HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-04-27, Page 8'mfba SUPER SPECIAL FRESH OR PREVIOUSLY FROZEN PORK SIDE SPARERIBS FROM ONTARIO PORK SPECIALS IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY, MAY 3 SUPER SPECIAL CUT FROM LOINS OF °A' GRADE BEEF SI ST /kg LOIr K .49 4 Ib. FRO SPECIAL IIONUDS OF GRADE 'A' BEEF SPEC° ;L BURNS BULK BEEF AND ";I1RK EAKFAST LF K SAUSAGE /kg GRADE 'A' BEEF BONELESS SIRLOIN TIP 1.49. ROAST ®R STEAK 723 /k9 3.28 Ib. /kg SUPER SPECIAL RILL CUT ONELESS ROUND ST A ;.;13,09ab SPECIAL BOTTOA9, OUTSIDE, EYE REMOVED, ®ELESS! OUND BOAST oR STEAK 6. 09b. SPECIAL COUNTRY GOLD BRAND I /Z's C Ur'TRY STYLE OKE HAM RB UNE NEAT B SERVE MEAT PATTIES FROZEN 129 500 g PKG. WITH EVERY ->.,, ® ORDER FREE CANADA °S WONDERLAND® BUY ONE GET ONE SUMMER PREVIEW PASSPORT COUPON THE ONLY FREE OFFER TO CANADA S WONDERLAND THIS YEAR DETAILS POSTED IN STORE PAGE 8—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27. 1983 the Eleanor Brodnock edltcr advocot Lions Club Election of officers was held last Wednesday at the Auburn and District Lions Club meeting in the Auburn Community Memorial hall. The dinner was served by members of Unit 1 of Knox United Church Women. Lion president Jim Schneider presided for the meeting. The following are the of- ficers for 1983-1984: past president - Jim Schneider, president - Marinus Bakker, first vice-president - Ross Dobie, second vice-president - Bill Robinson, third vice- president - Bob Worsell, secretary - Donald Haines, treasurer - Fred Lawrence, Tail Twister - Walter March', Lion Tamer - Art Lefebre, director for one year - Gordon Daer, Murray Rourke, and director for two years - Douglas Chamney, the Reverend William Craven. Seven Lions Club members and their wives attended the Bluewater Convention at Kincardine the weekend of April 16 and the members were very pleased that John Stewart of Blyth was elected deputy governor and Stewart McKinnon of Lion's Head as governor. The club has received the material for fencing the ball park so the members are looking for volunteers to help put it up. The club has been negotiating with the telephone company to have the bells so they can be heard in the hall, but the company has assured that the work will proceed. A mini -lottery is set up now and members are selling the tickets. Lion Eldon Chamney is in charge off ticket sales. Only a limited number of tickets have been printed so every ticket holder will have 26 chances at $125 each. First draw is the first week in July or earlier if all the tickets are sold. Rummage sale is planned for mid-May with an an- nouncement of the definite date shortly. The club has the following available for loan: one wheel chair, two walkers, one tripod cane, two pairs of crutches. Please contact Lion Doug Chamney if you should need any of them. Minor ball The first meeting of Auburn minor ball was held on Tuesday, April 19 with a good attendance. It was decided to have a pre- registration day on Satur- day, April 30 at the Com- munity Centre and Library between 2 - 5. This is so the uipment can be obtained for the games. Everyone is asked to join on this day as there will be a penalty for signing . late. The rates this year have been set at: T -Bali, $3 with a $1 penalty for late registration; house league and pee wee - $5 with penalty at $2; bantam and midget - $12 with a $2 penalty. The stated rates are to provide equipment and to pay for the lights for the older teams. If any further information Is required, you can contact "I' -Ball - George Collins; Pee - Wee - Rob Glenn; House League - Murray Nesbit; Bantam - Brenda Scott; or Midget - Don Scott. Social News Mrs. Frances Clark, Mrs. Tom Haggitt, Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs. Dorothy Grange and Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock attended the Huron County Historical Society meeting in the Blyth Memorial Hall last Thursday evening when Keith Roulston was the guest speaker and told about the Memorial Hall and the history of the Blyth Theatre of the Arts and showed pictures of events and plays presented the last few years. Mrs. Robert McAllister of R.R. 2, Auburn, Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock and Mrs. Margaret Dunbar and Mrs. Garner Nicholson, both of Belgrave attended the Hamilton London Synodical Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church 36th annual meeting held last Tuesday and Wednesday at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Owen Sound. Mrs. Cam Fotheringharn of St. Marys and Mrs. Grace Campbell of Lucknow visited last Monday with Mrs. Tom Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips. They also visited with Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett at the Rameloo Nursing home, Blyth. Mrs. Wilma Brawley arrived home last week after several months in sunny Florida. Winners this week at the weekly euchre party held every Tuesday evening in the Community Memorial Hall sponsored by the Silver Tops were: novelty - Ken- neth McDougall, high lady - Mrs. Ken Glousher, low lady - Mrs. Tom Haggitt, high man - Gordon Gross and low man -Clarence Allen. Mrs. Loran Peter of Bervie and Mrs. Gino Teisingi and baby Mary off Toronto visited last Thursday with Mrs. Beth Lansing. Mrs. Verna Doerr of Niagara Falls visit • el last weekend with her brother Gordon Chamney and Mrs. Chamney. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamilton have purchased a home in Goderich and are moving this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell, Cathy and Jennifer have purchased the Hamilton home and will be moving this week. Don't forget the Auburn Horticultural meeting to be held neat Monday, May 9 in the Community Hall. There will be a speaker and the annual plant, bulb and skips auction will be held. All members don't forget to bring your extra bulbs, slips and plants for the auction. The roll call is to be an- swered by telling something new you are going to grow in your flower or vegetable garden this spring. Lunch is to be in the charge of Mrs. Tum Lawlor, Mrs. Jim Glousher and Mrs. Jack Vincent and there will be door prizes. Slo-Pitch The Auburn slo-pitch team held their meeting on April 17 in the Community Centre and Library with 14 players present. They chose Ross Dobie to be coach and Brent Andrews as treasurer. A discussion took place on fees and they decided to join with the Blyth slo-pitch club. The members also decided to host a slo-pitch tournament on June 11. Brent Andrews and Terry Powell were asked to look after the umpires and score4:eepers. Silver Tops Auburn Silver Tops en- tertained about 60 members of the Goderich Senior Citizens last Wednesday afternoon. A dessert lun- cheon was served by Mrs. Ross Robinson, Mrs. Oliver Anderson, Mrs. Tom Lawlor and Mrs. Orval McPhee. Nineteen tables were in play for progressive euchre and prize winners were: high lady - Irma Anderson, low lady - Mrs. Edgar Howatt, high man (playing as a man) - Myrtle Stirling, low man (playing as a man) - Mrs. Margaret Jewell, novelty gift - lady - Irene Oak, novelty gift - man - Jack Johnston. The vice-president Elliott Lapp welcomed all and a very enjoyable afternoon was held. Boosters meet The Auburn Booster Club met last Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Ross Daer. She presided for the business meeting which followed. The members decided to paint the playground and swings at the playground. They also decided to sponsor another card party for the young folk in the community. It will be held on Thursday evening, Apri128 at 7 p.m. The Booster Club is going to hold a flea market and bake sale on Saturday, June 18. If weather permits, it will be held on the playground but if it rains it will be moved into the hall. If anyone wishes to rent table space at $5 each, please contact Mrs. Ross Daer or Miss Lorie Cartwright as soon as possible. Don't forget MOTHER'S DAY IS MAY BTH We have a large aelegtior of FLOWERING HANGING ASKETS of every kind. r TOURS sire ®m®IIa%le through our GREEN HOUSES Howe four Troup call uheusi for reservations. We hove Al complete selection of7 HERS AND SCENTED GERANIUMS HANGING BASKETS & SHRUBS arriving daily!! See our Targe selection of BOX PLANTS *Complete Nursery Stock *All types of fertilizers & insecticides * Perenniis of every kind We ®Pew,:urz compIute OAR®EN CENTRE OUR PRICES HAVE NEVER BEEN LOWER!! SAVES YOU $$$ Our large volume A. loam overhead CH flk OUR OPEN H USE MAY 21, 22 AND 23 RICKMAN'S CO GARDENS RR ItO. I Sobrielgivillo tot 24 Corr. 7 Alice Twp. PHONE: mit393`°6223 LAnAm�wll eY3 to t Ia9OWQaI 10 AF,tv69rrrn Rio, cub RrioU tree"g Kinkora •8 Hwy NTRY Wart burg VtA Hwy SobrrnQvrlla 1 . ---� Stret9ord In St Mery0 Auburn Women's Institute held their annus, meeting last Friday at the Bedford L lotel, Goderich. Mrs. Chamney opened the meeting with a poem, "Do it Now" A short memorial service was held for the late Mrs. Myrtle Munro who had been a member for many years. Mrs. Leonard Archam- bault introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Peter Chandler, district president of Huron West, of St. Helens. She gave an informative address on the ''Woman with a Vision", Mrs. Adelaide Hoodless, the founder of the Women's Institute 86 years ago. Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock thanked Mrs. Chandler and presented her with a gift. The annual meeting was held and the annual minutes were accepted as read and also the financial statement as presented by Mrs. Robert Peck. The auditors, Mrs. Lillian Letherland and Mrs. Gordon Chamney's report was given by Mrs. Letherland. The public relations report was given by Mrs. Gordon Chamney; Resolutions by Mrs. Donald 0Ut Haines; Citizenship and Education by Mfrs. Tina Empey and Mrs. Tom Jardin; Education and Cultural Activities by Mrs. Emerson Rodger and Mrs. Hugh Bennett; Family and Consumers Affairs by Mrs. Lillian Lethertand and Mrs. Elliott Lapp., Agriculture and Canadian Industries by Mrs. Donald Cartwright and Mrs. Roy Daer; curator of the Village Tweedsmuir book - Mrs. Torn Haggitt. Mrs. Charnney read a letter to the members from the president, Mrs. Kenneth McDougall who was unable to be present. Mrs. Chandler presided for the election of officers. Mrs. Lrllian Letherland, convener of the nominating com- mittee, presented the slate of officers. Those installed were: past president - Mrs. Kenneth McDougall, president - Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock, first vice- president - Mrs. Leonard Archambault, second vice- president - Mrs. Gordon Chamney, secretary - treasurer - Mrs. Robert Peck, assistant secretary - Mrs. Donald Haines, district he rector - Mrs. Kenneth McDougall, alternate district director - Mrs. Torn Haggitt, pianist - Mrs. Emerson Rodger, assistant pianist - Mrs. Kenneth McDougall, branch directors - Mrs. Lillian Letherland, Mrs. Tom Jardin and Mrs. Frank Raithby; public relations officer - Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer, con- veners of standing com- mittees - Agriculture and Canadian Industries - Mrs. Emerson Rodger and Mrs. Hugh :•ennett, Citizenship and World Affairs - Mrs. Tom Jardin and Mrs. Tina Empey, Education and Cultural Activities - Mrs. Oliver Anderson and Mrs. Kenneth McDougall, Family and Consumers Affairs - Mrs. Lillian Letherland and Mrs. Elliott Lapp, Resolutions - Mrs. Tom Lawlor and Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer, Curator - Mrs. Tom Haggitt, Tweedsmuir History book committee - Mrs. Tom Haggitt, Mrs. Tom Jardin, Mrs. Oliver Anderson, Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock and Mrs. Frances Clark, card convener - Mrs. Lillian Letherland, visiting ns f t committee - Mrs. Major Youngblut and Mas. Arnold Craig, telephone committee - Mrs. Beth Lansing and Mrs. George Mason and auditors - Mrs. Gordon Charnney and Mrs. I .illian Letherland. The new president, Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock took charge of the meeting and plans were made to sponsor e Insti the play - "Everybody is Getting Married" on May 3 in the Auburn Community Merrnorial Hall at 8 p.m. It is a three act comedy by the Lucknow Agricultural Society. Mrs. Donald Hames and Mrs. Gordon Charnney will be at the door and lunch for the cast will be in the charge of Mrs. Tom Haggitt, Youing folks The Young People's euchre party was held last Thursday evening. It is sponsored by the Booster Club with the following BI ute Mrs. Robert Peck, Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock and Mrs. Frank Rarthby. Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer will be in charge of the May meeting and she will have Jim Howson of the Blyth Fire Department with the new rescue van purchased by the Blyth and District Fire Department. lay euchre members assisting - Mrs. Ross Daer, Mrs. John Blok, Mrs. Jeff Sowerby and Mrs. Ted Clark. Prize winners were: most lone hands - Paul Plunkett, high man - Jon Scott, high lady;, - Dianne Hanna, low man - Steven Elliott and low lady - Lorie Cartwright. skaters end season With the coming of spring, the Blyth Figure Skating Club has wrapped up another funfilled year of fancy spins and jumps. The last main event of the season was a test day held at the Blyth arena on March 25 where several members tried tests with 22 passing successfully. Darlene Black, Allison Chamney, Krista Lawrie, Danielle McDougall, Richard Shaddick, Kerri Szusz and Laurie Wharton all completed the Dutch Waltz. Dianne Black and Melanie Knox passed the Canasta. Lloyann Adams, Theresa Knox, and Karen Phillips were successful on the Swing, completing their preliminary dances. Rose Ann Machon and Kerri Pletch passed the Willow dance. Jody Sippel passed the Ten Fox to finish her Junior Bronze dances and Julia Shaddick passed the fox trot to complete her Senior Turn to page 9 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA BUNCH CARROTS BUNCH 79 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. SWEET GREEN 214 „9 PEPPERS 129. CAN. NO. 1 4039/kg PRODUCT OF U.S.A. ASPARAGUS 1991b PRODUCT OF S. AFRICA 3.51,k BARLINKA BLUE GRAPES 1591b PRODUCT OF CANADA. FANCY RED DELICIOUS 174/k, APPLES 79° PIIODU/CT OF CANADA- FANCY 1i4 @OLD DELICIOUS /kq Ib APPLES PRs•TAICT OF CANADA, FANCY D'ANJOU 79' lb 196 /kp PEARS 9' ENJOY $ DAY SPECIALS EVERY WEEK Ib /k9 • 99. NO NAME BRAND BAVARIAN SMOI�IES 375 q t59 PKG. OU SUPER SPECIAL • -s�. - ;�`� — .. ,ate-•,=�;, COUNTRY GOLD RIN®LESS TENDERIZED SLICED SIDE BACON Limit 4 per Family 5 •g PKG. 1 PER SPECIAL: FROM THE LOIN T-BONE OR WING STEKS l .59 /kg ib. SPECIAL TOP INSIDE TENDER YOUNG ONELESS! 11 SUPER SPECIAL BARNS PORK SHOULDERS FULLY COOKED SKE ICNICS 24° II /kg Ib. SPECIAL OAST oR STEAK 7.03 SPECIAL 3 PAIL - BOIL IN BAG f9.. SCHNEIDERS 10 VARIETIES NM -DELI GOOFED MEATS 250 g' 98 EACH 23°0 OR LESS FAT MEDIUM RUN' . EEF 4.17/k. 1. SPECIAL 4 VARIETIES 91b. MAPLE LEAF SLICED LOGNA 500 g 1 79 PKG. VACUUM PACK© SCHNEIDERS BOLOGNA RING 5.49/k 1 d 49Ib. CANADA FANCY GRADE PRODUCT OE U.S.A. JUICY "MACINTOSH" APPLES l'1 SWEET EATING CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES HOLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED CORNED REEF BM i'a ET 49/k9:49ib DELI SPECIALS REA®Y TO EAT SCHNEIDERS 6015/k9 PICNICS 179. REG. OR ALL BEEF SCHNEIDERS '14S3,kg BOLOGNA 119th COIL STYLE MAPLE LEAF 6,59/kg KOLBOSSA 199 ib DOZ. SIZE 88s ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO. 1 LARGE "ENGLISH" CUCUM ER EACH SEEDLESS ER SPECIAL PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CAN. NO. 1 VINE RIPENED TOMATOES 96 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA FRESH BROCCOLI BUNCH t49 PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA CANADA NO. 1 PINT STRAWBERRIES PRODUCT OF U.S.A. ONTARIO FRESH COLE SLAW,„ 2t NO NAME 10-6-4 FERTILIZER 10 4r] WEED N'FIEE® 4:99 NO NAVE ARANO FINE QUALITY TOP SOIL 2© NO -NAME BRAND NO NAME ARANO 20510 FERTILIZER ,y 6.°9 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT