HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-03-23, Page 20Cllr ton Minor Hockey CE at this G derich Township Holl SATURDAY, MARCH 26 MUSIC By "Whiskey Jack" 9 ' M-1 AM TICKETS: $S. EACH LUNCH PROVIDED FOR TICKETS PHONE 482-7894 ® 482-9196 ALL PfROCFF,. TO MIN HOCKEY c ming CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday 8 p rr' First regular cord $I OU Six cords fur $1 00 Fifteen reyulor gorses miter share the wealth Eorly bird game r 45 p m lockpor 5200 00 must go each weak 911or HAPPY HOOKER BALL No 2 on Swot duy April 9 of Cruder ich Township Cornrnunrty Centre Sponsored by S S No 4 Corn nturiity Club 9 I a rn Country Companions $10 lunch Phone 482 72H to tickers 10 13 WESLEY WILLIS United Church snug fling marker Saturday Nuaember 5 12 FAMILY FUN with 0 musical once', featuring The Crippled Ducks Ric hold Knechrel and Jun Medd and the Pleasure Poc Sunday March 2/ at 2 30 p rn ar Blyth Mernulial Hall Adults 54 children 51 50 Call 523 9300 11 12th A1TENTION, All bookings fur he Community Centre Arena for rhe VrIlage of Bayfield to be mode through the Clerks Office until further notice Phone 565 2455 11 12or SEAFORTH S STH Old Tyree Fid dle Jamboree Sunday March 27th 1 p rn 8 p rn Seaforth District High School A large number of champion novelty and amateur fiddlers will be nerfor ming' Also Solo or Group Step Dancing Everyone Welcome' Admission Adults S2 50 (hldren under 12 free accompanied by adults) Sup per K refreshments available to all spectators Bring the whole family Sponsored by the Van Egmond Foundotion 11 12 HAM BINGO Sponsored by Auburn and District Lions Club Friday March 25 8 p m at Auburn Cornrnunity Hall 12 THE FINAL cord parry for the season of Surruner hill Holl Arednesdoy Murch 30 or 8 30 p tri Ladies pleuse briny unch 12 CARD PARTY of 1 0 0 1- Holl Brucefield un Fridoy Murch 25 of 8 30 p m Ladies pleose briny Punch E'er yone welcurne Ad mission 51 12x \POETRY READING Mr George Amabile Canadian poem will read his wu.l aI Clinton Branch Librory Mor 29th 7 30 p m Free Admission Sponsored by Huron County Lrbrory arid League of Coriodion Poets 12 BINGO every Tuesday e'enin9 OT VariaStro Centre R R 5 (lin ton 8 p m First reyulor turd 51 00 15 regular 515 (pines three share the wealth Jo(kpo' 5200 UU roust go' Admission is restricted ru 16 years ow, o.er 2ffot MAGIC SHOW Mi Magic will entertain children of all ayes un Friday Mar 25th Clinton Branch Library 2 00 pin Free admission Sponsored by Huron County Library Funded by Outreach Ontario 12 KLOMPEN FEEST Parade entry forms available of Campbell s Mens Weor Ball & Mulch Fur ruture Clinton Municipal Office The Chiropractic Centre and The Clinton News R,cord Office 12 20or tee SPRING CATERING SPECIAL! it'll make your party perfect. CHICKEN DINNER 2 pieces of chicken and salads, 00 os low ns We deliver- i& e serve -and clean nap after CLINTON 482-7337 Family and Children's Services of Harron County (Operated by the Ch00;..lFen's Mid Society) invites you to the 72 ANNUAL EETI l; lG rte: March 30, 1903 Time: 2:00 P.M. Pince: AO Gloucester Terrace G ,defrlkh, Ort ,rlo Memberships availble of the do a - $1.0 Refreshments HURON COUNTY FAMOLY PLAN- NING invitras you to offend Family Planning Clinic every Thursday from 6 30 p m to 9 00 p rn or Huron County Health Una Public Health Wing Huronvrew Clinton Counselling and medical ser vices provided 24e o w FRONTIER RANCH summer comp girls July boys August complete riding Waterfront progrom 26th year accredited 55 miles west of 01 town Mr and Mrs Lyle Jeffrey RR 2 White Lake Ontario KOA 310 613 623 3577 12o THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit Invites you to attend the Expectant Porenr Education Classes being held in the Seoforth Hospital commencing Thursday March 31 1983 from 7 30 9 30 p rn Series will begin with 2 Early Bird classes follow ed by 6 Regulor Glosses The cost is $3 00 The next series of classes will begin the week of September 12 1983 For pre registration or further informa- tion please call the Health Unit of+ice in your oreo at 527 1243 10 11 l2or THE OPAL CLUB a dining and social club for single adults For information phone I•273 0118 11 12 STAG for Bill Whyte FRIDAY MARCH 25 r The high, sweet notes of the ukele filled the auditorium of the Huron Centennial School on March 18 when students participated in a talent contest. Playing a tune is Yvette Predhomme, left, and Janice Moffatt. Winners in the duet section were John and Jeremy Miller receiving first for their puppet show and Martha Hook and Roxanne Martin In a piano -solo duet. > Ron W assink photo) Sam Bondi wins at Show WINGHAM - A Wingham artist, Sam Bondi, is gaining recognition for his work. Last week he won second prize in the oil and acrylic painting category at an art show held at the Durham Art Gallery. Mr. Bondi, who is entirely self-taught, said he is pleased and somewhat surprised to win at Durham because there were close to 200 entries in the show. He shown his work in com- petitions at Owen Sound, but this is the first time he has entered the Durham show. The prize-winning painting is a scene from the Maitland River. Mr. Bondi takes a 35mm snapshot and then projects it onto a screen to paint from. Many artists employ this method now, he said, because a scene can change daily because of light. Mr. Bondi does a variety of painting, from nature scenes to still lifes to portraits, which are his favorites. He has a collection of portraits of Elvis Presley which he is quite proud of, as well as one of Marilyn Monroe. He likes to use oils because he finds they are easier to work with. "The ability to laugh at yourself is the beginning of a life long comedy." Reserve now for a Special Evening out. Main Street, Bayfield 565-2611 Hap y 2 ct irth Ke PAGE 2)D--- CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNEJ,( MARCH 23, Epilepsy Chapter irks lottery winners The Huron County Chapter of Epilepsy Ontario Midwest held its draw for 21 prizes at the Goderich Livery's Monte C'arlo Night on March 12, held at the Goderich Memorial and Corrununity ('entre. The first fund raising endeavour was a total success with all proceeds used to support the services of the Huron County Chapter, to people of this area who have epilepsy, their families, friends, teachers, employers etc. The chapter sincerely appreciates the efforts of the ticket sellers, the local businesses who contributed prizes, the support of the [.'very organization, Goderich, and the volunteer assistance of those who gave of their time in many ways. The winners of the 21 draw lottery were. Mary Lachlan, Kincardine; Al Keillor, Seaforth; Andre Bilke, Hensall; Marion Sproul, Auburn; Fran Emerson, Goderich; Rob Hoffman, Hensall; Torn Stevenson, Kincardine; L. Il lman, London; Marj Marshall, BIuewoter Kennel Club DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES starting April 6th At 7:30 pm 10 week course LOCATION: Seaforth Community Centre FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR PRE -REGISTRATION CALL: PHIL BRADLEY 482-7734 JOE LORe 482-3372 ***yt**1 Cit; *: Toronto :* march 25th, 1983 * For Further Information .Contact. * Goderich : 524-7622 524-4540 * Clinton 402-9009 • ******************* 41. u elnloy the BLUE F,• UNTAIN atmosphere Specials % ALL DINNERS off torSENIOR CITIZENS 10 ...served with Salad Bar Monday -Thursday Evening Thursday & Friday March 24th & 25th LUNCHEON: Spec)®I DRESSED BEEF -Served with all extras." affectionate masterp ece. Spiell rg' finest, most satisfying movie yet." NEWSWEEK "STEVEN SPIELBERG'S MAGICAL MOVIE, IS IN A CLASS BY ITS BEAUTIFUL SELF." TIMt.' MAGAZINE StIPPER: Try ourFri salyy, March 2511 1 3 p.m. - 10 p.m. LSALMON STEAK "Served with all extras." Saturday March 26th 3 p.m. - 10 p.m. SUPPER: FILL ■ MIGNON "Served with all extras." — Sunday, March 27th 12 noon - 0 p.m. "YOUR CHOICE," Six Sunt€ y Sp®clals all at special prices, with veesutrtas all Ineluc-1ed.) Pleat Monday, Tuesday <rl. Wednesday "Students return back to school" SPECIAL: HAMBURGERS 99` FRENCH FRIES 99' Served 4rovry 11:00 a.m. 41:0013 Q,. 0 .0 0 • • it A,TEVF;N sVIFLRE'RtFHLM tier »>afraid He is totally atone He is 3 'million ht it yeaf:s on 100 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 With ell the above sp ck®IT 0 all the ow trait ®r': IncludoeL LUE FOUNTAIN 0 0 0 FULLY LICENCED UNDER L.L.'r.O. 1 0 BO AL`'.E T ST. CLINT412-3077 to —�0 1 t1t1 N S}WLMIt ItI.M''F T Tf1F FTj11A'1'1tRkE�TRW. t*110.1.LA(ETETIltiiyo E PfE1'RIY7ltoWK+,TflIRTft141' ti.k)rrrtlr, L • CORIT1 R R1 MI1.I' iliMAflIE:t 31f101)L CEO E� %TI%1 % IFlxt1 Rind LUT IRU E'Y KEE r O1 DIREC?EI) lY c7E�lN S►IE11ERfr A t',iVEleiiic ►1717111; : e ■°iGr a -..,............. l .s r gra..+-mNR!-Ifdm Wednesday -Thursday 7:30 part Frlday-Saturday 7 pm & 9 pm Sunday -Thursday 7:30 pm SPECIAL MATINEES SATURDAY -SUNDAY - 2 PM 0000000000000* 0eeee 0 0 e 1� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 0 0 Blyth; Carol Bell, Kin- cardine; Ron Del .,...agate, Lucknow; Deborah Buchanan, Goderich; Jean Cairns, Egmondville; Craig Cass, Goderich; Karen Tyndall, Clinton; Irene Dapueto, Lont Fn; \Robert Thompson, Ripley;..arb Smith, London; Lorne Archer, Hensall; Allan Traynor, Tiverton and Jennifer Black, Goderich. SPRING R� lP RO6 • AMS '83 FOR Venestra and Seaforth Recreation Depts. START April 11, 1983 Watch for FOCUS edition April 5 for your progrean brochure. NEW SEWING CL SS E$ AlleFIDAT, ::9;RCM 23 3 Vlieeks - ' Rugger rents" Afternoon er Sveninegs TU's51AY, A, >;;IL $ 4 weeks-ofterneon only "Tailored Jacket or Coat" MON AY, A II, 111 1 teak - afternoon or evening "Rugger Shirt" dtFtid 23 4 weeks - evereioegs. rib; to rsva Cotoeers to weer . yaw sllh®eeette w®re9robes pieinreleeg, treeNfeeep ®eaQ9 accessories. APRIL 23 2 weeks - afternoons „Rugger Poets„ Cell Mery's Seting Centre for more information 482-7036 1% MEN'S SLO'PITCH BASEBALL LEAGUE layers or teams can contact Dim Johnston 523-4425 or (Neil Salverdn 482-7207 SKATI�N6 CARNIVAL "Mfu$tc- Musjc-Musj rr presented by CLINTON FIGURE SKATING CLU PLACED Clinton Col$slesclvisity Centre DATE: Saturday, M®eehs 26 TML 7:30 p FLA`f�RINCo Oaw f�was preelslof� to®ruin tlse Cry' so c :.rsdJ the Starlets. ADM SSIOIC Advance -Adults '2,30 Public School 1.00 At the oor - Adults 3,00 Public School 1030 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: PDorkoimeecorating Clinton Commercial Printer* Public Utilities Office 1 1111'1111 II NOW UDEN liking-Saturday-SitAr1dny has Office Operas 7 PM CHARLES BRONSON r; COP.. A KILLER... A DE 7 , DUNE.. ta istrss der wildest Brea s Are about to come Imre. *0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 * O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 moseeeeeoisee