HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-05-11, Page 11111),(40 ems' ► P1LIANcIES Save 2 ways with 4/25 Sate Prices ani 1 7% Sates Tax Rebate' 41NG,LLS:: APPL!IiAI 1 Ordy extra specie@ - Raye@ 100 Dishwasher Reg. Sale $749. $649. ;QUASAR MICROWAVE OVENS Prices from 559. .. SaVO Duvet $ 1 00 0 on every elicit - Even more on demonstrators - Deramonstrations every liVedrtesday and Saturday during May. Just Ann IPi T ONTARIO U GET 7% SALESTAX 12 cu. while almond T cu. ft. almond with brown lid $375 $385 $339. 'CAL OEPARTM Federal Pioneer Breakers Single Pole $5.90 Double Pole $12.00 LIGHTING IL One only post lantern - Solid cast aluminum - with Swedish Iron finish ran. 420.95 Sale $39.95 48" Beaver Light - fluorescent fixtures with 2 140 cum tubes -'44 " Sole $39093 nd many 171143V-011 specials TRENCHIN! VRGe nava w..ve 4 Icenced electricians to serve you quickly and efficiently. Hunter - „` torp - Banvll Cracablanc° 25')/ DISCOUNT on all fans In stock INrESS STIR ' SIS Single compartment - led e bade 1 only $57,75 Tesco compartment - ledge bmci1 1 only $99.95 ©S`f©tte with cutting beard 1 only ATE view is effect on iaaior appfintace purchases 'Why ®4 25 Aflaly Sale? rS flr $g YEARS AG® 64,1 390:: oijo.owi (a�,®© ono o�,al Das Du S®Y 0' .,Clva9ow Gov ®oQ ag clop :ob gBao '.0 , eB 9Pci igloo 91vvabin,Vlooa1w®rBceevO¢ 300 toci b. roccxove0d A o10 wodoc Igloo Lia alae. 4 �,. �� 97 4 UARS A _�— _-'-'-- d showv000l . Ia ruaer4 4241.1.46 OW 08aOcsW 91a9 ®van ¢v°v 7l0'+i avaoa pod 4 the oD+ -11 �� 14ov cao o ®® Plow ®m -n P oo 9vo� coblicb ¢®view . siva ,n, on es�r vaa�n o,,, ®oven Ono `jpO6110:01 y bommo,awov a 9® dim Cir swan Cramp mb c9a97 04 apo 114104 84l d s ane dim ®v Bann vow. ®"v egogi Ron ®v0 0 1 GAomBa' 9ma. l� 1® .elan. �, towe. p4ovm o,�vvla© � �®meo Alva. poi P�vc'OvoF' Io9Ga®0aq wo®ov. 99ovm Vito. 80o o aid. Dail Ijomboi ®m9ov. d c,Fo 9.a Joe Viloo In opP 1 clan VOW, 044i¢o wamnoGe". a91 nano `°® emaa Flo.. m. ©� ,01n amain ®°on`''o! hep.. 000w van o &ow° 111110am9+� cor,tp mA01°'o o li o v w9ovo Dov [1.00,2 1 only - 10,000 ®-T.U. AIR CONDITIONER like new $375. 1 only - 30" ELECTRIC RANGE very clean - everything working - CoalO and seal Vie have a complete line of plumbing repairs_ and materiels to install your plumbing. We will gladly help you to plan out your plumbing so you c®n Install It yourself. $124 95 Phew en display ie ow' Silowreerrsi AMERICAN -STAN ARO TUBS featuring the new PLAZA (also available smith Whirlpool fittings) SALEM ...hue $17230 hone $180.69 r hlte $177.50 Both tubs with matching 9ollet4 vanities etc. FAUCETS El?lCO - Moen - Delew SAVE 10-20% VANITIES Sale price% on all vanities In stock. SAVE 10% on all vanities ordered during our sale. WALTEC pulsating hand shower, with er9er spout. NLY 039.95 TOILET SEATS R'Aoldest OSP HALF PRICE Moldesi vinyl covered cushion s®a is 122. copper pipe 0 ft. lengths S2.9S copper elbows 7,' copper tees copper couplings .25 .39 .20 PAYERS Water Conditioners Model UA20-6 Crdy 449. WI E ENERGY CENTRE HAROLD WISE LIMITED 262 11oyfield Rid CLINTON 482-7662 The Clinton Hospital's young volunteer workers, the Candy Stripers were awarded for their hundreds of hours of work ata special capping ceremony on May 1. They included, front row, left to right, Sherry :ezzo, +250 hours; Teresa :: ezzo, +250 hours; Kathy Staddon, +400 hours; Sheila Maxwell, 100; Penny Lewis, 200; Joy Cudanore, +150; Pam Brownridge, 150 hours; Karen De Jong, + 200. • Second row, Tina :t..cHour, +100; Cindy Cook, +100; Donna Pickard, 200; Lisa Robinson, 400; Lisa Logue, 50; Lori Logue, 50; Joy Taylor, 100; Chris Davis, +100.:ack row, Kim Cook, +150; Ruth -Ann Russell, 250; Laura Feltz, 200; Rhonda Scrimageour, 150; Margie Wise, 500; renda Hoy, 200; Annette Cook, +150. (Shelley McPhee photo) Cancer C nvass donations up a gives greater support V By Mary Chessell The Canadian Cancer Society canvass in the Varna area showed a generous response, with donations up $100 over last year, a 33 per- cent increase. The women who gave so generously of their time to canvass their neighbourhoods were June Webster, Margaret Hunt, Mona Stephenson, Joyce At- chison, Ruby Lefaive, Janet Webster and Shirley (Mrs. Wayne) Taylor. The McAsh family has presented a plaque in memory of John and Myrtle McAsh to Varna United Church. Bill and Floyd represented the family iii the unveiling and dedication on Sunday. It is located on the wall over the pew where they normally worshipped. Next Sunday is Rogation Sunday. Don and Carol Langford will be the guest speakers at Varna and Goshen. They are involved in world relief work and those who heard them at the hall last fall can assure you they are good speakers. Members of Varna UCW were treated to an in- teresting and informative meeting with Leda McAlister in her art gallery north of Bayfield on Thursday evening. She had dug up a large display of herbs from her garden, and explained the many uses they have in medicine, teas, cooking, as insect repellents, salt substitutes, etc. For in- stance, the artemesias, especially wormwood, are flea and moth repellents, and jewel weed is an an- tidote for poison ivy and bee Township.setfQr 15 h By ',1 <,:r, the Deeves Last Thurs 11.1y evening the Goderich Township Enter- prising Seniors met in the Community Centre in Holmesville. Everett Merl - wain chaired the meeting. Jean Lobb pIlayed the piano for the opening exer- cise and Charlotte Norman read the minutes. i;lanche Deeves gave the card re!. . rt. A letter was read from a former township resident Alec Glenn. Frank Yeo gave the financial statement. Mrs. Deeves re. i,rted on the bus trip to Rockton on June 23. The -bus will leave the Hall by 10:30 a.m. For tickets phone. the committee or Blanche Deeves. Charlotte Norman gave a reoort on the Zone (',;.lily. The nominating committee includes Grace Walter, Mary Smith and Mervyn Lobb. An Auction Sale is to be held June 6. Homeci,minng weekend set Goderich Township residents have chosen the date of July 17 to 21, 191_ as the homecoming weekend to celebrate the 150th Anniver- sary. The name that has been decided upon for the year will be Goderich Township 150, (pronounced as one -five - oh) 1835 to 1985. A History book is being compiled if anyone has information or pictures which may be used please call Allison Lobb 482- 7167 or Alice Porter, 524 - SUNG' AST M,`,LL UTDOOR SHODRA �..r 0 A/ 1 ST PRIZE '75.1 If GIFT CERTIFIC ATE erothyP Greene° @odelrieii 2ND PRIZE $50.1;I; GIFT CERTIFIC .1\TE John Pae®ter, neyfiei 3RD PRIZE $25.i„i GIFT CERTIFIC Shirley Vincent, Myth 71, TE 1 LI1TLE PEOPLE Infants to 14 WE KATER TO Kfr)S 397 Main Sl Ev.9mr, Ont 938.1113 Store Wide Sole ed., May 11 - Sot., May 14 Save up to 2S% Off on spring .rid surrlli�iier rrierchandise Sizes infant to 16 Example Designer Jeans and tops by Jordache and Sergio Valente 20% off Super Value Boys Levi and Wrangler peons Size 7 14 reg to 75 98 Now 14.99 Exeter 235-1 1 13 7004. A record will be made. At a later date ar- rangements will be made to view the same. The 1 celebration will be for one year. If residents wish to reserve the Goderich Towns. 'p Hall for activities please book with obin Thompson ,1,2-9225 or Pat Rivet 524-' ;'17. Some dates have been reserved already. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Penhale are responsible for the Goderich Township 150 float being entered at events to advertise the celebration. In Holmesville United Church last Sunday Barbara Bosman of Londesboro played the organ. Sherri and Shannon Preszcator played a piano duet. Tom Lobb and Scott Porter received the of- fering. Get Well wishes to Mrs. Verna Lobb who is a patient in Clinton Hospital. stings. Vegetables ani flowers filled her little greenhouse at one end of the gallery. She had a display of jellies and herbed vinegars, and herbed cheese for sampling. Margaret Hunt arranged the meeting with Mrs. McAlister. Maureen Hayter and Lor- raine Taylor led in the Mother's Day worship ser- vice at the church prior to the Bayfield trip. Of par- ticular interest were Maureen's recollections of how her mother had in- fluenced her. Bernice Reid presided for business. Margaret ;,ayter reported proceeds of $246 from the dessert euchre and bake sale. Julie Webster again has the contract to mow the church lawn. An in- vitation from Brucefield UCW to attend their Visitor's Day on June 8 was accepted. A Huron County Health Day is being held at Ontario Street Church, this Thursday, May 12. A bale of good used clothing, magazines, etc. will be packed near the end of May. i1 snations for it may be left in the church li'.:se- ment. Attention, Farmers WE PAY 'B®. TO °S©. PEr. tiLENFRED WEiG -tT FOR Oda. RECENTLY l; iju s OR c'r"GIPPLE,;I) COWS AN STEERS. Mt3ST ®IE ALIVE AND s'JG FREE. CAad COLLECT 241 HRS. A®AT COATS A WEEK MAR LEGS & O 'S LIVESTOCK Milverton $95-404$ S.rvawR ttoo CMG Amu:5 99TA diet y s:lanche Deeves Barbara Reynold, Gladys Malcolm and Blanche Deeves had a very enjoyable day last 'Thursday attending the Annual meeting of the Anglican Church Women at St. Paul's Cathedral in Lon- don. Morning Prayer was held in St, James, Middleton Anglican Church with Rev. Gordon Reynolds in charge. Lois Wise read the lesson. James Storey received the offering. On Saturday, May 14, the Children's Festival will be held at St. Paul's Cathedral, London. Huron Hunger Fuad The offering to the Primates' World Relief and Development Fund through the Huron Hunger Fund will Goderich issues ;ermits Goderich Township Council issued eight building permits when it net in regular session May 2. These permits went to Wayne Chuter for an ad- dition to a mobile on lot 75, Base Line; to G.H. Stirling for a verandah on lot 38, concession 6; to Robert Hartman for a sun room on lot 76, Base Line; to William Morley for a car port on lot 27, concession 1; to Tom Penhale for a storage shed on lot 4, Base Line; to Robert Glen for a storage shed on lot 41, Base Line; to Doug Norman to demolish a barn on lot 13, Huron Road; and to Armand 1.assaline to demolish a barn on lot 12, concession 4. An application for a building permit from William Kelm for a mobile home on lot 10, Base Line was held pending approval off the Huron County Health Unit. Council accepted the tender of Lavis Contracting for the Installation of asphalt on the fourth concession of the V.L.A. at a cost of $13,996, subject to the ap- proval of the Ministry of Transportation and Com- munications. Council approved ap- plications for tile drain loans from Gordon Yeo for $12,025 on lot 29, concession 9 and from W. Mcllwain for $4,025 on lot 12, concession 2, subject to the availability of funds. Council accepted the Clinton Fire Area budget for 1983 and approved accounts totalling more than $10,000. Sid Bruinsma was present at the meeting to discuss the progress of the S.A.M. development and the sub - We Buy and Sell used Pocketbooks! ® NOW VARIX' 15 VICTORIA ST, CIANTON OPEN 7 DAYS A Waal{ 8 AM 11 PM P5! ail out fir' Spring Gardening N ,w e.,dy For Y+,ter Planting! S GREENH: USES FULL •F BEDDING PLANTS i P:•,tted Plants f Fi.>nging ;askets [ .f Early Vegetable Plants Reasonable Prices! NOW AVAILAI3L Leaf Lettuce — Rhubarb Ptatoes — Onions You Can AIs.; Select From Greaves Jams, Natural Juices, Pure Horley. Just a short drive to better gardening savings. We are your complete yard & garden headquarters. Come in soon; we've got exactly what you need. GARDEN SUPPLIES • Potting Soil e Tools • Peat Moss e Seeds e Chemicals e Fertilizers e Lawn Ornaments TE - EM FARM NO* H1AY 140. 2 TELEPHONE M. AL 1 mom 4, E4u�EJ LINTY 1 1 FARM N B�i1PRlflL® RR No. 1 Bayfield, Ontario 482.994p Tad & Emma Vander Wouden 1 'DEDICATE!) TO GROWING dividers agreement. He also requested council to consider agreeing to issue a building permit for lot 11 on Plan 502. Council passed a motion to have the clerk prepare a report on the implications of issuing a building permit for lot 11 on Plan 502 under the same conditions as a permit had previously been offered to the owner of lot 8 and -or the possibility of rescinding the original offer on lot 8, since the time limit has expired, and transferring the same offer to lot 11. Council appointed J. Gibson as the township weed inspector. Permission was given to the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital Auxiliary to hold a tag day at Zehrs on June 30. Council received a bill from the town of Clinton for dogs apparently taken to the Vet Clinic in Seaforth and thus traoed back to the owners living in the town- ship. A motion was passed to send the bill back to the town with the comment that the township does not intend to pay such a bill to the town of Clinton. Council then adjourned until May 16 at 8 p.m. 11 IVIt Iti NEWS-1tEC'ORD, WEDNESDAY MAY 11 1983 PA&J-. 11 en visit c be received on Sunday The combined offering will be presented for Blessing on May 15 at the Service and then presented by St. Jaynes Delegates at the open Eucharist of Synod that evening. The Huron County Health Unit Open House with displays and activities will be held in the Ontario Street United Church auditorium in Clinton on Thursday, May 12 from 9:30 to 4:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to at- tend. Next Sunday at 12.15 a the ral shower fur Marine Mid- dleton will be held ui the Church Hall following the Morning Prayer Service. The ACW will meet at the huriie of Marion Snuth, Dungannon at 8 p.m. Ladies bring your articles for Auc- tion Sale. The guest speaker will be Polly. Sonurners of the Som nersun Glassworks. Elizabeth Mullen return- ed to her home in Ottawa on Sunday after visiting for three days with her mother, Mrs. Fred Middleton and other relatives in the area. On Sunday guests with the Deeves were June Cooper, sons Derek and Chris of Chatham 1.en and Donna Mills arrived back from Shilo, Manitoba to spend a few days before accepting new postungs in Greenwood, Nova Scotia near Middleton where Len has been ac- cepted into the Air Force in the Canadian Forces. Donna and Harold Tyndall of Cluttons attended a flea market in Florida arid were lucky enough to purchase a Middleton Church Anniver- sary plate The plates were issued in 1972. rNE ftR icfr Tt-iu r.s Dieri 8 1C2 0 OFF THE wiT m To To FM WEIThriEle- >11(OttS 12gC +fir NI INCLUDES «1 ASS o� C1-triqraiki +-j(Ji E}N 7 COLP 14944 OcoEuVReS iZ eESE viT,ONS RoBE565 2566 5E Z57G