HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-05-11, Page 15CLINTON NEWS -MOUND, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1983 A&P reserves the right to iirnit quantities to normal family requirements Prices effective thin Sat., May ? 4btffn, 1983. V' TO EAT Fully Sbined Hams ����� � 17 LB AVERAGE it A tit \A�� m Nimv CUT FROM CANAL A'S F0 ]EST GRA OUTSIDE CUT, EYE REMOVED with supermarket prices E 'A' REEF SAVE 2.20/kg-1 Ib BATHROOM TISSUE, ASST COLOURS Velour Tissue pkgoL., 4r®IIs OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.03 IN TOMATO SAUCE, SPAGHETTI 0 OUR REGULAR P'+OCE 8.13/48-3.69 9b Heinz Scar) PRE'. SIU S AK 0" BUTT PO 32 Ikg TION SWIFT PREMIUM HAM- NO CENTRE SLICES REMOVED Shank or Butt Half SWIF I PREMIUM Quarter Hans l,NAOV A E VISCE RATED, 4 TO 5 LB AVER Frozen Ducks ,PAJf `POZEN. EVISCERATED 4 TO 5 LB AV Roasting Chickens 358 /15! 1 5! Ib 19 /1 b Ikg Ib /1 lb Ikg/a99 Ib NiIE RISE F) ��/��� Cube Steak 'N �Illf � lir Round Steak �If T DINNER ST YI E•2' 2 -3 L$ Sugar Plum Hams A�Q{ ,If AR OR THICK SLICED Side Bacon /kg Ib 659/299 /kg Ib 637/389 !kg lb 500 g 249 vac pac ONELESS SI LOIN TIP, INSIDE CUT ROUND OR Rurnp OUR REGUL 9 /kg Ib R PRICE UP TO 8.801kg-3.99 Ib FRESH, LEAN Ground B .r of BREAKFAST Burns Sausage PRIDE OF CANADA Bologna Chunks PRIDE OF CANADA, REGULAR OR ALL BEEF Wieners PRIDE OF CANADA, 2 TO 3 LB AVER Vintage Hams PRIE1E OF CANADA, ASSORTED VARIETIES Cooked Meats PRIDE OF CANADA, TRIPLE PACK. SLICED Cooked Meats PRIDE OF CANADA. 8 VARIETIES Sausage Sticks 4397199 ;9/1 /kg Ib Ib 3 !kg /1 alb 3 /kg /1 Ib 1 Ib vac pac 1" U8firkg Ib / J Ib 175 g 99 vac pac u 375 q 1 79 vac pac 5008 24-9 size GRADE 'A', FROZEN, EVISCER 'TED TURKEYS, MAPLE LEAF MIRACLE BASTE, A&P SELF -BASTING OR SWIFT PREMIUM DEEP -BASTED BUTTERALLS sted turkeys 6 TO 12 L R AVERAGE BURNS 1 /kg Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.731kg-1.69 Ib Campfire Coil PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED Side Bacon PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED Cooked Ham PRIDE OF CANADA, SWEET PICKLED Cottage Rolls SIENA Italian Style Sausage LAND 'O FROST 6 VAR, SLICED Smoked Meat SHOPSY-COLE SLAW OR Potato Salad ALL BEEF Shopsy Sausages 37/1b9 500 g 249 vac pac 1759 139 vac pac 439/199 (kg Ib 5�/ 71 pkg �� 500 g 139 ctn 500 g 259 pkg A"fi,r f ASSr f 1 AVOURS Fruit Bottom Yogourt E!i A ' ;) AM( NO LITES PROCESS Cheese Slices �N�.I i+•,� iii PP( E 5S Cheese Spread n AVOIIRS Jelly Powders 1759 Pubs a �� 500 pkgg 99 500 8 2.99 pkgs 1 a 00 H RAF T SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY Peanut Butter (m0 RE (;Ill AR PRICE Q 79 RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY WITH PECTIN CHICKEN NOODLE Aylmer Jams SO4r 1 . 9 lepton soup Mix IN TOMATO SAUCE OR WITH PORK READY TO SERVE, ASST VAR Clark Beans 141fIrz a79 Habitant Soups F� v�,NTI hieupplk Juke TRADITIONAL WITH RAE AT OR anUSNeaOOM HUMPTY DUMPTY ASST VAR 4/9 in or 1 a2g Potato Chips pkg of 4 1 49 anus FUDGEE-O CHIPS AHOY. COFFEE BREAKS Ragu Spaghetti Sauce 281:1,07 1®13 Christie Cookies 450pn"e 1 a9g 14 fl az tin .59 20081�9 pkg a KG JAR ASST VARIETIS 99 eaten' Pastas OUR REGULAR PRICE 99 500 g PKG PURE .79 Sto Lawrence Corn 011 OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.63 1 LITRE CONT 9 WHITE, YELLOW OR ASST PRINTED Hi®Dri Towels a t°j s x'':14 offer two new programs "Our consultations with secondary school personnel showed the need for addi- tional Business programs, and these programs certain- ly enhance and expand lear- ning opportunities at Strat- ford." trat- ford." That is how Brian Cook, Chairman off Pro- grams at the Stratford cam- pus of Conestoga College, describes two new programs that begin in September — General Business and Secretary Administrative. Both are Diploma -level programs. General Business is two years in length, while Secretary Administrative is 52 weeks. Added to the ex- isting Nursing program, the new Business programs br- ing to three the total of Diploma programs at Strat- ford. Applications are now being accepted for General Business and Secretary Ad- ministrative. A key feature of the new programs is extensive, hands-on learning with microcomputers. According- ly, a computer lab — featur- ing 12 Xerox 820 microcom- puters — is being set up at the Stratford campus. Computer-related skills in General Business include programming in Basic, elec- tronic data processing, and business computer systems and applications. Secretary Administrative students will develop skills in information and word processing, as well as in administrative applica- tions of microcomputers. In addition, General Business focuses on areas such as accounting, finance, marketing, business law, personnel management and organizational behavior. Among the subject areas in the Secretary Ad- ministrative program are accounting and bookkeep- ing, business communica- tion and research, typewriting and machine transcription, and co- ordination of office systems. An integral part of the latter program is a period of prac- tical experience in an actual work setting. For detailed information on either of these programs, contact Judy Trudgeon, Community Liaison Officer at the Stratford campus, (519) 271-5700, Ext. 7. In Waterloo Region, contact Debbie Smith at Career Ser- vices, College Administra- tion, (519) 653-2511, Ext. 366. CGA booklets now available Last year, 42.7 percent of Canada's 8,250,000 households used natural gas for heating as compared to only 31.7 percent for oil and 21.5 percent for electricity. The natural gas capture rate would have been con- siderably higher, probably in the 60 percent range, if all Canada was served by gas. At the present time, this preferred fuel is not available to potential customers in the Maritime provinces, most of Quebec, Vancouver Island and other parts of the country. The expanding growth of natural gas sales in the residential market for the last five years is presented in a new booklet ''Canadian Residential Heating Survey, 1977-82", prepared by the Economics/Statistical Department of the Canadian Gas Association. The infor- mation contained in the publication was compiled from CGA surveys and Statistics Canada and is presented in concise and easily understandable tables depicting the growth of households in Canada by province and the increasing use of natural gas over heating oil, electricity and wood. Energy Minister Jean Chretien complimented CGA on its booklet and quoted from the text when referring to the federal Government's Canadian Oil Substitution Program in a recent major speech. Copies of this informative booklet "Canadian Residen- tial Heating Survey, 1977- 82", may be obtained, at a nominal charge from the Economics/Stati.stica1 Department, Canadian Gas Association, 55 Scarsdale Road, Don Mills, Ontario M3B 2R3. Notice A recent story reporting (linton council's derision to purchase lapel pins for the town failed to mention that Mike Russo's pins were metal cloisonne products Mr Russo was asked by council to quote a price on the pins