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Clinton News-Record, 1983-05-11, Page 8
PAGE 8—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 19 Last week grading started on the parking lot beside the bank in hopes to pave their section of the lot. ( Rod )lilts photo) Lyth. Eventually council The Belgrave goal getters Look'it them goal getters Gett'n them goals, Skating so fast they get holes in their soles! Gett'n them clean goals, Gett'n them crummy, Jeff Scott can get a goal slidin' on his tummy! Corey razzle dazzles with a mean slap shot Wilson gets goals 'cause he's lucky a lot And Todd gets goals, despite his curls Even Fraser gets a goal or two - between girls! Meanwhile - you should hear the Jock talk in the locker room Hey, where's Greg? and then we all assume That he's with his latest date Who would be his mate? Then Pletches corne racing in 20 minutes late. Shawn gets goals, and he gets them with a smile. Jason Coultes digs'em out, mile after mile. McFarlane gets goals as sneaky as a fox. And Michie gets them too - whenever he's not in the box! White's offside again - we never know the reason, But still he's gett'n goals in his very first season! Tolton gets his share of goals, as you can safely bet, And we'd sure rather have him on the ice than in the net! Wingham is chippy And Clifford is lippy Belmore has skill, Kurt- zville's over the hill. Howick's a team that we don't really fear, But we didn't quite beat them this year....? There's Tim Tolton with a coffee in his hand Pull out Paul's pipe, and you'd maybe understand Is he calling you in, or keep- ing you out? He could learn a thing from Gram McKee Now she can really shout ! Walton news... efrom page 6 The bale being packed at this church after the weekend of May 22 will be sent to the Wingham Salva- tion Army. Thank you cards were read from Mrs. Edna McDonald and Mrs. Beatrice Payne. The up coming garage sale in June was discussed. Play Euchre Seven tables of euchre were in play at the euchre Tuesday evening in the com- munity hall. Prize winners were: high lady, Leona McDonald; low, Mildred McTaggart; high man, Bert Daer; low, Annie Reid play- ing as a man;Grandmother with most Grandchildren - Mrs. Mel Jacklin. Hostesses were Valerie Shortreed, Alberta Hudie and Margaret Craig. There will be another euchre in two Meanwhile - Goal getter's families and goal getter's friends Scream "keep it in!" and "get it out!" And freeze their rear ends. Gett'n goals is gotta be the greatest I believe, And, to guarantee the goals don't get to us We got ....Steve! - By Patrick and Chris Cull for the Belgrave Pee Wee Team weeks. Dessert euchre set for May 31. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Roily Achilles were supper guests on Mother's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sills and fami- ly, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Em- mrich entertained their families and friendsto a din- ner on Sunday following the Christening of their baby daughter at Duff's Church. Mrs. Clarence Regele of Brodhagen visited on Mother's Day with her daughter Elsie Carter, Jim and family and attended the special service at Duff's Church when her grand- daughter played the piano prior to service. Mr. and Mrs. Watson Webster of Clinton were guests on Mother's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether and family. Y u'll w whe , the y€'lIow went. Wth a simple phone call, your la-;, T problems can disappear! G reat rass from e CALL THE DA \DI1L N[ . Vedif411041411411 3 Ii• IN!, 111••••••••i• SCkOO'I/Ii1 �i�o��f♦ el, ave choir wins By Mrs. Lewis St®raiehonse Members of the Belgrave Children's Choir took part in the Walkerton Music Festival last week in choir, triple trio, vocal and piano classes. Many hours went in to preparing music for the Festival_ The vocal coach, George Cull and the piano coach Mrs. Judy Morton were ex- tremely pleased with the work of these 26 young peo- ple. In all they received first, second and third prizes in eight out of 11 entries. Those winning certificates in solo vocal classes were Heather Hopper, Tom Cull, Michael Jardin and Ian Mor- ton. Winners in piano classes were Steven Coultes and Patrick Cull. A senior piano student of Mrs. Judy Morton, Suzanne Alton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Alton of Lucknow, received third place in the Chopin Class. WMS Meet The WMS meeting was held May 2 at the Copeland Lodge, Wingham. Mrs. Ivy Cloakey read the scripture and Mrs. Mac Scott read a meditation. Mrs. Dunbar led in prayer. A hymn was sung accom- panied by Rev. Kenneth In- nes on the guitar. Mrs. Garner Nicholson read the minutes of the April meeting. Rev. Lanes showed. slides of Northern Alberta and the Northwest Territories which were taken while he served at Wanharn, Alberta. People Report Miss Doris Coultes of Milverton and Doug Coultes of Ripley spent Mother's Day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coultes. The Belgrave UCW will be in charge of the church ser- vice Sunday, May 15 in Knox United while their minister Rev. John G. Roberts at- tends a conference. The guest speaker will be Pro- fessor William Andrews of Toronto. This community extends their sincere sympathy to Mrs. Jack McBurney and her family in the loss of her husband Jack McBurney. All books must be in the Belgrave Library by May 14. A wedding of interest was solemnized in Byron United Church, London on May 7, when Patricia Keith daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Keith of Londdn and Vincent Makas, son of Mr. andMrs. Vincent Makas of Strathroy were united in marriage. Rev Bob Ripley conducted the ceremony, Guests included Mr and Mrs. Jim Coultes, Winghani, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Swan, Brucefield, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Campbell, Mr. Clif- ford Coupes and Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler of Belgrave. Mr and Mrs. Louis Kum - prey of R.R. 4 Brussels, who reside on the north half of lot 11, ('on. 6, suffered a heavy loss when their large barn was consumed by fire on Saturday evening April 30. Mr. and Mrs. George Michie returned home on Sunday evening after visiting with her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Gil Tourigny, Eric and Jillian of Calgary. Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. William Nethery and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Mclean, Charlie Procter and Mrs. George Procter travelled on the weekend tq Standish, Michigan with the Brussels Legion Pipe Band to par- ticipate in Loyalty Day Celebration. The band received the mayor's trophy at the program. SPECIAL CANADA 'A' GRADE BEEF BLADE BONE REMOVED SUPER SPECIAL SCHNEIDERS ALL ORBEEF 44 "RED HOT" l 4N, WIENERS SPECIAL CANADA '4' GRADE BE '' ' FROM THE CHUCK SHORT IB , CROSS CUT RST RIB ROAST 35!, .594.391 0 99 I® q Ib SWEET PICKLED PIECES CORN MEALED SCHNEIDERS ACK BCON 7'4?'49 Ib PE IAL WAXED BABY BAG REG. OR ALL BEEF CHUBS MAPLE LEAF rOLOGNA 3.28 ©49 Ib SCHNEIDERS 375 g SCHNEIDERS PINE OR CHUNKY REGULAR OR BOWLS OF t89REGULAR 300 e HEADCHEESE SMOKIES % 99 BONELESS! CROSS CUT RIB STEAK OR ROAST Co OS 229 BONELESS! BLADE 4°!k79 STEAKS 1°s! ONE POUND PKG 454g r SPECIAL,__ CUtt FROM THE CHUCK NO WASTE BONELESS POT ROAST 4. I �q I ® 89lb Music Festival John Clarence McBaarney An East Wawanosh Township native, John Clarence McBurney died in Wingham and District Hospital on May 3 He was 82 -years -old. Born on November 26, 1900, he was the son of Joseph McBurney and the former Margaret Beecraft Ori September 2, 1929 he married Robena Young at her parents' Belgrave home The couple made their home in the area where Mr McBurney farmed for 41 years. They retired to Belgrave in 1970 where Mr. M.Surney was a member of the Knox Presybterian Ch urc h. Along with his wife Mr. McBurney is survived by three children, Mrs. Kenneth 'Laura) Barbour of Brussels, Alan of RR 5, Wingham and Grant of Middleton, Nova Scotia, 12 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. He is also survived by one sister Mrs. Victor Young of Huronview, and was predeceased by a brother Adam who died in 1970. Funeral services were held on May 5 at the Currie - Walker Funeral Home in Wuighani ftev Ken Innes officiated and Interment F•,I I. ,,....q ., th.. kr—Arkf"rin ('emetery in Belgrave Pallbearers were Graeme .Aiidersun. Harold Vincent, Wes Cook, Gordon McBurney, Clarence Hanna and Garner Nicholson Flower bearers were L)an McBurney, Ric McBurney, Gary Barbour and Marc Barbour Humane Society to hold 'nuea market The HUVUJI,a Branch of the Ontario Humane Society held a board meeting May 3 at Wingham town hall. Sheila Iancaster gave a report from the fund raising cunuluttee regarding possi- ble activities for this fall May 21 was set as the date fur the flea market at the Suncuast Mall in Gudench from 9:30 - 1:1.•30. Items to be donated to the flea market niay be dropped off at Huron Cy cle to Goderich or call one of the following numbers: Dianne Foster. Dungannon 529-7851: Audrey Graham, Hayfield 565-2126: Ruth Stevenson, Teeswater 392- 6637 ; or Bev C'howen, Clinton 482-9748. Articles will also be th,• day of the flea market at Sluicoast Mall. A booth will be maintained at the Clutton fair un June 3, 4 and 5 to providt informa- tion to the public un the shits and objectives of the branch Applications are still being received in reply to the advertisement fur a volunteer agent. The agent coninuttee will try to set up interviews for the next n leeting. Treasures- Laurie Jeffries reported that the shelter fund is at approximately $1900. Inquiries are still be- ing made fur a suitable loca- tion for a shelter. The next board meeting was set for May 26 in Clinton. WITH SPECIAL TRIM FOR VALUE! CUT FROM "A" GRADE BEEF SUPER SPECIAL . BLADE STEAKS SPECIAL FRESHLY MADE 23° FAT OR LESS MEDIUM GROUND BEEF 4. I x4,•89 Ib DELI SPECIALS SCHNEIDERS RAKED CHICKEN, LUNCHEON MACARONI A CHEESE MEAT LOAVES 5p93q SLICED 2.691bFRESH MAPLE LEAF SLICED OR BY THE PIECE MORTADELLA BURNS "COUNTRY CLUB" ALL WHITE, STORE SLICED CHICKEN ROLL PRODUCE SPECIALS IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY MAY 14 ALL OTHER SPECIALS UNTIL CLOSING TUES MAY 1 7 5.49. ?.49. f0.56 q kq 4.79. PRODUCT OF FLORIDA CAN. NO. 1 GRADE SWEET GREEN PEPPERS SPECIAL FROM YOUNG ONTARIO PORK FRESH PORK HOCKS fel! 79,? n I_ SPECIAL 1 FRESH YOUNG ONTARIO BY THE PIECE OR SLICED PORK LIVER 86 �4� q3 9Ib $PE AL 1754 COUNTRY GOLD SLICED COOKED HAM 1.49..... S0O q 99PKro SCHNEIDERS SLICED, SQUARE. COOKED PICNIC '75,, 159 MAPLE LEAF 500 g TASTY SAUSAGE MEAT ROLL/49 NO NAME 3 VARIETIES MEAT CHUBS F,x)149 NEW ZEALAND FROZEN SU '9SHOULDER CHOPS %991 ONE WEEK LEFT TO COMPLETE YOUR CHILDREN S BIBLE SET PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA FRESH ROCCOLI LOCALLY GROWN 3' 2" DIA. POTTED GERAN1UMS PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA CANADA FANCY APPLES GRANNY SMITHS 96 ,9 PRO®. OF U.S.A. CAN. NO. 1 ONIONS SPANISH TYPE 49',h PROB. OF CHILE CACI- NO. 1 2.44 RED GRAPES 1.191h PROD. OF EXICO0 4p WATERMELON 590Ih PROD. OF ONTARIO 1.30 6Q BEAN SPROUTS s9e,„ PROD.15F FLA. CAN. NO. 1 NEW R TATOES WHITE OP&I V PROD. Of FLA. OR MEX. CAN. NO. t NO NAME CUCUMBERS FA 69¢ TOP SOIL ifs 1 ITPt PROD. OF CALIF. BUNCHES 2,99 GREEN ONIONS3/99e PROD. OF FLORIDA NO NAME 12-3.5 CRABGRASS PREVENTER PROD. OF CALIF FRESH LIMES 5/99' FERTILIZER 'n aI 9,99 NAVEL PROD. OF U.S.A. AVOCADOS PROD. OF CALIFORNIA LEMONS PROD. OF U.S.A. RADISHES sIiF �•, F A I NO NAME FERTILIZER 494 WEE FEED, 4,99 NO NA f11T GENERAL PURPOSE 617 LAWN SEED ,—,199 99' WP reserve the r,ghf to lima our(haSPS to reasonable weekly fainly requirements SIZE r1n7 RANGES/49 SIZE, - WHAT IS IT?