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Clinton News-Record, 1983-05-11, Page 21
CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1983 PAGE 21 THE CLINTON NEWS ® RECORD - THE DLYTH STANDARD - THE UAYFIELD BUGLE ERIE STREET 3 bedroom split level hurtle large lot garage ruction! sot JOSEPH STREET lit 521 50U r)( HURON ST. S bed,„un well kept 2 storey home large { bedrrnnn I fluor home 9o(O9e nice lot MAPLE ST. 2 or 3 bedroom Wortime home brick living room wall t,;n basement Woodstove with forced air '28 000 00 ONTARIO ST. 3 fluor horse original woodwork stained glass windows gas furnace 5 year mortgage garage JAMES ST. 2 or 3 bedr QOM wu: r,r e home 172 RATTENBURY ST.E. delightfully decorated 4 bedroom home a real value tor the money TOWNSEND ST. 3 hedroorn Ioised bungalow $37 500 CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN AND SCHOOLS A tastefully decorated 6 bedroom home asking $48 000 00 WELL -KEPT 3 BEDROOM Serpi detached modern home with good income. o delight to see STONE HOUSE asollailent condition large shop 7 acres 2 LOTWatoope, St BRUCEFIELD AREA 4 bedroom well kept home on 1 acre. Reduced $29 900 00 BUSINESS MINDED • Retail outlet available and a large commercial building as well as an income property showing good returns SCHOOL AREA 3 bed cont home attached garage reduced to SI 5 900 00 TOWNSEND ST. 3 bedroom bungalow family room at Cached garage paved drive 5 ACRES 4 bedroom hone garage good barn near the Maitland River 4 UNIT oparhnent building and extra space good returns 2 ACRE goal dairy highway form excellent house 5 ACRE poultry form good house near Auburn NEW LOSTONG Joseph Si 4 bedroom home large lot Ccth H rode$ Workman Clinton 519-482-3455 180 ACRES - 140 WORKABLE 55 ftee stall dairy born, FCC rnortgoge near Clinton. 76 ACRES - 60 WORKABLE beef barn orchard, stone house. near Goderich. 96 ACRES - 70 WORKABLE priced to sell in Colborne Township. KOPPE/NE AREA - 100 acres. 85 workable, brick house, large barn. `175.000.00. EXCELLENT MARKET GARDEN BUILDINGS on 128 acres near Grand Bend Highway location. FARROW TO FINISH OPERATION - 1 floor home, 138 acres near Grand Bend. 500 ACRES 450 workable, good buildings set up for beef excellent cash crop land. Call Peter Damemo 5, Clinton 519-482-98 * 9 ELEGANT s'•RICK SCHOOL HOUSE converted into beautiful home, ' r acre. Hullett Township. 500 HOG BARN - TOG ACRES 70 CLEAR, nice brick house, Blyth area. $125 000 ONE FLOOR 2 :BEDROOM completely renovated home, large back yard fruit trees List $29,500.00. POSS(80LtTOES PLUS! Beautiful restored maintained 2 storey historic red brick duplex in commercial area. Superbly groomed, entirely fenced backyard. Ideal loca- tion for business and or dwelling. List 560,000.00. 2 BEDROOM, 1 FLOOR HOME on a parcel of land that appears large enough for 2 more homes, in a good loca- tion. An excellent investment at $24,900.00. IMMACULATE 2 STOREY BROCK HOME, family room. dining room. 3 bedrooms. Codd Aileen Cr CM tan 51 e4 1 2-366 25. Wanted to buy PIANO WANTED regardless of condition. Phone collect anytime 519 669 2280 or 519 669.2198 3tf O IFNTAL UGS WANTED ighest prices paid for all Po',�. fldnade rugs in fly side or Coiiditfon Call London 685-6636 COLLECT S®m I-1 ei:q u id 26 Help wanted EXPERIENCED young mm, wonted to do yard wok (ol: 482 3086 after 5 .10 p in 19 PART TIME r,ffir e help requiter{ Send Resume to Llrnwer Nr, h r o Clinton News Rern,d Bnv 39 Clinton NOM 110 10 CIERK MANAGE R f„r F „tn P,r, s store Apply .n w .rr,y in ler,,, Photo In< Bow 1 )(1(1(1 (1„•r„r. NOM 1 1 0 19 20 PERSON wonted to Ilan, 165 octet of ruin and R0 r s of gram Reply to Drawer Nn 7 c o Signol Star Publishing I td P O Bow 220 (,oder (int N7A ABA 19v 26. Help w nted LOG BUILDING yard superinten• dent. experienced in scribed fit ted method Must be highly qualified. Salary commensurate with experience. Also ex- perienced log builders. Call 403- 458.4855. 190 Help Wanted Experienced person required for Parts Deportment in 1=arr'n Equipment Business Apply to Exeter Times thoocute 40P 0'OH YES YOU CAN!” -Be your own Boas Join our people who earn - up to '38,068 full- time . up 90 °19,0frarii part- time No Investment or franchise fees You offer beneficial protection services for motorists, cyclists and homemakers. Pleasant, rewarding, rarer position. For full Information reapply 9o: MR. r AUER In person at the Etas Haven Inn, Clinton on WEDNESDAY, R® AY 18 AT 2 PM OR 7 PRI SHARP 26 Help wanted WANTED Aggressive automotive machinist Must be self motivated Send Resume and references to Drawer No 8 c o Clinton News -Record. Box 39 Clinton Ont NOM ILO. I9x BECOME o professional Tronsport Driver Coll us now Mery Orr s Transport Driver Training School Thunder Bay. 807 623.8686. Ottawa, 613-523- 3489 Toronto 416-621.8579 London 519-432-1726, Cam- bridge 519-648- 2519 190 Two Doctor office in Clinton r quires a REGISTERED NURSE Part time. Reply with resume to: DRAWER No. 7 c/o CLINTON NEWS RECORD P.O. BOX 39 CLINTON, ONTARIO NOM 1 LO 27 Wanted (general) BOOKS NEEDED for Huron County's Largest used book sale June 4 and 5. Proceeds to Blyth Summer Festival. Drop dona- tions off prior to May 30 at Mary's Sewing Centre, Board and Batten, Clinton; The War- drobe, Bayfield; Janis Bisback's, Queen St., Hensoll; Blyth Sum- mer Festival Box Office.-19- 21ar 1(06114ST C iANJCE FOR SUCCESS... 30 Employment wanted WILL BABYSIT from Monday to Friday during the summer Call 523-4490. - 19 31 Service directory KENS CARPENTRY Remodelling, renovations. cupboards ceramic tile, counter tops, rec rooms, carports, flooring. win- dows patio doors, aluminum siding. Phone. 482-7676. Ken McNoirn.—attar PHIL'S refrigerator and ap- pliance service. Prompt depen- dable service to all makes and models of domestic appliances. Phone 887-9062. -27tf CONCRETE WORK - Expert chimney and roofing repairs. Specializing in stabling. Don Ives. Phone Brussels 887- 9024.--27tf LICENCED Corpenter - all your general maintenance and building needs call Joe Mc- Quaid evenings. 482- 3628. — I Seo w DON'T WAIT!! This new equip- ment will mulch or rototill your garden or lawn for spring plan- ting. Call Dennis 482-3277 for complete information. -19-22 28. Business opportunity SATELLITE TELEVOSiON - Dealers, Distributors, and Agents wanted in this district. Full training, installation and service. Quality systems at competitive prices. Call our Demonstration Centre (519) 821-0311 after hours. -18,19 We are espandlin video disc franchise stores On this area and offer you aro poe-turtlty to become an independent operator in a protected area. We will sauppiy a corepiete rents(/sales package inoch.teing training for your staff, turnkey operation A full fflbaary exchange Programa, °”` 1fa '�get�llfB®bD appint®eats. Pricing, quality anti supplier support gloves video disc operators the best future in video. Conventional] Bank Financing available to geettfled purchasers. We want to grow MI+ you. Start your future TODAY by coiling ooze at: (519) 853-0711 >, OM) 457-38U6 r®®,49 ANI'' HEAD *MCC 22 MHO St. E„ Ea®Ot®ea *011ie (Lairs), v maria i,7.1 7G9 29. Tenders Sealed tenders wiil ha received by R.B. Alton, Superintendent of Operations, for the supply of five (5) new school buses. Vander( closing effective 12 o'clock noon, Friday, May 27, 1989. Specifications and tender forms ere ®weal aisle at the Board Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted- i1.L. Cureningh®t.-t Transportation Manager THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF E»UCATION 1413 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L8 Li. Wallace D.J. Cochrane Chairman Director 31. Service directory SIMPS®Nl WO OR9LIL''IG ®rid �ONSTRUCTI - N (, Renovation. Contract prices YOU may be eligible for govt loans or grants. Cell for a frca estimate. MURRAY SIMPS®N BIYTi'i 523-9427 rST11 1P CUTTING AND REMOVAL SERVICE .IFully Mewed 'All work rgea iranteed LES TALE (PHONE ,r DALE©S 523-941 BEATIj OMAR Hur;,n County B© rd of Education QUOTATIONS FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE PROJECTS Quotations for various construction trade% ars invited for interior and ex- terior rainten®ria® prealects eit Huron County schools. 9ipu©tation forms and lob descriptions are av(railable at the Huron County hoard of Education Of- fice, 103 Alb®rt Street, Clinton, On- tario. Deadline for seotation floras is 12:00 noon, May 27, 19 '.31. D. Wallace Chairman D.J. C,:,Tchran ®I Pfitc.tt;P 31 Service directory VERN'S chimney sweep service Seaforth Ontario Phone oftei 6 p m 527-0674 45tt CONCRETE FORMING Wills & El ors For a complete lob cel) SID BHWINSINA EXCAVATING MST®. 524-113411 MASONRY CONSTRUCTION Fireplaces Blocks, Bricks and Angel Stone Glen Thomas 482-3767 482-9730 IN SPRING, SUMMER OR FALL GIVE ROSS OR PAUL A CALL! .Painting and Decorating eFeneing (Repair or new) Cabinet Making eGeneral House Repairs PAUL WEST: S65-294 RUSS FLOWERS: 565-2979 —BAYFIEL — SWIMMING POOLS N 1 SPAS wiles A Service Chemicals—Accessories SERVICE TO ALL MODELS F EE ESMATES Cf TIIe tt*Iaosa19s1 LUE p IZON LS R.R. Pia. 2 Goderich 524-1004 ®AUPNIN ROOFING 1 Re-roofiAsphafit ® New roofs *Cedar 1Reefin epairs a Steel FRAU ESTI, AYES PHONE: 529-7i 83 31 Service directory CLI '-' TWOOD CUSTOM BUILDERS 'Custom bul)t hoar©s ' Additions 'Drywall ▪ Roofing 'Siding, Soffit A Fesrfa TIM BYLSMA 482-3873 DOUG 8TI.3MA 482.7334 DALE ROOFING °Roof Tarring °Flat Roofing ,Maintenance °Free Estimates 482-9206 MID -WESTERN PAVING .Drivewways .Fortin Lanes .Parking Lots Repairs and Sealing FREE ESTIMATES PA VF IELD 565-2422 JOHN KAMMM)MM GENERAL CONTRACTING *Farm Buildings *Additions *k81ovati:FBT�S POil®PlIE 482-3063 MINIMMTIMMOIMIBBWMONMIR JACK Cr LOON+%UN GENERAL CONTRACTOPBG S eelallzinH 19P: eC' 1�Ti :1 BUILT MISS eWENOV Tiro NSW cA .. 'STI®C`7S ekETCi ELMS SI I i MI I "i@ M POE 482-95 6 EVE; "i,^;GS *fFLATR *$illi *M;l t HNC GLES TEA1 '10E *FREE ESTIMATES HENSALL ROOFING COMMERCIAL -RESIDENT!,., E RICHARD REGIER EXETER 235-091111 BOX 1852 EXETER ONTARIO NOM 150 give yourself a lift! PRICES 1 ST t RT $22 45 holiday Including •,••,t a nor systern FREE TT'.rc KM weekend A weekly Rates Available 5241;41 1 %TRICK/APr0e 38 Busse➢ PO 04>oixrC11.1 ATTENTION R.J. STEEL Steel Siding & R .'firm Installation Available 482-3188 Give Us a Try Before You Buy 31 Service directory HAN °S SMAIJ. ENGINE SALES & SERVICE LONDESBORO 523-9202 'LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT ' REPAIRS ' NEW LAWNMOWERS AND TILLERS tN STOCK DRYWALL known for high gdrsllty PETER RAK®S DRYWALL haws complete drywall service 'hone 527-1398 527-0606 E. Parker PLUMING AND HEATING Specializing in pumps, water softeners, combination furnaces. R.R. 2 RLYTH PHONE 8$7- i;79 WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HO PER & SONS FOUR MODE ':'N ROTARY RIIGGS PHONE: SEM o RT NUL: 527-1737 DUKE: 827-0A28 SBM: S28-0775 35. Notice to creditors IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES LEE McCONNELL, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceas- ed. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 14th day of March, 1983. ore re- quired to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 31st day of May, 1983, after which date the assets will be distributed, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 28th day of April, 1983. E.B. MENZIES, Q.C. Box 68, Clinton, Ontario NOM 110 Solicitor for the Executors. 18-20 IN. THE ESTATE OF GLADYS IRENE ARMSTRONG. late of the Village of Londesborough in the County of Huron, Housewife. deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 7th day of March, 1983, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 31st day of May 1983. otter which date the assets will be distr;buted, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice DATED at Clinton Ontario this 28th day of April, 1983 E B MENZIES Q C Box 68. Clinton Ontorio NOM 110 Solicitor for the Executors 18 20 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PEARL GERTRUDE CUMM INGS lote of the Town of Gin ton in the County of Huron ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above named Pearl Gertrude Cumm rugs who died on or about the 10th day of March 1983 ore re quired to file the some with frill particulars with tfae undersign ed by the 30th day of May 1983 os after that date the asserts of the estate will be distributed with regord only to the rlo,ms of which the undersigned shall hove notice DATED at Clinton Ontario this 27th day of April 19133 D GERALD 1-411 T7 Borrister R Solicitor 56 Huron Street CLINTON Ontario Solicitor for the Administrator 18 70 mA V trSI.D 34 Personal DOES SOMEONE yuu Tuve r,u.e a drinking problem", Itiere is help for you Call Al Anon 524 600) or write P O Box 226 M,' chell Ont NOK INC 491* PREGNANT Distressed-) Mur ried single free positive tut, fidentiol support Help is us close as your telephone BIR THRIGHT London, icollect! 432 7197 527 01 15 or 524 2023 35' 1066 357 2392 or 35' 1169 (after 6 p m 1 2 2 36 Announcements, notices 1.6062C.P.Aiw eroevr&ViAwi Topa saAroeTw u PASICIuge_n aumaca. exeles ansAtPtaee 14 Personal i AM ik,ING ro nose n,y family 11 ee WuurJ of yune ho.ing cony ,nfurmuiwn ut John Findley Tule who rTtor r ped Isabella Lesies Morris un Aug 4 1870 by Rt-,. W k Rooth in Clinton The win esses weir _lorries Ftoter Lind Catherine Yule I have many photos 1800 Caro Fustei Photugrophet Clinton 1 have ierord of farrneis in (lin tun 18'1 Census Ellen Mures 45 yr, Ale. Moms 50 yrs Ellen I r Juin.es 15 Mary 9 George 5 I believe they ore my family If you hove any informo nun of rhe above pleose write to Mrs Donnu Mowson 10459 Dennis Cres Rich 8 C V7A 3R7 19 NOTICE TO THE LAND OWNERS OF TIIE TOWNSHIP OE MORRIS The Township of Morris Is participating in the Canada Onterio Employment Development Program for 1963. The Township road sides will be upgraded by this program. Any land owner in the township of Morris wishing their road sides to be improved by: -Clearing a brush -Removal of old fence roads -Removal of trees' -Removal of debris, etc. Contact the undersigned by May 27, 1983. Lloyd Michie Township of Morris Roods Superintendent 887-6472 38 Auction sale 38 Auction sae AUCTJI®N REMINDER Clearing machinery Auction for Carl Richardson, 2 nelles East of Brucefield. THURSDAY, /`':iAY 12Th t P.M. See last weeks paper far full listing. Plus Cockshutt 18 foot wheel Disc., Baden Batched dryer. TERMS CASH Rich I rd Lobb Auctioneer CU TON 482-7: 9 FAR EQUIPMENT ®F OVER T' ACTORS & 11i11 NIECES OE F81� 11PMENT AT RRIN LEY S `.LES YARD ®aungrr�nrlan, Oniarle turd®y, ,ay 21st 9:30 A.N. � rimsley AUCtii:nS (519)-529-7625 AUCTIONEER: GOR*ON ht. ORINIs-LEY LARGL ESTATE AUCTION SALE Power wood working tools, lawn mowers, antiques, furniture, etc., to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton, Ont. for Goderich Estate plus other good consignments. Saturday, M®y 14th ®t 10 a.m. Wood turning lathe with motor and chisels, 40 steel posts, Black and Decker router, Rockwell Beaver 10" handsaw, Block and Decker rodlal arm sow with 17” rip out and De Watt 3" Cut Rockwell Beover 6" planer with electric motor, Skill saw, lig saw. an-trall battery charger, 5" vise, 1 /4 HP electric motor and emery, new power bench grinder, six ton lack, wood clomps, handsaws, plus several small hand tools, Lawn -Boy lawn mower, water softener, etc., two chainsaws, electric snow blower, electric lawn mower. FURNITURE: Round dining table with centre Pedestal, six oak chairs. six matching pressback chairs, two washstands, four antlque wooden planes, HeIn9IIman piano sounds good but needs refinishing, buffet with mirror, srnall pine blanket box, knee hole desk, Boston rocker, walnut 9090 leg table, small air conditioner. single box spring and mattress, antique dresser with mirror, portable typewriter, umbrella table, Candle component set with eight track player and record player, floor lamps, coffee and end tables, chesterfields, chair, large mirror, pictures, chests of drawers, kitchen choirs, golf clubs, black and white portable TV, fain- ting couch, table lamps, treadle sewing machine, n-togexir a *able, !own ch41rs. let hockey 90ine, floor model hi -fl set, eek office desk with 3 drawers and motel -ling office chair, Small pool table, Royal Albert cups and saucers, 2 external speakers for hl 11, small modern desk, small pool table, office swivel chili, water heater, marble top server, tont, small kitchen set, single continental beds. oil lamps, small cream can, electric heater plus our usual large offering o4 miscellaneous Items goo numerous to mention. TERMS CASH Richard Lobb Auctioneer CLINTON 482 -7898