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Clinton News-Record, 1983-03-23, Page 24
PAGE 4A--CLINTON NEWS -RECO E:.: ter Seal m epi_' is underway The Easter Seal Society is a voluntary agency speaking and acting on behalf of physically disabled children. The Society, formerly the Ontario Society for Crippled Children, employs a staff of 36 district nurses, qualified in rehabilitation and public health, who visit children in their homes and arrange treatment and other services needed. More than 6,500 children up to age 19 are served; referral of older per- sons is made to an ap- propriate adult agency. The Society collaborates with 19 treatment and ,habilitation centres across Ontario which offer a wide range of therapy, education and supportive services. At the request of local medical societies, The Easter Seal Society sponsors annual diagnostic and con- sultant clinics in Northern Ontario. Each year over 1,000 youngsters are examin- ed. The findings are reported to family physicians and ar- rangements made through the Society nurse to ensure the provision of prescribed treatment and equipment. Travelling teaching clinics are held at the request of local professional groups. These clinics cover the range of disabilities the Society serves and provide continuing education for medical and rehabilitation personnel as well as parents. Five Society -owned and operated summer camps provide holidays for more than 1,000 children each year. The Easter Seal Society, through the Conn Smythe Research Foundation for Crippled Children, sponsors medicall research into crippl- ing disorders, preventative measures, and new treat- ment techniques. The Socie- ty also provides substantial financial support for the On- tario Crippled Children's Centre and the Blissym- bolbcs Communication In- stitute. The Society is funded from three major sources: the an- nual Easter Seal Campaign, fund raising activities such as Snowarama, the Timmy Tyke Hockey Tournament, Al Balding's Golf Week for Timmy, and bequests. The Society was created in 1922 by 10 service clubs, which adopted physically disabled children as their field of community service. Today, 236 service clubs - Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, Kinsmen and others - are af- filiated with The Easter Seal Society. Li r1.Iry ' ant is botste MITCHELL- Town Council has voted to raise its grant to the library in 1983 by $1,000 to $7,000. Although new councillor Ron Ashbourne questioned the increase, stating that many members of council had been elected on a restraint platform of five or six percent, Reeve Jim Spence stood up for the library. "The library has been really strapped for funds," he said, "and 1 don't mind giving an extra $1,000 from the town. It is pretty efficient considering what the hoard has to work with." Deputy clerk Jim Demerling told Ashbourne the library has no increases over the number of years from the previous $6,000, that the allowance has not gone up with inflation. The library's operating budget for 1983 is $21,700, with salaries taking up the biggest chunk at $13,000. That leaves only $4500 for books, papers • and magazines, fuel, utilities, operating expenses, repairs, audit and equipment. The Town of Mitchell is the biggest contributor to the library in Mitchell. In 1982, total budget used was $18,587.32, including provincial grants available through participating townships of Ellice, ice, Fullarton. Ilihbert and Logan which pay their share on a per capita basis. Quotable quote A man cannot utter two or three sentences without disclosing to intelligent ears precisely where he stands in life and thought. whether In the kingdom of the senses and the understanding. or in that of ideas and Imagination. or in the realm of Intuitions and duty Emerson Name: Address: 'Phone: Leave this ballot with the A&P Food Store cashier or mal o A&P Goal Rush, P.O. Bon 249, Stat. W. Toronto d©®o ® ';:1� VirEDNESD: _Y, MARCH 23, 1 MAPLE LEAF HOCKEY BROADCAST POA[ RUSH CI.NT[ST you could won S5fl {' I ift Ceet iiic ���t r ,,Itis, ', each tome a Maple Leaf player scores a coal U' REGULAR PRICE .75 Made with 100% pure vegetable shortenigl FROZEN, BROWNIES OR BANANA Sara Lee Cakes REGULAR, FINE OR EXTRA FINE traditional Nabob Coffey 369 g VAC PAC RAG OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.69 4•11E FA a "Please Give. Beat Diabetes". REGULAR OR DIET 7UP Case of 24 10 FL OZ TINS OUR REGULAR PRICE 9.99 6-10 oz returnable itis & deposit at our regular price. Product of Calitor .aa Sweet, Seedless for 1 CNADA NO 1 GRADE PLOD. OF CHILE !acs l G es DA NO. 1 Gi'i;-.DE, PROD. OF TEXAS Green Cab ag 1 each CAN , iB A F PROD. OF ONTARIO, NCY 111 PURPOSE les 5 lb ;1-.1 9 CANADA NO 1 GRADE, PROD. OF ONTAROC2 Fresh C rriits PROD. OF FLORIDA, JUOCY, SEEDLESS, LARGE Gr !"fruit PROD. OF CALOFORNIA, FRESH reen Onions CANADA NO 1 GRADE, PROD. OF ONTARl0 Yelloll Cooking Onions PROD. OF TEXAS, DELOCOOUS Lash Spin c 2 Ob bags a 5/r 3/1 .., 5 Ib 10 oz cello bags 1 BAKED JANE PARKE°•? H It Cro ti OUR REGUL r R PRICE 1.39 PKG OF 8 PROD. OF MEXICO, SWEET, JUICY 1 _l / gape water I el i. , ,�� I89� CANADA EXTRA FANCY, PROD. OF B.C., RED OR GOLD[ ehc ti._ s Apples/°, CANADA NO 1 GRADE, PROD. OF FLORDA, FRESH Celery Hearts bunch PROD. OF U.S.A. pp �P maine L ttuce bunch CANADA NO 1 GRADE, PROD. OF PEI. king Potatoes 5 lb I'..'.;* PROD. OF ONTAR00, SOYA BEAN CURD Tif PROD. OF CALOFORNIA Av cados 500 g pN9 2/ CANADA NO 1 GRADE, PROD. OF ONTAROO Huta°; agas 2/ PROD. OF ONTAROO Fresh Coleslaw 2 cones 1 PROD. OF CANADA 9 Fireplace Logs Health & Beauty Aida & General Merchandise 9 Pepsodent Tothpaste JANE PARKER. SLICED Old -Fashioned Bread 6759 0� ASST VARIETIES SNACK N CAKE OR STIR'N FRO U-tty Crocker Mi es 'gig 1®19 JANE PARKER, RAISIN PIE 1.29 OR Raspberry Pie JANE PARKER English Muffins MARVEL Hamburger Huns 624 g SII® 1 G 99 pk6 of 79 pkg of 99 12 JANE PARKER, Gl AZED Homestyle Donuts pkA°f1549 JANE PARKER Golden Pound Coke OUR REGULAR PRICE 1 79 510grnkr+ 099 PREMIUM CLASSIC CHOCOI ATE CHIP OR C HOC OL ATE FUDGE 100gtm 79 Dare Cookies tie hag 20 OREO OR PIRATES 450 g TIN TIE BAG Christie Cookies OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.35 99 OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.09 mL TUBE SPRING FEELING. ASSORTED TYPES Shampoo 350 mL 1 �l fSa pili b91 Ut TRA BAN. ASSORTED TYPES Deodorant 200 mL aerosol fin 9 2.49 REGULAR, SUPER OR SUPER PLUS Tampax Tampons p49of 3.99 CAREFREE. REGULAR OR DEODORANT Pantyshields poor 199 10W30 Shell Motor 011 1 Iiire 1 2 Pin FABRIC SOFTENER 5 L Fleecy Liquid JUG 3 59 NEWBORN. "E" Pamper Diapers OUR REGULAR PRICE 6.49 2/1 ASST FL VOURS Ann Page Ic • Cream OUR REGUL. R PRICE 2.79 2 LITRE CTRL 1" FROZEN. BEEF CHICKEN OR TURKEY Swanson Meat Pies FROZEN. 2 -COMPARTMENT. ASST VAR Swanson Entrees STOUFFERS, FROZEN Macaroni & Cheese GREEN GIANT FROZEN 801L N BAC, a ASST VAR OF Vegetables SEAL TEST LIGHT 'N LIVET Y Cottage Cheese FIESTA STYLE, ASSORTED FLAVOURS Gay Lea Yogurt pkq .69 8 oz 6 oz pkq 1 c 59 33gg1.19 2p gq 1 9 3 9 k Sg rtnOO 9 2'75g 175g 99 lobs BOSTON BLUE. FROZEN Fish Fillets 3.O6,kq/ hl .3 FRASERVALE FROZEN Fish & Chips 'P Aq 2®6 FROZEN, BLUE WATER Fish Fries or Fish Sticks OUR REGULAR PRICE 3 89