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Clinton News-Record, 1983-03-23, Page 6
PAGE 6—CUNTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNF:SI)\Y, MARCH Z3, 1983 orticultu.ra1i sts s By Shero® Stadelmamm The Blyth Horticultural Society met on March 8 in the Memorial hall with a good attendance. It was decided to take a combined bus trip with the Senior Citizens in June to view the Briar Estate on Lake Simcoe. Names and money to be given to Vera Hesselwood. Mr. George Harrower in- troduced the guest speaker Mr. Howey Langan of Vanastra, a retired Army Officer, who has travelled a great deal across Canada and the Near East. Mr. Langan is a free lance photographer specializing in nature photography, land- scapes and wild flowers. Everyone enjoyed the beautiful pictures and the seasonal background music. Lost Heir There were six tables of Lost Heir played on Wednes- day night. The winners were: High Lady, Jannett Lawrie; High Gent, Edgar Ho'.'. ett; Low Lady, Mary Holland; Low Gent, Bert Daer. There will be Lost Heir next Wednesday night at 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Personal Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Daer, y photo r , Laura Lee, Jason and Christa Becklar of Nei Hamburg visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Daer of Blyth. Euchre Euchre was played on Monday rught with six tables in progress. The winners were: High Lady, Mary Shobbrook; High Gent; Louis Phelan; Low Lady, Marion Haggett, (Auburn); Low Gent, Wilfred Shor- treed, ( Walton 1 ; Ladies' Lone Hands, Lilly Leatherland, ( Auburn) ; Men's Lone Hands, Gordon Murray, ( Walton) ; Special: Rena Watt. 4-H News The Laughing Liverwurst held their 3rd meeting on March 16 at Debbie Pierce's house. Our leader opened the meeting with the 4-H Pledge because the President was absent. We answered the roll call then read over the minutes. Three girls made the Vegetable and Macaroni Casserole because Mrs. hy Baked Pork Chops with Cherry Sauce and Plum Dumplings. When everything was ready all the members tasted the food. We closed our meeting with the 4-H Pledge and decided that our next meeting will be on March 23 at Mrs. Howson's Pierce had already made the place. ill someone buy the old bank building? Blyth village council recently announced that they will be accepting tenders up GRANNY t>UTTER TARTS 10'S WESTON'S OTC ":OSS >UNSti,S HALO 225 ML. sill -CHEWS 4802.. PURE APPLE JUICE 89a TIN LSUGAR 4NF�LTE ) K(; 99° BAG GROCERIES PALMOLIVE LIQUID DETERGENT 1 LITRE TIDE LAUNDRY DETERGENT LITRE NOBLETS KERNEL CORN 1207. JELLO JELLY POWDERS 3OZ. TOP CHOICE BURGER DOG FOO2 KG. LEAVER PIECES & STEMS MUSHROOMS 1002. DOLE 19 OZ. FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL BICK'S 1 LITRE SWEET MIX PICKLES WESTON'S RASPBER Y SWISS ROLLS 4'S RIGHT GUARD AEROSOL -BONUS PACK ANTI C"EIl"SPI NT250MO_ EATS MAPLE LEAF '/2'S PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS MAPLE LEAF COIL POLISH SAUSAGE t.69 LB. MAPLE LEAF Ircit / CHICKEN LOAFSUCE® $1 °99 Le. // 3 MAPLE LEAF ILear: near TIN -END HAM MAPLE LEAF'/, ONELESS IN MAPLE LEAF $4 )" e 734 TON FOR $1 r, 00 $3.69 PKC, 834 TON 994 TIN $1€ JAR 894PFG. $2e49 $2 ° 99 [8. SLICED $3.19 LB. NER HAMS Eg $2°991 L8. BONE -IN" FOOT': ALL HAMS % OR WHOLE $2 ©49 L MAPLE LEAF COUNT manes - CENTRE CUTS $2€69 LB. [ear. "BONELESS" WHOLE $3. 5v 9 LB. Y KITCHEN HAMS 1/2's $AA 19 F BOSTON BLUEFISH FILLETS $1.59 ® UCE SUNKOST 113'S $i 39 R'',NGES DOZ. LETTUCE 494 HEAD LB. ZEN LB. BOX $6°Er9 0eN MAPLE LEAF 700 GRAM READIED CHICKEN $3, 9 CTN. MAPLE LEAF 0414 750 GRAM =.rear ('/v PROCE) $11 -99 ,t. 'aEA ED VEAL STEAKETTES Ir We reserve the right to limit quantities. Specials in effect till closing Saturday, Marr h 26, 198 1. ( ustom Killing Cutting and Wrapping 8y Appoiniment IYTH M ET Phone 523=4551 Open: Monday-Thurs. 8 a.m.-I, p.m.; Closed Friday at 6 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m. • 5 p.m. P9;�M tH to and including April 11 for the consideration to pur- chase a two-storey brick veneer commercial building known as the present site of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in Blyth. The building, located on the west side of Queen St., was vacated by the bank on March 19. The bank has opened a new building on the east side on Queen Street. The land and building, inclusive of certain fixtures as listed; vault and vault door and other fixed im- provements such as coun- ters, partitions and air conditioning units, is con- sidered for sale in an "as is" condition. The lot is zoned com- mercial. The tenders will be con- sidered at a special closed session of council on April 11. Blyth Yew arch By :lake Reiner liar a game alanasst com- pletely devoid of action, Blyth edged by Wellesley 1 a in a contest between the two "D" division teams Tuesday morning. lyth scored the game's only goal at 6:28 when Drew Allen converted a nice centering pass from Larry Honking and put the puck behind Wellesley goalie Jeff Gerber. In the first period, play, was, for the most part, in the Wellesley end although Blyth never really generated much in the way of a concentrated offense. In the second period, play was in both ends but it was scrambly and good scoring chances were few and far between. Earaly in the third period, Blyth put on good pressure but were unable to increase their lead because of some good goaltending by Randy Leis of Wellesley. Wellesley then put on a bit of pressure themselves but could not score. Brian Gerber had a great op- portunity to tie up the game but missed an open net when Blyth goalie Michael Henry was down and out anter stopping a breakaway chance. With time running out, Wellesley pulled their goalie for an extra attacker. But they could not put on any pressure and Blyth had three chances to assure them- selves of victory but missed the open net, all three times. SCORING SUMMARY FIRST PERIOD Blyth - Allen assisted by Hunking -6:28 SECOND PERIOD No scoring THIRD PEIOD No scoring TENDER The Coernci8 of the Corporation of the Village of Blyth will accept tenders up to ®rad 0nchudfng April 11 at 30OO p.rrn. for the consideration to purchase the following property: Plan 1 Part Lot 9, Queen Street. West Stole, cat wfnich t re exists ® two storey bride veneer commercial (piffling commonly known ®s the present site of the Canadian imperial ' a ik o$ Commerce. Blyth. Ontario. Lot Os zoned Commercial. The land and structure there erected, inclusive of certain fixtures us listed: vault and %mutt door and other fixed improvements such as counters, parti- tions ant Rh- conditioniangl units: is considered for sale in an "as Is" condition, on date of tender open- ing. Certain fixtures and platforms will be removed front the Masonic Lodge Room. interested tenderers may arrange to view the land and premises by up- pointamemt with the clerlt-treasurer of the viiia •e of ®Lyth, at his convenience after Mar. 31 r, 19 3. it is understood that the said lot and the premises, there erected or to be erected, cannot house any type of financial business, whether private or branch 'of, tr®ding in the business of receiving for deposit. or offering to loan money to members of the public at 0arge fora period of 5 years front date of occupancy. The Corporation of the Village of Biytlt w000 assuome that all the tenderers have made a visual in- spection of the property and the structure there. erected, on receipt of any or alt tenders. Tenders to include a certified cheque in the amount of 10%. The cheques w000 be returned to the unsuccessful tenderers within 4 hours of the opening of tenders. Date of closing to be ilii, days from date of accep- tance of tender. Lego° costs such as survey, arp,-->rais®0, or acdllustenents to be paid for by the tenderer. The Corporation of the Village of Blyth shall provide adequate in- surance ora the premises aurnti0 closing. The highest tender or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be opened Monday, prrii 19, 9983 at 7A3 plan. in a cl,..sed ses- sion of r.ouaieil. Telepk© 523-4545 Corpor®tion of the VIII ®Te oflypth P.O. ^+obi 239 ,Iyptit, Ont. 0 rir n staff Ltd. Optician 87 'darn Si. South. tiL Al ()HI H Optometrist's and Ophthalmologist s Pteacriptl®rao Filled Promptl' SUMMER HOURS Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Closed Wednesday & Saturdays COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 527-1303 Cal BURKE E=LECTRICLtd F 4'r fir ,fl (,ru0'r.lr t >I rel I.11h r` ,.fir • ,r �r .p r• ir> .ill• H 'f' if 'r, illi xi ()pen F clays a week lllaf:(111 �C\\'�-Re('Ii•((. Incorporating TP w Bayfield Bugle WANT ADS WORK The Blyth Standard 482-3443 482-7741 FRED LAWRENCE Electrical Contractor iii➢:11 I ®181 \I➢ (41'181F.Ft(:I 11$11\41; 1°II(➢N F. 'il fit iTN )26-;50.5 LYLE YOUNGBLUT 011. til HNF:Ft bAI.E;� & SERVICE Your Oil Heating Contractor 111.1 `1'11, ONTARIO i°HONE; 523-9585 ARD UPTIGROVE (:II.Ali TER F;1➢ AC( Of NT 04-1.61 1.1 ''1'0W F;I.. (➢NT. 291 -30441 Geo. Burkholder AUTO BODY t(H.l.l'lf➢N F81•;i➢‘U-i & FTF;FiNI`�i1tN(; TOWIN(o SERVICE: 24 110VICS A DA\ 523-9474 GENERAL (,nrdrrn F Wolf ',I') ;21 4;22 LIFE R. John FIIioPt ;19-'323-4121 FI LIOTT INSURANCE'{ BROKERS LTD. INS(IRAN( F IN AI I !MAN( HES I stahlished 1910 RI YTH, ONTARIO NOM 1H0 519-523-4481 H.T. DALE S F: i'"I 1(.1 Pi CLINTON Robert Worsell Plumbing Heating Salts & Service PHONE 482-3320 ! Box 68 Auburn I I\ (' TO( k S.1()RT ITV INSI IRAN(1 II or 527-0284 I 526-7597 It's been 50 years of wedded bliss for Mansel and Mary Cook. The local Blyth couple celebrated their golden anniversary on March 15 and are preparing for a family celebration in April. (Shelley McPhee photo) Mansel and Mary Gook, together for 50.years y Shelley McPhee A split-up couldn't keep Mansel Cook and Mary Rodgers apart. The young East Wawanosh couple were dating back in 1920's. After a year of courting they broke up but their young romance had a happy ending. A recon- ciliation was made, the happy couple married and today they are celebrating their 50th year of wedded bliss. On March 15, 1933 the finest clothes and china were brought out for the wedding. The ceremony took place at the Rodger family home just before noon and Mrs. Cook fondly remembers the wreath of cedar and roses that created a beautiful arch under which the bride and groom stood. She wore a long blue dress. "Mansel had a nice_Ravy suit," she recalled. Today ns. Cook only has one regret, they didn't have a honeymoon.. However the years have been good to the Cooks and they have enjoyed trips around Ontario and across Canada. In the early days, when the Cooks first married, there simply wasn't enough money for honeymoons. After the wedding day the newlyweds settled into the East Wawanosh farm and got down to the business of managing a mixed farming operation and raising a family. It was hard work, determination and devotion that kept couples like the Cooks together. Mrs. Cook stressed, "We stood the rough road together. Marriage works as long as you can get over the rough times." Disap:ttinted in the high rate of marriage and divorce in recent times she added, ..Today the young people haven't got what it takes. Forty per cent divorce is terrible. So many have wee children and having families part, well, that's terrible." Family is the most important and the most joyous part of the Cook's life. They are the proud parents of four children, Mrs. William (Frances ) Newman of Walkerton, Ken of Seaforth, Ray of RR 4, Walton and Paul of RR 1, Clinton. There's seven grandchildren and two new great grandchildren to add to the list. "It's so grand," Mrs. Cook enthused, "so many people's children live so far away, mine are so close." The family will be joining with the Cooks on April 30 at the Triple K Restaurant, in Blyth for a family dinner in celebration on the 50th anniversary. In the meantime Mansel and Mary Cook are busy repain- ting and wallpapering their RR 1, Auburn home for the big event. Two VIeeks ago the Blyth Public School captured the district ping-pong championships. Pictured are team members from left to right, front row Shivon Youngblut, Brent Srinigcnnr and :,ori l.eibold. Rack row John i,eibold, Lori Appleby and Joe Holmes. i Rod Hilts photo) FRIDAY & SATURDAY MARCH 25 8, 2(. "Howard Smith" It's a fact The first automobile trial was one of 20 miles in France, from Paris to Versailles and bark on April 20, 1887, won by (;eorge Bouton ( 1847-19381 of Franre in his steam quadnryrle in 74 minutes, at an average speed of 16 22 mph from the Guinness Spirts uncurl Book 1