Clinton News-Record, 1983-04-20, Page 32ONT 10 JERSEY SP WWG SHOW Friday. Jeanne 3. - 11 n n JUDG1;•:. Less Morison, ft.lt.a, Oro Station Entries are to be completed and returned tv the Secretary, K W Holmes, Box 1418. Clinton Ont NOM ILO no later than May 20 1983 PRIZE MONEY. $50., $45., $35., $30., $2s . $ZO-, $a5-, $1Z Sao . $8. I I 2A Junior Heifer, born between Oct 1, 1982 and April 30, 1983. From a darn with at least one completed record with a minimum B C A. of 125 [or milk 113A Intermediate Heifer, born between May 1, 1982 and September 30, 1982 From a dam with at least one completed record with a minimum B.C.A of 125 for milk I14A Senior Heifer, born between October 1, 1981 and April 30, 1982. From a dam with at least one completed record with a minimum B.C.A of 125 for milk Must be dry !ISA Two year old Heifer, born between January 1, 1981 and September 30, 1981 From a dam with at least one completed record with a minimum B C A of 125 for milk Must be dry JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE AND RESERVE CHAMPION (Ribbons Only, 116A FEMALE, 1980, in milk or dry if dry, must be within approximately 8 weeks of calving. Must be either from a dam with at least one completed record with minimum B C.A. of 125 for milk, or the "entry" must have attained a production record equivalent to a minimum B.C.A. of 125 for milk. 117A FEMALE, 1979, in milk or dry, must be within approximately 8 weeks of calving Must be either from a dam with at least one completed record with a minimum B.C.A of 125 for milk, or the "entry" must have attained a production record equivalent to a minimum B.C.A. of 125 for milk. 118A FEMALE, 1978, in milk or dry. if dry, must be within approximately 8 weeks of calving. At least one record with a minimum B.C.A. of 125 for milk. 119A FEMALE, Prior to July 1978. In milk or dry. If dry, must be within approximately 8 weeks of calving. At least one record with a minimum of 125 for milk. 120A BREEDERS HERD -(bred and owned by exhibitor). Group of 4 animals but not more than one bull. Each animal in the group must have been exhibited in one of the classes for single animals. The registration certificate for each respective animal must show the exhibitors as "breeder" and as "owner" — in both cases either as an individual or in partnership. In other words, the exhibitor may be a "joint owner" of an animal and -or the "joint breeder" of an animal. All the animals must be from one farm or breeding unit. 121A BEST UDDER CLASS -Judge shall designate best two udders in classes 117A, 118A, 119A. These designated exhibits shall compete for first and second best udders in the show. Prize money to be paid on first and second placings only as per any one of the 15 prize money schedules. SPECIALS BREEDERS HERD— Trophy donated by the Huron Central Agricultural Society. GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE — Trophy donated by the President of the Ontario Jersey Club, John White. RESERVE CHAMPION FEMALE — Trophy donated by Durst Farm Supplies (Purina Dealer), Clinton_ JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE — Trophy donated by H. Lobb & Sons Ltd., Clinton. RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION — Trophy donated by Mr. Jack Van Egmond, Clinton. ('ASH DONATIONS United Breeders Inc. Guelph -$100.00 Western Ontario Cattle Breeders, Woodstock -$100.00 KENNAIRN FARMS "Where Udders Mean So Much" Our 1970 Winhitt 2 yre Old KEN AIRN P ECI US ENSIG VG 8 p Besot BCA 197-190 in 3165 days; she had 11228 397 3.54 been vavollatvam over 101' lbs. Her Dam Good Plus 159-189 Pius + 37 & 67 soon will be a 1 star Brood Cow. Second Darn 2 star Brood Cow GP. KENNETH J. ' AMSEY I 11 FA ,Ra 3 BLYTll1 • NT RI NOM IN 519-N23-9397 Free Listed & Veceiil eted We usually have svrrnvlae age bulls for irate. ILY PHJZE LIST—CLINTON SPRING Fad—PAGE 9 GENERAL CONDITIONS: (Please Read Carefully s 1 Only one entry per class is ehgeble from a breeding mut, except the fair has authorized in up to two classes, a maximum of two entries in classes 112A, 113A, 114A, 115A, and a maximum of three entries in classes 116A, 117A, 118A, 119A Maximum total eligible entries from a breeding unit is 10 head Example 2 entries in 2 junior classes plus 1 entry in other classes to a total of 10 head 2 entries in 1 junior class, 3 entrees in 1 mature class phis 1 entry in other classes to a total of 10 head 3 entries in 2 mature classes plus 1 entry in other classes to a total of 10 head 2 The exhibitor shall be the owner as officially recorded on the registration certificate immediately prior to the commencement of the fair 3 The registration certificate and the necessary Record of Perfon mance certificates must be available for checking before the commencement of judging. 4 Within the limit of the total number of entries, unlimited substitution of entries owned by the same exhibitor will be perr hitt-.,. 5 Each exhibitor must be a member of the Huron Central Agricultural Society Mem- bership Fee is $2 00. 6 Cattle are allowed to arrive the night before. 7 15 percent entry fee will be charged. 8 A further 10 percent will be charged as the Ontario Jersey Club's donation to the Society HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: (Please Read Carefully) All cattle must be free from Infections or Contagious Disease such as Ringworm or Pink- eye. All cattle must be negative to a blood test for Brucellosis, within 60 days, except: Steers (b i Spayed Heifers c i Brucellosis vaccinated animals under 18 mos. of age (vacc- certificate to accompany animals). d 1 Animals from Brucellosis Free Listed Herds (owners to obtain form HA4 from their local Health of Animals Branch Office). 1 e i Calves under 6 mos. of age (all 4-H calves to be blood tested). Blood samples are to be taken by local practicing veterinarians or their approved technicians. NO CATTLE WILL BE ALLOWED ENTRY TO THE FAIR WHICH DO NOT MEET THESE HEALTH REQUIREMENTS. HURONIA JERSEYS R.O.P. Tested Free Listed Classified Vaccinated JERSEYS - The breed on the move with type, production and butterfat, they put it ail together. Reserve ASB CANADIAN Two Year Old 1982 O[' IA DM MIRA, V.G. 89 1-9 3 t:5 4145 203 4.90% 170-15 2-9 (Prof,) 453 248 5.04% Herd overage for 1982 on <, rocordsz 4839 244 5.04% 154-344 BrooJlny stock of ail ages available ger tions commercial dairyman and tko vary discriminating boyars. N FRED ARMSTRONG Rolle �o Auburn a Onto NOM 9E0 TELg 519-328-7734