HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-06-15, Page 21{ PAGE 20-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1 1 Articles for sole NELSON MEMORIALS - and markers, all sizes, save by ordering direct from your Fac- tory Representative. Tel: 1 744- 0822. Free catalogue upon rp_ quest, write Box 1925, Kit• chener Ont N2G 4R4, 22- 26xx 9 ft. TREK TRUCK CAMPER. sleeps 4, 3 -way fridge, stove, flush toilet, furnace, excellent condition. Phone 526- 7732.--22tfnx BUILD YOUR own Satellite Receiver System. For complete plans send $12.95 to Sot -Kit Box 1565, New Liskeard, Ont. POJ 1P0.-24 MANUFACTURER'S clearance on above and inground pools, many models at fantastic sav- ings. SHOP DIRECT. 416-522- 1414.-24o USW RAILWAY TIES. Pressure treated, uniform quality sort to grade (premium, post and economy) Delivered semi load lots only. (450 minimum), Reasonably priced. Phone 204- 725-2627 office hours. -24o WATERSOFTENER - Duro SE36, new and unused 5500 firm 482- 7490. -24 FRIGIDAIRE used refrigerator 525.00, two 8 ft. truck toppers. Phone 482-7938. -24,25 28 ACRES of good hardwood tops plus some good cedar across from Holly Gully, Phone 519-881-0571 evenings. --24-26x CHOICE LEAN BEEF by the side, special on hind ,quorters, ready for freezer, government in- spected, formers prices. Frank Falconer phone,482-9128.-24 CHESTERFIELD and swivel rocker, like new condition. 5200.00 or best offer. 482- 7313.-24x SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support garments, con- valescent products, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. -12eow YOU CAN GET your out -of - Canada Medicol Insurance at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rotten - bury St., Clinton. Phone 482- 9300.-44tfar TREES, evergreens, flowering shrubs, asparagus, currant and raspberry bushes, perennials. Bakers Nursery, R.R. 2 Bayfield 482-9995.-14tfar THE CLINTON NEWS - RECORD - THE BLYTH STANDARD - THE BAYFIELD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES A DATA EADLINES: Classified W®d Ads .. , , .... Tuesday N®- wi Display Adl/®toeing . , ... , . Tues rt' 1 y 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS I Articles for sale 2 Yard sale 3 Garage sole 4 Antiques for sole 5 Cars for sole 6 Trucks for sole 7 R V s for sole 8 Monne 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sole 12 Real estate for sale 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room 8 board 21 Cottages for rent 22 Lots for rent 23 Commercial property for rent PHONE 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 34 35 36. 37 38 39 40 41 42. 43 44. 45. 46. 47 Wonted to rent Wanted to buy Help wanted Wonted (general) Business opportunity Tenders Employment wonted Service directory Perscnal Notice to creditors Announcements Mortgages Auction sale Educational Lost & Found To give away Depth notice Births Engagements Marriages In memoriam Cords of thanks 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to $ p.m. 1. Articles for sale TELEPHONES for sale from $24.94. Some models with full memory. Bowes Electronics Shop, Hamilton St., Blyth 523- 4412.-23-26 WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or split. Any quantity Will deliver 482-9250 1.5ni ?atlraz a D� Give dad a GIFT CERTIFICATE from Baker's Nursery and let him come out and pick his choice of a shade tree for fall planting. SUPER SELECTION! Verlety at maples, (Including Red Schwsdler Maple and Royal Red Maple), variety of ash, birch, hawthorne and morel FLOWERING SHRUBS ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS ROSES PERENNIALS BAKER'S NURSERY °'duality Merchandise and Expert Service at Fair Prices" R.R. 2 BAYFIELD 482-9995 Father's Day Specials! (THREE GREAT DEALS FOR DAD! Upright or Spreading SHRUBS REB(. 14.99 ROSES BUY 3 -GET i FREE! S9 SCOW 65 FERTILIZER SPREADER REG. °x.94 $51.95 WHITE BEA UTI -STONE RED CRUSHED TILE 20 K. bag Rea. 8.29 $249 PRICES IN EFFECT 'TILL THURSDAY, JUNE 231 VERBEEK'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE lassie st., CIIr1@en 482-9333 J I . Articles for sale BUY IN BULK AND SAVE $$$ at Clinton Boxed Meats, just off Hwy. No. 4 north of Clinton, 1 1/4 mile south of Londesboro - watch for our sign! Drop in for our current price list. Over 50 items. By the case or by the pound. Call collect 523- 9508.-16tfar cl98T YZT25- excellent condition Phone 482-3131.-23,24x 5K h t An, .-3,,,rs- 7,Dliectar4es- Hwy. No. 25, 3 Km. South of Blyth THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS *1972 Skidoo - runs well Bargain - •25O* *47 piece Royal Doulton Dinner Set $375. *9 ft. Church Pew per ft. 90. 0* "Come in and browse" 523-9532 Visa -Mastercard MSM EXETER INDOOR FLEA MARKET 10 am -S pm Sundays BOOTH RENTALS Phone Peter Watson 1-2296558 Ready now! our own - •RADISHES •GREEN ONION Also... •ASPARAGUS •TOMATO *NEW & OLD POTATOES *CABBAGE • LETTUCE *BROCCOLI *BANANAS *CAULIFLOWER *ORANGES •PLUMS •APPLES *CHERRIES EVANS FARM MARK 'linters the prig is right'. 482-7562 ON N162.14WA V 21 2 MILES NORTH OF LAA YFIELD 1 Articles for sole ENGLISH Antique Fbrniture, Brunswick slate pool table in- cluding accessories, Jackall motorized wood splitter used one season. Peterborough cedar strip boot. Phone 524- 6417 atter 5 p.m.- 24nx 1 C&E FURNITURE NEW AND USED WE CAN <s;FFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY '/2 MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We even Take Treacles Visit Our Greenhouses Today For Super Quality BOXED PLANTS Large Selection Of Our Own TOMATO PLANTS Plus All The Trimmings FRESH TOMATOES TE -EM FARM RR No. 1 Bayfield 482-9940 1 Articles for sale 1 only Satellite Receiver '(Denso) to clear at reduced price. LARRY'S T.V. Myth 523-4559 5. Cars for sale 1974 FIREBIRD Esprit needs body work, also a 1973 Chev Van with awning, ice -box, sink and bed, good running condition, also a floor model drill press, best offer. 262.5863--24x 1972 DODGE POLARA with 1968 318 Barracuda engine. 72,000 original miles, good running car with many new parts, excellent interior, body repair started. $500 or best offer 482-7897.-24 7. R.V.'s for sale CAMP -OUT TRAILERS, Hwy. 8W, Stratford, 393-5938. Your head- quarters for hard -top tent trailers, travel trailers, from lightweights, right up to park models, truck -campers and caps. Dealers for Prowler, Golden Falcon, Corsair, Lionel. Sales, rentals. parts, service, -14-26 19'9 TENT trailer, stove, ice box, 12 v; 110v. Good shape 523-4347.-23,24x 18 ft. FLYTE TRAILER, stove, fridge, furnace, sleeps six, ex- cellent condition asking $2400. Phone 482-7838.-24,25 1974 14 ft. TRAVEL TRAILER, sleeps six, toilet, three burner stove, ice-bdz, good condition, $1200.00, Offers. 524-6649.-24 Attention Farmers !A -,,For sale • BEE and Hornet fencers in stock. We sell and repair, Bowers Elec- tronics Shop, Hamilton St., Blyth, 523-4412.-23-26 FOR SALE - 22 acres of standing hay - Timothy and Alfalfa. Phone 482.3201.-24x APPROXIMATELY 17 acres stan- ding red clover with some alfalfa 482-7451.-•24,25 15'-2 ACRES standing Timothy and Alfalfa hay. Phone 524- 6311.-24nx STANDING HAY for sale. Coll Greg Brandon 482-3129.-24 12 ACRES of standing or baled hay. Phone 523-9456.-24,25 25 ACRES of standing Red Clover hay for sale. Phone 4.52- 9206.- 24 TEN ACRES of standing Alfalfa and Timothy hay. Phone 482- 9848.--24 STANDING HAY for sale near Kinburn. Phone 523- 9563,-- 24,25x �4e p�< SISAL BALER TWINE 92000 or 10.000 feet WHILE IT LASTS - CASH 8. CARRY •A BALE VERBEEK'S FARM A GARDEN CTRE- 22 Isaac St., Clinton 482-9333 Hensall Livestock Soles SALES EVERT THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestod,, WE INVIRE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Clanomes IS9-9911 terry e1teer Swore., 926 - off em^aocs 921.4 62119 Eik-ovn o �ti.. r*w..2E62-2819 B. PUS CUSTOM 5110 'filring `and swathing. Phone plonk Reinink 523-4569 or 523-9202.-22tfar CUSTOM BIG round baling. Co Zondag, Bayfield 565- 5308.-241f C. Wanted WANTED - srhall calves, either dairy or beef. Clllre Van Camp 357-2861.-221f "WANTED: - Old brick buildings for wrecking and salvage pur- poses. Contact R. Lumley Demolition Inc. and 'or the Cadillac Brick Co. of Canada Ltd., Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed brick, supplying bricks from Detroit to Thunder Bay to Quebec City. Sarnia 1 - 519-542-8811 or Toronto 1.416- 283-2311. "- 24eow D. Livestock SMALL HERD of purebred, registered, polled Herefords. Prefer to sell herd intact. Will sell in small lots or individually. Top indexing bull. Evenings 613- 267-4573.-24o DISPERSAL of large goat herd, moving must sell, Mitchell area. 1 - 229-6109.-24 E. Farm service SHIPPING CATTLE to Toronto Union Stock Yards every Mon- day. Campbell McKinley 262- 5430. - 6eow RELIEF milking and chores. Phone Dave 482.7301 24 FARMERS for a good form building at a competitive price: PHONE RAY LAMBERS CONSTRUCTION 482-3305 Clinton FREE ESTIMATES BERG Sales -Service Installation Karn Cleaners -Runk Fredera -Stabling -y'lanuvr conveyers FREE ESTIMATES Donald G. Ives R.R. 2, 81,1TH Planer Rrusaelt.887-9824 8. Marine SURPRISE FATHER on June 19 with a new aluminum boor and trailer for Father's Day Buy direct from the factory and save. 12' aluminum boots from as low as $675 Trailers from 500 -Ib. to 3200 -Ib. at 258, dos counts. B & L Metal Products (Elmira) Ltd , 7 1) Industrial Drive. Elmira (519) 669- 1551. -. 24o 16' GIESLER cedar strip boat, convertible top. 40 horse Johnson electric. with trailer. All in excellent condition. Apply William Jenkins, R.R. 1 Clinton 482.3290. - 23,24 12. Real estate for sale 4.IQN$ L REAL ESTATE L D. REALT'.R BOX 868 19 ALBERT STREET CLINTON, ONTARIO NOM 1L0 BAYFIELD - Beautiful raised bungalow in a delightful elevated setting on 1 acre of valuable property above Bayfield Marina. Now asking only 859,500. 10 ACRES - Just listed. Near Sheppardton, north of Goderich in Ashfield Twp. Land is level and workable. 5 bedroom brick house. List 835,900. 87 RATTENBURY EAST - Owners' pride shows in the extensive renewal of this 2 storey brick. Both the Interior decor and exterior landscaping are superbly done. 3 bedrooms, 5 piece and 3 piece baths. All drapes and 3 appliances included at 872,500. 287 ONTARIO ST. - 3 bedroom one storey with attached garage and paved drive. Full basement. 827,500. 64 PRINCESS EAST Remodelled 4 or 5 bedroom with lovely yard close to schools. New natural gas furnace. Washer and dryer included at 842,500. SMALL BUNGALOW - One storey with large attached garage/work- shop, breezeway, full basement sold to be completely dry. Heats ideal starter 826,500. 137 easily, home. Joseph. TWO LOTS - Double Bat on Raglan St. 815,000, 160 foot frontage. Exceptional valu,e offering by Conk Mrs Lumber Trustees. HANDYMAN FIX -IT SPECIAL - 56 Princess West. 89,900 or best offer. C-M.H.C. properties for sale in Vanastre. We only have 3 C.M.H.C. listings left, having sold the other 3 recently: No. 15 TORONTO: Wartime 1'/2 storey, 3 bedrooms, patio doors to large playpark. Decent condition. 814,500. No. 18 REGINA: 3 bedroom wartime, vinyl sided, needs some Interior work. 814,500. No. 25 QUEBEC - Brock bungalow, h 11 new carp newly dee �311,11,1prices silent are up, better buy volu going nowt JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. MLS REALTOR JOHN DUDDY 402-3652 RUSS ARCHER 482-9428 OFFICE 482-3766 15 Out of town properties CARPET AND Mobile home business with excellent growth potential in South Eostern B C Area is site of major develop- ment starting July 1983 Phone 604 344 2239 24o 16 Articles for rent PLYWOOD FORMS wedges por table cement mixer Power trowls wheelborrows etc Form ties stocked Coll N J Cor riveau. Zurich 236-4954 16tfor DGLE 12. Real estate for sale WANTED • Four bedroom house to rent with option to buy prefer Clinton Goderich area Reasonable. 482.3863, -22-25 Real Estate Ltd Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523- 9338 UNIQUE: country home on acre, antique business, paved rood. 92 ACRES: 75 workable, 5, mile south of Clinton, Hwy. No. 4, good 3 bedroom home. 5 ACRES: 3 miles from Blyth, good house and born, nice setting. 100 ACRES: general form, 13th, of Mullett. 1'/a awn 16th of Goderiie home, wooded lot. - BLYTH: large 2 floor brick home, Westmoreland St. 2 ACRES: highway property near Hensall, 2 floor brick home in excellent condition, good workshop, fruit orchard, large garden. Priced for quick sale. STONE MANSION: on 2 acres, very good condition, 3 bay garage and large workshop, E. Wawonosh Twp., 2 miles from Blyth. HIGHWAY COMMER- CIAL: Huron St., 4 bedrooms, 1 floor, gas heat, 1S ACRES: wooded property near Auburn, 2 floor brick home, 2 small sheds. HULLETT TWP.: 85 acres, 50 workable, paved rood, good building site. 69 ACRES: Hwy. No- 8, raised ranch home, insulated bam, several ponds, hardwood bush. BLYTH: large floor home, carport, 6 years old, ideal for professional person. DUNGANNON: 11/2 floor home on '/, acre lot, large heated shop, Main St. location. 6 ACRES: near Brucefield, good frame home, well kept, large barn and machine shed. HENSALL: 11/2 floor home on Richmond St., South, in good condition, financing available. LONDESBORO: 11/2 floor frame home with large workshop. AUBURN: 1'/, acres with 1 floor frame bungalow and heated shop. 12 ACRES: near Blyth, large frame home and good hog barn. HOLMESVILLE: 13 acres with farrowing barn, 1 floor brick bungalow, paved drive. 14 ACRES: 5 miles from Clinton, good frame home, workshop, small born and trout stream. FARROW TO FINISH: on paved rood near Clinton, 100 acres, very good buildings, 8'%<% F.C.C. mortgage assumable. EXECUTIVE CLASS HOME: on 20 acres, Goderich Twp., very well landscaped, in -ground pool, large insulated and heated born. Priced far below value for quick sale. MEN'S WEAR STORE: very reasonably priced, prosperous village. BLYTH: 11/4 floor brick home, large lot, heated garage and workshop REDUCED: 50 acres near Benmiller, no buildings. 6 acres dwarf apple orchard, bearing 3 years HULLETT TWP.: 95 acres of good cropland MORRIS TWP.: 7th Con 150 acres, 100 workable, recently droined, log house arid frame born AUBURN: 2 storey frame home in very good condition. 4 bedrooms. well insulated JAMES 3T.: 2 bedroom home in excellent condition electric heat low maintenance 4a ACRES: near Varna 22 acres cropland 9 acres l hardwood bush large, double home, large born drive shed with workshop BLYTH: 11/2 storey frame home, large garage and workshop Dinsley St 91 ACRES: general farm odjocent to Belgrove good house and general purpose born RESTAURANT: Main St Blyth fully equipped apam reosnnortenthle price above 13 Mobile homes ®A r P00M LUCK r5D1r fJ116'96CBA roe von eseeriernt a rtalelc9rsa.e >!usocrrr E XST®61 STEArtP®rae 12 X 65 NORIHLANDER ex cellent condition to be moved 526.7597 21 24 17 Apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM apartment fridge stove washer and dryer. Available July 1st Phone 482-9752 23 24 ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent, carpet fridge and stove 5140. per month Call 482 3165. 23.24x NICE CLEAN two bedroom apartment in fourplex unit with full basement in Clinton. Easy to heat 5200 per month references required, Phone Wingham 357 1297 or 357.3721 23,24 12. Real estate for sale FARM FOR SALE 12 miles northeast of Goderich Ontario. Lots 9 and 10. Conces• sion 9, E.D., in the Township of Colborne. County of Huron con- taining 126 acres with 80 acres workable. Buildings consist of o four-bedroom brick dwelling. frame barn renovated for 80 to 90 farrowing with some finishing capacity 16' x 20' silo with manure tank, implement shed, work shop and 2700 bushel grana ry, The purchaser of this property must rely on his own inspection and knowledge of the farm and not on the above or any other particulars or representations made verbally or in writing by or on behalf of the Farm Credit Corporation. For further information contact: Farm Credit Corporation. Sun• coast Shopping Mall, 397 Bayfield Rd . Goderich. On• torio, N7A 4E9. Telephone 519- 524-8381. Tenders are to be received by July 8. 1983. Refer to file number 32189-5A6. - 24,25,26 BLYTH Attractive brick 3 bedroom home on a lot 66 x 165. Good garage. Asking '31,900. Offers considered. LUCKNOW 17 acres on paved road. 8 years old. 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage. Finished basement. Nearly new 20 x 40 barn. Lots of financing. WE HAVE OTHER SMALL PROPERTIES AND BUSINESSES Contact: Mel Mothers 357-3208 Representing: L.W. HUTTON REAL ESTATE 17 Apartments for rent C,; RISLYN TOWNHOUSES "Newly Renovated 3 bedroom NOW RENTING Under New Resident Management, for your convenience. Phone:482-9084 482-9360 Or apply at Office Building A., Unit No. 1 5 Ave., Venastre. 1 t LAUCKNER REALTY INC. WEST OF KIPPEN: 1'/, storey stone house, remodelled on 6 acres with fruit trees and large barn. 7 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 4 pc- bath and large kitchen. BOATER'S SPECIAL: overlooking Ausabie River with boat -house and private docking. Winterized home. First floor living room 21 x 15, dining room 15 x 12. kitchen 15 x 15; two bedrooms, 4 pc. bath. Second floor 24 x 24 family room. Third floor 4 pc- bath. Wardell Place, south of Grand Bend. BAYFIELD VILLAGE three bedroom summer cottage close to lake, drilled well. TWO STOREY HOME - lorge lot, suitable for business. d boroomN lld. - bedroom raze LAKEFRONT SOUTH - three bedroom bungalow, Angelstone, 5 years old. SNOWDON ACRES - Winterized three bedroom, 3 pc- both with sauna. In beautiful condition. LOT 90 x 150 trees, com- munity water. A N G E L S T O N E, Lakefront, three bedrooms, lar9e deck - ST. JOSEPl4 Angelstone bungalow. garage and large Bot. CALL ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, Bayfield 565-2813 GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK Girt �*% GK REALTY 8 Insurance Inc. Clinton 0 4116 482-9747, �c �. Also Goderich, Exeter, Grand Bend. I HAL HARTLEY BOB THOMAS BILL COUNTER Y kg 482-3693 482-3096 482-3687lit 0 kg Ng 0 lc M/ 0 kg kg 0 te Ng 0 lig 0 V V G 0 0 CD 0 V 0 0 K OK GK This 3 bedroo,s frame home is located on a beautiful treed lot In quiet area near the schools - ideal for the couple with a young fancily. MODULAR 36x22, 3 bedrooms, 2-4 pc. baths, economically electrically heated; don't miss this anal LAKE HURON SHORE, 3 bedroom cottage on 6514130 ft. lot, completely furnished and equipped. FIVE C-M.H.C. listings In the area all priced to sell. ALUMINUM SIDED 1'/, storey, large lot, central. FRAME 1'.', storey, 4 bedrooms. central, McKILLOP TWP., 150 acres cash crop land, dryer, substantial horse. SENSIBLY PRICED, 3 bedroorna, 11/2 storey, In rural corolrnunity. TWO STOREY STUCCO, carpeted throughout, central. TWO WELL MAINTAINED 1'/, storey. 3 bodroerrn hooves. one In Clinton, one In Vanastre. 50 ACRES, 1'/, storey home, near Hwy. 8. BRICK BUNGALOW, 2 bedrooms, gas hot water heat MEMBERHURON REAL ESTATE BOARD (Multiple Listing Service) 0 1) CD V 0 V tg 0 IK OK GK G1 'GK OK OK ON 1