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Clinton News-Record, 1983-03-23, Page 9
Council for the Township of West Wawanosh met at their meeting on March 1. Clerk Joan Armstrong authorized to contact four or five engineering firms to re- quest quotations for a sate plan of operation for the West Wawanosh dump sate. The Building Inspector was authorized to issue building permits to A. Foreman (garage) and L. Kerr (implement shed) . The Road Superintendent oshcunei will call tenders for the crushing and hauling of ap- proximately 25,4,1 cubic yards of gravel on Township roads during 1983. The 1983 Road Tour by Council was discussed, the date to be finalized to saint the availability of MTC consul- tant Ross Jackson. The 1983 program of road expenditures submitted by the road superintendent in the amount of $236,300 was approved. to c The application for severance by A. Stothers was approved provided that satisfactory arrangements are made with the owner of the private road, which its the only access to the subject lot, for as use by the subsequent owner of the severed parcel of land. Council was informed that an application had been received after the advertised deadline. and council's deci- en sion was that it not be con- sidered for the job. They ac- cepted ;•e application of Steven Hickey to count the dogs and sell dog tags in the townsp for 1 at a price of $1.70 (r Grog. Bylaw 4 was given third reading and passed. This bylaw sets the rates for licensing dogs at $5 for the first male or spayed female and $15 for each additional; $15 for the first female and The arrest of farrners shows proble The arrest of two farmers recently shows how desperate many farmers have become for a solution to the financial problems facing the farming com- munity, the president of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture 1 OFA ) said today. "Hundreds of farmers are walking a fine line between solvency and bankruptcy," Ralph Barrie said. "Such desperate situtions often lead to desperate men taking desperate actions." Many farmers are facing bankruptcy because of large debt charges and low commodity prices. In the case of some commodities, like corn, the farrier can't even sell his product for a price that covers the cost of growing it. Publicity over the arrests highlights the problem, but doesn't solve it, Barrie said. Rather than going to jail, Ontario formers should be working towards a more just system to protect farm rights and provide adequate financing. "We must strike a balance between legislated protection of farmers' rights and solely depending on the goodwill of the farmer and his creditors. Today's solution - to sell off farm assets and close down the operation -- just isn't good enough," Barrie said. In some cases creditors have more say than the farmer and foreclose before the SUPER SPECIAL NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE LIMIT 4 JARS PER CUSTOMER SUPER SPECIAL 1aI% PURE ITCJIELLS PL JUICE 48 OZ. TIN SPECIAL THREE VARLETIES LII"'TYS FANS 90 SPECIAL SUPER SPECIAL YALE T WELS ASSTD COLOURS - 2 ROLL PI(G. DIES WITH MEATBALLS OR SPECIAL LIBBYS TO TATO JUICE 119 farmer has a chance to refinance. While new legislation is needed to protect farriers from arbitrary foreclosures, Barrie pointed out that any changes in the law must not interfere with normal far- mer -banker practices. Some farmers also need access to financial expertise and to have their rights explained to thein. The UFA's Farm Financial Advisory Service ( FFAS 1, i hich is now being set up, $30 for each additional female. A by i :I w was passed naming George Whitby as fire chief of the Lucknow District Fire Department. Another bylaw was passed to give the department authorization to participate in County Mutual Fire Aid. A bylaw authorized the imposi- tion of an interest charge un tax arrears at the rate of 1;z percent per month 15 per- cent per annum). 5 will satisfy these needs. The FFAS will help, but it's voluntary. We still need legislated protection of our rights," Barrie pointed out. "The best way to protect farm rights is to have a financially sound agricultural community that stands together," Barrie added. "Our goal should be to work within the system for a more just and equitable relationship between far- mers and their bankers." SUPER SPECIAL CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1913 --PAGE 9 Mark Leitch (at the controls) discusses his science fair project on airplanes with fellow students at Holrnesville Public School. The Grade 7 and 8 science fair projects were LARGE EGGS CANADA 'A' GRADE ALL WHITE SUPER SPECIAL CANADA DRY 750 mL BOTTLE SPECIAL ORANGE FLAVOURED TANG CRYSTALS SPECIAL ASSORTED FLAVOURS LIPTONS CUP©A-SII;UP PKG. OF4 SPECIAL VAR SIZES MOCKS ASSTS© PANNEr, EGGS 169 SPECIAL MORMON ILLY IT 3 25 oz 99 EA SPE',I,L ASSORTED +'IIID g PKGS. ETTY CCOKE S ACKIN9 CAKE MIXES SPECIAL ALL PURPOSE ® IN HOOD FLOUR SPECIAL SPECIAL 8 pz. JAR S CIAL g PBS G. LANCIA LASAGNA BRAVO DECAFFEINATED PLUS >EP. SUPER SPECIAL CONCENTRATED PURE McCAINS ORANGE JUICE 12.5 OZ. TON SPECIAL CTN. OF 72 TETLEY TEA BAGS 227 g 199 SPECIAL 3 VARIETIES NESCAFE COFFEE 5»,, SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL TO SAT® PASTE 5 5 oz. TIDOS 9? BRAVO 3 VARIETIES SPAGHETTI SAUCE 28 oz 1291IN SPECIAL 2 VARIETIES PEAK LRLAN CO IKIES APPLE OR PUMPKIN ED. SMITH PIE FILLINGS 129 SPECIAL SPECIAL nli!Li PINEAPPLE SYRUP PACK CHUNK CRUSHED SLICED 99? 19 oz TIN SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL WESTONS SPECIAL WESTONS ENGLISH MUFFINS 79? P/<G OF 8 CARNATION BLUEVWATER FROZEN BOSTON BLUE FISH STICKS OR FRIES 74 oz SPECIAL SPECIAL BLUEVWATER FROZEN BOSTON BLUE FISH & CHIPS 32 oz 20 99 SPECIAL .SPECT L ASSORTED NEILSONS FRUIT PLUS YOGURT FOR YOUR FABRICS DOWNY SOFTENER SPECIAL SPECIAL GILLETTE TAC II CARTRIDGES 3 VARIETIES GILLETTE FOAMY CHRISTIES 750 q TRISCUIT WAFERS FOR DISHWASHERS CASCADE 25Kq 599 14 YELLOW -BLUE-GREEN J®CLOTHS 10 SF,FF> BILLY BEE LIQUID HONEY 51n,, 1 f 9 159 WELCHS GRAPE JELLY OR GRAPE JAM SFx, mI 169 FLEISCHMAN CORN OIL MARGARINE 1 ih 159 NORMAL -OILY ROYALE VARIOUS COLOURS HALO SHAMPOO SIO FACIAL TISSUE SEALTEST CREAMED 500 9 COTTAGE CHEESE 139 FRASERVILLE RASPBERRIES OR WHOLE STRAWBERRIES 300 q 159 UNTRY OVEN SPECIALS COUNTRY OVEN DELICIOUS PRUNELLA CAKE COUNTRY OVEN TASTY SPFCIAI ' IF, n7 2 ',11F1 iAl BRAN MUFFINS 115 COUNTRY OVEN HAMBURGER OR HOT DOG BUNS 69' BADEN LIMBURGER 179 EDAM, GOUDA BADEN CHEESE 227 RHODES WHITE BREAD DOUGH WESTONS DINNER ROLLS THESE SPECIALS AVAIL BLE ONLY I h➢ : HIGHW,, y O. 8 GODERICH MON.. TUES 9 TO 6 P.AA. WED THURS., FRI. 9 TO 9 P.M. SAT. 8:30 TO 6 P.M. 1 7 c q 179 11019 79s LANCIA 5 SIZES EGG NOODLES SPECIAL CHERRY OR BLUEBERRY ED. SMITH PIE FILLINGS SPECIAL FRESH DELICIOUS GRANNY BUTTER TARTS SPECIAL ONE ITRF ze IIHe 171,1/ /to, rt( llnr h4), JOSEPHINE ST. (HWY. NO. 4) WINGHAM MON., TUES.. WED. 8, SAT. • 8:30 TO 6 P.M. THURS. AND FF1I.. 8:90 TO 9 P.M. INTERSECTION HWY. 6'/O. 4 AND NO. 83 MON EXETER TUES., 16rrtp.. 9 TO 6 P.M. THURS.. FRI. 9 TO 9 P.M. SAT. 8:30 TO 6 P.M. set up at the school last week in preparation for the regional science fair to be held at Victoria Public School in Goderich at the end of the month. (Photo by Joanne : uchanan ) Clinton Early Files 5 Years Ago March 23, 1978 Huron County's five secondary schools will be open March 28 but whether or not there will be any formal classes that day is up to the county's 274 secondary school teachers. The board of education lifted the lockout of its secondary school teachers Monday night but it's unlikely that teachers will be back in the classrooms on March 27. Shirley Weary, spokesperson for the teachers said the latest board proposal didn't offer the protection the teachers wanted. 10 Years Ago March 22, 1973 Jack Riddell, the Dash- wood area farmer and auctioneer, upset 30 years of Progressive Conservative rule in Huron by defeating PC candidate I)on Southcott by nearly 3,000 votes in last Thursday's by-election. New Democratic candidate Paul Carroll was a distant third and Independent Socialists Ed Bain's draw at the poli was negligible. After two weeks of balmy May -like weather, the district was struck by a blizzard Saturday and Sunday that closed many roads and caused the death of an area man. Fredrick Charles Hogg, 81, of RR 2, Clinton was found frozen to death on Sunday morning about 100 years from his home. 25 Years Ago March 20, 1958 Huron County's Gordon Hill is touring the province in a drive to unite farmers under one group. Last week he visited nearly a dozen centres in Kent County to set up locals. Stanley Township council decided to pay 50 per cent of the costs of installing street lit hts in the township. Clerk Fred Watson told council that both Brucefield and Varna are considering the installation of lights. 50 Years Ago March 23, 1933 The relief headquarters on Albert Street in Clinton will be open on the afternoons of Tuesday and Friday. Anyone wishing supplies are asked to come on these days. The annual pie social, under the auspices of the Londesboro WI took place on the evening of St. Patrick's Day, the supper was all that could be desired and was enjoyed by quite a large crowd. 75 Years Ago March 19, 1908 The hotel in Auburn was put up at auction on Satur- day but there wasn't a bidder. Shortly before the local Option came into force the late owner refused $3,500 for the hotel, but now it will not bring in half that amount. A school that grows steadily in public favor must have genuine merit. We understand that Mr. Spotton now trains more young people than any other management in Ontario. The Clinton Business College is 'certainly a worthy link in this Chain of Colleges. The spring term opens on April 1. 100 Years Ago March 23, 1883 At the recent oyster supper in Goderich Township one of the most tragic events of the season od'curred. It appears that the young folks were disappointed in getting their oysters, and to beguile the sad moments they com- menced to play 'stick your finger in the ring." 'The young man whose mouth was the ring, did not relish the oyster stew, and he devoured the end of a young lady's finger We cannot tell how much he bit off, but the fact that he shortened her finger somewhere between the middle joint and end is irrefutable. Boy don't do that again, or there may be costs. Bast Sahrrday a rummage sale was held at the Vanastra Recreation (entre Here an interested customer takes advantage of one of the many hargins. ( Rod Hilts photo 1 4