HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-06-15, Page 20CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. WEDNF.SDAY, JUNE 15. 111/t3--- PAGE 19 a right to limit tquantiti s to normal family r µ ;uirements ORANGE, GREEN OR GOLD White Swan Towels SUG " R FREE SPRITE DIET TA DIET COKE, SPRITE O' CocaCoia 750 nL BTL COLA, PLUS .30 PER BTL DEPOSIT OUR REGULAR PRICE .75 EACH CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF OUTSIDE CUT, EYE REMOVED A71/ 259'S FINESb nRoastIkgouREGULAR PRICE 8.13/k -3.69 Ib'OUR g SAVE 2.65/kg-1.20 Ib SAVE .88/kg-.40 Ib SAVE .89/kg-.40 Ib CONTAINS 15 PIECES: 3 LEG OUARTERS WITH BACKS ATTACHED. 3 BREAST OUARTERS: LEGS WITH BACKS ATTACHED, OR SIRLOIN TIP, INSIDE ROUND OR QUARTERS WITH BACKS 8 WIG GIBATTACHED. 3LET PACKAGES WINGS. 3 NECKS 8 BACKS, 3 WITH WINGS & BACKS ATTACHED Boneless Rump Roast Fresh Box -O -Chicken Fresh Chicken Breasts 6',A5/2" OUR REGULAR PRICE UP TO 8.801kg-3.99 lb FRESH Lean Ground Beef x'39 /19? INSIDE CUT Round Steak 61g /28? TENDERIZED 29 Cube Steak 7i59 !k59 /3 Ib 5 !`k9/2" END CUT. (CENTRE 5.71lkg-2 59 LB) • Brisket Point FROZEN. FAMILY DELIGHT CHICKEN THIGHS WITH BACKS ATTACHED249 Chicken Drumsticks pkg UTILITY GRADE. 4 TO 6 LB AVERAGE Roasting Chickens 2181kg� Ib .99 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN 9� Ib Sliced Beef Liver . / ■89 REGULAR OR THICK SLICED. A&P Side Bacon CANADIAN QUEEN Canned Ham vac pac 229 500 g 1',Ib389 tin CANADIAN QUEEN 59 �� L e a n' N Ezy Ham 6 !kg /29? HOT OR SWEET CANADIAN QUEEN � Italian Sausage 3,k5g/1 Ib79 ASSORTED VARIETIES Habitant Soups CLOVERLEAF RED PACIFIC Sockeye Salmon 28 0 oz 99 tin m 'itinZ1■99 2'.$/.99 262/1,,9 OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.06Ikg-1.39 Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.511kg-1.59 Ib SHOPSY. POTATO SALAD OR Cole Slaw SHOPSY All Beef Wieners SMOKED. PICNIC STYLE. BONELESS Pork Shoulders 500 g 139 cont II 11b179 pkg jj 71/189 ` lkg Ib PORK & BEEF STORE PACK. BURNS Breakfast Sausage 339/1' PRIDE OF CANADA. REGULAR OR All Beef Wieners PRIDE OF CANADA, VAC PAC Bologna Chunks PRIDE OF CANADA. 5 VARIETIES. SLICED Cooked Meats PRIDE OF CANADA, 4 VARIETIES Sliced Cooked Meats lb 149 pkg 3 /1 vac pac 89 175g ■ vac pac 149 375 g PRIDE OF CANADA Sliced Cooked Ham 9119 PRIDE OF CANADA, SWEET PICKLED. VAC PAC Cottage Rolls 417 /1 PRIDE OF CANADA VINTAGE Ham Halves 8/39? NORDICA. 2 PARTLY SKIMMED Cottage Cheese 5008 cin 1 29 GAY LEA. ASST FLAVOURS Swiss Style Yogourt 2 lubs ■89 STRAINED. MEATLESS VAR OF FOODS & JUICE 680 g 2 99 4 5 11 07 cont . Heinz Baby Foods ■ 99 20091 19 ��` DIET -OUR dG PRICE 12 59 -SAVE bag 1099 pkg . _ o9 RED ROSE REGULAR OR FRUIT FLAVOURED Iced Tea Mix HUMPTY DUMPTY ASST VARIETIES Potato Chips ASST VARIETIES Kal Kan Cat Food 6 OZ TIN 3/100 Purina Dig Chow OUR REGULAR PRICE .51 EACH OUR REGULAR PRICE 10.99 8 KG BAG 99 PRIDE OF CANADA Sliced Side Bacon PRIDE OF CANADA, PRESSED, 21/2 TO 3 LB Dinner Hams ASST, PRIDE OF CANADA, TRIPLE PACK Sliced Cooked Meats PRIDE OF CANADA. 8 VARIETIES Sausage Sticks CAMPFIRE COIL, GARLIC Burns Sausage PRIDE OF CANADA SMOKED vac pac 249 500 g 5`/kg /2 lb vac pac 1 79 375 g vac pac 259 500 g 373/169 Back Bacon Pieces 1OtI469 READY TO SERVE. FULLY SKINNED COOKED 95 79 Ham Quarters (NO CENTRE SLICES REMOVED) Shank Half Hams (NO CENTRE SLICES REMOVED) Butt Half Hams 3 ,kg/1 Ib 3!,1g/15?, 3 /169 Prices effective thru Sat, June 18th, 1983 IN STORES WITH DELI! BRANDT FINE OR COARSE 33 /1� Liver Sausage ■ ,100g lb FIRST GRADE Wildmere Butter 99 1 Ib pkg '?EGULAR OR KING SIZE Canadian Cigarettes WARNING' Health & Weltare Canada advises that danger to health increases with amount smoked -avoid inhaling. NEW, EXTRA SMOOTH OR EXTRA CRUNCH York Peanut Butter MAPLE LEAF, (FLAKES OF CHICKEN TURKEY OR CORNED BEEF -1.89 Flakes of Ham 184 g tin Our Reg. price on Ham -2.29 Flakes of White Chicken -2.29 MAPLE LEAF-KLIK OR KAM Luncheon Meat OUR REGULAR PRICE UP TO 2.35 NEW, POWDERED LAUNDRY Cheer 2 Detergent 99 Storage....... e fro® page 13 you're planning to build a manure storage and are interested in getting one- third of the costs back ( up to $5,000 maximum), call the office and well send out the information plus a "project proposal" form. We need the project proposal filled out, a copy of the building permit, and a sketdh of the project. An office review com- mittee looks at these and decides whether the project is eligible or not. You'll likely know within a week whether or not you are eligible, but it's not official until you receive an ap- plication form from our Guelph office. Plan ahead to avoid disappointment. - R Ron Fleming, Ag. Eng. AUDREY VANDEN HEUVEL Audrey Vanden Heuvel, daughter of Kase and Annie Vanden Heuvel of R.R. 2 Goderich, graduated with distinction from the University of Guelph with a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Family and Consumer Studies. At the graduating ceremonies, Audrey was honored with a scholarship. for obtaining the top marks in her major. During her four years at the university, she also received seven other scholarships for proficiency in both curricular and ex- tracurricular work. Audrey had attended GDCI and Clinton Christian School. She now plans to begin a career in social research. (:HSS grad earns doctorate On May 27, John 0. Buf- finga, son of Mr. and Mrs. Duke Buffinga of R.R. 1 Blyth, graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Ger- manic Studies. John is a graduate of CHSS in Clinton and received a B.A. in French and German and an M.A. in German from the University of Western Ontario. He was awarded the following scholarships: Exchange Scholarship U.W.O. - Universitat Dusseldorf (1974-75); Dean's Honor's List (1976); Special University Scholarship U. W .0. 11976-19781; Ontario Graduate Scholarship 19781; Helen J.K. Bishop Memorial Award U.B.C. r 19801: University of British Columbia Graduate Fellowship 11980, 1981,1982); German Academic Exchange Scholarship 1981, 19821 - In addition to these, John spent five months at the national literary archives in West Germany in 1981-1982 in order to complete the research for his doctoral thesis. Present at the convocation ceremonies were Anna Buffinga-Passchier, Mr. and Mrs. Duke Buffinga from Blyth and Mr. a,Id Mrs. I,.H. Bou:na from the Netherlands. 1 ron1 abroad Ottawa — The Interna- tional Program of the Na- tional Museums of Canada last year negotiated the presentation in Canada of two Important shows: "The Search for Alexander", an exhibition from Greece on Alexander the Great that is being presented at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto this year and "El Dorado" •(;old from Ancient Colum- bia". that was displayed in Hamilton and Ottawa in 1982