HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-04-27, Page 24PAGE 24-- CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 19113 1 comin BUYERS ANO SELLERS wanted tor the Auburn Community Flea Market and Bake Sole Scour day June 18 of the Auburn Community Hall Rom or shine For table space information coil 526-7256 or 526 7548 17 18 ALL INTERESTED GIRLS 14 years of age and over there will be a troining program for Condy Stripers at the hospital Moy 7 9 0 m If interested call Ellen But cher 482 9422 or Diane Bylsrna 482 7334 17 18 CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday, 8 p m First regular cord $1 00 Six cords for $1 00 Fifteen regulor games three share -the -wealth Early bird gome 7 45 p m Jackpot $200 00 must go each week 9tfor <LOMPEN FEEST Porode entry torms and applications tor booth space ore available or Campbells Men s Wear Ball 8 Mutch Furniture Clinton Municipal Office 1he Chiropractic Centre and The Clinton News Record Office 12 20ar ST JOSEPH S CATHOLIC Worne' 1 s League Rumrnoge and Bake '.yole on Soturday April 30 at Church Hall. Clinton from 1 :30 4 p.m. 16 17 THE ANNUAL DINNER Meeting ot the Huron -Middlesex Pro• gressrve Conservative Assoc. will be held on Mondoy May 9th • 7:30 p.m.. at the Lucan Community Centre. Guest speaker is Hon Dennis Tim- bre'', Minister of Agriculture For tickets contact your municipal chairman or ex- ecutive members. - 16,17 CHILD ABUSE A Community Concern panel discussion spon soled by Women Today Vonosrru Recreation Centre 7 30 p ni Apr r1 27 16 17 BINGO every Tuesdoy e.erriny ur Vonastro Centre R R 5 ( tui tun 8 p in Fir sr reyulor cord $1 00 15 regulor 515 yorrres three shore rhe wealth Jockput 5200 00 must go' Adnusswri 15 I esti rcted IU 16 year s orid over 2ttor ALL INTERESTED persons ore rt) vited to attend on Open House or the Huron County Family Crisis Centre o shelter for bat rered wornerr and children on Sunday May I st from 2 p m p rt) located on Cunt 6 Lut 34 Goderich Township take telephone Rood east off Hwy 21 2 miles and follow signs 17 VANASTRA LIONS CLUB leers Dance of Vanastra Recreation Centre on Moy 13 1983 Adnus sion $1 50 Don. Ing 8 30 rill 11 Disc Jockey 17 18 GARAGE SALE Blyth Arena May 7 at 10 o.m It you have anything to donate call Mary Ann Howson 5239454 Bev Snell 523 9236 or Susan Howson 523 9436 Pick up will be Thursday May 5 17 PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE Clinton Legion Holl Wednesday May 4 8 p m Admission $I 50 Lunch provided Sponsored by Clinton Golden Radar Club 17x PIANO RECITAL, Thursday April 28 of 8 p m in Blyth United Church by the students of Shirley E. Vincent I7x THIS WEEKEND: APRIL 21-36. MAY T FRIDAY, SATR®AY, SUNDAY BOX OFFICE OPENS AT BM PM/FIRST SHOW AT DUSK BURT GOLDE REYNOLDS HAWN BAYFIELD LIONS CLUB Pancake sausage and maple syrup breakfosr Moy 22 1983 9 o m 1 p m Bayfield Community Centre 17 20 YARD SALE 120 Osborne St Clinton Saturday April 30 10 o in 2 p m Bikes swing ser etc 17 IHE FAMILY of Mel and Donna Craig invite relatives and ti 'ends to help celebrate their 40th wedding onruversory un Sundoy Moy 1 in the Bluevole Hall Open house from 2 4 p m Your love and friendship are cherished gifts we respect fully request no other 17 THE REGULAR MEETING of the Clinton Public Hospital Aux diary will be held in the board un Mondoy morning ut 10 a m on May 2 1983 17 CANADIAN POET editor and journalist Sheila Martindale will be speaking at the Boyfreld Branch Library April 29 7 p ni Free admission Sponsored by Huron County Public Library Funded by Notional Book Festival 17 NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING CLINIC Billing s Method To achieve or ovoid pregnancy Short introductory slide preset, ration individual consultation Couples welcomed between 7 9 p rt) First Thursday of every month at St Joseph s Separate School Clinton 48tfar HALF PRICE SALE ends April 30 at Salvation Army Thrift Store 80 King St. Clinton 482 7079 17x Interested in Suzuki piano? It so, call 482-3890 (after 6 per) Collingwood looks hack at the past 125 years Un June 12, historical buffs will have the opportunity to have an inside look at some of Collingwood's finest cen- tury homes. To mark Coning wood's 125th anniversary., the Coll- ingwood and District Historical Society and the Collingwood Progress Club have joined forces to present •-A Tour of Collingwood Homes The tour will feature four older homes, circa 1870 - 1910, which recall the splendour and craft- smanship of yesteryear. A modern home, also on the tour, will provide interesting contrast. Collingwood•s heritage will be further highlighted during two special anniver- sary weeks in July On July 2, historical dress will be the order of the day as Cull- ingwuod's citizens, past and present, come together to en- joy an old-tashioned parade. Later in the evening, period aress win be m vogue for the Anniversary Rall at the Coll- ingwood arena. The windows of Coll- Lngwood's main street stores will be given over to the town's heritage as historical displays are mounted in keeping with the anniver- sary theme. On July 14, Collingwood will make modern-day history with the launch of the largest ship ever destined for the Great Lakes - Seaway System. At 731 inches, the f(4O 227 is the long be construr "'feet three million Hull t ship ever to ed at the Collingwood Shipyards, a major Coiling wood company which celebrates its cen- tennial this year. July 1 - 14, include a street dance, bathtub races, an old- fashioned Strawberry Tea, Canada Day picnic and fireworks, outdoor church services and a Henry VIII night. CLINT N RACEWAY INC. Presents... Glider, Sat., April 30, 9 p.m. to 1 e.m. at Clinton Community Centre, Admission is advance tickets '5 or '6 at the door. Proceeds for raceway improvements. 0 0 lee SPRING CATERING SPECIAL! r s' Open Reception for Janette Rock Jack Holmes Apra 29, 1983 at Family Par _ dose DeEroic rwi 1-i ®m ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTi EMAN CHURCH CLINTON IE SOC Hoke Table Qollt l lspOody (1 5 7 la E Sponsored by the Modefeine Lone Asxtll®ry S1'TU - ICK AYLSWORTH Manager OPEN DAILY Sam 10pm except Friday and Saturday R a m midnight DAY PRIL 30 Fa, r4€ s<4,,.. eztote ow r 'e 14/ ZAtutatta4f4 nista Para tcidre1 d nig - f� 565-2554 WILLIE PETZ Chnf Fnrmarly of the C,r.i•,trnrry Iris. (•.nIhr,gwnnrl and the Halt RPgr ••r y Toronto FULLY LICENSED under L L B 0 HIGHWAY 21 BAYFIELD 565-2554 CALL DOUG AT It'll make your party perfect. CHICKEN DINNER 2 pieces of chicken and 2 sal®ds, t as low es PER PERSON (20 PEOPLE OR MORE) We deliver - serve -and clean up after 1 45 CLINTON 4 '!'2-7337 St. Jose 1h°s - St. Michael's Parish D NCE of the Godlerich T®wnshir I 1®li SATURDAY, APRIL 30 8andiu 9 pt -1 am to 915. C^oL,+PIA - ` LFFET LUNC'' 1 FS k TICKETS PH _. E 412-3525 11 7l 45TH WENIVERSARY OPE!` H USE 'for elm. . and Lovina Martin %turd y, ;p 1I 30 3 pm -6 pm t Fellowship Ible Chapel MAPLE STREET, CLINTON REST WISHES ;t NLY HAPPY 45TH ANNIVERSARY Dad tmd Mom SAG for FRIDAY, APRIL 2 TAKE NOTICE THAI a Public Meeting ut t he L quor L,cenlr 130drmt 01 Orltdriu vv,ii ue hell) at int. MARSLANU CEN IRE COMMtI FEE ROOM P, THIRD FLOOR !v&RB ST REE 1 wESI WATERLOG ONTARIO un TUESDAY MAY I'm 1953 at the hour ut l%, uCi a doth in the turenuuri 41 wn,r_r' fling• time Board will nrdr dpplilat,ons .n xcordance writ• fne Reguw born Sub semt•on 2 LL 1 r uncle, The Liquor Lkeno e Alt fu n crease the capacity ut licemed premises in respect or the tor lowing licenced establishment Elm Haven Motor Hotel Huron Street Clinton, Ontario Additional Dining Lounge Facilities Licencee: 342029 Ontario Limited AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that anv Verson wnrr 'S rest dent in the municipality and who wishes to make represen tati0n relative to the applica tion shall make their submis sion to the Board in writing prior t0 the date of the hear ung or in person at the time and place ot the hear ing (Cop les of written submissions will be forwarded to the applicant) Liquor Licence Board of Ontario 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East TORONTO Ontario M5E 1A4 MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT "An abstainer is a weak person who yields (0 the temptation of denying himself a pleasure." Reserve now for dSpec 'al Evt iin, Maw Street Baytleld rbS 't, I 1 THE CLINTON BIKE RIDE FOR CANCER SUNDAY MAY 1 -STARTING AT 1:00 P.N. t the CLINT C MMUNITY CENTRE SPONSOR SHEETS MAY *LsJortliff's *Becker's *Carriers Red & White *Clinton Office of the Cancer Society sponsored by the Clinton Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society E PICKED UP AT- *iduenaig LGA *Mac's Milk *Triangle Discount They remembered. No matter what the occasion, the right gift says you care TREAT s OTHER TO A SPECIAL ERS DAY 0 GASBORD OT Sunday, r ]ay 812 T oon-7 pm Roast ,eef Dressed Pork AR You Can Eat SaOad Bar Hot l ttffet, Dessert Coffee 9 W ADULTS S3.50 12 & under 51.50 Pre-Sohoolers ESERVATIONS APP ECIATE CATEi'tING TO WEDDINGS - BAN 1f UETS & SPECIAL PA''TIES a very special restaurant In a unique s- [tot g CALL AHEAD Hofinesville, OnMario (519) 482.9228 After Hours (519) 524.4133 ir•Fri WF r. F NILS i •..1 .1 . �lii,.lnv • 0 40 6 6 6 6 40 0 6 6 0 6 6 40 6 40 6 6 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O -\ O P,, 4--`t�QINo 0 0 0 0 0 U' i1 •1 S .1 IU 11 111- 1/ i1 11 Mt" 1 1 i1-11 i1 it f Pe KTHE SQUARE CnOCIERICH 524-789 9 p OT 111/11-111111111111 I .1r• 1 ,1 •;1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 0 tai 0 0 SPRING FEW 7:38 0 0 6 40 0 0 40 40 0 0 6 40 0 6 40 WED.-THLIRS. LIST 2 ®ATS FOR MY TUTOR 00066006000600000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 e 0 0 0 t1 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 e 0 UitriSu4 1'U1J1ii):11111-11;11117, rive -in p9ery 8 eoderlch RL Con Rd STARTS FRIDAY WINNER OF 8 ACADEMY AWARDS BEST PICTURE BEM DIRE('T()K RICHARI) A•1TENRORO[GH BEST BEN KIN(;sI-f.) acc �$O' ®`®w„o FRI.-SAT. SUN. OX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 P.M. Thee•-: are t wn. Nick 1, Ite e a Eddie Murphy.. a t The last place they ever expected to be e CO the same silo Even for 2ND FEATURE THESE ARE THE ARMIES OF THE NIGHT. CAffDHI IIT[ \tan of the (cnIiir . The llid11)n Picture of a 1 1 SHOW NIGHTLY STARTING AT 7:30 460666660600*060660 ADDU ®ONUS FRI.-SA?. NIGHT CHfFIECH 4• CHONG IN UP IN SMOKE 6 6 0 6 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 0