 21. For
further information, contact
the museum at 243-2600.
be open from June 20 to Sept.
One of Huron County's
representatives on the
association, Grey Township
Reeve Leona Armstrong,
notes, "we must work as a
team, we must work
together to keep ow- SWOTA
office unformed about events
in our community'."
This can be done by infor-
ming the SWOTA office of
events taking place in each
corrirnQutity which are in turn
listed in the association's
quarterly newsletter. The
next deadline is the first
week in August for events in
September;) October and
Other deadlines are the
first week in November for
December, January and
February events; the first
week in February for events
in March, April and May;
and the first week in May for
June, July and August
To list an event or for fur-
ther information contact
Reeve Armstrong at RR 3
Brussels or other Huron
representatives Mac Camp-
bell of Goderich or Spence
Clulunings of Clinton.
Events may also be direct-
ly referred to SWOTA at
Suite 200, 186 King Street,
London, Ontario N6A 1C7 or
telephoning 679-0211.
Dr. D.R. Nisbett, O.D. is pleased to
announce the addition of Dr. P.D.
Padfield, O.D. as an associate.
Dr. Padfield is from Rodney, Ontario
and obtained his Doctor of Optometry
Degree from the University of Waterloo
in May, 1983. Dr. Padfield will be
available by appointment on
Wednesdays and Thursdays
at 12 Isaac Street, Clinton
Beginning Tuesday
June 28'83
Will Be Open
Tuesday - Friday
Shirt a Tie
erlth every Men's
Salt sold at
regular price.
It in the bag
Join the CAA Auto Club now and receive an attractive
nylon Adidas Sports Bag FREE (a Sl0 95 value)
Summertime is travelling time The CAA will provide you
with the peace of mind as well as ill the travel Information
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let CAA help you enjoy a better more relaxing summer
Get your membership now (Offer expires June 30 19831
Special Rock
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$1 2.9
9 Itattonbury St. East
CLINTON 482-9300