HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-06-01, Page 10PAGE 10- l,'LUN1'ON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1983 BAYFIELD by Helen Owen cod Dor s Hurler eather doesn't dampen spirits as 28 teenagers go back to nature By Abby Champ The Huron -Perth l'resbytery of the United Church held its teen camp as usual on the Victoria Day long weekend at Camp Menesetr.ig. In spite of the weather 28 teenagers at- tended and had a tremen- dous time. The camp was directed by Rev. Alun Thomas and the program was set by the Covenant Players - an in- ternational, inter- denominationa1 ('hricti;-til repertory company. The Sunday night service that culminates the weekend, was presented by the Campers and Players. It was a great success and all requested that the Covenant Players' return next year. Murray and Ann Reid from Brownsville, Texas spent Sunday with Roy and Freida Scotchrner. Dianne Steckle daughter of William Steckle of R,R. 2, Hayfield is home from Ilesston College in Kansas for her summer vacation. She will be returning to Kansas again in the fall. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of Unionville and Asa Steckle of the Benson Line visited with Freida and Roy Scut - chimer and Esther and Lloyd Makins last week. Happy memories were renewed because they and Hannah Steckle Smith walked the side roads together to school to SS No. 4 Stanley over 70 years ago. Jim, Stephen and Joanne gave a surprise party for their parents, Marion and n t' ailvdt On May 20, customers when entering the Bayfield branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce enjoyed a nice surprise. The staff, celebrating "Physical Fitness Week" were all athletically dressed for the occasion. Left to right: Anne Chapman, Anne Toth, Terry Corriveau, Rose Taman. (George Chapman photo). Round about the village We would like to welcome back our Bayfield travellers from the four corners of the earth. From what I have heard so far they had a wonderful time. Now that Doris Hunter is home she will resume writing this column so finally things will be back to nor- mal. i would like to thank all of you that helped me through this most enjoyable literary debut. Life in the village this week was relatively quiet with the exception of a small car fire at the Paul Bunyan campground. The Historical Society met Monday night at the municipal building and were entertained and enlightened by Chris Borgal and his talk on Uganda. The Beavers went to McDonalds in Stratford on Tuesday and needless to say enjoyed themselves. Their Day Camp is on Saturday. The Ever Young Club met last Thursday evening in the Municipal Building. The President Esther Wright opened the meeting. Thank you notes were read and Grace Duggan gave a card report. The treasurer Dorothy Cox reported and everybody was amused by the President's chuckle readings. The U.S.C.O. meets in Windsor August 8, 9 and 10. No delegates were appointed for this meeting. On June 16 the club goes to ARC Industries in Dashwood for a roast beef dinner at 12:30. June 20 they will be going to Huronview from 1:30 - 3:30. The newly made quilt will be on display in the village this summer. Euchre was played with: ladies high, Margaret Dawson; low, Fern Baker: Huron -Perth Lung Assoc. elect new slate By Stephanie Levesque A Kippen man will head the Huron -Perth Lung Association for the coming year. Michael Connolly steps up from his position as vice- president to take over the president's chair from William I,eney of Stratford. Mr. Connolly took over the position at the association's annual meeting held in Strat- ford on May 25. Other members of the ex- ecutive council include vice- president, David Wall of Stratford; financial advisor, Mark Hipkins of Stratford; medical advisors, Dr. D..1. Thompson and I)r. David Tamblyn; community ser- vices, Edith Brothers of Stratford, Ellen Doyle of Dublin, and Dorothy Siberry of St. Paul's; health educa- Test Potency. To test the potency of your baking powder, stir five millilitres r one teaspoon) of baking powder into 75 mI. I one-third I of a cup) of hot water if the bakiikg powder doesn't fizzle loud enough to be heard. replace it with a fresh supply tion, Eileen Beauchemin of Goderich and Salim Rem- tulla of Goderich; public relations, Mary Dodds of Stratford; secretary and bookkeeper, Delphine Duf- ton of Stratford; and ex- ecutive director, Marybelle Ford of Stratford. men's high, Harry Baker; low, Glen Dowson and lone, Pearl Hutchings. Ken Mackie to celebrate their 25th wedding an- niversary. Marion and Ken were taken out to dinner and on arrival back home, over 40 guests greeted them at the door. It was a real surprise. Guests were present from London, Strathroy, Goderich and Bayfield. The home and car took on a gala look as confetti and streamers were strewn about. Marion and Ken received many beautiful gifts. A lovely lunch was served and all wished the happy couple many more years together. Church birthday May 29 marked the 134th birthday of Trinity Anglican Church. The first service held in the building was held May 29, 1849 and the sermon was three hours long. In those days church was an all day affair. During that first service the Johnston twins, an- tecedents of the Baker and Sauve twins, were baptized. The minister was Reverend Robert Francis Campbell. Incidentally, the land on which the church was built was donated by Harry Baker's great grandfather. The Pitts were visited by son Reg and his wife who live in South Dakota. They were enroute to Virginia to pick up a horse they had imported from Germany. The Bayfield Tennis Challenge Cup Match was held this weekend. Bayfielder's will be pleased to know that their honor was upheld. It was a relatively easy victory for the Bayfield team (Pat Waters, Jan Kok) over the Goderich team i Nick Hill and Gary Davidson). According to the rules the cup will be retained by Bayfield for two years as no challenge is possible until 1985. Just a reminder - Don't forget the Pioneer Park Rummage Sale which will be held July 8. Call Bud Robinson for more in- formation! Filter Queen "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" 482-7103 PURSUANT TO THE MUNICIPAL ACT CHAPTER 302 R.S.O. 1980 The Clerk will accept applications for the position of Councillor for the Village of Bayfield up to and including June 3, 1983. Patrick M. Graham Clerk Village of Bayfield HAYFIELD LIONS CLUB Paper Collection Saturday, June 4th, 1983 Papers on the curb by 9 am please ASPARAGUS Freshly cut for you! SPRING GARDEN FARM CALL: \\(( \��� . 8 p.m to 10 p.ni. 229®6795 CA gets gov't. funding The Ausable-Bayfield Con- servation Authority has once again been provided with funding fur an Experience Program. The provincial government has furnished the Authority with this pro- gram in the past with much success. In the past, Ex- perience crews have been in- volved with their own sum- mer projects as well as help- ing the permanent staff im- prove the Conservation Areas. Proposals this year include the building of a third set of experimental tire' stairs at Port Blake, the construction of a log cabin at Parkhill Con- servation Area, and trail irn- provernents in several areas. Funding through the province has allowed the hir- ing of various technicians. Unfortunately, the budget is smaller this summer decreasing the number of positions to eleven. Respon- sible for co-ordinating the Experience Program as Senior Supervisor is Liz Scott. With the construction of the new office building, assistance is required for designing brochures and do- ing cartography within the watersheds. Pam Carnochan will fill this position. Doug Raymond has been hired as Resource Techni- cian, responsible for refining and mapping boundaries of environmentally significant areas. Helen Dougall has been hired to help co-ordinate the environmental programs for visitors at Parkhill Con- servation Area. The Exeter work crew will consist of foreperson Daryl Webber, Jamie Chaffe and George Tomes. The Parkhill work crew will consist of foreperson Mike Fleming, Anne McLachlan, Barb Cad- man and David Whiting. Crews will begin work on June 13, and will continue working for ten weeks. The Experience Program has once again been provid- ed with three Ford of Canada vehicles to travel to work sites. Middleton congregation %,„ holds communion By Blanche Deeves On Sunday morning at St. James' Anglican Church in Middleton, Rev. D. Pitts was the celebrant for the Com- munion Service with Lisa Storey assisting. Reading the lesson and Epistle was Mrs. Muriel Middleton and Rev. G. Youmatoff read the Gospel. Ralph Welsh and Jaynes Storey received the offering. St. James Sunday School will complete its first year under the leadership of Lyn- da Steenstra, Doreen Welsh and Beth Southam. The se- cond season starts September 4, 1983. The congregation welcom- ed Rev. Pitts last Sunday. The Rector, Gordon Reynolds was with the sister Church of the Holy Trinity at their Titular Festival in Bayfield. The Rector will be on vacation next week. For Parish emergencies please contact either Warden or Rev. Douglas Pitts at 565- 2950. The celebrant at Com- munion next week will be Rev. George Anderson. Get Well wishes go to Joe Storey who is a patient in St. Joseph's hospital London. Visitors with the Deeves on the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellis of 1,ondon. /L JL .,'I _ft 11.13 r : 76.-:76,7 70•, .ilf Pi. -7 z_"7L .iL YE ,f' .•1'J Business Management Seminar 7 Wig' 6. .9 4":..Y D' . 9 6 f B1- •1,i, .. Time Management Walt 11'cKechnie (left) visited Bayfield last week on his way to speak at the CHSS sports banquet on May 26. Walt is pictured with his brother-in-law Rick Aylsworth, who operates the Harbour Lights Restaurant in Bayfield,with partner Willie Petz. (Rod Hilts photo) In Kippen WI study country of contrasts By Rena Caldwell Kippen East W.I. started their May meeting with dessert and tea. Guests were the 4-H club leaders Diane Chalmers, Margaret Hoggarth, Eileen Townsend and Joyce Wilson and all the ladies who had "There is never err Igh time to get everything done'" This Seminar will give participants a practical "take back to your office" method of using thy, 1 lune in more efficient way f BDR's Management Seminars are stimulating and thought provoking workshops Through the case study method, participants can assess their management approach and techniques in given situations Group discussions and presentations enable participants to benefit from each other's experience This Seminar will be held: Wednesday, .dune 8th, 1983 - 1:30-4:30 p.m. Conestoga College Clinton Campus Huron//rr��Centre, Vanastra (519) 482-3458 $ 50 Registration fee for this three hour Seminar Workshop is 826 50 and includes all reference material and our after seminar service REGISTER NOW WITH Federal Business Development Bank P.O. Box 878 Stratford, Ontario NSA 6W3 (519) 271-5650 OR FILL-IN AND RETURN REGISTRATION FORM to the above address Salon la domande, nos semina,res sont efforts nn Iranceis TIME MANAGEMENT f 11 In and return rng,sirat on coupon to the above address Please make yrllir (herlrre <lr mrirey order payable to Federal 51,51 nr'',s De,elr)pment Rank Panrcrpant(s) namels) Address Postal Code Name of Business City Telephone Federal Business Banque federale Development Bank de developpement ;11crn,ss Is Our Limy hlisIn ,ss -Ca 11d(Id helped with quilting during the winter. The 4-H club leaders and Provincial honour winners were presented with gifts. Dorothy Bell introduced the guest speakers - Elma and Archie Etherington who showed pictures of their trip ygg to Russia as well as some woodwork done in Russia and the dolls that are graduated in size. The pictures and commen- tary took WI members .from Siberia with its 90 degree temperature to the Black Turn to page 11 • TANK - and TUMMY Hwy. 21 & Huron County Rd. 3, Bayfleld *FAST FOOD RESTAURANT *COIN LAUNDRY *AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS *TOWING & ROAD SERVICE SUMMER HOURS: 7 days - 8 am -8 pm to a Microwave Cooking School Friday, June 10, 7 m 9 p.m. sharp For thou(' who OO NO <3 A.1i( r(vv<3 'e Oven but are int('ry f('d in Iearnin;; <3hout NH( ro ave (hooking See the Illi( rowdy(' f)(1( (OOk <3 ( )nll)l(l((1 nlC<3l O1l nekv DUAL WAVE .‘114U4Tf@ 133 picture parted pL,lyground,s Safi you to (hS()vcr. Ontario Provincial Parks ontonn Mrn,stry of "•-• +• ,n. Natural w• Resnurr..eC I ()r nfcrrm,it ont,di ti111 fin. 1-800-268-3735 t t By • V'O ()l)I1g3tlrin tO i)I1v Limited to the FIRST 30 PEOPLE CaII 262 2728 for your reservation Total cost $5.00 per person Refundable on any purchase Your Hotpoint Dealer ERVSDALE MAJOR APPLIANCE Do (Jur Own Service HENSA(L i0.'0' 2e Open 8.6 Friday night till 9 p.m. i ,