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Clinton News-Record, 1983-04-06, Page 19
The Easter Bunny was making the rounds in Clinton on Saturday afternoon. Visiting with one of their favorite friends were, left to right, Coralie and Siinona Dykstra, and Steven Smith, sitting. Standing, 'Tanya Thompson, Karen Dykstra, Charlene Dykstra and Sonya Thompson. (Shelley McPhee photo) Xi Epsilon Beta tour music studio Ernie King's Music Studio in Wingham was the scene of the March 29 meeting of the Xi Epsilon Beta Sorority. Ken Ducharme of Wingham explained recording procedures and answered questions about the production of tapes and records. The tour was arranged by Mary Marsh. After the program, the group then met at the home of Ann Adams for their business meeting. A report was made to the group, regarding the results of the daffodil sales for the Cancer Society. A letter was received from our International Office stating that the girls eligible for progression from the Ritual chapter will not be able to do so until February. Further discussion followed on the Mother's Day Lun- cheon to be held on May 7 at the new Bayfield Village Inn. Plans were discussed for Klompen Feest and Foun- der's Day. The latest Regal order was distributed as were new summer catalogues. The major point of business was the election of officers for the 10W) aA ..- - Results were as follows: President, Ann Adams; Vice -President: Linda Meade; Recording Secretary: Marj. Dobson; Corresponding Secretary: Audrey Kemp; 'Treasurer: Vivienne Roy. The next meeting will be held on April 12 at the home of Brenda Rutledge. Enjoy your FLORIDA VACATION near ail attractions and WALT DISNEY WORLD A - The Friendly Place Just 10 minutes from Disney World friendly. family oriented motor lodge with ,2 -bedroom apts full size kitchens., gpd motel rooms Color Cable TV 2 swimming pools and kiddie pool game room Ad - tar (nl shopping center Nearby some of F Inrid,i's finest bass fishing Ideal location unpack once ,rnd °oghtsee Central Florida Sea World ,firs Hall of Fame. Gatorland Zoo Busch Gardens Cypress (;audios Kennedy Space Center. Circus World i);iytnna fle.tch ,Intl more Groups wclrornc. special group prices for meals ran be Arr,inged wain area restaurants `aper weekly r,rles tor ever ;1 week~ For rates and brochures' ®®® MAIL COUPON NAM/ nlil'nl :.s (115 !-,TATI ,•14' 1r''( t!p COLONIAL PtnT®R LODGE 181, W Vine Street Exit 0 1l iricia Ttit npike ill 197 Tf 111'HONi 305 N,;.1;1:'1 KISSI MEE, FLORIDA 32741 000000r=©OM®®®®L ®oo®sa®oo©os G ODERICH LITTLE THEATRE PRESENTS A . ,talc& "YOU'RE A GOOD MANS CHARLIE ROWN" FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, APRIL 22nd APRIL 23rd APRIL 24th APRIL 25th APRIL 26th MacKay Centre For Seniors C RTAIN - 8:3O P.M. BOX OFFICE o RAW. gm, o iso Quest OPEN Ttiurrday and Friday, April 14 & 15 1 to 3 p. Closed Saturdays and Sunday Mondays and Tuesdays. April 16 _- 19 1 to 3 p. Closed W dea®sdays Thursday and Fridays, April 21 22 1 to 3 p. Closed Saturdays and Sundays Mondays and sdoy, April 23 & 26 1 to 5 p.� NO TELEPHONE RESERVATIONS PLEASE Con: ation takes p y Bertha MacGregor Maundy Tihursday Ser- vice was held in the Hensel!, United Church on Thursday evening when the Upper Room experience was enacted for the communion Service. Cecil Pepper took the part of Peter, Paul Alexander represented John. Bill Fils.s as Philip, Alt Ross as Thad- deus and Sadie Hoy as Thomas, and John Rowcliffe as Judas. Others assisting with the Communion Service were Dorothy Parker, Shirley McAllister, Jim McGregor, Sheila Riley, Ross Riley, and Sharon Wurm. The ushers for the service were Troyann Cole and Sherry Lee Dayman. A bus load of music lovers from Hensall travelled to London on Saturday evening to Barbershop Concert in Alumni Hall, University of Western Ontario presented by The Men Of Accord. The evening entitled Drif- ting Down Memory Lane had as their guests Nostalgia quartette from Barrie; the Constellation from London, Reunion from Kitchener and Oakville as well as the Ladies quartette from Toronto. The group again en- joyed this great evening of music with The Men of Ac- cord and a most enjoyable bus trip into London. There was an excellent turn out to the Annual Sunrise Service at the United Church on Sunday morning. Belva Fuss was the pianist for the service and again Betty Beer inspired the con- gregation with her singing. Following the service everyone enjoyed an Easter breakfast in the fellowship hall prepared and served by the worship committee with All Ross as chairman. The United Church was filled on Sunday morning for the Easter Service. Doug and Pat Cook greeted the worshippers and Pauline Bell, Sherry Lee Dayin.an, Dana Bozatto and Starr Jesney were the ushers. The choir sang under the direc- tion of Marlen Nattegall the organist and choir director. The Easter Lilies at the front of the church were placed in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Fee, the flowers on the Memorial Stand in loving memory of Archie Noakes by his family and the baskets of flowers in Loving memory of Archie Parsons by Mable and his family. Rev. McDonald visited on Sunday afternoon with his mother at the Hiemstra Rest Home in Listowel. People report Mr. Richard Taylor is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital in London, where he underwent surgery last week. Mrs. Pearl Shaddick returned to her home after spending the winter months in Florida. Mrs. Gordon Troyer is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter where she CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1983 PAGE 19 rt in Hensall service is recovering. The Humanitarian Ser- vices Committee of the IOOF and Rebekah Lodges held a Euchre in the local hall on Thursday evening with seven tables playing. Ladies' high prize was won by Mrs. Frank Brintnell; ladies' con- solation, Mrs. Alex McBeath; men's high prize, Mrs. Mary Broadffoot ; men's low, Stewart Blackwell; lone hands, Mrs. Stewart Blackwell; First draw was won by Mrs. Blackwell; se- cond draw, Mrs. Bev. Hamilton. The Three Links Seniors will hold their April meeting on April 12 at 6:30 p.m. com- mencing with a potluck sup- per. The District Rally will be held on April 27 in the Legion Hall, Exeter, Registration at 9:30 a.m. Plan to attend. Easter Sunday service was largely attended in Carmel Presbyterian Chur- ch, when members of the congregation took charge of the service. Miss Mary Thompson led the service with the call to worship and prayer. The hymn story was given by Mrs. Linda Crerar, after which Miss Carolyn Love played an organ solo. Scripture readings were taken by Wayne Love and John Baker, who led in prayer. The responsive reading was led by John Baker, Mrs. John Skea read the story of a hymn. Robert Bell and Mrs. Don Mousseau read scrip- ture passages. Miss Carolyn Love played an organ solo. Miss Jane Pollock sang a solo. The Easter message was presented by Miss Mary Thompson. The choir sang an anthem followed by the hymn story by Mrs. John Baker. Rev. Kenneth Knight thanked everyone who took part and closed with the Benediction. Mrs. Dorothy Taylor presided at the organ for the service. The Bells of St. Marys will be featured in a musical evening on Sunday, May 15 at 7:30 p.m. The Anniver- sary service will be held on Sunday, May 29 when Rev. (grant McDonald of Kit- chener v, 111 be guest minister. Mr Charles Mickle of Hamilton is spending this week visiting with his mother Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mr Michael Davis return- ed to Vancouver last week and Mr. Robert Davis returned to England after spending some time with their another Mrs. Errue Davis. They. came home when their father Mr. Ernie Davis passed away. Mr. and Mrs. A. Slade and Glen and Mrs. Hazel Luther spent the holiday weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ashley in Ottawa. Zomax withdrawn 1.ISTOWEL - Listowel pharmacists are asking customers to return the prescription analgesic Zomax to the drugstores. McNeil Pharmaceutical Canada, manufacturer of Zomax is temporarily with- drawing the drug pending consideration of revised directions for use. Zomax was introduced in Canada and the USA about two years ago. Since then more than 15 million patients in North America have used the drug. A statement issued by McNeil Pharmaceutical indicates reports of side effects have been carefully monitored. The company, after consultation with health regulatory officials in both countries about a year ago, alerted physcians that hypersensitive reactions are a known possible side effect. Last month, an apparent increase in the number of hypersensitive reactions was reported in the U.S. The drug company says severity of reactions has ranged from mild rash to extreme hypersensitivity. Anger is never without reason ... but seldom a good one. Representatives from the companies that make the products we sell will be on hand in our store, Wed., Thurs., Fri., and Sat. to give you expert advice and assistance on making your purchases. These people really know what they are talking about and will be happy to answer any questions you may have. *Free Parking * Free Delivery *Free Coffee FOU DAYS ONLY Wed., Theism, Frio & Sat® These are only a f Box Springs & Mattresses 1®% to 40% off Odd box springs and posture boxes on sole at 60% Off Your choice of sizes li____ SAVE ON F;URN.I'TURE, APPLIANCESICARP w examples of vol 5 pee. Princevlife Bedroom Sete You must see this beautiful suite to appreciate the value. Includes• dresser. armoire. headboard, two night tables Was '2670 $133S es inside for you. Prices have be 3 pee. Pine Finish Bedroom Suites only 05 in stock $24995 Comfortable 50" Waterbed campOate $399 39" - Now only '299 Ail Good Quality ABO items subpecs ito prior sane', sl shed In all dep tir rid Ch :,ors 60% Off Our reg. price Dishwashers Storting at $444 Color TV's starting frorn $389 Black & Whites from $89.95 Microwave ®yeas s® convenient in the kitchen as low as $449 1ND VINYL AT THE"A' Save on Stereos with AM/FM radio, cassette and record player from $397 Curi.x Cons le & Mirror WI If Pike Two piece plaid Livingroontil Suite Reg. 5599.95 $449¢95 Sect® IRicle.A.Beq cy Attractive plaid covering 33 /® Off Two piece Livvifwgroom Suite .u..iin., i is, nrrtund I,.,,rrd 1,111,.• t„ gnrr „...,rl,.,hr,r,nq.,r.1i m. Reg. 5849 Now $595 C y tfee & En ' Tables 15 it ';., 5O% Offreg. Choose from a good selection prices Highlight your horroe with this seven piece ®litho aroom Suite Was S1729 Sale $10 5 Wine Racks, Magazine Racks Lamps & Light Fixtures Vp PO SO AD Off Elegant Palliser seven piece iningr arra Suite See the quality of this oak finish Was 51279 Plow $995 Raw Seta 4®% off Wall ®Diens Our Entire Stock of Carpet Vinyl On Sal as Carpet Storting asa-L45 ag. yd. Vinyl Storting 09493 ca. yd. Choose front Armstrong, GAF and Dorvtco Special prices on all Corpet & Vinyl ordered from our excellent choice of samples all In stock. Ceramic filo priced to soil Are® Rugs 4O%o 'S MOST COM PLSTE Refrigerators reduced as low as $595 VISA Was ler's & 'ryers Priced from only $949 Fsr. 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