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Clinton News-Record, 1983-05-18, Page 5
So '.S e 1, r " in new at the fair A new attraction at the Clinton Spring Fair will be the Children's Mini -Tractor Pedal -Pull. In response to the many inquiries regar- ding this event, it was felt a further classification of the Rules and Regulations sho -„d be listed. The pedal -powered tractors are to be supplied by local implement dealers, and will be scaled down to children's sizes. Standard Tractor -Pull regulations apply. Due to limited number of entries, entries will be handled on a first come, first serve basis. The pull is open to boys and girls in the following three weight classes: 30-50 lbs, 51-75 lbs., and 76-100 lbs. In the event of an over- whelming response, boys and girls' classes will be separated. Entry forms are on Page 3 of the Clinton Spring Fair Prize List or are available from the Secretary at 76 Isaac Street, Clinton. Prizes have been donated for this event and are $10, $5.00 and $2 for each class. Deadline for entries has been ex- tended to May 28, 1983. For further information call 482- 7924. The pull will be held Saturday, June 4 in front of the grandstand at 9 a.m. Armstrong named president Y STEPHAJSIIIE LEVESQUE Grey Township Reeve Leona Armstrong has been named president of the Huron County Municipal Of- ficers' Association. The Association held its annual meeting in the Seaforth and District Com- munity Centre on April 13, hosted by McKillop Township. Reeve Armstrong steps up to the ;., .sitfon from second vice-president and takes over the reins from past president Allan Campbell of . R,., 1, Seaforth. Past first vice-president Wesley Ball, clerk -treasures of Howick Township, was unable to take over as presi- dent as he is leaving his duties in Howick to take up a similar position in Flos Township in the County of Simcoe. Other executive members include: Stanley Township Reeve Paul Steckle as first vice-president, Exeter clerk - treasurer Elizabeth Bell as second vice-president, Tuckersmith Reeve Robert Bell as one-year director, Hullett Reeve Torn Cunn- ingham as two-year direc- tor, Morris Township clerk Nancy Michie as three-year director and Huron County clerk -treasurer William Hanly as secretary - treasurer. The 1984 association meeting will be hosted by Grey Township at the Brussels arena. Lind sold for workshop GODERICH - A one acre parcel of land located on the Suncoast Drive extension will be sold to the Goderich and District Association for the Mentally Retarded to build a workshop. Town council approved the Land purchase (subject to a developer's agreement) on a recommendation frorn the Goderich Economic Development Committee at its meeting on May 9. The Association plans to erect a 5,000 square foot metal building on the property to house a light industrial workshop for 25 mentally retarded adults with provision for this number to be expanded up to 40. Presently, 25 mentally retarded adults use the Kinsmen Centre on Keays Street as a workshop for sub- contract work. However, the Ministry of Community and Social Services feels that the Centre does not offer a proper workshop en- vironment. It wants a building with a cement floor so that machinery can beset up and if necessary, assembly lines developed. It also requires a building on one level so that it is ac- cessible to people in wheel chairs. MAXWELL HOUSE VAC PAC REGULA`, AUTOMATIC OR DRIP GROUND COFFEE 369 G. BUYS • MANY MORE IN-STORE SPECIALS NOT ADVE RTTISED IGA ASSRTED OTATO CHOPS 200 G. GOLD SEAL RED SOCKEYE SALMON 7.75 OZ. PARAMOUNT FLAKES, LIGHT CANNED TUNA I L 6 OL. .99 VEGETA.. LE JUICE E.D. SMITH GADEN COCKTAIL 28 FL. OZ. WHITE SWAN BATH ROOM TISSUE ASSORTED COLOURS 4 ROLL PKG. 1.33 SAVE' EANUT UTTER YORK 1 KG. SMOOTH 0 CRUNC WL -HTE SWAN FACIAL TISSUE ASSORTED COLOURS BOX OF 200 Y PASTA CATELLI SPAGHETTI, MACARONI,: SUNSQUEEZE 12.5 FL. 0 S''"AG 'ETTINI, 1 Kg. CLEAR OR PINK PED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS PKG. OF 60 1.69 LEMONADE .3 "ALMOLIVE [AQUI DETE PE C ENT 1 L. ICA CH BC HALVES & SUCH 14 FiL. O8. CA RO N I DINNER KRAFT 225 G. SP;'GHETTI SAUCE RAGU WITH MEAT OR MUS ROOMS 28 FL. OZ. SOFT MARGARINE COW'4TRY LA8411 1 L® 2.1:9 .79 O 1.9 9 ALO 225 ML. REGUL R SH MPO FR IT COCKTAIL AYLMER CHOKE 14 FL. Z. KER; EL CORN STOKELY FANCY 12 FL. OZ. . 5 CANNED PASTA LIY'S SPAGHETTI WITH CHEESE, ZOODLES OR ALPHAGETTI 14 FL. OZ. SOMERDALE STRAIGHT CUT FRENCH FRIES 1KG. .59 Priac�4.inctt.f'ct'till;cl;O41ri. 11►r. , Saturd.a:y, N,A4y 21. 'yVe reserve the r1 h,t to Iirrlil q,uanti,taies. FRESH CHICKENS CANADA GDE A UNDER 1.8 KG./4 L!' S. 2©/Kg. . 99.. WHOLE CHICKENS CUT UP 2 • 40/Kg. 1 09/lb. CHICKEN SEGS PREVIOUSLY FROZEN NO BACKS 2. /Kg. 99 • /Ib. OR 10.85 Ft A 5 Kg/11 Ib. OX ROUN STEAK FULL SUE CC7O1 /Kg. 3.-1 /Ib. SIRLIN STEAK 8011 /K�. 3.6 /BRA. T-BONE ST EK 3®`L /16. GROUND BEEF REGULAR 6/kg. 1® .%9.. GROUND BEEF MEDIUM 3 a 94/Kg. 1.79.. GARBAGE BAGS CATCH ALL PKG. OF 10 MUSI=RO i'M SOUP CAR4441 4['4 10 R. 07. soup TOMATO, VEGFTABIF AYI.RAFR le R. OZ. BREAKFAST CEREAL KELLOGG'S 675 G. CORN FLAKES SQUIRE ASSORTED ICE CREAM 2 LITRE CARTON . 35 1 1 If CLOSE-UP REGULAR OR MINT 100 ML. TOOTH- PASTE OOTHmPASTE WHOLE TOMATOES TOMATO KETCHUP IGA, C1101Cf ze 6l. OZ AVI.A4FR 1I 1 BREAKFAST CEREAL KELLOGG'S FROSTED FLAKES 525 G. 1.9 MAPLE LANE COTTAGE CHEESE 500G. REG. 1 PORK BUTT CHOPS SHOULDER 3.70 /Kg. /Ib. BREAKFAST SAUSAGE FARM OR LINK STORE PACKED COTTAG E ROLL SWEET PICKLE CANAIAN QUEEN 3.95,x, 7.7 SLICED SIDEACO TAILLEFER 500 G. PKG. 2.,LJ 2 CHICKEN LOAF CANADIAN QUEEN SLICED, 375 G. PKG. 1.3 YOUNG TURKEYS FROZEN GRADE UTILITY 5 KG. & UNDER 2.82,K,. 1 •2`I /Ib. PORK RIBLETS e 74/Kg. • 79/lb. PORK LIVER SLICED 1 O8/Kg. . 49.. SLICED SALAMI BURNS 4®39/KR. 1.99/Ib. COOKED HAM (ANAOIAN Qllf E N S41(1D 4.39 ;kg. 1.99/Ib. OLBY HEESE CANADIAN (,ARLI( OR PLAIN GREEN ONIONS PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FRESH 3/1. CANADA NO. 1 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FRESH BROCCOLI EA.99 SNOW WHITE MUSHROOMS PRODUCT OF ONTARIO 4.15/9(g. 1.88/Ib. GREEN CA BAG E CANADA NO. 1 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. JUICE ORANGES PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FLORIDA 5 LB. BA(, 6.28.. 2.85 HEAD LETTUCE CANADA NO. 1 CALIFORNIA EA( H MOZZARELLA CHEESE CANADIAN 5 .90,.„. 2.68,lb. GRANNY SMITH APPLES CANADA FAN( Y PRODU( T OF S.A. L52/Kg. PFIRAND 69 /lh. WARES LOUSE PRICES - EVERYDAY, EVERY WEEK° PLUS SEM 1 II R CITIZEN DISCOUNT EACH WEDNESDAY (GET DETAILS FROM YOUR LOCAL IGA STORE) STORE UOURS 1141 FIND A1 AND 1-H1114,1 N14.11 T11.1.9P '1 FOR 104 131 (rs.k IFI F Vionday 1 it P'P(la s FEDurarla� F rich. 8:30 am -Fr (x►I,rn 8 30 a.m. 6.00 1, m 8301 a m -4.041 P m fl 301a m 9(1411, m 14 30 a m 9.0!01 p m A 30 a m 0, no fr rn