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Clinton News-Record, 1983-05-18, Page 18
PAGE 18- 9TO! NEWS -RECO" 1', WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 19M U� .. students to experience Life One hundred more young people fa om Ontario's tarban centres wilt ::eve a chance to experience farm life this summer. Through the Junior Agriculturalist Pro ram, dose to 290 youths will be working on farms, distributed across the pro- vince. They will experience farmers' valuable knowledge and learn a strut animal husbandry, machinery handling and general farm labour. The experience is not limited to farm skills, but in- cludes every aspect of living with the farm family. Because of the expansion of the program's capacity, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food can of- fer more opportunities to commercial farmers. Students will arrive for a nine -week period, beginning June 20. Funded by the On- tario Youth Secretariat and administered by the Rural Organisations and Services Branch of the ministry, the Junior Agriculturalists receive a training allowance of $16 a day. The farmer pro- vides one half of the allowance plus room and board. If you are a full-time, com- mercial farmer and can host a keen, urban youth, this program may be right for you. Contact Stephen Sharpe, Junior Agriculturalist Co-ordinator of Perth and Huron counties, at the Stratford Agriculture Office at (519) 271-0280. App- ly now, positions are limit' ,i o Fitness and running frniin pa_,e 0a leg. Days later, the sufferer can walk, but with an awk- ward l; Injury Cause This acute muscle strain may involve a tear of a few fibers, a m rilerate number of fibers or a complete rupture of the muscle and tendon. The injury is caused because as the foot hits the ground, the stretched mstring muscle contracts to start the knee flexing. If the quadriceps muscles, w"ch are the big muscles on the front of the thigh, fail to relax, the hamstrings tear. Cold temperature and muscle fatigue can con- tribute to the likeliness of this injury occurring. Treatment is prescrib . to reduce p . in, reduce spasm in muscles and in- flammation. Ice, elevation of the limb and anti- infflammatory drugs are recommended. Later, various forms of physiotherapy are used. Finally, a program is designed for the athlete to restore strength and flexibility in the affected leg. The most common problem encountered in the athlete who returns too early is re- injury, so a gradual return to activity is essential. This kind of injury can happen in younger runners as well, but what is more commonly seen in active, growing adolescents is pain just below the knee, aggravated by any running. This particular pain has the very fancy name of Osgood- Schlatters disease. 1t is really not a disease, but rather an inflammation in an area of the knee where the tendon joins into the growth plate or epiphysis. Usually this condition is identified in an active child who complains off having a tender area below the kneecap that gets worse with running. There is swelling in the area and loss of motion in the knee. Restricted Program The treatment of this problem is relatively simple. Activities such as running may have to be modified if the pain becomes too un- comfortable for the child. Swimming may be sub- stituted since it puts little stress on the leg. ice can help relieve the pain, but drugs and physiotherapy are of limited value. A positive feature of this disease is that it stops with fusion of the growth plate as the adolescent gets older and results in no permanent damage to the leg it's strictly a discomfort and inconvenience to some ,i,• tive adolescents. 1. &P reserves th° right to limit quantities to norm > 1 family m:•;uirornnaantts Lr Prices effective thru Sat, May 21st, 19 3. BLACK DIAMOND, SINGLE THINS, PROCESS Cheese Sbces MEADOWGOLD, ASST FLAVOURS OUR REGULAR PRICE e75 made with 100% pure vegetable ehurtening CANADA NO 1 G ADE, TEN L ER, G SLDEN, S'SWEET ISI 1-4 OU EGULAR RICES F • 1 1.99 for ■ Fr P: ,OD. + >F CALIFNIA i) LARGE, SWEET RIPE CANADA NO 1 GRADE, PROD. OF ONTARIO, LONG GREEN Se di SS Crgcu it ers each o CANADA FANCY, PROD. OF SOUTH AFRICA Grassy S lth Apples 2 /® PROD. OF CALIFORNIA, SWEET, NEW CROP, FRESH �rfCh Carrts 2/1 PROD. OF CALOFORNIA Fresh Avoca us 2/ CANADA NO 1 GRADE, P',OD. OF CALIFORNIA Fr sh Cauliflower PROD. OF CALIFORNIA Gnus Onions each Ob 9 199 3 bunches 1 JANE PARKER Apple Pie e�UR REGULr?,R PRICE 1.79 JANE PARKER Chees r Bread JANF PARKER Snowflake Rolls JANE PARKER, PLAIN, SUGAR OR CINNAM Cake ®®nuts JANE PARKER Spanish Bar Cake JANE PARKER, RHUBARB -APPLE PIE -1.29 lueberry Pie MARVEL, HAMBURGER BUNS OR Wiener Rolls JANE PARKER, SLICED (MADE WITH 100% PURE Protein Bread JANE PARKER Angel Cake ASST V'f, PIETIES Dad's Cookies OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.39 450 g loaf pkg of 12 0 9 N ®pkg8 of 1.09 539 G cak® 41.49 6peg 1®69 pkg o9 12 VEG SHOFIT) 450 g loaf 390 g29 cake 1 a 450 g TIMI TIE HAG 139 CANADA FAQ ICY D. OF ONTAR11 CANADA NO 1 GRADE, PROD. OF FLORIDA, SWEET p � ' rrftS P"tOD. OF CALIFORNIA Fr u- s s 212 ex )kgs u / CANADA PROD. TEXAS,F BOSIZEp^nish Typ�®��I��2/ CANADA NO 1aki G ADE, PROD. OF P.E.I. t PROD. OF CALIFORNIA, SWEET, SEEDLESS, SIZE 138'S aav l'irangiS CANADA NO 1 GRADE, PROD. OF FLRDA a lly P ck To oto L, - s 1 5 l 1gs CANADA lill1 G t�? z E ILI PROD. OF U.S. Fr.s S POD. OF U.S.A . Rip;•: $ I ti� in eh el PROD. OF U.S.A., TENDER, GREEN Zt cchl l Sqash PLOD. OF MEXICO, SWEET, RIPE Pineapples 10oa pkg quarters 1 ©='e® o/d each 11k/Alli each 129 30 oz pkg PROD. OF U.S.A., REDENBACHER'S GOURMET / 1" Pupping Corn 11/2 lb 199 tray Health & Beauty Aids & General Merchandise EGULA:n & MINT A ua Fr s,sh To thpaste 100 mL TUBE SUPER BUY! PROD. OF ONNTAP1 O (CASE(C�OF 18-16.99), GARDEN MUMS OR Geraniums 4potb x99 SSORTED FL VOURS l'ilverwood Popsicles NORMAL OR OILY BONUS PK 350 mL PLUS 30% FREE Jhirmack Shamp®®st mL 4.19 ASST VAR DEODORANT BONUS PK 200 mL PLUS 50 mL FREE Arrid Extra Drya �`� Q n 2.99 ORS" NGE FLAVOUR, CHEWABLE A&P Vitamin C MINI SIZE, REGULAR OR DEODORANT New Freedom Pads REGULAR OR DEODORANT Kotex Fightdays REGULAR OR SUPER Kotex Napkins INSECTICIDE Ueepwoods Off QUiCK AS A WINK, ASST VAR Cake Mixes CHRCOAL Kingsford Briquets 120's 3.99 bo0m2e49 3041®99 11a'L49 aerosol fin 5a 49 200 g 227 g 89 pkgs o OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.49 10 LB BAG 349 1Y FROZEN, ASST FLAVOURS JePI-® Pudding Pops CAVENDISH, FROZEN, ASST CUTS French Fries SAVARIN, FROZEN, 4 VARIETIES Pot Pies °k192of2®99 pkg 1®1 kg 39 pkg .69 8 ox SUN PAC• FROZEN, CONCENTRATED. GRANNY SMITH APPLE JUICE 66�o Crap© Juice 12.5fIoz 19 4In r i FROZEN A&P Waffles AEA BOUY, FROZEN, COOKED Fish Cakes SEA BOUY, FROZEN, IN BATTER Boston Blue Fish BLUE WATER, FROZEN Fish & Chips FROZEN, STRAIGHT OR CRINKLE CUT McCain Superfries OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.85 10 oY pkg 19G/a89Ib 19I4 5/1 79Ib 323pkg7 ®�9 1 KG PRIG 29