Clinton News-Record, 1983-06-08, Page 22( PAGE 2b -CL IISITON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, LAST THE CLINTON NEWS m RECO THE BLYTH STANDARD THE DAYFIELD ! UGLE Articles for sale POOL SALE, Manufacturer s clearance on above and in• ground pools, many models at fantastic savings, SHOP DIRECT 416-522-1414.-23o CANADA'S lowest priced Satellite TV Systems. Complete package. Western Satellite Sup- ply, Saskatoon. Phone 306-934- 1701 . Dealer inquiries invited.-- 23o ASPARAGUS, tomatoes, bed- ding plonts, English cucumbers 50c each, new potatoes. cook• ing and Spanish onions at Evan's Form Market, 2 miles north Bayfield 482.7562.. - 20tfar NELSON MEMORIALS • and markers, all sizes, save by ordering direct from your Fac• tory Representative. Tel: 1 -744- 0822. Free catalogue upon re- quest, write Box 1925, Kit- chener, Ont. N2G 4R4. •-22- 26xx AS A RESULT of the sale of our business our Phillips 320 Elec• tronic accounting machine is surplus and priced for quick sale. Handles payroll, receivables, payables, trial balance, etc, will save many hours and many dollars for any small or medium size business. McLean Bros. Publishers Ltd. Seoforth 527.0240.-22,23 BOOK 8 TAPE. "As a Man Thinks", modern English version of early 1900s classic. Recom- mended and used by lifestyle and behavioural science leaders, psychologists, management and sales trainers, clergy, etc. The hand that picks this book up will not be the some one that puts it down. Must reading for the whole family. Only 53 easily understood pages. Says more than 530 pages of today's books. 60 minute tape cassette allows you to listen -et times you cont read. Write "Book 8 Tape". Star Pulblishing Ltd. Box 220, Goderich, Ontario N7A 486.-23o GREENHOUSE/COLD FRAME 44" *'49" -high, heavy duty galvaniz- ed steel frome c w bolts and nuts only. Ready to assemble only $21.95 plus postage. Unit as above including all plastic and fasteners $29.95 plus postage. We will mail C.O.D. Call collect to order, Haliburton Machine (705) 457.2062, .. 23o YOU CAN GET your out -of - Canada Medical Insurance at C.A.A. Travel Agency 7 Rotten - bury St., Clinton. Phone 482- 9300. ---44tfar ONE BOTTOM 10" moldboard plow for garden tractor in- cluding swing hitch for John Deere 100 series. Excellent con- dition. New price over $300.00. Asking $200.00. 482.3182 after 4 POLAROID SX70 and 600 FILM on sale for $0 9 plus • Tax Expiry date end of June/1983- FOTO PRO's 55 Albert St. Clinton I ntot 'srs- evol.l CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & to ATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads .. , ....... Tttesdey No ®t Display Advertising . , ..... Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Ai to les for sole 24 2 Yord sale 25 3 Garage sole 26 4 Antiques for sale 27 5 Cars for sale 28 6 Trucks for sole 29 7 R V s for sole 30 8 Marine 31 9 Automotive 34 10 Pets for sole 35 12 Real estate for sale 36 13 Mobile homes 37 14 Recreational properties 38 15 Out of town properties 39 16 For rent 40 17 Apartments for rent 41 18 Houses for rent 42 19 Rooms for rent 43 20 Room 8 board 44 21 Cottages for rent 45 22 lots for rent 46. 23 Commercial property for rent 47 PHONE Wanted to rent Wonted to buy Help wanted Wanted 'general; Business opportunity Tenders Employment wanted Service directory Perscnol Notice to creditors Announcements Mortgages Auction sole Educotional Lost & Found To give away Death notice Births Engagements Marriages In memoriam Cards of thanks 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1. Articles for sale BUY IN BULK AND SAVE $$$ at Clinton Boxed Meats, just off Hwy. No. 4 north of Clinton, 1 1 4 mile south of Londesboro - watch for our sign! Drop in for our current price list. Over 50 items. By the case or by the pound. Call collect 523- 9508.- 16tfar ABOVE -GROUND swimming pool 32 x 16 x 4'2 deep. In- cludes filter, fans, ladders and 8 ft. deck. Best offer. Phone 482- 3535 after 9 a"m. --23 ENGLISH Antique Furniture Brunswick slate pool table in. cluding accessories, Jackal) motorized wood splitter used one season. Peterborough cedar strip boat. Phone 524- 6419 after 5 p.m. 23 8 h.p. TRACTOR lawnmower, excellent condition. $500. firm 565-2974.-- 23 1981 YZ125 excellent condition. Phone 482-3131.-- 23,24x �i-�e old 1y�aa' heuZe Antiques-Collectable's - Hwy. No. 25, 3 Km. South of Blyth THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS *Jacobean Matching Ook Dresser Set 5600. *Maple Ornate Sideboard W/Mirror '320. *Occasional Tablet, Various Sizes, etc. "Come In and browse" 523-9532 Visa -Mastercard We're your one stop gardening centre! SUPER SELECTION - SUPER PRICES OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. *TREES - SHADE TREES l" FLOWERING SHRUBS *EVERGREEN SHRUBS *ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS ®ROSES *BOXED PLANTS kN tis.14. - K 1. •FERTILIZERS *SEEDS SPECIAL BUY 3 ROSE BUSHES GET 1 FREE VERBEEK'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE Issoc 59-, cunt. 482-9333 1. Articles for sale TREES, evergreens, flowering shrubs, asparagus, currant and raspberry bushes, perennials. Bakers Nursery, R.R. 2 Bayfield 482-9995.- 14tfor GENERAL ELECTRIC 30" stove, 6 years old, good condition, $100.00. Phone 482-7234,-23 • DRESSER $75.00; drill press $200.00; washstand, $75.00; stove $250.00; fridge $50.00; sideboard and briefcase. Coll 523-4300. • 23x TELEPHONE for sale from $24.94. Some models with full memory. Bowes Electronics Shop, Hamilton St., Blyth 523- 4412. - 23-26 HUMANE LIVE TRAPS, etc. and cedar posts, cedar kindling also stove wood for sole. Phone 482- 3842.- 2leow IN HOME mastectomy services now available. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs- Stringer at Rieck's I.D.A. Pharmacy, Shop- pers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241..- 7eow OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. Rieck IDA PHAR- MACY, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich 524-7241.- 7eow SIMPLICITY Twin Washer spin dryer. harvest gold, excellent condition. Two solid walnut end tables. 524-7107 after 6 p.m. 23x 9 ft. TREK TRUCK CAMPER, sleeps 4, 3 -way fridge, stove; flush toilet, furnace. Excellent condition. Phone 526- 7732. 22tfnx C8E FURNITURE NEW AND USED WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/3 MILE South on Hwy. 21 Gsodorlch 524-7231 We even Take Trades Visit Our Greenhouses Today For Super Quality BOXED PLANTS Large Selection Of Our Own TOMATO PLANTS Pius All The Trimmings FREE COFFEE Saturday & Sunday FRESH TOMATOES TE -EM FARM RR No. 1 Bayfield 482-9940 1 Articles for sale TWO OLD washstands; man's 5 speed bike; bikes for all ages, baby cradle, children's red wagon. 482-7497,-23 SAILBOARD FOR SALE • Meriah sailboord. used one season, ex- cellent shape, only $550. Phone 482-9864.-23x 1 only Satellite Receiver (De 0) to clear at reduced price. LARRY'S T0V, Blyth 523-4559 WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or split. Any quantity Will deliver 482-9250 Vmaexasseximare 5" Cars for sale MUM SIXTY POLICE CARS, trucks, vans, stafionwagons and 4X4. Twenty 1978-81 Chevrolet, Fords and Plymouth. Three 1979-81 Cadillac. Chrysler New Yorker and Lincoln. Four 1978 stotionwagons and Ram Chargers Four 1976-79 Chev. and Dodge Maxi -vans. Three 1975-78 4X4 Suburbans and pickups. Twelve 1975-78 1/2, '/. ton pickup and crew cabs. Eight 1975-78 one and 2 tons stake dumps, cab and chpssis. One 1980 Police 1000 motorcycle. Four hydro utility bodies and one 16 ft. aluminum van body. One lift and tow. Mighton's Car Soles, 6 miles east of Hanover on Hwy. 4. Phone Durham 1 - 369-3136--23 7. R.V.'s for sale CAMP -OUT TRAILERS, Hwy. 8W, Stratford, 393-5938. Your head- quarters for hard -top tent trailers, travel trailers, from lightweights, right up to park models, truck -campers and caps. Dealers for Prowler, Golden Falcon, Corsair, Lionel. Sales, rentals, parts, service. -14-26 1979 TENT trailer, stove, ice box, 12 v/ 110v. Good shape 523-4347.-23,24x 8, Marine 16' GIESLER cedar strip boot, convertible top, 40 horse Johnson electric, with troller. All in excellent condition. Apply William Jenkins, R.R 1 Clinton 482-3290.--23,24 LAUCESER RULTY INC. WEST OF KIPPEN: 11/2 storey stone house, remodelled on 6 acres with fruit trees and large, burn. 7 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 4 pc. both end large kitchen. BOATER'S SPECIAL: overlooking Ausable River with boat -house and private docking. Winterized home. First floor living room 21 x 15, dining room 15 x 12, kitchen 13 x 13; two bedrooms, 4 pc. bath. Second floor 24 x 24 family room. Third floor 4 pc. bath, Wardell Place, south of Grand Bend. BAYFIELD VILLAGE - three bedroom summer cottage . close to lake, drilled well. TWO STOREY HOME - lorge lot, suitable for business. LAKEFRONTzoH - 3 bedroom rued. LAKEFRONT SOUTH - three bedroom bungalow, Angelstone, 5 years old. SNOWDON ACRES - Winterized three bedroom, 3 pc. bath with sauna, In beautiful condition. LOT 90 x 150 trees. com- munity water. A NGEL'STON E, Lakefront, three bedrooms, !dirge deck. ST. JOSEPHS - 3 yr. old Angelstone bungalow, garage and Barge lot. CALL ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, Bayfield 565-2813 Attention farmers A. For sale 2000 GALLON water tank: apron chain for 175 Interna- tional spreader; feeder house chain for International 715 com- bine. 482-7423.-40tf 1978 CASE 580 C Tractor Loader Backhoe with Extendahoe, Cab, good rubber, low hours, very clean machine asking $19,500. Phone Palmerston (519) 335- 3056 after 7 p.m. -23o BEE and Hornet fencers in stock. We sell and repair, Bowes Elec- tronics Shop, Homilton St., Blyth, 523.4412,-23-26 B. Custom Work CUSTOM SILO filling and swathing. Phone 523-4207 - -21- 23 CUSTOM SILO filling and swathing. Phone Hank Reinink 523-4569 or 523-9202---22tfor C. Wanted WANTED small calves, either doiry or beef. Clare Von Comp 357-2861. - 22tf • Hensail Livestock Saks SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M - A11 classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS veaosn.Plaarprommacca Cth 0o'o-4sa-1 v Elmrry xeeeev r¢Beaoc aE2@,628D Cdf-algmry mft1.1714=11.01: 869-5690 4 C. Wanted WANTED - small calves. Phone David Kennedy 482-7301.-20- 23 GOOD QUALITY horse hay. Phone 453-6982.-22,23 D. Livestock TWO CHAROLAIS yearlings. For more information call 482- 9175"-23 F. For rent APPROXIMATELY 10 acres of pasture with water supply available in the Holmesville area. Phone 482.9864.--23x E. Farm service BERG Sales -Service Installation -Bern Cleaners -Bunk Feeders -Stabling -Manure Conveyers FREE ESTIMATES Donald G. Ives 11.11.2. BLYTH Phone Brussels 887-9024 FARMERS for a good farm building as a competitive prlcaa: PHONE RAY IAMBUS CONSTRUCTION 482.3303 Clinton FREE ESTIMATES 12. Real estate for sale Real Fstut Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Rest -'fence: 523-9338 UNIQUE: Country home on '/, acre, antique business, paved road. ° NEW LISTING: 92 acres, 75 workable, D/ mile south of Clinton, Hwy. No. 4, good 3 bedroom home. NEW LISTING: 5 acres, 3 miles from Blyth, good house and barn, nice setting. NEW LISTING: 100 acre general farm, 13th of Hullett. NEW LISTING: 11/2 acres, 16th Goderich, Mobile home, wooded lot. BLYTH: Large 2 floor brick home. 2 ACRES: highway property near Hensoll, 2 floor brick home in excellent condition, good workshop, fruit orchard, large garden. Priced for quick sale. STONE MANSION: on 2 acres, very good condition, 3 bay garage and large workshop, East Wawanosh Twp., 2 miles from Blyth. HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL - Huron Street, 4 bedrooms, 1 floor, gas heat. 15 ACRES - Wooded pro- perty near Auburn, 2 floor brick home, 2 small sheds. HULLETT TWP.: 85 acres, paved road, 50 acres workable, good building site. CLINTOI �uilding lot on Hig 69 ACRES - Hwy. No. 8, farrowing barn, raised ranch home, several ponds, hardwood bush. BLYTH - large 2 floor home, carport, 6 years old, ideal for professional per- son. DUNGANNON: 11/2 floor frame home on '/, acre Iot, large heated shop, Main Street location. 6 ACRES: near Brucefield, good frame home, well kept. large barn and machine shed. HENSALL - 1'11; floor home in good condition, financ- ing available. LONDESBORO: 11/4 floor frame home with large workshop. AUBURN: 11/2 acres with 1 floor bungalow and heated shop. 14 ACRES: 5 miles from Clinton, good frame home, workshop, small barn and trout stream. FARROW to FINISH - on paved road near Clinton, 100 acres, very good buildings, 8 3,'4% F.C.C. mortgage assumable, 12 ACRES NEAR BLYTH - large frame home and good hog barn. HOLMESVILLE - 13 acres with farrowing barn, 1 floor brick bungalow, pav- ed drive. EXECUTIVE CLASS HOME on 20 acres, Goderich Township, very well land- scaped, in -ground pool. Large barn insulated and heated. Priced far below value for quick sole. MEN'S WEAR STORE - very reasonably priced, pro- sperous village, BLYTH • 1 floor brick home, large lot, heated garage and workshop. REDUCED 50 acres near Benmiller, no buildings, 6 acres dwarf apple orchard, bearing 3 years, HULLETT TOWNSHIP 95 acres, good crop land, NEW RAISED RANCH HOME of Brucefield, at. Cached garage, electric heat with heat pump. Pric ed Right. MORRIS TOWNSHIP . 7th concession, 150 acres, 100 workable. recently drain- ed. Log house and frame born AUBURN 2 storey frame home in very good condi tion, 4 bedrooms, well in sulated. JAMES ST. 2 bedroom home in excellent condi tion 46 ACRES NEAR VARNA 22 acres cropland, 9 acres hordwood bush. large dou file home, large barn drive shed with workshop BLYTH 1 '/, storey frame home. large gorage and workshop. 0intley Street 8. Marine SURPRISE FATHER on June 19 with a new aluminum boat and trailer for Father's Day. Buy direct from the factory and save. 12' aluminum boats from as low as $675. Trailers from 500 -Ib. to 3200 -Ib. at 25% dis- counts. 8 & L Metal Products (Elmira) Ltd. 7-11 Industrial Drive, Elmira. (519) 669- 1551.--23o 69- 1551.--23o 12- Real estate for sale WANTED - Four bedroom house to rent with option to buy, prefer Clinton - Goderich areo. Reasonable 482-3863.-22-25 BLYTH Doubts -Brick, Duplex. Situated on a large lot with best location in the village. Business, post office, school and four churches within 1-2 blocks. New sewerage and paved street. By replacing stairway, it can be converted back to single dwelling. Low taxes. SELLING AT A REASONABLE PRICE TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. For viewing coil - 5234524 ettineete taaneeere m METIER aINIrmat c s® 13. Mobile homes 17. Apartments p for rent 12" X 65' NORTHLANDER, ex cellent condition, to be moved 526-7597.-21-24 16. Articles for rent AUTHORS rent o word pro- cessor for only $25.00 a week Low cost instruction. Contact The Publisher, Hornings Mills, Ontorio LON 1J0 or call (519) 925-5376 or (416) 247- 9635. -23o PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, por• table cement mixer. Power trowls, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stacked. Call N.J. Cor- riveau, Zurich 236-4954.-16tfor ECONOMICAL VACATION 18 ft. trailer for rent on site at Shelter Valley Park, Goderich, Ontario. ALL PARK FACILITIES INCLUDED CALL 524-4141 17, Apartments for rent ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent, carpet, fridge and stove $140. per month. Call 482- 3165.-23,24x WORKMAN B POOL PARTY at your house is possible if you buy this 4 bedroom home with wood & oil boiler on Huron St. RECENTLY UPDATED THROUGHOUT, on a large lot, 1 floor home with garage- Only 324,000.00 on Albert St. VENDOR WILL BUILD TO SUIT on a good location for you. JOSEPH ST. - 4 bedroom 2 storey house, nice shape. PRINCESS ST. W. - 3 bedroom 11/2 storey home, $15,900.00. ALBERT ST. - 1 floor home, recently renovated throughout, large lot, garage. $24,000.00. BROILER BREEDER BARN, 4 bedroom house, 5 acres, "• fNldttl5tid'arEst7` "" -- 6 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING, excellent condition and returns with potential to build on. 600 HOG BARN, veal calf operation, good house, 5 acres. TOWNSEND ST. - Economical raised bungalow, 3 bedroom, treed lot. ERIE STREET - 3 bedroom split level home, large lot, garage, radiant heat. JOSEPH STREET - 3 bedroom, 1 floor home, garage, nice lot, $21,500.00. HURON ST. - 3 bedroom, well -kept 2 storey home, large lot. MAPLE ST. - 2 or 3 bedroom Wartime home, brick living room wall, full basement, Woodstove with forced air. ONTARIO ST. - 3 floor home, original woodwork, stained glass windows, gas furnace, 5 year mortgage, garage. JAMES ST. - 2 or 3 bedroom, wartime home. 172 RATTENBURY ST.E. - delightfully decorated, 4 bedroom home, a real value for the money. CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN AND SCHOOLS - A tastefully decorated, 6 bedroom home, asking $48,000.00. WELL -KEPT 3 BEDROOM - Semi-detached modern home with good income, a delight to see. BRUCEFIELD AREA - 4 bedroom, well -kept home on 1 acre. Reduced $29,900.00. BUSINESS MINDED - Retail outlet available and a large commercial building, as well as an income property showing good returns. SCHOOL AREA - 3 bedroom home, attached garage, reduced to $15,900.00. TOWNSEND ST. - 3 bedroom bungalow, family room, at- tached garage, paved drive. 4 UNIT apartment building and extra space, good returns. Call Harold Workman Clinton 519-482-3455 80 ACRES, 70 WORKABLE, house and barn, Goderich Twp. 180 ACRES - 140 WORKABLE 55 free stall dairy barn. FCC mortgage, near Clinton, 76 ACRES - 60 WORKABLE beef born, orchard, stone house, neor Goderich, 96 ACRES - 70 WORKABLE priced to sell in Colborne Township. KIPPEN AREA - 100 acres. 85 workable, brick house, Marge barn. '175,000.00. FARROW TO FINISH OPERATION - 1 floor home, 138 acres, near Grand Bend. 300 ACRES, 450 workable, good buildings set up for beef. excellent cash crop land. Call Peter Damsma RR 5, Clinton 519-482-9849 HISTORIC 2 STOREY 3 bedroom home, beautiful originoi trim, fretwork, French doors and coloured glass, restored and tastefully decorated. WELL KEPT 4 BEDROOM HOME on 1 acre, only '29,900.00. South of Clinton. 3 BEDROOM 1 FLOOR HOME only '38,000.00. Near the lake. ISAAC ST. 3 bedroom bungalow, garage, nicely land scoped. ELEGANT BRICK SCHOOL HOUSE coeverted into beautiful home, acre. Hullett Township 300 HOG BARN - 100 ACRES 70 CLEAR, nice brick house. Blyth area. $125 000 ONE FLOOR 2 BEDROOM completely renovated home, large bock Yord, fruit trees POSSIBILITIES PLUS! Beoutlful restored maintained 2 storey historic red brick duplex in commerciol area Superbly groomed, entirely fenced bockyord Ideal loco tion for business and/or dwelling, 2 BEDROOM, 1 FLOOR HOME on a parcel of land that appears large enough for 2 more homes in o good loco tion An excellent investment of 324 900 00 IMMACULATE 2 STOREY BRICK HOME fomily room dining room 3 bedrooms Call Ail -ort Crag Clinton 51'-4 .2-3669 NICE, CLEAN two bedroom apartment in fourplex unit with full basement in Clinton. Easy to heat $200 per month references required. Phone Winghom 357- 1297 or 357.3721.-23,24 TWO BEDROOM apartment, fridge, stove, washer and dryer. Available July 1st. Phone 482-9752,-23.24 ELIZABETH COURT One bedroom, available now, May or June. Features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities. All utilities Included at: 176 OXFORD ST. HENSALL, ONT. PHONE 262-3448 OR 262-2615 18. Houses for rent BEAUTIFUL BIG old house in Clinton, fully insulated, but in need of minor repairs and cleanup. Looking for suitable tenants. Please reply to Drawer No. 3 c/o Clinton News -Record, Box 39, Clinton. NOM 1L0.--100 FOUR BEDROOM semi detached home, 13 Regina Rd. Vanastra, $225.00 plus utilities, 523- 4299. -22tf HOUSE FOR rent in Clinton. Rent 'reasonable. Phone 482- 7152.-23tf JOHN L DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR BOX 868 19 ALBERT STREET CLINTON, ONTARIO NOM ILO BI -LEVEL BEAUTY - Exceptional newer borne with over 3,000 sq. ft. of ilvingarea, 3 bathms, double attached garage, splendid kitchen. List price '89,500. 206 ACRE DAIRY FARM - Cllnton area, paved road location, excellent set-up includes cattle, large quota and equipment. Owner retiring from farming. Call Russ for details. 198 ACRE FARM - Located on paved road close to Clinton, 160 acres workable with good soil type. Exceptional 2,800 sq. ft. home and extensive buildings previously used as dairy operation. 111 ACRES - No buildings, approx. 80 workable, Harriston Cloy Loam soli, 4 miles from Clinton. 87 RATTENBURY EAST - Solid brick 3 bedroom totally refurbished, with beautiful decor throughout. High efficiency furnace. 11/, baths. 101/4.% mortgage. List '72,500. 64 PRINCESS ST. EAST - Ideal 4 or 5 bedroom family home near schools. New furnace, modernized kitchen and bathroom. Workshop or playhouse in private backyard. Washer and dryer, Included et '42 500. SMALL BUNGALOW - 137 Joseph St. Well -kept 2 bedroom with full dry basement, breezeway and oversized garage/ workshop. Private yard. Priced at '26,500- TWO LOTS - Double lot on Raglan St. '15.000. 160 foot frontage. Exceptional value offering by Conklin Lumber Trustees. HANDYMAN SPECIAL - 56 Princess West. '9,900 or best offer. COUNTRY LOVERS DELIGHT - 11 acres with contemporary homage and small horse barn with paddock. Serene set4ing. Elevated kHehen/dlning aare4B overlooks family room wi A: fireplace. High 10's. Shown by appointment. JOHNL. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. MIS REALTOR JOHN DUDDY 482-3452 RUSS ARCHER 402-9428 OFFICE 4112-3766