HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-04-27, Page 21CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY. A PRH . 27 • AM—PAGE 21 25 Wanted to buy WANTED TO BUY .0Ider Quiets *f$rass and iron Bede °Cupboards, Dressers, Tables, Light Fixtures and Shades Not necessary for furniture to be in good condition. CALL RON 273-4312 CASH for GOLD All gold and silver items rings, watches. earrings, chains, medals and dental gold Damaged or broken items acceptable Special prices for Canadian and American silver coins any con dation. Also buying any foreign silver (0i915 RADIANT LIFE CENTRE 57 ALBERT ST., CLINTON, ONT. Exclusive Agent in CIIN TON for NORTHLAND GOLD 8. SILVER Inc 26. Help wanted PROFESSIONAL Irbt or lull 14-, quired to work 20 hours per week beginning May 2 1983 Apply in writing to Mr Willem' Partridge. Chief Like or inn Huron County Publr( I Ihi ary 66 Waterloo St S Goder n h Or,, N7A 4A4. 16.17 CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed 1, 01h now for your Class A lie ens e Write Mery Or r Transport Dr Iver Training School, P 0 Box 3186 Cambridge. Ontario N3H 4S6. 17o WANTED Individual with two or three years experience on web press, to work on News King Competitive wages and usual benefits Contact Leader Publications Limited. Dresden Ontario Phone 519 683 4485 for more information I lo Two Doctor office in Clinton requires o RECEPTIONIST with experience and training as a Medical Secretary. Reply wl9h resume 90: DRAWER No. 5 c/o CLINTON NEWS RECORD P.O. BOX 39 CLINTON, ONTARIO NOM 11.0 Clinton Raceway requires o RACE SECRETARY for the 1983 Harness Racing Season Apply to: P.O. BOX 778 CLINTON, ONT. NOM 110 and an interview will be ,rraisged, 27 Wonted ..general WANTED O,,.,•r „ .,til ,.s female , „• s ,s from Moy , t„ A,,,T 1.4 the use ,•r L , rine f 1, you 1,-P „tor Hullpet V., ! go A r.,, 30 m,• n,,,+ I "5'l • i• sumr„P' t•. n Ir,r Al. I r• r(111p,t 0) 54 I •. to (rode, t Moy ) n,, ., )001 28 Business opportunity RAISE (hint hJins v. i. t", mPr, she,( ('.nnrl lire.! i,, •, • trot low .,Ps'•. ,•r nv0,101-1l.' (.,,n.,, • ,o• i. ( (1,nd,n•" (h 1,4,$4 )Vi) 510 7)0 h THE CLINTON NEWS o RECORD THE LLYTH ST lb Business opportunity Ittt MUL1I Ie.el rush un yytletc .,,II y,,,, be,' In the lust, (l- left the 'just' Lel k idv, udv help yl,V get ,n un 0 uppu,r'unity v`hvse t,:,,e his (vrnc Eur ,Jeiuls se td $2 W 1u Fldotudv Die• shire le 964 Albiee Ruod 1 ;.1 Rex(tale (Jntur,v M9 v ' A' (ASH 1-14()1" Bre, "".a pu, t ,f a ,1011ur ,ndu',tr y E uir. $20 UVU 0U per year ..c•,c•'i by a buy buck r0,o, fh,i 4.u. I t.,r,r wo, k ideally suit. -"1 fin ..pe;unon n, your 110. .I•„a, kyOld We ,,fie, •-yu,pn t•. ! pu• kage fur real t5u„i,li� :,n 905559 ussistan(e nbuJutely t.o ',Olin() lir public „nru, t ,r.,.,,4 11,.estn,ent Ut $C -i50 i yu•r ed far furthe, f„r u,ut„ri, cull DELIIE HOP 11CULiURAL SYSTEMS INC 6533D Mississauga Road M,ssrssouga Ontario L5N 1A6 AC 415 821 2152 170 29 Tenders MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION Tender Reference Number Boa P.T. 83-16 Janitorial, Site & Landscape Maintenance at Senior Citizen Building, Exeter 011-1 (134 Sanders Street) Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a m. Bocci time, Friday, by the Housing c/o and 80 May 6, 1983, Ontario Corporation, Court House Registry Office, Dundas Street, P.O. Box `5600, Terminal "A", London, Ontario. NBA 2P3 (519,679 7110) from whom detolls and specifications may be obtained. Details and specifications may also be obtained from the Huron County Housing Authority 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M3 (519/524-2637) quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. 30 Employment wonted Will BABYSII in my home Call 4x)2 3;.19 17 11 Service directory LAWNROLLING ® CALL 482-9731 nr 524:9166 31 Service directory KEN S CARPEN IR Y Remodel lu,y tenu.ot,ons ,upbvurds ceilidh( rile (uunrer !ups ec i0ums cot poi 55 flouring vein dows patio door s aluni,nvn. siding Phone 482 76/0 Ker. McNo'rn 8tfor PHIL S refrigerator and op plronce service Procne, deper; doble service to all snakes and models of domestic appl,un(es Phone 887 9062 27tf CONCRETE WORK ExpeiI chimney and roofing repo Specializing ,n stabling Don Ives Phone Brussels 887 9024 270 E. Porker PLUMBING AND HEATING Specializing In pumps, water softeners, combination furnaces. R.R. 2 EILYTH PHONE 887-8079 WITH PAUL A RUSS 1 THERE IS NO FUSS *Painting and Decorating *Fencing (Repair or new) *Cabinet Making *General House Repairs PAUL WEST: 563-2944 RUSS FLOWERS: 565-2979 —BAYFIELD— N ARD - THE OAYRRELD BUGLE 3i Service directory F RMERS for a good form building at a competitive price: PROW RAT CAMBERS CONSTRUCTIOid 482-3305 Oaten FREE ESTIMATES MID -WESTERN PAVING * Driveways Farm Lanes ' Parking Lots *Repairs end Sealing FREE ESTIMATES BAYFIELD 565=2422 MASONRY CONSTRUCTION Fireplaces Blocks, Bricks and Angel Stone Glen Thomas 482-3767 482-9730 *FEATROOFING *SHINGLES *MAINTENANCE *FREE ESTIMATES i-IENSALL ROOFING COMMERCIAL -RESIDENTIAL RICHARD REGIER EXETER 2354911 BOX 1852 EXETER ONTARIO NOM ISO 31 Service directory JOHN (LASSIES GE>ERAL Ti ACTTII.' G CO *F ,rel, Buildings *Additions *Renovations PHONE 482=3063 CL I NTWOOD CUSTOM BUILDERS 'Custom built hordes *Additions *Drywall *Roofing 'Siding, Soffit 8. Casale TIM STLSMA 482-3873 DOUG PYLSMA 482-7334 WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MDERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 927-1737 OURL: 327-0028 JIM: 527-0775 give yourself o lift! L\ PRICES :_ START AT ° 4/ $22095 Including FREE 100 KM weekend & weekly Rates Available holiday rent a lur system 524-8411 5TRICG(l ANDS 354 H0UROP4 RD 6O9912RICH DAUPHIN ROOFING * re- roof *new roofs *reefing repairs *asphalt *Cedar *steel FREE ESTIMATES Phone: 529-70 3 MRa "FIX -II -FAST AND GOOD" reliable - trustworthy guaranteed satisfaction - precise D1 you need repairs done or part of y t lir home res ladened? CALL MR. "FIX -IT -FAST -AND 0®®D9' A PROFESSIONAL WITH NON-PROFESSIONAL WAGES $8 ® 00 AN HOUR PLUS MATERIALS SENIOR CITIZENS 10% DISC' UNT ore upholster chairs, high chairs, stools "repair broken furniture s'epeir appliances *repair doors, locks arid hinges a eollp©fieraeg and peirrtieg indoors and out 9c4trpet laying, repairing( of floors erepair bicycles, tricycles and toys orrrakicig of complete wall units *iestallieeg kitcIteta cupboards tabuilding recreation rooms CA4L1 MR. "FIX -IT -FAST -AND 000D” No job too big no gob too small 82— ' 7 oRTAate® rI e8cept Sominy - CONCRETE FORMING won% & Floors For a complete lob call 1' SID Bi WNSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 SWIMMING POOLS AND SPAS Sales & Service Chemicals -Accessories SERVICE TO ALL MODELS FREE ESTIMATES Charlie Bre:insma blue both ;•'r POOLS R.R. No. 2 Goderich 524-9804 DRYWALL known for high quirilty ■ ETER BAKOS DRYWALL have complete drywall service Phone 527-1398 52%-®M®h Decorating Service Inferior (3 Exterior Painting H Decorating O„al,rr Workmanch,r+ by rhe P,o1P,S,onal, • P*rnhnq 4 • Pan,,rhangrnq • PPs,rlenha, rnmmorr,a, • Inr1„sural En,ma,P, rr,•P rel cis ,how ve , who( a rhrre,PntP ,hp prison, In,rch' an mak.. Phnnp 5,'d 43,51 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SALES & SERVICE LONDESBORO 523-9202 'LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT 'REPAIRS 'NEW LAWNMOWERS AND TILLERS IN STOCK LcWOOS WRING and ONSTRUCTION- Renovvations. Contract prices. You rvaoy be eligible for govt keens or grants. Call for a free settmete. MURRAY SIM* .- N &YTH 523=9427 31 Service directory JACK B. C`` 'IUUHOUN GENERAL CO1TidACTIP98 SleciallsIrlg In: ®GUST'' M BUILT HOi %ES ®RENOVATINS ®ASI DITIONS ®KITCHENS *ALUMINUM SI !NG PHONE 482-9506 EVENINGS 38 Auction sale SATURDAY. April 30th 10 a.m. Gigantic sale. furniture, ap- pliances antique furniture. two crystal chandeliers. property of Mr. and Mrs Potty Harrison Port Perry selling ot Orval McLean Au, -tion Centre, RR 2, Lindsay. Mr Harrison Canada's well known mining magnate has retired trod, and sold his 26 acre Seven Mile Island on Lake Scugog containing his 26 room home and five other houses The contents and two John Deere lawn tractors with mowers, sweepers, cultivator. trailer. fogger on trailer, are moved to our barn for sole. Two crystal chandeliers 12 x 20 In- dian wool rug circa 1850. library drop front desk with full mirror, antique chairs modern oak din- ing room suite clocks. Mozart and Atra bust oak boardroom table very (urge selection uni• que antique items and regular household furniture beds, chests dressers chairs sofa bed, maple furniture ap- pliances (over 50 rooms of quality contents). Note time: 10 a.rn. Tractors 11 cern Terms cash or approved cheque Orval McLean Auctions 705 324 2783. 17o Personal DO SOMEONE you love have a de ing problem? There is help for you Coll Al Anon 524 6001 or write P 0 Box 226 Mir chell Ont NOK INO 49tf PREGNANT Distressed? Mor (led single, free positive con- hdentiot support. Help is as close as your telephone BIR THRIGHT London (collect) 432 7197 527-0115 or 524.2023. 357. 1066 357 2392. or 357-1769 (after 6 p.m) 2 2 Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 4824198 AUCTION CALENDAR SATURDAY, AP IL 30 AT 10 AM Drill press lathe, fur- niture, appliances. etc., at Richard Lobb's Barn. Clinton, Ont. SATURDAY, MAY 7 AT 10 AM Crocks and lugs, treen- ware, cast collection, Amber Beaver der. Highly collectable fruit !ars, Apothecary bot- tles, old tins, etc. Being held for the estate of Percy and Roberta Wooiacott in the Mit- chell Arena. SATURDAY, MAY 14 AT 10 AM Furniture, antiques, etc., at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton, Ont. MONDAY, MAY 23 AT 10 AM Antiques. furniture, ap- pliances. etc., Esther Jamieson at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton, Ont. SATURDAY, MAY 28 AT 10 AM Antique glassware and furniture, hanging lamps. etc., and SUNDAY, MAY 29 AT 11 AM Antique furniture, glassware and callec- tab4ess, etc. For the estate of Percy and Roberta Woefacott in the Mitchell Arena. Richard Loh!) Auctioneer Clanton 482-7898 AUCTLs'N say TO BE HELD AT WINGHAM AUCTION CENTRE, consdstlrg of furnishings from Lazcknow & Wingh®m homes. SATURDAY. APRIL 30, 1983. 91:00 A.M. PARTIAL LISTING: Oriented & Administer rugs: chesterfield; upholstered chairs; bed, springs & mattress; 5 pce. bedroom suite, incl. single sleigh bed; Tappan elec. range; Norge lied. washer; china cabinet; console table; Victorian side chair with needlepoint seat; 4 hip rest chairs; SM. drop leaf parlour table; stereo -record player comp.; pine blanket bog: 5' alum. step ladder; 2 ant. coal oil lamps; storage cabinet; 6 wooden plank chairs; mirrors, electric clocks; boudoir (snips; small amount beddirgs, pillows, etc.; suit cines; 2 sets sed irons; electrical appliances; pictures; frames: several pieces Indian Brass; several boxes pint & quert sealers; several tables smell items; elec. lawn mower; man's size 3 speed bicycle. PREVIEW: Friday, April 29, 2-5 and 7-9 and Saturday, April 30 prior to sale. MOBILE LUNCH JACK ALEXANDER Auctioneer Tele 357-1011 and 357-1442 LARGE AUCTION SALE Wood lathe, drill press, horse cutter, antiques, fur- niture, appliances, etc-, to be held of Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton, Ont. for local and area conxlgrsors SATURDAY, APRI& 30th at 10 a.rtj. Rockwell Beaver drill press with 1 HP elee9ric motor mounted on floor stand (like new). Rockwell Beaver 36' Wood lathe with lime centre and outboard Pecs plate mounted on floor stand, 1 HP electric motor and shut-off switch (like new), set of chisels. Universal deep well pressure system with 1HP motor and small pressure tank used six months, horse drawn cutter, Hitachi Colour TV on stand, small black and white TV, both good ones. Kenmore 13 cu. ft. chest freezer, ®irkley 20 cu. ft. chest freezer; French provincial floor model hi fi (fancy), Clairtone floor model hi fl, halt stand with mirror, D©nish nine piece dining suite with round table (like new), pressbock nursing rocker, child's presebeck rocking chair, Victorian style side chair and arm chair; three upholstered chairs, three chesterfields and chairs; vanity dresser, chrome table and four chairs; artificial fireplace; several dressers with mirrors, several beds; Old Philco floor model radio: two ladder back style chairs; exercise bicycle, organ stool: matching French provincial coffee and end tables: 9wo good modern end tables, small fancy tables; single door washstand; telephone table; two new vanity cabinets; 2 folding chairs; two old oak store counters: cooks9ove: lady mannikin; umbrella table; carpets: pole lamp: table lamps: fly debugger, laundry tubs, stop stool, freight cart, oil heater and 100 got. tank. Bicycle, skis, four treated posts, flat wooden boat, pony saddle, lead ropes, plastic polls for feeding horses; electric chain saw; fire brick, small woodstove. florescent lights, hand wrench; aluminum doors, In. dust/Hal floor polisher, vacuum cleaner, bath tub and sink,lamps, humidifier, pickle cruet, several oil lamps, Royal Albert cups and saucers, plus our usual large of Tering of miscellaneous Items. TERMS: CASH Auctioneer: Richrd L.:.hb CLINTON 4O2-78915 40 Lost & Found LOST fence stretcher Srderood 10- 1 1 Conc 10 Hullett Reward George Carter Londesboro 482 9164 I7x 42 Death notice HEARD At St Joseph s Hospital on Mon- day omday April 25 1983 Wilfred (Pete) Heard of RR 1 Mount Brydges in his 66th year Belov- ed husband of Rosalie (Miller) Heard. Dear father of Ted, Jim, Wayne, Mrs. Gerry (Nancy) Sylvester all of London, Mrs. Len (Bev) Pounder of Hanover, Mrs. Ron (Shoron) Groke of Sault Ste Marie. Dick of Boyfield and Joe of Trenton Dear brother of Sid, Mrs Nellie Davies both of Dutton, Mrs. George (Cathy) Driver of Rodney and Barb of London. Also loved by nineteen grand- children and one great grand- daughter. The family received friends from 7.9 Tuesday 2.4 and 7-9 p.m. Wednesday at the A. Millard George Funeral Home, 60 Ridout Street South where funeral service was con- ducted in the chapel on Thursday, April 28 at 10 a.m. with Rev- Claude Root of- ficiating. Interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. -- 17nx MAXWELL At his residence on Monday, April 25, 1983, Mr. Cecil Mojury Maxwell, of 72 King Street, Hensall, in his 69th year. Belov- ed husband of Ethel R. (Kerry) Maxwell. Dear father of Wallace of Vanastra, Eileen (Mrs. Donald Cooper) of Clin- ton, Ron of Huron Park, Doug of Egmondville, George at home, Gary, Mrs. Marilyn Thiel, and Sandra Maxwell, all of Hensall, June (Mrs. Ron Harvey) of Huron Park. Predeceased by one son Robert (1972), Dear brother of Mrs. Lena Elder of Durham, Joseph of Paisley, Janet (Mrs. Irving Stork) of Paisley, Elizabeth (Mrs. Ivan Thomas) of Paisley. PredeceaS- ed by one brother. Also surviv- ed by 24 grandchildren, 5 great grandchildren. Funeral ar- rangements pending. For fur- ther information please call the Hensall Chapel of Michael P. O'Connor Funeral Homes 1-236- 4365.•-17nx POLK INGTON At Huronview, Clinton, Ontario, on Sunday, April 24, 1983, Lily M. (Wilson) Pilkington, beloved wife of Ernest Pilkington of Grand Cove Estates, Grand Bend, in her 75th year. Dear mother of (Dorothy) Mrs. Jerry Little of Neenah Wisconsin, Fred of Sault Ste Marie, Arthur of Kitimat, B.C., George of Brampton. Also loved by six grandchildren. Dear sister of Mrs. Gladys Astles of Sault Ste Marie. Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman & Sons Funeral Home, Dashwood, with visitation com- mencing Tuesday 2 p.m. Funeral services at St. John's by the Lake, Grand Bend on Wednesday A1.ril 27, at 2 p.m. Reverend J. Sutton officiating. Interment in Kapuskasing Cemetery at a loter dote. -17nx RILEY At his late residence, 57 Picton East on Monday. April 25, 1983, Percy Riley of Goderich in his 70th year. Beloved husband of Elizabeth Webster. Dear father of Ken. London, Ronald. Grand Bend and Laverne Riley, Kincar- dine. Brother of Mrs. Mary Dole and Ettte (Mrs Elmer Hugill) both of Clinton, Ben of Goderich Robert of Muskoka and Isobel (Mrs Vern Porter) London Also survived by five grandchildren Predeceased by three brothers Archie John and Alex Riley Rested at the Stiles Funeral Home Goderich after 2 p.m Tuesday Service on Wednesday at 2 p m Interment Maitland Cemetery 1 7nx Mc®ON A LD Mrs Hildo Helena Hewitt, widow of the late Carl McDonald of Atwood and formerly of Ethel passed away rn Hiernstro Rest Horne ,n Listowel nn Wednesday April 20th 1983 in her 83rd year Sur viving are two daughters (Grove) Mrs Normon Coghlin 'Ruth) Mrs Chester Earl both of Atwood and one son Reverend Stanley McDonald of Hensall Also seven grondchrldren and fourteen great grandchildren four sisters Mrs Geraldine Morse Mrs Roller IPhyll,s` Goldner Mrs William 11:IhP!minP' Dn;q a!! of l,vnwel and Mrs John H .Dor,sr Vine of London Predeceased hy her husband ( nil potents Arthur Hewitt and Ain -Int -10 Stnnley and one sister Mrs Andrew . V P n e t t a: Bremner and four hrnthprs Ir vine Arthur 1 nrne and Harold lhP late Mrs Hilda McDnncld rested 0t the Peebles Funprnl Hnrnp 141 John Street Atwood until noon Friday Apel 22nd thr„r(P to the Atwood United ( hnrrh where serv,(p nr,d rnm Mittal were held nt 7 n m Intpr Mont „. Mount Pleasant ( emetery Ethel 1 7n 42 Death notice BELL At Huronview on Tuesday April 19 1983, Gertrude (Worthy) Bell formerly of Goderich, in her 96th year Beloved wife of the late Kenneth Bell. Survived by several nieces and nephews. Predeceased by four sisters and three brothers. The family received friends at the Mc- Collum Funeral Home, Cambria Rood at East Street, Goderich from 2-4 and 7.9 p.m. Wednes- day Funeral service 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon Interment Maitland Cemetery. 17nx GILBERT Roger at the Huronview Nursing Home, Clinton on Tuesday. April 19, 1983, Roger Gilbert in his 82nd year. Dear son of the late Dan and Liza Gilbert Brother of Annie Aikin of Cam- bridge. Rested at the M. Box and Son Funeral Home, Parkhill: where the complete funeral and committal service was conducted on Saturday, April 23rd at 1 30 o'clock Inter- ment Parkhill Cemetery. - 17nx ATKEY At her residence in Clinton, On- tario on Saturday, April 23, 1983, Margaret G. (Baines) Atkey in her 76th year. Beloved wife of the late Richmond S. Atkey. Surviving are two sisters•in-low Marie (Mrs. R.W. Hughes) of Goderich, Rhetta (Mrs. J.M. Atkey) of Toronto and 7 nieces and nephews. Friends were received at the Beattie Funeral Home, 55 Rot- tenbury Street East, Clinton on Monday from 2.4 and 7.9 p.m. Funeral and committal services were held on Tuesday, April 26, 1983 commencing at 1 p.m. with Rev. James Bechtel officiating. Interment Bayview Cemetery, Wiorton, Ontario. 17nx WALLIS At Huronview, Clinton, on Saturday, April 24, 1983, Mrs. Gladys (Crich) Wallis, formerly of Clinton, in her 86th year. Beloved wife of the late Wilmer Wallis. Dear sister of Frank Crich, of Huronview. Also sur• vived by several nieces and nephews. Predeceased by three sisters and five brothers. Rested at the Ball 8 Falconer Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton after 2 p.m. Monday. Funeral service was held on Tuesday, April 26th at 2 p.m. Interment Clinton Cemetery. As expres- sions of sympathy donations to the charity of one's choice would be gratefully appreciated by the family.- 17nx 43. firths GRAINGER Steve and Koren (nee Mid• degoal) are happy to announce the safe arrival of their first child Bradly James born on April 20, 1983 at Clinton Public Hospital weighing 7 lbs. 9 ozs. Special thanks to Dr. Salsbury and nurses on second floor. 17 WALDEN Rachel and Gary Walden are happy to announce the birth of their 7 Ib. baby girl Natalie on April 22, 1983. Many thanks to Dr. Salsbury, Dr Steed and the nurses on second floor at Clin- ton Hospital. 17 LOBB Jesse MacKay wishes to an- nounce his orr vol at St. Josephs Hospital London on April 30, 1983 weighing 9 lbs 5 ozs Proud parents ore Burt and Hope Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lobb Clinton Mr. and Mrs Murroy Garrett Clinton and Mr and Mrs Percy Renner, Boyfield 17nx ROBINSON Ev and Sandy (nee Hulley) welcome with love Nicholas Everett weighing 8 lb 11 oz born on April 23 1983 ot Seat ford General Hospital A wee brother for Becky Jo Second grandchild for Bob and Morq Hulley Winthrop and four teenth grandchild for Ted Robin son Huronview 17n. TYNDALL Lorry and Sharon ,nee Deer' ore thrilled to armour -Ito the snfe or risco' of their first child Ashley Elrsobeth born on April 25 at Penticton hospital Penticton 8 C weighing 7 lb Proud grandparents ore Cecil nod VI de Hoos and Howo,d and Millie Turner all of Goderich Great grondporents ore Eldon and Fthel Inhnstnn of &oder,rh 17rix STUART Judy and Sondy Stuort ore thrill ed to announce the arrival of 0 sister for Luke Bethany Buren Or, April 25th of ( P H Another grandchild for Maxine Hart of Mitchell and Don and Betty Stun', of K,trhener great grcndch,ld for Mrs L Fdighof fer Mitchell and Mrs A 0 Trusrntt of London MOny thonks to the Dynnm,c Duo of Art rind Peter ass,stad hy Dr 8 Baker 0nd the grant nsirs,ng staff Special thonks to Or Bill Pnyno Mit( hell for his onto natal lore 17nx