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Clinton News-Record, 1983-04-06, Page 5
G';rct i et e t illl( S.aturd'ay. p I{1' 9 ,'We reser,ye the ru t llc�' G Fottti.nutanlltieS:: MITCHELL'S PURE APPLE JUICE 48 FL. OZ. WHITE SWAN -ASSORTED BATHROOM TISSUE OUND STEAK FULL CUT LEWIS BREAD WHITE, 80% WHOLE AND CRACKED WHEAT 675 G. 494 TIDE POWDERED LAUNDRY DETERGENT 6 L. 3.99 WHITE SWAN ASSORTED PAPER TOWELS 2 ROLL PACKAGE JELLO ASSORTED VARIETIES JELLY POWDERS WHOLE CHICKENS GROUND BEEF 3 OZ. 3 /* 92 SAVE 7: WHITE SWAN ASSORTED COLOURS I.G.A. ASSORTED 200 G. FACIAL TISSUE POTATO CHIPS (1.1N'1'ON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, APIUL6, 1983- PAGE early Fi les 5 years ago rch 30, 1978 Clinton Legion Zone commander George Cam- pbell presented membership chairman Bob Irwin with a pen recognizing 30 years of active service with the Legion. Over 40 members off the Clinton Legion Branch 140 including Mr. Campbell were presented with the pins on March 28. The Huron Board of Education is in the market for tutors of Grade 12 and 13 students. The board is considering the use of adult volunteers in the schools who are capable of acting as tutors or discussion leaders. 10 years ago March 29, 1973 Tuckersmith Reeve Elgin Thompson and Clinton Mayor Don Symons dropped the first puck to open the first annual girls' hockey tournament at Vanastra last Friday night. Belmont won the championship crown. Towns and villages in Huron County should open their doors to city people and welcome them with open arms, a land use conference in Clinton was told last Thursday. Dr. R. Stephen Rodd, and assistance professor at the school of agriculture economics at the University of Guelph told 150 gathered for the day -long event that city people just wanted some peace and quiet and the towns and villages in Huron could provide this without valuable farmland being eaten up by urbanities. 25 years c� March 27, 1958 Hailed by the Sun Oil people as the "Biggest news in gasoline history" new "miracle pumps" are being installed throughout the country for dealers in :.lue Sunoco gasoline. The secret is in two tanks underground, one of which contains Blue Sunoco 211 and the other one contains Sunoco Octane Concentrate. Each have separate fuel pumps and meters, and mechanism inside the pump controls the blend. Harry Watkins of Clinton and Arthur Dutton of Brucefield are happy to supply their customers with just the right blend of gasoline to suit their par- ticular make of car. 50 years March 30, 11933 The three -cent stamp on cheques for sums under $5 is not required until May 1. There are signs that the depression is passing. While the farmer still gets only 2'2 cents for a quart of milk, the legislators are expressing dissatisfaction about it. Wheat is up in price far enough almost surely to imply a real advance for the season. Hogs have advanced in price a dollar or so. 75 years ago March 29, 1908 Horses are not by any means in as keen demand this season as a year ago, and, in consequence, prices have fallen from 15 to 20 per cent. Some shipments are, however, being made to the West and Montreal, and it is hoped that with a favorable spring the prospects will improve. Mr. William Grant of the London Road went to Blyth Friday evening last with the Clinton checker team and helped defeat the players of that burg. 100 years ago March 30, 1883 The Bayfield woollen mills have been rented, and will he in full blast this spring. The Tennants are practical men of long experience. As usual our butchers made a fine display of well fatted and dressed meats of all kinds. Mr_ Couch did excel] himself this year in quantity at least, having 5 beefs, 12 pigs, 2 calves and 2 lamps, with sausages. tongues, pigeons etc. East Wawanosh boasts of a square of 13 miles which has given no less than 14 persons to the life matrimonial since Christmas This beats Morris with her 10, but Wawanosh has only to wait until the latter end of Mav SUNLIGHT POWDERE,I LA's N RY ETERGEHT 6 L. CHICKEN BREASTS WING ATTACHE QUARTE ':S CHOICE PEACHES IGA CANNE ALVES OR SLICES 14 FL. OZ. . 79 PEANUT UTTE YORK 1 KG. SMO TH 0' CRUNCHY i� SUCCESS STEMS & PIECES MUS -'00 10 FL. OZ. N IAGA [' A 12.5 OZ. O'.ANGE ICE • J 11 T J' IB ROAST CHUCK LADE ':>ONE OUT 14/Kg. /lb. K i'; A F T MIRACLE WHIP SALE \D RESSI `` G 500'M L. 1 .1 FRUIT COCKT , IL BGA, FANCY 25 H. 01. 1. EVAPORATED ILK ICA 385 LTII. GROUND COFFEE MAXWELL HOUSE 369 G. REGULA':, AUTOMATIC OR FILTER IP F [NCH FRIES VAOdIY 6ARwA GtEGU LAN, CR1NKILE ®� iU10(011,4 1 ha HALO 225 ML. EGULA SHAMPO .9 KERNEL CORN IGA, FANCY 13 Ed O1. . 5 1' [ANS VAN CAMP WITH PORK 14 Fl. 07 TEA BAGS RED ROSE 11 X OF 60 1 . POT PIES YORK 8 OZ. HICKEN TURKEY .7 1 T-1 ONE STEAK 7, SIRLOIN STEAK 3 ©2/lb. 9 /Kg. WIENERS MAPLE LOIeGE 454 G. PKG. STO:E PACKE AC' 1 N EN 111' S 1 LETS 1.74/Kg. .7 /lb. Y THE PIECE LOGNA SLICED PORK LIVER 1 .49 /lb. /Kg. PURE PORK SAUSAGE FEARMAN'S STORE PACKED 3.22:.,. 1.46 ,. SQUIRE ASSORTED ICE CREAM 2 LITRE CARTON 1. DILL PICKLES ICA 7,50 ML. GARLIC OR PLAIN 1.3 CANNED PASTA LIBBrs ALM 4GETTI 14 Ft, OP. SALAD DRESSING KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP 1 L 2.19 C FFEE WHITENER RICH'S 500 g COFFEE RICH .4 BLADE ROAST OR STEAK BONELESS 5.051Kg. 2.2'/11). ( LOSE -11P RFGtII AR 'OR MINT 100 MI TOOTH- PASTE OOTH-PASTE 0 SUNIIIST, SI/F 118'S PROI)U( T OF U.S.A. NAVEL ORANGES 1.29 WHOLE TOMATOES 1<,A, C HO1( )HFI OP . 79 KETCHUP IC A 1 1. SOFT MARGARINE C0l'NTRW LANE 1 LS MAPLE LANE COTTAGE CHEESE >00 G. REC. 1 SLICED BOLOGNA MAC & CHEESE OR ( H1CKEN BURNS 175 C. PKG. .88 CHICKEN LOAF TAILLEFER SLICED 4®0'/Kg. 1.85/Ih. COLBY CHEESE ( ANADIAN ',ARM OR PLAIN 6.2 ,kg. 2.85„„). PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FRESH GREEN ONIONS / 1 ONTARIO POTATOES ( ANADA NO. 1 10 l R. RA(, .99 FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT WHITE OR RED NEW ( ROP TOMATOES VINE RIPE PRODU(T OF MEXI( 0 CANADA NO. 1 .7 /Ih. SEEDLESS GRAPES RED, (ANAI)A N(). 1 PRODUCT OF ( HII F 3.29/kg. 1®49 /Ih. COOKE D HAM CANADIAN OUFEN SLICED 5,47ig. 2.48/, MOZZARELLA CHEESE ('ANA1)IAN 5.90/Kg. 2.68/Ib. HEAD LETTUCE ( ANAF)A NO. I PROM( T OF (I.S.A. ® 78/IA. WAREP HOL,SE PRICES - EVERYDAY. EVERY WEEK! PLUS SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT EACH WE (GET DETAILS FROM YOUR LOCAL IGA STORE) NESDAY STORE HOURS OI'}," 1111 FV -.111 1 11I)F HII)A1 1 TII.1 9I'. M. I -OH 1111 H ( 11'\1 F.NIF.` I F Id':34) n 113419 8:30 a Il• 341 a I13Qla 61341a m m rrt m 6.09 p m. -6.00 p m h1FClpm 9.045 p m 9.04) p m 4104)p m