HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-04-20, Page 16CLINTON NEWS -f LORD, WEDNESDAY, AP L0, 11'">::'. -PAGE 19 THE CLINTON NEWS - RECO THE LYTSTA DARD - THE RAYR ELD BUGLE 25 Wanted to buy WANTED TO buy two good used sleeping bogs Phone 482 3178 16 WANTED An odlustoble dressmakers model olso slide protector with reels All in good condition Phone 482 7916 after Bpm 1617 WANTED TO BUY Boy s size 2 or 3 roller skotes good condi tion Phone 482 3552 otter 5 p o 16 26 Help wanted VOLUNTEER required for the position of agent for the Huromo Bronch of the Ontario Humane Society Vehicle re- quired, previous animal husbandry experience necessary mileage paid Please reply in writing to P O. Box 282. Goderich. Ont. by Moy 6. 1983. 16 TREE PLANTERS for May. June, Forepersons. Crews Only exp. B.C. planters with references please Box 1109 Fort Nelson, B.C. 604-774.2368 16o 26 Help wanted MANAGING positrons opening soon Will train For rnore infor motion call 482 9113 16 DISPLAY ADV Solesperson Full time position permanent lob established accounts plus field to develop Salary com mission or combination Posi tion ovoiloble now Experience in lay ow design color com- mercial printing etc all assets C A MocLean Comrose Canadian Box 1600 Comrose Alberto T4V 1X6 Phone (403) 672 4421 16o SALES PERSON (2) Business Machines by Savin, 1 B M Olympia Previous experience preferred. Location North Bay and Timmins Apply Box 580, New Liskeord. Ontario POJ IPO Attention Dave Armstrong. 16o PROFESSIONAL librarian re- quired to work 20 hours per week beginning May 2. 1983. Apply in writing to Mr. William Partridge, Chief Librarian, Huron County Public Library 66 Woterloo St. S., Goderich, Ont N7A 4A4. 16,17 APPLICATIONS Township of Stanley Applications will be received by the undersigned for Supervisor of Landfill Site at Pt Lot 118, Coen. SRN Township of Stanley. Working time 1 day deerirn ) winter months and 2 days daring summer months. Application must be on Township of Stanley forms aystiloble at the Clerk's Office, Applications to be in the ihands of the Clerk by 12:noc,re Friday, April 29th, 1983. MEL GRAIIIAM-CLERK TREASURER Township of Stanley 28. usiness Opportunity THE MULTI. level rush is on. Where you will be? In the rush2 Or left in the dust? Let "Eldorado" help you get in on a ground floor opportunity whose time has come. For details, send $2.00 to: Eldorado Diver- sified In . 964 Albion Road Suite 104, Rexdale. Ontario, M9V 1A7. 16o DO EXCITING commission work right from your own home. Eor• nings guaranteed. Complete details sent. Send self- addressed stamped envelope to P.O. Box 282 Station "C,' Win- nipeg, Mon. R3M 3S7. 160 AREA F GARDE CENTRE ISR LF ©tatnmaa, Stock and Fqudp000nt. Gond oppDor9un09y for an onorpgoglc poraon or haniband and wdto opormllon. Loma. ex Aron® but con bo ronowod. iwlQlr or9mbdaahod. inquiries wodcanno. Reply 90: Drawer 100. 997 c/o The Goderich Signal -Star P.O. Box 221 Goderich I17A 486 29 Tenders 27, Wanted (general) WANTED old brick buildings, for wrecking and salvage pur- poses. contact R. Lumley Demolition Inc., 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia 1 - 542.4088 - On- tario's largest supplier of reclaimed brick. 12eow 30. Employment wanted ELECTRONIC technician graduate seeking summer employment. experience related to this field willing to work for minimum wage 262 5351. 15 16x 31. Service directory KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling, I enovations cupboards ceramic tile counter lops rec rooms. carports flooring win- dows patio doors. aluminum siding. Phone: 482-7676. Ken McNairn. 8tfar LICENCED Carpenter all your general maintenance and building needs call Joe Mc Quaid evenings 4812 3628 8tfar PHIL S refrigerator and op pliance service Prompt depen- dable service to all makes and models of domestic appliances. Phone 887 9062 27tf RENOVATIONS Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m., Monday, May 16, 1983 for the following work: Planning and Development Department, Court House, Goderich, Ontario - Installation of: 1. Carpet 2. Suspended Ceiling 3. Lighting 4. Vertical Blinds Registry Office, 38 North Street, Goderich, Ontario - Installation of: 1. Susp®nded Ceiling 2. Lighting Specifleatlons and tender forms for each of the renovations may be obtained from the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. N.G. ■ .ONLY Clark -Treasurer A Administrator County of Huron COUP 9 Houses Square Goderich, Ontario NTA 1M2 31 Service directory CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing repairs Specializing in stobl ng Don Ives Phone Brussels 887 9024 27tf LAWYER Established firm in Whitehorse Yukon Territory with active corporate commer cial and litigation practice is oc cepting applications from solicitors with not less than 2 years current experience and in private practice Submit resume to Anton Asquith and Cam- pion 204 Lambe( Street Whitehorse Y T Y 1 A I Z4 At tent on Ms Grace Johnson I6o CAREER IN TRUCKING - Transport drivers needed. Train now for your Class A Licence. Write Mery Orr Transport Driver Training School P 0 Box 3186. Cambridge Ontario N3H 4S6 16o JIM COOK Furniture Refinishing. also floors wood- work doors. etc Phone 523- 9284. 12eow PIANO TUNING °Repairs t'Rebullding .Key Recovered ,,Keys Recovered ODampp-Cha, yrs (BRUCE PULSIt-ER 348-9223 Mitchell JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING *Form Buildings *Additioens *Renovations PHONE 482-3063 1 31 Service directory SIiMPS®N WO"' DWi!JRKING and �ONSTRUCTIO Renov®tions. Contract prices- You may be eligible for govt loans or grants- Call fora free estimate. MURRAY SIMPSON MYTH 523-9427 COLQUHOUN Be COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTING Specializing In: ®CUSTOM BUILT HOMES ®RENOVATIONS *AUDITIONS »KITCHENS @ALUMINUM SIDING PHONE 482-9506 EVENINGS SWIMMING POOLS AND SPAS Sales & Service Chemicals -Accessories SERVICE TO ALL MODELS FREE ESTIMATES Cfoarlie Efruinsme blue horizo POOLS R.R. No: 2 0vderich 524-9804 *ELATROOPING *SI -11 GEES *MAINTEPB_ NCE *FREE ESTIMATES HEE 1SALL ROOFING COMMERCBAL-RESIDENTIAL RICHARD REGIER EXETER 235-0911 BOX 1852 EXETER, ONTARIO NOM 150 Eiegtricai ProfAetsrt$`7 Cedi r 'S ELECT' IC Licenced Electrician INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL FARM/RESIDENTIAL 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SE VICE ED ROOSEBOOM 482-7441 ALSO....SEE US FOR ELECTRIC FURNACES orad ELECTRIC HEATING UNDER THE CANADIAN OIL SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM FOR MORE INF r;RMATllc%f4 CALL 482-7441 31 Service directory CUINTWOOD CUSTOM BUILDERS 'Custom built homes 'Additions ' Drywall ' Roofing 'Siding, Soffit & Fascia TI7 BYLSMA 482-3873 MUG BYLSiNA 482-7334 WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER $ SONS FOUR MODERN RTART RIGGS PHONE: SIEAM,'TH NEIL: 527-1737 ➢URL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 MASONRY CONSTRUCTION Eirepinces Blocks, Bricks (Ind Angel Stone Olen Thomas 482-3767 482-9739 FARMERS fora good farm building of o competitive price: PHONE RAY LAMBERS CONSTRQICTf 482-3305 Chilton FREE ESTIMATES JACK GERRIT'S CONSTRUCTION LTD. *F81rm *Commercial *Residential *Buildings *Additions *Renovations AFFILIATED WITH: CUSTiI M SHEET METAL *F.sc1.s *Soffits *Door and Window Jams and Sills *Metal covered Doors 4 2-7290 MR. "FIX -IT -FAST AND 0000" telt,: hie - trustworthy guaranteed SOtisf' cti-• ri - precise Do you needs repairs dne or part of your home remodelled? CALL T=AND GOOD" MR. "FIX$ITmF A PR ,t' F SSIONAL WITH NON-PROFESSIONAL WAGES $8.00 AN HOUR PLUS MATERIALS SENIOR CITIZENS 10% DISCOUNT ore -upholster chairs, high desks, orepair brokelh furniture ©repair appliance* orepair door*, leek* and klieg** owallpapering and painting indoor* and oltt nosh me pet layitlg, eepairiog of floor orepair bicycle*, tricycle* and fey& otaailing of eotIplet8 eraII twits oithstalling k kcflon cupboard* °betilding recreations rooms cm MR. "FIX-II-FASST©AND 0000 NG jab tach It , v2-97839783 the lob too email ' e „erupts,-, 3) Service directory HAND'S SMALL ENGItn.' E SALES $ SERVICE LONDESBORO 523-9202 ' LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT 'REPAIRS ' NEW LAWNMOWERS AND TILLERS IN STOCK GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP AT REASONABLE PRICES °Painting nod Decorating eFencing (Repair or near) .Cabinet Making ',General House Repairs PAUL WEST: 563-2944 BUSS FLOWERS: 563-2979 -RA YFIEL9_ •SEPTIC TANKS *SEWERS *BULLDOZING •BACKHOE WORK •GRAVEL *TOPSOIL For a complete lob call: SID fRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-R66R CLINTON COMPUTER SERVICE LT f; "Data Processing A/R, A/P, G/L, payroll anti statements "Record Preparation 'income Tax 'Cash Flow preparation -Estate Plonnirag Phone 482-9260 34. Personal DOES SOMEONE you love have o drinking problem? There is help for you. Call Al -Anon 524- 6001 or write P.O. Box 226, Mit- chell, Ont. NOK 1NO. - 49tf PREGNANT, Distressed? Mor- ried, single, free positive con- fidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIR THRIGHT • London (collect) 432- 7197:527-0115 or 524-2023,357- 1066, 357.2392, or 357-1769 (after 6 p.m.) 2.2 ARE YOU TIRED OF BEING ALONE? Are you unattached, separated, single or divorced? Share tomorrow with someone new. For all ages. Friendship Club, Box 104, Owen Sound. N4K 5P1. -- 15,16x 35 Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS All PERSONS having claims against the Estate of MERLIN RUSSELL WHITE, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron Retired Wood worker deceased who died on February 16th 1983 are hereby notified to file the some with the undersigned by the 27th day of April 1983 WOODS 8 CLEMENS. 9 King Street Elmira Ontario N3B 276 Solicitors for the Executor IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALEXANDER INKIEY late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above nomed Alexander Inkley who died on or about the 26th day of January 1983 ore required to file the came with full par ticulors with the undersigned by the 2nd doy of May 1983 as after that dote the assets of the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned sholl hove notice DATED at Clinton Ontorio this 30th doy of March 1983 D GERALD HILTZ Barrister 8 Solicitor 56 Huron Street CLINTON Ontorio Solicitor for the Administrotrix 14 15 16 38 Auction ale GIGANTIC Farm Equipment monthly consignment auction Friday April 22 1983 1000 o m shorp Soles held 4th Fri day of eoch month New and us ed equipment including opprox moiety 75 100 troctors sorne industrial pieces of all types of form equipment plus lawn and garden equipment Terms cosh or good cheque day of sole Not responsible for accidents on property. Trucking and lunch available Auctioneers Cliff Gilbert and Alex Porr Don t miss it See you there Wayne Word Form Equipment Highway No 6 Wiarton On tario Phone (519) 534 1638 or 19) 534 2980 16o SATURDAY April 23rd 11 a.m. Spring consignment sale Forrn machinery, cors trucks. trot• tors trailers campers tools 35 foot boom truck, float. motor bikes. high performance boat and motor 1950 Plymouth business coupe. A good assort- ment. Orval McLean. Auction Centre. R.R. 2 Lindsay. For in - 1 - 705-324 formation 2783. 16o AUCTION SALE OF HEREFORD CATTLE Will be held for Harold Storey, Lot 34, Conc. 8 McKillop Twp. S miles north of Seefortir then 2 miles West of Winthrop. MONDAY, APRIL 25 AT 2 P.M. Polled 3 yr. old Hereford hr�li - 17 Hereford codas end heifers , most will hews calves - fD Bred heifers for fell calving. TERMS: CASH OWNER OR AtJCTtONEEftt NOT RESPONSi®LE FOR ACCEDEf41TS, George Powell CLERK let Wird ol AUCTIONEER Richt jrd L0 b AL9CTiONEER Clinton 482-7848 AUCTlOI' CALENDAR SATURDAY, APRId 3® -ie Art Furniture, appliances, etc, at Richard Lobb'* aUIP69, CBinto n. SATURDAY, PRAY 7-10 AM Crocks and treenware, cast collection, amber heaver lar. Highly collectable fruit Qars, spot hecory bottles, old tins, etc., befog held for She estate of Percy and Roberta Vlta00ac099 in the Mitchell Arena. SATURDAY, AT 211.10 AM Antique glassawere, antique furniture, hanging lamp*, etc., for the estate of Percy and Roberta Woolecott In the Mitchell Arena. SUNDAY, " AY 29-11 MA Antique faureniture, glassware, end collectable* etc. for the estate of Percy and Roberta Woofacott in the Mitchell Arena. 39 Educational COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS NEEDED Train now for your future Write DMD Computer Ironing Institute, 232 King Nor th Woterloo Ontario N2J 2Y7 June and September egistroTions I6o 40 Lost & Found FOUND Grey Persian female cat Phone 482 3582 16 FOUND small grey mole Tabby cat Princess St. E area. Phone 482-7622. 16 42 Death notice OSTROM At Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday. April 16. 1983, John S. Ostrom of Varna in his 81st year. Beloved husband of Dorothy A. (Rath.. ell) Ostrom. Dear father of Anne (Mrs. Eric Neilson) Winnipeg: Alex. R.R. 3. Clinton: David, Lynchburg, Virginia, Richard, Vulcan, Alberto. Dear brother of Charlie Halstead, Stretford. Predeceas- ed by 3 sisters May, Retto and Harriet. Also survived by 14 grandchildren. Friends were received at the Beattie Funeral Home, 55 Rattenbury Street East, Clinton on Monday from 2- 4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral and com- mittal services were held on Tuesday, April 19., 1983 com- mencing at 2:30 p.m. with Rev. Wilena Brown officiating. Inter- ment Clinton Cemetery. - l6nx OKE Orville, of Goderich Street West, Seoforth, at University Hospital London, on April 13, 1983, in his 69th year. Orville Oke,, --beloved husband of Wilma Rowcliffe, and dear father of Elaine (Mrs. Raymond Baker) London, and Mary (Mrs. Mit- chell Moore) of Burlington. Lov- ed brother of Graeme of Com- ber. Predeceased by 2 sisters, Jessie (Mrs. Allan Walker) and Ella (Mrs. George Feogon), and 5 brothers, Wilson, Albert, Ir- vine, Ira, and Stuart. Also sur- vived by three grandchildren, Alanna and Adrienne Baker, and Kristin Moore. Friends call- ed the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home, 87 Goderich Street West, Seaforth, until Saturday, at 2 p.m., when funeral services were held. Followed by crema- tion. Memorial donotiorts may be mode to The Seoforth Lions Park and Pool Fund, Seaforth Lions held a memorial Service at 8 p.m. Fridoy evening, and Britannia Masonic Lodge Number 170 AF and AM at 8:30 p.m.. in the Funeral Home. 16nx DRYSDALE At the Blue Water Rest Home, Zuri h on Saturday. April 16th, 198 Mrs. Luella (Ortwein) Drysdale formerly of Hensel!. in her 90th year. Beloved wife of the late G. Mork Drysdale (1955). Dee- mother of Katherine (Mrs. Barry Williams) of Waterloo and Jock and Robert both of Hensel! Also survived by 6 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. Visita- tion at the Hensall chapel of Michael P.. O'Connor Funeral Homes, 118 King Street, Hen• soli where the funeral and committal services were con- ducted on Monday April 18th at 2 p.m. with Rev Stan McDonald officiating. Private interment followed in Bayfield Cemetery. l6nx Roy ACC' E PROPERTY ANL GR .IN BINS AUCTI N SALE 011 SATURD .^iY, ,2PRIE 30th at 10 ®i P PERTT Level lot located approx. 9 miles north of Goderich on 18Iuewater Highway No. 21 with approx. 750' fron9e -e and 500' deep. This lot is located approx. 1 mile front Lake Huron. Electrical service and driveway Included. Building permits available for house, shop and barn. PROPERTY TERM: '2,000 down and the balance In 90 days- Will be sold subject to a very low reserve. GRAIN EQUIPMENT: 5-Westeel Rosco bins, 20' diameter x 20' high (5,000 bushel). 2-2,500 bushel w 20' diameter bens. 2-6" x 35' Allied utility augers. 10' Earmuff( grain leg complete with *pouts, etc., with 4" buckets. 30' grain leg by Millwrighter complete with 7" buckets to be sold In separate parcels. TERMS 0 1 EQUIPMENT: No reserve, full payment on day of sale end removal In 30 days. Formore Information call: WTI ,i NEER: JIM MARTIN (519) 699-5529 HAV��ESVIE,LE THE SERVICE Of TWO LOT: THE P;" ICE OF ONE 42 Death notice SMITH Ai Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday. April 12 1983 Mr Goldwyn (Goldie) Smith of Bayfield and formerly of Clinton in his 73rd year. Beloved hus- band of Marjory Hunter. Also lov,•d by two daughters Beverlie (Mrs William Chowen) of R.R. 3 Clinton and Janet (Mrs. Terry Fisher) of Goderich. Also loved by six grandchildren. Predeceased by one sister and two brothers. Rested at the Ball and Falconer Funeral Home, 153 High Street Clinton after 2 p.m. Wednesday. Funeral service was held on Thursdoy. April 14 at 2 p.m. Interment Clinton Cemetery. --16nx TOWIi9TtffEN® Suddenly at St. Joseph's Hospitol on Sunday Apr. 17, 1983, E. Kathleen (Elliott) Townshend, of 950 Colborne Street, in her 86th year. Beloved wife of Bishop William A. Townshend- Dear mother of John, Betty (Mrs. Robert Foster). Mary (Mrs. Howard Friesen), Barbaro (Mrs. Gordon Ullerick), Jim, Peggy (Mrs. Phillip Utting), Mrs. Nancy Lougheed, all of London, Bill of Waterloo, Archdeacon C. Robert Townshend of Owen Sound. Predeceased by a daughter Eleanor (Mrs. Harold Monture) (1966). Dear sister of Miss Elizabeth Elliott, Mrs. Gwen Shoebottom, Margaret (Mrs. Don Ferguson), Mervin Elliott, and Miss Joon Elliott, all of London, Mrs. Anna Wise of Clinton, Frances (Mrs. Don McLean) of Surrey B.C. Predeceased by 4 sisters Florence, Winifred, Mary and Jean, and 3 brothers, Graham, Jack and Joe. Also loved by 27 grandchildren and 8 great- grandchildren. Friends called on Tuesday 2-5 and 7-9 p.m.. of Logan Chapel, Furtney Funeral Homes, 371 Dundas Street. Funeral service from The Church of the Redeemer (Grosvenor and Adelaide Streets) on Wednesday, April 20, 1983 at 11 a.m. Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Friends v,ho wish may make memorial donations to either the Townshend Memorial Trust c' o the Anglican Church of the Redeemer, or the Townshend Memorial Trust c -o Huron Col- lege London.- 16nx WICkfE At his residence 131 Columbia Drive, Huron Park on Monday, April 18, 1983, George Wickie beloved husband of Josephine (Power) Wickie, in his 61st year. Dear father of Mrs. Jim Strong (Peggy) of Clinton, Mrs. Lee Albiston (Grace) of Huron Park, Mrs. Al Piche (Kathleen) of British Columbia, James Wickie of Sudbury. Also survived by 3 grandchildren, 4 sisters and 2 brothers. A private funeral ser- vice was held on Wednesday at 10 a.m. at the Hopper Hockey Funeral Home, with Father Neligan officiating. Interment Mount Carmel Cemetery. 16nx 43. Births CLOGG Aaron, Kevin, and Kelly -Ann proudly announce the addition of a gorgeous new baby brother. Jarod William Charles arrived at 3 30 a.m, on Wednes• day. March 30 of Clinton Public Hospital, tipping the scales at a healthy 8 lbs. 51., oz. Dad and Mom. Barry and Gail couldn't be more pleased. 16nx BE Kf ,�„ER Jock and Shelley welcome with love the safe arrival of their son. Trevor Kyle. born April 8, 1983, weighing 9 Ib. 9 oz. at St. Joseph's Hospital. London A lit - tie brother for Ryan. Proud grondporents are Mr and Mrs Roy Bender of Clinton and Mr and Mrs Don Talbot of London l6nx COOK Dove and Fran Cook ore proud to announce the birth of their son Derek Russell weighing 7 Ib 5 oz born April 8 1983 at Winghom and District Hospital Proud grandparents are Mrs Ehzobeth Bettye and Mr and Mrs Russell Cook 16nx ANDERSON Jim and Marg are happy to on pounce the orrivol of a son Matthew Ent born March 29 1983 at Wingham and District Hospital A brother for Lindsay Brod and Amanda Grand porents ore Eric and Marione Anderson lnndeshoro and Jerry and Marie Heffron Blyth 16ns 44 Engagements HOLMEs_atocx Mr and Mrs Keith Rork R R 4 Walton ore pleased to on pounce the forthcoming mor ridge of their doughter lonette to Jock Holmes son of Grant Holmes and June Foron of Blyth The morriage will take plate April 29 1983 of Cavan United church Winthrop 16