Clinton News-Record, 1983-06-08, Page 11Goseric issues bail Accounts totalling over $28,1.11 were ordered paid when Goderich Township Council met in regular session June 1. Building permits were issued to Arjayem Ltd. to demolish a house and barn on lot 23, concession 1; to Roger Haines to demolish a back kitchen on lot 27, Plan 275; to Roger Haines to build c utility room on lot 27, Plan 275; to Robert Cole for hay storage on lot 33, Base Line; to Orville Webber for a house addition on lot 63, Plan 13; to Donald Butson for a boat house on lot 21, concession 1; and to T. Westerhout for a broiler barn on lot 13 and 14, concession 17. Revised plans for the addition to the township hall kitchen were presented by Dendekker. Two alterations were suggested which will be added to the plans when they are presented to tenderers. W.J. Bartlett, Phil Beard and R. Kelly were present at the meeting to discuss the interim report on the Kelly Municipal Drain. This drain `o 1- S ing report satisfies the requirements of the Maitland Valley Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources insofar as the gully outlet is concerned_ Councilpassed a motion that as soon as R. Kelly informs the clerk, in writing, that he is willing to proceed with the drain, the clerk shall engage W.J. Bartlett and Associates to prepare the final drain report. The Mcllwain Drain report was handed in by the engineers as .revised from the first presentation. Council passed a motion to consider this report on June 20. James Knight and a group of cottage owners on Norma Street requested permission to construct a drain along the street, outletting into the gully at the north end. A motion was passed that the cottage owners be given permission to construct the drain subject to the following conditions: that the drain must be installed according to the specifications of the ship C pr its Ausable-Bayfield Con- servation Authority; that the township road superin- tendent be notified of the day and time when construction is to begin so that he may be present during the con- struction; and that a suitable agreement be signed with the township before the work is started. This agreement is to bind the lot owners con- cerned to the future upkeep of the drain and also to en- sure that the said cottage owners shall have the right to perforin any maintenance work that may be required along the township road. Land severance requests were received from George Colclough, Phil White and Gordon Armstrong. Colclough's was approved as per questionaire and the other three viz B 42, B 44 and B 45 were approved. A tile drain loan was requested by John Oskam for a total expenditure of $16,025 on part lot 14, con- cession 4. This application was approved, subject to the availability of funds. SU ER SPECIAL! I SAVE SPRITE, SUGAR FREE SPRITE OR SUGARFREE TAB OR MET COKE OR COCA-COLA 750 mL BOTTLES 120 • PLUS 30C DEPOSIT PER BOTTLE SUPER SPECIAIJ SAVE 40. FRUIT PUNCH, GRAPE, ORANGE WILD BERRY OR APPLE ALLENS FRUIT DRINKS 48 OZ. TIN TIN ncil By-law 4, 1983, a by-law setting the rates of taxation for the year 1983, and the manner of collecting the taxes, was given three readings and passed. The clerk was instructed to contact MPP Jack Riddell to see if he could ascertain why Premier William Davis would not even acknowledge council's letter of March 7 regarding the Bluewater Centre. Council then adjourned until June20. Clea -up Curtain Clean -Up To remove soap deposit or mildew from a plastic shower curtain, place it in the washing machine and fill with hot water. Add two bath towels and 75 millilitres (one-third cup) each of detergent and bleach. Run the washer through the en- tire cycle, then rinse again in plain hot water to which at least 250 mL (one cup) of vinegar has been added. zehrs 600'o OR 100% WHOLE WHEAT OR CRACKED WHEAT BREAD 24 oz LO HAMBURG OR HOT DOG ROLLS PKG OF 8 FRESHLY MADE BOSTON CREAM PIE 18 oz, KELLOGGS DELICIOUS BRAN FLAKES 8 FRUIT 500 NABOB 3 GRINDS TRADITION COFFEE 369 g SPRITE, SUGAR FREE SPRITE, SUGAR FREE TAB, DIET COKE OR REGULAR COCA-COLA CASE OF 24.10 oz TINS NABOB DECAFFEINATED 2 GRINDS TRADITION COFFEE 369 g YORK EXTRA CRUNCHY OR EX. SMOOTHY PEANUT BUTTER 5009 5uPSPEC.A V V-8 BRAND WITH PORK, WITH PORK & MOLASSES VEGETABLE JUICE 48 oz. OR IN TOMATO SAUCE LIBBYS NBEANS s 14 oz. TINS FOR GLAD "THE STRONG ONES" GARBAGE BAGS 20 s 69' 69' '.95 ,f.99 2.79 5.99 3.69 f.89 1.19 2.99 1.19 59?� 3.79. f.99 1.39 f.49 2.491 f.69 129 2.39 1.89 79' f.29 1.69 99° FOR YOUR PRESERVING CERTO LIQUID 1701nE FOR FRUIT PRESERVING CERTO CRYSTALS 57 NEILSONS CALIFORNIA ICED TEA 1 Kg rt SPECIAL' [ SAVE KENT BRAND FROZEN CONCENTRATED ORANGE JUICE 69` 12 oz. TIN i SUPER SPECIAL] [ SAVE REG. 115 DIMPFLMEIER'S APPLE STRUDEL 1/2 REG PRICE 12 ()Z. EACH NEILSONS CALIFORNIA ICED TEA 500 9 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1983 --PAGE 9 Winners in the 5 to 8 months baby class at the Spring Fair were, left to right, second, Janice and Wayne Andrews wee one, Lyndsay; first, Suzanne, daughter of Neil and Allege Salverda; third, Maryse, daughter of Ray and Thersa Wilson. (Shelley McPhee photo ) rSURALII. SAVE 60t KELLOGGS POPULAR CORN FLAKES 675 g • PKG. SUPER SPECIAL 1 1 SAVE SAVE ALL POPULAR CANADIAN BRANDS KING SIZE OR REGULAR 20's OR 25's CIGARETTES WARNING Health ,,,n weltarr Canada advises that danger 10 health mcreases wdh amount smoked . avrnd mhahnga 1199 REG. OR MINT TOOTHPASTE AQUA FRESH 100 mL HIGHLINER HADDOCK FISH FRIES 8 aa. FISH 8 CHIPS 100= PK G. HIGHLINER INDIVIDUAL WRAPPED 14 oz PERCH OR COD FILLETS WESTONS FRESH ANGEL FOOD CAKE 425 9 3 DELICIOUS VARIETIES DELMONTE PUDDING CUPS 20 OZ. (4 x 5 oz.) SAVE FRESH CANADA "A" GRADE LARGE EGGS WESTONS FRESH TASTY CINNAMON BUNS 8 s ANTI-PERSPIRANT 3 VARIETIES SOFT `N' DRI 200 mt 5 POPULAR VARIETIES WESTONS COOKIES 400 WESTONS ENRICHED WHITE BREAD 675 g UPER SPECIALll SAVE 44'MORD NEILSONS ORANGE JUICE STICKS OR DREAMSICLES PKGS. OF 12s THESE SPECIALS A V A I L A';: LE DIMLY IN: PKG. HIGHWAY NO. a GODERICH STOKELYS DARK RED KIDNEY BEANS 28 oz 3 DELICIOUS VARIETIES VACHON LUNCH SNACKS ASSORTED SIZES ZEHRS PRIVATE LABEL SNACK CRACKERS 25o g ALL WHITE SUER SPECIALSAVE 46. SEALTEST FINE QUALITY SOUR CREAM 500 mL APER SPECIAL SAVE 1456 NEILSOM, 10 ASSORTED FLAVOURS FAMOUS ICE CREAM PLEASE NOTE FINAL WEEK Summer Preview Passports to Canada s Wonderland are only valid at Wonderland until Sunday June 12, 1983 WF RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASOMARtF FAMILY WEEl LV REQUIREMENTS MON .,TUES. -0TOAP.Art WED.. THU 'S., F6Pl. - 0 TO P.M. SAT. 1:3e TO 6 P.M. JOSEHIAIE ST. (FIWY. No. 4) WINGHAM 2 LITHE MON., Tun., umio. B, HAAT. - 11,:38 TO A PAA- THURS. ARID 6181. - B:311 TO 0 P.M. INTERSECTION HWY. N .4 AND P40.113 EXETER MON., TUFA., WED. - TO A P.M. TNU4S•• flpl. - 0 TO 0 P.M. AT. - 11:31 TO i P.M. nt nhetat St, James Middleton By Panache Deeves Corramunion was held in St. James' Middleton Anglican Church with Rev. George Anderson in charge, assisted by Lisa Stacey. Mrs. Lois Wise read the lesson and epistle. James Stacey and Edward Deeves received the offering. The Board of Management meeting of St. James' will be held on the evening of June 8 at 8 p.m. at the Deeves' home. St. James' Middleton ACW will meet June 9 at the home of Estelle Wise, Holmesville at 8 p.m. Ladies bring in your pennies rolled please. Parish Confirmation Class will begin June 12 at 3 p.m. at the Rectory. All those in- terested in candidacy for Holy Confirmation and in- terested in deepening their faith are invited to attend. On June 12 a celebration of thanksgiving as Anglicans in Mission will be held. Our participation added to that of all other Anglicans in Canada has become a mighty movement toward responsible sharing of the Gospel on all frontiers of faith. Nice to see Lisa, Billy and James Storey in the Clinton Fair parade on June 4. Also in the parade was Alvin Dutot with his ponies and wagon. Margaret Middleton and Blanche Deeves represented St. James' Middleton ACW at a pot luck lunch and meeting at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Pitts of Bayfield last week. +++ Think about dried legumes such as peas, beans and len- tils as flavorful, versatile and inexpensive meat alter- nates. Soybeans are especially nutritious, as they contain a higher proportion of protein than other dried beans and peas. In ancient China, soybeans were called "meat of the soil". "Tuckersmith Township Council passes new bylaw By Wilma Oke Tuckersmith Township Council passed a bylaw designating the old Georgian -style Romanik home built in the 1860's as of historical and architectural value and interest. Mrs. Mary Romanik, who attended the council session requested work on the road for one and a quarter miles from their mobile home park to Egmondville. She said the road is badly rutted. She said there are 38 units in the park and the traffic on the road is heavy. Reeve Robert Bell acknowledged that the road is in need of work. He said, "1 personally feel our road system is slipping". He said government grants have been cut. Road Superintendent Allan Nicholson said he has the road on his list for repairs but could not pro- mise anything at this time. He is waiting word for ap- proval of the bridge work on the road and until the ministry makes a decision, things are at a standstill for construction in that area. Diane Durnin, Director of the Vanastra Recreation Centre, was at the meeting to discuss the heating system for the swimming pool area and the expen- ditures at the Centre. Councillor John Brownridge expressed his concern over the seven per- cent over -budget at this time for the Centre. Ways were discussed to cut expenses if possible but no action taken. Changes were suggested for the weekly bingo games to help increase the attendance and this is to be studied. Drainage petitions were approved for the Williams Municipal Drain by Ken Williams: the dram serving Don Upshall and John Van- Miltenburg: and the drain serving Randy Wilson, Fer- nand Vantyghem and James McIntosh. The Finlayson Drainage Report is to be heard June 21, at 9 p.m. Passed for payment were total accounts amounting to $384,903.33 including the Day Care at Vanastra, $6,058.84; Special t ay Care at Vanastra, $4,032.55; Recrea- tion Centre at Vanastra, $16,676.03; roads, $75,652.55 and general accounts, $282,483.36. Allan Nicholson in his road report said that the roads have been gravelled and that a little over half of the calcium work on the roads is done. An annonymous letter was sent to Council complaining of conditions at Vanastra such as derelict cars parked around at various sites in the hamlet. The letter complain- ed about snowmobiles, dune buggies, bikes racing throughout the area, even in the park areas. The writer suggested that some off the township employees working at the Recreation Centre at Vanastra should be used to clean up the garbage scat- tered around. Councillor John Brownridge, a Vanastra resident, regretted that the letter writer had not signed the letter so that he could in- form the writer that some of the complaints such as bike racing, is a police matter and they should be notified. He asked council to take ac- tion on the derelict cars. Visitors in Varna ey Mary Chessell June Lowder of Calgary is spending 10 days with her parents, Alex and Olive Mur- ray and brother Gary and girls, and visiting old friends. She leaves for home on Thursday. Bob and June Webster, Julie and Nancy attended the wedding of Bob's niece, Donna Hart, in Knox, Presbyterian Church, Cran- brook, on Saturday. Relatives and friends of Marjorie Hayter's piano students attended a recital at the township hall in Varna on the evening of May 26. Thirty students took part in the recital. The filmstrip "Christian Initiation, the Beginning of Faith" was shown by Rev. Wilena Brown at the June meeting of Varna UCW. Miss Brown led in discussion on the significance of water in the sacrament of baptism, the different ways that bap- tism is practised and the changes that are proposed in the United Church practice of baptism and confirma- tion. Each congregation will be asked to vote for or against these changes after studying them. Sharon Chuter also took part in the worship service, which focused on children and young people. Bernice Reid presided for reports and business. Thank you notes were received from Debbie Rathwell and baby Danny, and from the Johnston family for the "In Memoriam" gift in memory of Clara Johnston, a life member of the UCW. Margaret Hunt and Helen Taylor sorted and packed a good offering of clothing for the London Mission and Ser- vices. Donations were voted to the Vacation Bible School and the Huron County Crisis Centre. The crisis centre still needs small furniture items and serving bowls, and peo- ple to run errands for them. Proceeds from the yard sale held by the Women's Com- munity Club were used to purchase drapery material for a large room at the cen- tre. Members are encouraged to attend Campsite Ex- perience on June 16 at Camp Menesetung for an in- teresting program. Lunch is potluck, and don't forget your lawn chair. District president, Dale boats of Lucan presented a special commemorative plaque to Dave Gower, Maitland Valley Conservation Authority president, at the district canrp-out at Falls FLeserve near Benmiller on the weekend. More than 840 cnbta, scouts and beavers par- ticipated in the three-day event in celebration 01 the 75th anniversary of scouting. 1 photo by Dave Sykes