HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-04-20, Page 19NU ON aft^ iTE;''.iNIAI WHO L wf 'NES i AY, APRIL 27 AND TNJRS®AY, A 'RIL 28 AT 8 P.M. °OTH NIGHTS TICKETS: $2. CALL 482-3330 i PAGE 22 CLIN'I'ON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1 cumin CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday B p m Fr( 71 regular card $1 00 Six cords for $1 00 Fifteen regular games three shore rhe wealth Early bird gorne 7 45 p rn Jockpot $200 00 m s: yo euch week 9ttor <LOMPEN FEES! Porode entry Corms and applications for booth space are ovo loble at Campbells Mens Wear Boll 8 Mulch Furniture Chilton Municipal Office The Chiropractic Centre and The C lin r°rl News Record Office 12 20or BINGO every luesdoy evening at V0110711'0 Centre R R 5 Clan ton 8 p rn Fir sr regular card 51 00 15 regular $15 gorses three share the wealth Jackpot 5200 00 rnusr ynl Admission 17 restricted to 16 years and over 2tfar THE TRI COUNTY softboll an nual meeting will be held April 21 of 8 p.m at rhe Brussels Morris 8 Grey Community Cen tres All rule changes will be rnode at this meeting 15816 DESSERT EUCHRE and Bake Sale at Summerhill Hall on Wednes day. April 27 1983 of 1 30 p m Sponsored by Sumrnerhill Ladies Club 15 16 KLOMPENFEEST KICK OFF DANCE Friday May 13 of the Clinton Community Centre. Music by the Block Forest Bond from Kitchener 16 CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL first annual fund-roisrng dinner with celebrity auction Clinton Legion Hall, Friday, April 29 Cocktails 6 p.m . dinner 7 p.m. Tickets $15 00 per person available at the hospital and fundraising committee. 16 STEP DANCE and Variety Con cert. April 29th, CHSS Auditorium, 7 30 p.rn. Silver collection Proceeds to Easter Seal Campaign Everyone welcome. The Flynn Family 16x ST JOSEPH 5 CATHOLIC Women s Leogue Rummoge end Bake Sale on Saturday April 30 of Church Hall Clinton from 1 30 4prn 1617 THE ANNUAL DINNER Meeting of the Huron Middlesex Pro gressive Conservative Assoc will be held on Monday Moy 9th 7 30 p rn at the Lucon Community Centre Guest speoker is Hon Dennis Tim brell Minister of Agriculture Fur tickets contocr your municipal chairman or ex ecurwe members 16 17 CHILD ABUSE A Community Concern panel discussion sport sored by Women Today Vonastro Recreation Centre 7 30p m April27 16 17 SINGLES DANCE at rhe Stratford Fair Grounds Upper Coliseum will continue Dancing 9 to 1 April 23 No blue leans please 16 BOB SCHNEIDER award winning children entertainer 10 con cert Blyth Memorial Hall Satur day April 23, 2 p.m Tickets 53 00 Phone 523 9300 16ar STEP DANCE Recital pupils of Lori Bender and Shannon Preszcator Thurs Apr 21 1983. 7 30 p rn Holmesville Public School Everyone welcome 16 LONDON s newest Sunday night singles dance Separate parents without partners welcome. April 24 at the Dufferin Hall London of 453 Dufferin St 7 11 p m Numerous prizes town roll call Dance•Man. Box 4661 Station C.. London, Ont. I6x HURON COUNTY FAMILY Plonn ing invites you to attend Family Planning Clinic every Thursdoy from 6:30 p.m. to 900 p.m. at Huron County Health Unit Public Health Wing. Huronview. Clinton Counselling and medical services provided 24e.o.w Happy 40th Anniversary Jam and Man, TUISDAY, AJ-'RIL 26 it !owe - J ki,-, sand Margaret y ,end Susanne ®h and Marie we find Ck re and grandchildlr fl FAMILY RESTAURANT AND DINING LOUNGE DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS Including a aside ailoction from our salad bar ENTERTAINMENT TrtIS WEEKEND In Lilo Pirate's Dort - ° WTf> lly Dee Mid Debbie" . iPEN 7 days a wewie from 11:36 ori I, (illy Llcerreed under LLBO HIGHWAY 21-18AYFIELD 565-2992 CLINTON Horticultural Society meeting April 27 8 p m Agricultural board room office Slide presentation by Kevin Dutur of Junior Formers visa 10 Australia and New Zealand Public welcome Plant auction Friday Moy 6 Agricultural board room Watch for further! derails 16 FRONTIER RANCH SUMMER Comp Girls July Boys August complete riding water front program 26th year or credited 55 mules west of Or row° Mr orrd Mrs Lyle Jeffrey R R No 2 White Lake Ontario KOA 3L0 613 623 3577 160 CARD PARTY or 1 0 0 F Hall Bruceheld on Friday April 22 at 8 30 p rn Lodies please bring lunch Everyone welcome Ad rnission $1 1 6x Wishing you only the hest of success, Wayne orad keen with OLLIE'S FRIES from your friends SHAKLEE SLIM -PLAN CLASSES 121 Orange Street Clinton MONDAYS -8:00 PM STANLEY TOWNSHIP BALL REGISTRATION For Ail Age Groups Contact: MARY LOU McGRLGOR 482-7539 STAG for Jerry Steegstr SATURDAY, APRIL 23 Phone 482-7196 or 524-2369 i Coming to Myth Sc neider brings kids music joy Bob Schneider shares the magic of his music when he performs in concert at Blyth Memorial Hall, Saturday, April 23 at 2 p.m. Schneider has become one of the most popular of the children's entertainers, in Canada spinning his im- agination and abundant energy into a fast -paced show guaranteed to have not only children but adults clap- ping and stomping along. He recently won the Juno award for the best children's record of the year in Canada. Originally a teacher from the United States, Schneider learned the power of music as a teaching aid and has worked with many groups of children new to the English language. This technique has been expanded to make him a favourite with children at concerts across the country. He writes songs about things that are impor- tant to childlsen like going to Actjvftes announced for K1® pen Feest Plans are corning along well. A new idea is now in progress. This year we will have a Queen of the Klompen Feest with Mary's Sewing Centre running the competi- tion. The competition will be held at the pre-Klompen Feest dance. Anyone requir- ing more information should contact Mary. The Kite Flying Contest has been scheduled for Fri- day afternoon 1 May 20) to be held tentatively behind the Clinton Public School. Anyone interested in entering the parade on Saturday, May 21 should contact Dr. Wood. We would like to see more family float entries this year. There will be prizes for different categories. Let's see what you can do! And don't forget The pre-Klompen Feest Dance to be held at the Clin- ton Arena on Friday, May 13. Tickets for a fund-raising draw for some lucky person to win two free seats to Holland on KLM Royal Dutch Airline will be available at most stores in town or from members of the Klompen Feest committee. The committee is hoping to see all Clintonians par- ticipate in this town's annual event. Decorate your lawns with tulips, sew up a costume, or try a pair of wooden shoes; but, most of all, be there and participate in the fun. May will be here before you know it!! DRIVE-IN TfirEdIKTPLE CLINTON REECE( STREET 482-7030 THOS WEEKEND: APREL 22-23-24 FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUN ;'AY BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:30 P.M./RIM Sf'tOW AT fA:00 The boys are back in town. Nick Nolte„:, Eddie Murphy ruff IIMEm WARNINGS: Cocas , konguage gpcI brute vdolence-4.E.m. SPECIAL ADMISSION AOR APRIL Adults e30OU; Children under 12 FREE "An ethical man is a christian h lding fours aces" Reserve now for a Special Evening out. Main Street, Bayfield 565-2611 ETET ,ET ET ET ET ET It's teamwork! Ellison Travel reliability and Wordatr's 'Howse Runs' ...a combination that offers non-stop, wide-bodied flights with Wardair Class' service at hard -to -beat prices! p' rot Onr^ aro par po•cn^ rnronrn `o pa.'ror aa» ' •e oar 1` 19Q1 and are sober` r a.anab�.� . r .,i .•.r n4 r• .11 il, Vi , 1 i •••• tl.r irr rl.. fi• r Toll Free 1-800-265-7022 Exeter ®ted area 235-2000 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 4 0 4 4 • 4 0 4 4 4 0 4 0 0 4 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 4 4 4 0 4 school, eating, running, monsters and even a bit of nonsense. The secret of keeping his concerts vital, he says, is his continuous contact with the children themselves. He works with a new group of children in each locality before the concert and in- cludes them in his perfor- mances. For his Blyth visit, for instance, he will be work- ing with the students of Blyth Public School and they will make their stage debut in his concert. His contagious enthusiasm makes not only his friends on stage, but the entire au - thence relax and join in the fun, laughing, clapping and singing along. As one woman said, •'1 had the same sense of delight the kids do, a kind of recapturing of the best moments of childhood." Tickets for the concert are still available through the Blyth Centre for the Arts box office at 523-9300 at $3.50 each. When today's high school students reach the age of retirement, one in five Cana- dians will be 65 or older. To- day one in 10 Canadians is 65 or older. * * 7 "* * * * * * * * 41( MOTOR H Highway No.* W.st, Clinton' "The Hard Times Menu" »nstlll In effect. Wednesday, April 20th "WET "T" SHIRT CONTEST" Thursday, Friday And Saturday April 2' at, 22nd, 23rd "STEVE SIMMS BAND" NEXT WEEK "METRO VILLA" * * * * * * * * r -THE CPH SPS. FORMAL COMMITTEE presents, "ADVENTURE IN THE ORIENT" Central (Heron Secondary School FRI`{ °AY, MAY 6th, I983 Featuring Ig iskey Jock 11 Dancing 9 pm -1 ant Lunch provided FOR TICKETS CALL - 482-3471 $13. per coupie advance $15. ®t the door Everyone Welcome MCP The Nuttily of en ®1»d Marion Riley Wish to Invite you to on 0 E HOUSE To Celebrate Their 45th We.. ding Anniversary April 23rd 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m, at their residence 160 Bayfield Road Goderich Rest Wish i s Only Please 00000400400000004000000400®®040040040 11 c/ s l! / • i it �� �j. �.� • ,� �� 1 � �t ,6 ; PA Ali-_ ,TR J To9E SI:K/RRE GODERIfft 524-7811 11111.11 1 1 I l I l i l 1 1 4 11 I THE WF .-TN ;QRS. APRIL 20-21 LAST 2 DAYS 5HOWIt4C's AT 7:36 WITH PAUL NEWMAN ST :,RYS FRIDAY 2 GREAT MOVIES EACH NIGHT AT 7030 P.M. 1%